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Post Info TOPIC: This is an outrage!


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RE: This is an outrage!

Anonymous wrote:

Extraordinary times means what? Planes, Trains and, Automobiles? This congress should be very ashamed. When they get back? If the calendar I printed out  on the official site is correct then, it will be grandma's (;) at Psych) balls to the walls with only 22 days left in "session" for 2009. That is out of a total 150 + - days total. None of which you have done anything with so far. No one I know personally has a work year like that. $ 173,000.00 or so annual salary to add to the kitty of a already millionaire. Or, one who will be one this year due to the corrupt nature of these honored positions in government. Raises, for life retirement plans, free home and state offices, reimbursed roads trips home equal to 1/4 of the time in session, discounts at capital tax free shops, free flowers for all your mistresses, free parking, free income tax preparation services even though you fail to pay your income taxes, free food, free perks, free perks, free perks at the expense of the little guy who none of them understand at all. Oh did I mention damn good health care for our extraordinary members of congress? Gator <river current is very fast>

well hell, where can i get a job like that? yanno? are you back from your big adventure yet? I just returned from a wonderful paddle trip on both lake champlain and lake george in new york.  i was going to post some photos but it appears i put my camera to computer thingy somewhere and i have a vague memory of doing so but cant focus enough to think of where. i hate that when that happens. im really good at figuring out where other people put stuff when they misplace things but not when i do it. grr. anyway im sure it will turn up soon.  




Extraordinary times means what? Planes, Trains and, Automobiles? This congress should be very ashamed. When they get back? If the calendar I printed out  on the official site is correct then, it will be grandma's (;) at Psych) balls to the walls with only 22 days left in "session" for 2009. That is out of a total 150 + - days total. None of which you have done anything with so far. No one I know personally has a work year like that. $ 173,000.00 or so annual salary to add to the kitty of a already millionaire. Or, one who will be one this year due to the corrupt nature of these honored positions in government. Raises, for life retirement plans, free home and state offices, reimbursed roads trips home equal to 1/4 of the time in session, discounts at capital tax free shops, free flowers for all your mistresses, free parking, free income tax preparation services even though you fail to pay your income taxes, free food, free perks, free perks, free perks at the expense of the little guy who none of them understand at all. Oh did I mention damn good health care for our extraordinary members of congress? Gator <river current is very fast>



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nesea wrote:


Tyler Perry Treats Philly Pool Kids to Disney World

what a positive thing for him to do. hes got a great backstory too doesnt he? i have to really admire people who are so committed to their dreams that they will give up all of their worldly possessions to make that dream come true.



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Me too thumbsup.gif I think Tyler Perry is da bomb. He has an amazing talent for making you laugh over shortcomings and not so funny stereotyping, not so much of anyone but American blacks by AA's, but I have yet to see one of his flicks and not walk away without "getting" at least one message and a whole lotta feel good. Good job Tyler.

-- Edited by boxdog1031 on Thursday 23rd of July 2009 05:24:33 AM


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nesea wrote:

Tyler Perry Treats Philly Pool Kids to Disney World

I saw this story, too.  How cool.  smile


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Tyler Perry Treats Philly Pool Kids to Disney World

-- Edited by nesea on Wednesday 22nd of July 2009 06:28:58 PM



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nesea wrote:
i think youre right in that its too little too late.
when i hear this story it reminds me of what happened in my high school days. the population of the town that i lived in was, by the time i reached high school age, 75% jewish.  it had once been a daughters of the american revolution kind of town tho by the 60s the population had shifted but the social institutions in town hadnt. the country clubs, swim clubs, fraternal clubs all had stated policies that excluded jews from admission. i remember being in a car with a bunch of kids from high school on a hot summer vacation day and suggesting that we stop and swim at one of the swim clubs and listening in disbelief when they told me that they couldnt go in because they were jewish. i just didnt believe this, it made no sense to me. to prove it they took me to another club, located in the heart of the area that "locals" referred to as the "reservation" and right there on the 8 foot fence surrounding the club was a sign that said we do not accept jewish memberships. blew me away.  it was the first time id seen such blatant discrimination. they told me that all but one golf club in town and all other social clubs practiced this form of denial of membership. tho that was the only place where the sign was visible everyone in the jewish community knew the others excluded as well.  btw, the term reservation was a two fold insult. the area of town where most of the jewish people settled when they first moved in was a development where the streets were named with not so flattering native american names. i also remember a man named ned coll who led bus loads of inner city kids for walks on the private ct beaches all the way up to the 1980s. many of these kids had never been on a beach. they werent allowed. when the wealthy private beach owners sued mr coll and his organization they lost and a 3 foot area between the waters edge and the property was declared public and open to all.  this from time mag circa 1971. (interesting to see how this is languaged btw.)

