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RE: you just get me

Your personality tendencies in a nutshell...

You always follow through on your plans and commitments in an efficient manner. You are curious about many different things and highly value artistic expressions and ingenious thoughts. You tend to be relaxed in most situations and can handle stress well. You are always polite and respectful toward others and avoid confrontation even to the point of being gullible. You may be outgoing or reserved depending on the situation.

YouJustGetMe.com's guest psychologist Dr. Peggy has a little more, uh, informal interpretation of your traits...

About that "Disciplined" bubble... If someone called you "anal" you would correct them and say, "You mean anal retentive, not to be confused with anal expulsive, which Freud also wrote about." But see, you're like that. You are both meticulous and thorough with everything that you do. If there was ever a person who ironed their jeans or kept a color-coded closet, it would be you. Life as a perfectionist is not so bad. Despite the teasing that you get from your not-as-perfect friends and family, you always know where that CD you're looking for is because of your alphabetized collection. And, you can have a holier-than-thou attitude towards others because you know that you got it going on. People can always depend on you because you would rather be poked by a thousand hot-pointed needles then have someone think that you're a slacker. You are so punctual that you even show up on time for your root canal and wonder in frustration why it is that everyone always seems to be late, including your dentist. Never fear, with your personality, you will always have a career in professions that require extreme discipline, such as Buddhist monk, drill sergeant, or high-wire act.


About that "Alternative" bubble... You are intellectually curious, imaginative, and literary. I do believe the technical term is "artsy fartsy." When reading poetry, the images may move you until you quiver with delight, or perhaps quivering from all of the espresso that you've been drinking. Speaking of caffeine, it would not be a big surprise if you indulged in other substances to heighten your senses. After all, whoever heard of creative geniuses who were sober? Freud was a coke-head, Hemingway was a fall-down drunk, and Robert Johnson supposedly sold his soul to the devil, probably while high on wacky tabacky. You have quite the active fantasy life and are often in la la land, earning you the well-deserved nickname "space cadet" from your loved ones. Mostly, you're a lot of fun to hang out with because you're always game for whatever idea your non-medicated (but should be) friend has in mind. The next time someone suggests that you streak naked in the dead of winter, do think twice, or at least wear some mittens.


About that "Unemotional" bubble... Some people consistently react emotionally to their environment and freak out over little things. You, my friend, are not among those people - at least not usually. Worrying and stressing are not your typical style. Even faced with absurd circumstances, you are calm and may pride yourself in your ability to use logic and reason. As a consequence of your Dalai Lama-like persona, you seldom experience the highs and lows of more emotionally reactive folks. Rather, your moods could be graphed like the flat-line of an ER patient. That analogy may seem grim, but *really*, who is more placid than the person who ceases to be? Anyhoo, if you're annoyed with my analogy right now, it's probably because you only scored medium high in the emotional stability trait and have some tendencies to be easily disturbed and offended.


About that "Cooperative" bubble... You are such a nice person that people often wonder if there's something darker lurking beneath the surface. Your Eddie Haskell, "Gee, you look really nice today, Mrs. Cleaver" behavior may make some people wonder what it is that you're really after, but then they realize that you're the real deal and they plot to take advantage of your kindness. After all, you also tend to believe that most people are trustworthy and honest so you would fall for just about any ruse. I'll warn you now, don't give away any of your savings to phone psychics or in-laws with big plans to strike it rich. Your tenderness makes you a big sucker for anything that might tug at your heart strings. It would not be surprising if you've sent money off to Ethiopia to save the starving children or at the very least, donated to your local homeless person down the street. In short, you're a sweet, kind person and you should never change.


About those "Introverted" and "Extraverted" bubbles... There are two possible reasons why you might have scored right smack dab in the middle on the trait of extraversion/introversion. First, you may be the type of person that answers "that sort of sounds like me" to questions about how you interact with the world. Do you like to party like it's 1999? Do you enjoy making small talk with the walls at a friendly get together? The answer to these incisive questions and other similar inquiries that tap into your social prowess would typically be "sometimes." The second possible reason why you are both extraverted and introverted (or neither of these traits, depending on how you look at it) is because you are statistically bipolar - answering an emphatic, "yessiree Bob" to some questions, while inaudibly whispering "that's not me" to other questions - causing your answers to cancel each other out. Never fear, balance is here. Frankly, being capable of enjoying time out with friends and sharing a laugh or two is that much sweeter if you can also savor time alone and take pleasure in quiet.