One Man's Peace Corps


The year was 1964 when Edward ("Ned") Coll, an idealistic 24, left his promising job as a junior executive with a Hartford, Conn., insurance firm to found a social-action agency. Professionals and family were not amused. "It will take $80,000 to get started, and don't count on volunteers," gruffed the local antipoverty chief. When he started going around to newspapers to sell his cause, his father, a retired postal clerk, would call ahead and warn the editor that Ned was not to be taken seriously.

Armed with $1,100 in savings and a vision of ending racial enmity by bringing white and black together, Coll pressed on. He rented a storefront office with a telephone. He gave his outfit a name with a resonantly contemporary ring: "The Revitalization Corps, America's Citizen Peace Corps." He dreamed up zingy program monikers like "Operation Amigo," and zealously advertised for volunteers. His guiding conviction was simple: "Most of the people in this country, black and white, want an integrated society."

Today, seven years later, the Revitalization Corps remains alive and well, headquartered in Hartford's grimy northside ghetto, and has spread to eight other cities. On last year's slender $50,000 annual budget, almost all raised through contributions, its programs are building people-to-people "bridges" on the premise that racial problems can be solved only if individuals get to know one another in relaxed ways.

Ghetto and Guard. In the past two weeks, for example, Coll talked Hartford car dealers into sponsoring an outing for several hundred ghetto kids in Rocky Neck State Park, and threw an interracial picnic that drew 2,000 suburban and ghetto residents. He arranged for a National Guard medical team on its two-week active-duty tour to visit his office and give physical examinations to 50 ghetto children bound for 4-H camp. Says Coll: "It was about time the ghetto saw the Guard in a nonriot situation."

Another important aspect, he believes, is for black and white to explore each other's turf. Since its inception, the corps' most ambitious programs have been aimed at this goal. This summer, 200 to 300 Hartford ghetto children will spend two weeks in suburban homes, while many whites will repay the visits during corps-organized housepainting projects and ghetto-neighborhood get-togethers. Coll also has completed arrangements to take over the National Guard camp at Windsor Locks, Conn., for several weeks to create a "Corps City" for 100 black and white children. Says he: "We'll challenge the hell out of them."


humble pie is best served warm. me thinks they let this cool far to long before serving it up.



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humble pie is best served warm. me thinks they let this cool far to long before serving it up.

Pennsylvania Swim Club Welcomes Back Campers -
Parent calls the decision "insulting" to kids, parents and minorities


Updated 2:47 AM EDT, Mon, Jul 13, 2009

Related Topics: John Duesler 

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The Valley Club plans to open its gates once again to campers who were asked to leave.


The Valley Club is offering three day camps, whose contracts to swim at the private swim organization were abruptly cancelled, the chance to come back.

Members of the club's board voted unanimously at a quickly scheduled meeting Sunday afternoon to reinstate contracts allowing children from Creative Steps and two additional camps to once again cool off at the Huntington Valley, Pa. swim club. The club says it will still need to solve issues like safety, but is glad to welcome the children back.

The reversal comes after a week of intense pressure and national debate as to whether the group of 60 mostly minority kids from the Creative Steps day camp were asked to leave the club because of their race.

Creative Steps paid $1,950 to have campers swim at the 10-acre complex on Mondays through August, but after members complained on the first day, the camp's privileges were revoked and money returned.

Several students said they heard members making racial remarks while they were at The Valley Club. "I heard one lady saying 'Why's there so many black kids here' cause she said she was afraid that we might do something to her child," recalled camper Dymire Baylor. "How could they say that?"

Further fanning the flames, the club's president Dr. John Duesler issued a statement last Tuesday saying "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion and the atmosphere of the club."

Duesler apologized Friday, admitting to a poor choice of words. "We deeply regret this whole situation," Duesler said. "We never meant to offend anyone." He and other members of the club maintain that safety and not race was the issue.

We saw a number on paper had no idea what that would look like. It was an error in our judgment, we underestimated what we could handle, said Duesler.

The swim club also cancelled agreements with two other camps in the days following the termination of Creative Steps' contract. Duesler declined to reveal the names of the other camps involved.

Club members defended the move to cancel the memberships saying the private swim club was no longer private with campers running around. "I was the first person to talk to the president, because the pool was overcrowded," said member Jim Flynn Thursday.