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Posts: 1547

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


I think the idea of the quiz was to then post it (on their site, but whatever) and see if others who actually know you agree or disagree. That seems to be sort of complicated, if you don't know the person in real life, and just online

i think its very possible to know people online in ways that perhaps even those closest to them in rt dont know them. people have storied lives and its in the telling of our stories that we reveal a lot of what matters to us. its an unstructured task and when we engage in it we place our structure upon it.  if we read people all the time i think its quite possible to read moods, how conflict gets handled, what their hot spots are, what makes them laugh, what they value or prioritize and a whole host of other things.  

Of course ... we DO all know about Psych's propensity for streaking ....


lol well maybe 20 years ago...





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Anonymous wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:
did you think it came close to the way that you view yourself?


In a nutshell............yes. I think some of the specifics were on the fence due to life changes the last few years and, I truely was uncertain because, I have not had experience to know.......... of late. But, oh man, it bites to be called statistically bipolar and not taking oral care. lol  OK so I was 20 and how the sock ended up in my mouth is beyond me. Gator

so is streaking in your future? lol




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nesea wrote:

lol ... of course it does ..   really, isn't that why they ask questions for you to answer .. so they can take your answers, tuck them nicely into a narrative to repeat back to you ...

reminds me of Professor Marvel peeking through Dorothy's basket ........


and this would be true of every self reported research project too however there is something about humans leaving their structure upon unstructured or semi-structured tasks that does reveal parts of our inner world in ways that are not always obvious on first glance. in this case the options were somewhat limited as to what one might check off but it is still us that makes the mark!




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Posts: 1547

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

I'd be willing to bet there are decidedly more men streakers than women -- probably because I suspect men generally tend to have better body images regarding themselves than do women, and so are more apt to put everything on exhibition.

Also... women tend to have more class.


welll cept for chesty morgan:)





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Posts: 1547

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:
did you think it came close to the way that you view yourself?


I know the question was directed to Anonymous, but for me, doing just the first paragraph, it was pretty accurate, except that I while I am gullible to some extent about people still (and have unpleasant reminders of that every once in awhile, resolving to not make that mistake again ... and then usually promptly do ...)

its perhaps a good thing that you do. imo its never a good idea to let the behaviors of others determine your own. staying open to possibility is most often wonderful but of course disappointment is always an option tho more likely if we allow ourselves to be closed off to the possibilities or non possibilities of others. id like to think that people do the best they can with what they have tho sometimes that doesnt work for us. when that happens sometimes its best to let the offender exercise that disappointment option by way of some later moment of self reflection. 

I don't shy away from confrontation. I don't LIKE confrontation particularly, but I like even less abusive behavior, and once a person crosses a line, yeah, I will sometimes confront them, and if there's no acceptable resolution, I'm done with them.

i think youre pretty good with confrontation. im not. mostly it sends me into observer mode rather than participant mode. i guess that is because my personal experience with confrontation is that its rarely entered into with an eye toward resolution. people dig their heels in when confronted and really nothing much changes so my usual response is why bother? they want to be right not solve the problem. if, tho, i was approached with what seemed a sincere request to both listen and respond id reciprocate and hope that whatever it was would be worked out. i can count those occasions where thats been the case on one hand tho. if there is no real interest in resolution my stance is and always will be if it ceases to be fun why continue to do it?

I DON'T give my money to telephone psychics, though, so the author's concerns there are misplaced. :)


So what IS a good cause for writing someone off completely? Not the "I'm done with you UNLESS or UNTIL" thing, but just finally "done?" What are your (speaking generally) "limits?" Are there specific "buttons" you have, from which there is no return?

for me its how much the person takes responsibility for their own half of the friendship.  ive discovered that there are a great many people in the world who hold expectations of others but few of themselves. if they arent invested in trying to fix things or hold up their end of things then im not going to go to any length to seek them out with an eye toward resolution. i think it was gibran who said friendship is a sweet responsibility never an opportunity. that places the onus on each person in the relationship to take responsibility for it not for one to do the work and the other to hold the expectations. when that occurs on a consistant basis its easy for me to walk away since im walking away from nothing tho really walking away from a friend is never something id do lightly.

Do you think it's better to TELL the person in no uncertain terms that you're finished with them, or to avoid the other person, and just sort of let the relationship fade away into nothingness? The latter always sort of seems a bit like unfinished business to me, anymore, but then again, if both parties understand, then maybe saying the words is overkill, and unnecessary. confuse

what would be the purpose of the former? if we are really invested in ending the friendship why bother hashing it out? it seems more like something we might do if there was still a glimmer of hope left in it.





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Posts: 1307

nesea wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:
did you think it came close to the way that you view yourself?


Your personality tendencies in a nutshell...

lol ... of course it does ..   really, isn't that why they ask questions for you to answer .. so they can take your answers, tuck them nicely into a narrative to repeat back to you ...


reminds me of Professor Marvel peeking through Dorothy's basket ........


I think the idea of the quiz was to then post it (on their site, but whatever) and see if others who actually know you agree or disagree. That seems to be sort of complicated, if you don't know the person in real life, and just online. I mean, how would any of you know REALLY whether I "quiver" over good art or not?

 Of course ... we DO all know about Psych's propensity for streaking ....




Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:
did you think it came close to the way that you view yourself?


In a nutshell............yes. I think some of the specifics were on the fence due to life changes the last few years and, I truely was uncertain because, I have not had experience to know.......... of late. But, oh man, it bites to be called statistically bipolar and not taking oral care. lol  OK so I was 20 and how the sock ended up in my mouth is beyond me. Gator


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Psych Lit wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
did you think it came close to the way that you view yourself?


Your personality tendencies in a nutshell...

lol ... of course it does ..   really, isn't that why they ask questions for you to answer .. so they can take your answers, tuck them nicely into a narrative to repeat back to you ...


reminds me of Professor Marvel peeking through Dorothy's basket ........



"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni


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Posts: 1307

Psych Lit wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

"The next time someone suggests that you streak naked in the dead of winter, do think twice, or at least wear some mittens".

Hey Psych Lit...............BD warned you about this earlier when she warned you about gateway seeds.  lol and I though her post was very funny:)

id have to indulge to be streaking naked in the dead of winter. lol. i hate being cold.  and yes it was funny and where is that woman anyway?

I'd be willing to bet there are decidedly more men streakers than women -- probably because I suspect men generally tend to have better body images regarding themselves than do women, and so are more apt to put everything on exhibition.

Also... women tend to have more class.





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Posts: 1307

Psych Lit wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
did you think it came close to the way that you view yourself?


I know the question was directed to Anonymous, but for me, doing just the first paragraph, it was pretty accurate, except that I while I am gullible to some extent about people still (and have unpleasant reminders of that every once in awhile, resolving to not make that mistake again ... and then usually promptly do ...) I don't shy away from confrontation. I don't LIKE confrontation particularly, but I like even less abusive behavior, and once a person crosses a line, yeah, I will sometimes confront them, and if there's no acceptable resolution, I'm done with them. Excluding online relationships, there have been two people in my life I can say I'm completely "done with -- one "ex" and my once-upon-a-time best friend. The ex, I wouldn't acknowledge if she were standing right next to me -- the friend, I would, but not warmly, or with any interest in doing it again. The others, I may steer clear of, but still harbor some hope of a better ending or new beginning. Someone has to cross a really big line to have me just write them off once and for all. REALLY big. I mean ... "Sunny" hasn't crossed that line yet, really, and for those who know our history elsewhere, you understand the extent of latitude there. It irks me I'm as gullible as I am. Possibly from a perspective of intellectual vanity, as much as anything. Seems (to me) I should be "smarter" about people, and pay more attention to the input from others about them, but for some damn reason, I can't seem to do that, and more often than not, take them at face value according to the way they treat me at the moment, and then often discover the bad publicity was true after all, and am oddly surprised by that, once its directed at me. That's just ... not "smart," you know? It makes me a co-conspirator in setting myself up for disappointment. That's something l'd like to change about myself, but don't really know how, except to either be more suspicious of people initially, or keep more in reserve once we've established a "friendship" and I find neither of those options particularly appealing. I tend to be, for the most part, an "all in" or "all out" kinda camper, I guess. If I trust someone, I pretty much trust them with everything, and if I don't trust them, then why, on earth, would I want to be friends with them anyway? Online, I've learned a few "security tricks" over the years (don't use your real name, don't give out your phone number, yadda yadda) but even those elementary rules, I'm prone to break once I've begun to consider a person my "friend."   