But it was Duesler's three-day silence that seemed to incite growing support for the racism claim -- gaining more attention on-air, online and on paper each day. Protesters paraded by the entrance to the private club as cable networks, blogs and even readers in our own comments sections debated over the legitimacy of the racist accusations.

U.S. Senator Arlen Specter, the Anti-Defamation League and even the U.S. Swim Team weighed in on the issue. The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission opened an investigation and will be making a fact-finding visit on July 30.

A class action lawsuit was filed in federal court on behalf of a woman and her four children late Friday. The suit claims the children and several others "were denied swimming privileges due to the color of their skin."

"On a human level, they felt discriminated," attorney David S. Mildenberg said on behalf of the family.

Mildenberg and his brother Brian commended the club's actions and said they would recommend the suit be dropped of the camp and director Alethaea Wright are satisfied with the decision. "We're gonna wait, we're gonna see what happens," said attorney Brian Mildenberg Sunday. "We're gonna request and recommend that the case be put on hold temporarily and if everything gets worked out, that's it."

All eyes now turn to Creative Steps to see how they react to the reinstatement of the contract. The camp was in talks to continue swimming at Girard College, a private boarding school, after the institution offered their pool. Wright was not available for comment on the club's decision, but one parent called the move "insulting." "Don't insult the kids, don't insult the parents, dont insult the other minorities out there," said parent George Saddler. He said the decision is great for other camps, but not his stepdaughter.

Regardless of whether the camp chooses to accept the offer or not, the scars are still fresh in the minds of the children effected. When asked if she was comfortable with attending the pool again, camper Araceli Bagwell, said "no, because they already kicked us out."

"These are kids," said parent Silvia Carvalho. "Its not like they came to me or you saying something. They came to 65 kids."

Pennsylvania Swim Club Welcomes Back Campers | NBC Philadelphia



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MyCat8it wrote:

I think I remember hearing on the video that they returned the $1900 check to the camp.  They didn't want the money back, they wanted to swim.


This was on the news last night too. the look on the kids faces was really troubling. i hope that something happens to show them that this is not or should not be the norm in america.




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Psych Lit wrote:


nesea wrote:

It is an outrage. Heck, they're grow ups and supposed to be setting an example for these kids. Looking at the sad state of the swim club itself I would guess it was a  owner or manager that welcomed the check from this group ... lol .. to them GREEN is the only important color :)


yeah i think thats prolly it. i wonder if theyll make him return the cash?

I think I remember hearing on the video that they returned the $1900 check to the camp.  They didn't want the money back, they wanted to swim.





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nesea wrote:

It is an outrage. Heck, they're grow ups and supposed to be setting an example for these kids. Looking at the sad state of the swim club itself I would guess it was a  owner or manager that welcomed the check from this group ... lol .. to them GREEN is the only important color :)


yeah i think thats prolly it. i wonder if theyll make him return the cash?




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MyCat8it wrote:


Exactly!  What complexion exactly were they speaking of?  If they didn't want an array of colors in their club, why, oh why, did they invite them?  Perhaps their shirts were too...yellow?


yep the quote makes it seem as tho they are speaking about the age of the kids and yet the word complexion and then there is the gut who is telling the press to go away. thats not the smartest thing to do. if it wasnt racism why not talk to the press and explain it?


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MyCat8it wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:


MyCat8it wrote:


Okay, embedding the video didn't work.  Here's the link:





wow. that is amazing. even the quote about changing the complexion of the club. i doubt that word choice was a conscious one but it is a telling one


Exactly!  What complexion exactly were they speaking of?  If they didn't want an array of colors in their club, why, oh why, did they invite them?  Perhaps their shirts were too...yellow?

It is an outrage. Heck, they're grow ups and supposed to be setting an example for these kids. Looking at the sad state of the swim club itself I would guess it was a  owner or manager that welcomed the check from this group ... lol .. to them GREEN is the only important color :)



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Psych Lit wrote:


MyCat8it wrote:


Okay, embedding the video didn't work.  Here's the link:





wow. that is amazing. even the quote about changing the complexion of the club. i doubt that word choice was a conscious one but it is a telling one


Exactly!  What complexion exactly were they speaking of?  If they didn't want an array of colors in their club, why, oh why, did they invite them?  Perhaps their shirts were too...yellow?



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MyCat8it wrote:


Okay, embedding the video didn't work.  Here's the link:





wow. that is amazing. even the quote about changing the complexion of the club. i doubt that word choice was a conscious one but it is a telling one


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MyCat8it wrote:

How does this happen in 2009?

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Okay, embedding the video didn't work.  Here's the link:





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How does this happen in 2009?

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