I DON'T give my money to telephone psychics, though, so the author's concerns there are misplaced. :)

So what IS a good cause for writing someone off completely? Not the "I'm done with you UNLESS or UNTIL" thing, but just finally "done?" What are your (speaking generally) "limits?" Are there specific "buttons" you have, from which there is no return? Is it a "sudden death" thing, or more a general erosion? For me, I guess it's been both, although the general erosion thing tends to more often fall into the "UNLESS or UNTIL" arena. Do you think it's better to TELL the person in no uncertain terms that you're finished with them, or to avoid the other person, and just sort of let the relationship fade away into nothingness? The latter always sort of seems a bit like unfinished business to me, anymore, but then again, if both parties understand, then maybe saying the words is overkill, and unnecessary. confuse



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Posts: 1547

Anonymous wrote:

"The next time someone suggests that you streak naked in the dead of winter, do think twice, or at least wear some mittens".

Hey Psych Lit...............BD warned you about this earlier when she warned you about gateway seeds.  lol and I though her post was very funny:)

id have to indulge to be streaking naked in the dead of winter. lol. i hate being cold.  and yes it was funny and where is that woman anyway?




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Posts: 1547

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


sometimes of and do something that is wild and crazy, like going to sleep WITHOUT brushing your teeth.

i want both you and gator to promise me that you wont do this. lol. ok leave the socks on the floor but the teeth? eek!

That pretty much sums up your score on the trait of emotional stability. There are times when you feel such intensity of emotions, mostly negative, that you just want to lie down and spend the day thinking about how you can score Prozac. In other contexts (like when you are on your meds), you feel just fine - calm, happy, ready to face the day. The emotions cancel each other out and you look like you are dealing with life fairly well statistically. Another possibility for your middle scores on emotional stability is that some things push your button more than others and when your buttons get pushed, you stress and freak. What's that I hear? Is that your mom calling? For the most part though, you are the epitome of grace under pressure.

uh huh...

LOL. <looking around for the hidden camera>

yep pretty spot on, eh?




Status: Offline
Posts: 1547

Anonymous wrote:
did you think it came close to the way that you view yourself?


Your personality tendencies in a nutshell...

You are very dependable and almost always follow through with your commitments. You are curious about many different things and highly value artistic expressions and ingenious thoughts. You tend to be relaxed in most situations and can handle stress well. You are always polite and respectful toward others and avoid confrontation even to the point of being gullible. You may be outgoing or reserved depending on the situation.

YouJustGetMe.com's guest psychologist Dr. Peggy has a little more, uh, informal interpretation of your traits...

About that "Disciplined" bubble... To always be responsible and dependable gets too heavy at times and you just have to shirk it all sometimes of and do something that is wild and crazy, like going to sleep WITHOUT brushing your teeth. Come and do your worst, dental bacteria! No one is arguing that you are not reliable; it's just that you differ from your very high conscientious peers in that you also have some streaks of impulsivity and can make some spontaneous decisions, rather than lumbering through all of the alternative scenarios. Maybe you're disorganized (God forbid), or perhaps you like to leave your dirty socks all over the house (the horror), or you're a procrastinator (that's the worst one of all). Whatever is the case, you are not conscientious to the extent that you bore people with your stodgy ways.

About that "Alternative" bubble... You are intellectually curious, imaginative, and literary. I do believe the technical term is "artsy fartsy." When reading poetry, the images may move you until you quiver with delight, or perhaps quivering from all of the espresso that you've been drinking. Speaking of caffeine, it would not be a big surprise if you indulged in other substances to heighten your senses. After all, whoever heard of creative geniuses who were sober? Freud was a coke-head, Hemingway was a fall-down drunk, and Robert Johnson supposedly sold his soul to the devil, probably while high on wacky tabacky. You have quite the active fantasy life and are often in la la land, earning you the well-deserved nickname "space cadet" from your loved ones. Mostly, you're a lot of fun to hang out with because you're always game for whatever idea your non-medicated (but should be) friend has in mind. The next time someone suggests that you streak naked in the dead of winter, do think twice, or at least wear some mittens.

About that "Unemotional" bubble... Some people consistently react emotionally to their environment and freak out over little things. You, my friend, are not among those people - at least not usually. Worrying and stressing are not your typical style. Even faced with absurd circumstances, you are calm and may pride yourself in your ability to use logic and reason. As a consequence of your Dalai Lama-like persona, you seldom experience the highs and lows of more emotionally reactive folks. Rather, your moods could be graphed like the flat-line of an ER patient. That analogy may seem grim, but *really*, who is more placid than the person who ceases to be? Anyhoo, if you're annoyed with my analogy right now, it's probably because you only scored medium high in the emotional stability trait and have some tendencies to be easily disturbed and offended.

About that "Cooperative" bubble... You are such a nice person that people often wonder if there's something darker lurking beneath the surface. Your Eddie Haskell, "Gee, you look really nice today, Mrs. Cleaver" behavior may make some people wonder what it is that you're really after, but then they realize that you're the real deal and they plot to take advantage of your kindness. After all, you also tend to believe that most people are trustworthy and honest so you would fall for just about any ruse. I'll warn you now, don't give away any of your savings to phone psychics or in-laws with big plans to strike it rich. Your tenderness makes you a big sucker for anything that might tug at your heart strings. It would not be surprising if you've sent money off to Ethiopia to save the starving children or at the very least, donated to your local homeless person down the street. In short, you're a sweet, kind person and you should never change.

About those "Introverted" and "Extraverted" bubbles... There are two possible reasons why you might have scored right smack dab in the middle on the trait of extraversion/introversion. First, you may be the type of person that answers "that sort of sounds like me" to questions about how you interact with the world. Do you like to party like it's 1999? Do you enjoy making small talk with the walls at a friendly get together? The answer to these incisive questions and other similar inquiries that tap into your social prowess would typically be "sometimes." The second possible reason why you are both extraverted and introverted (or neither of these traits, depending on how you look at it) is because you are statistically bipolar - answering an emphatic, "yessiree Bob" to some questions, while inaudibly whispering "that's not me" to other questions - causing your answers to cancel each other out. Never fear, balance is here. Frankly, being capable of enjoying time out with friends and sharing a laugh or two is that much sweeter if you can also savor time alone and take pleasure in quiet. Gator





Your personality tendencies in a nutshell...

You are very dependable and almost always follow through with your commitments. You are curious about many different things and highly value artistic expressions and ingenious thoughts. You tend to be relaxed in most situations and can handle stress well. You are always polite and respectful toward others and avoid confrontation even to the point of being gullible. You may be outgoing or reserved depending on the situation.

YouJustGetMe.com's guest psychologist Dr. Peggy has a little more, uh, informal interpretation of your traits...

About that "Disciplined" bubble... To always be responsible and dependable gets too heavy at times and you just have to shirk it all sometimes of and do something that is wild and crazy, like going to sleep WITHOUT brushing your teeth. Come and do your worst, dental bacteria! No one is arguing that you are not reliable; it's just that you differ from your very high conscientious peers in that you also have some streaks of impulsivity and can make some spontaneous decisions, rather than lumbering through all of the alternative scenarios. Maybe you're disorganized (God forbid), or perhaps you like to leave your dirty socks all over the house (the horror), or you're a procrastinator (that's the worst one of all). Whatever is the case, you are not conscientious to the extent that you bore people with your stodgy ways.

About that "Alternative" bubble... You are intellectually curious, imaginative, and literary. I do believe the technical term is "artsy fartsy." When reading poetry, the images may move you until you quiver with delight, or perhaps quivering from all of the espresso that you've been drinking. Speaking of caffeine, it would not be a big surprise if you indulged in other substances to heighten your senses. After all, whoever heard of creative geniuses who were sober? Freud was a coke-head, Hemingway was a fall-down drunk, and Robert Johnson supposedly sold his soul to the devil, probably while high on wacky tabacky. You have quite the active fantasy life and are often in la la land, earning you the well-deserved nickname "space cadet" from your loved ones. Mostly, you're a lot of fun to hang out with because you're always game for whatever idea your non-medicated (but should be) friend has in mind. The next time someone suggests that you streak naked in the dead of winter, do think twice, or at least wear some mittens.

About that "Unemotional" bubble... Some people consistently react emotionally to their environment and freak out over little things. You, my friend, are not among those people - at least not usually. Worrying and stressing are not your typical style. Even faced with absurd circumstances, you are calm and may pride yourself in your ability to use logic and reason. As a consequence of your Dalai Lama-like persona, you seldom experience the highs and lows of more emotionally reactive folks. Rather, your moods could be graphed like the flat-line of an ER patient. That analogy may seem grim, but *really*, who is more placid than the person who ceases to be? Anyhoo, if you're annoyed with my analogy right now, it's probably because you only scored medium high in the emotional stability trait and have some tendencies to be easily disturbed and offended.

About that "Cooperative" bubble... You are such a nice person that people often wonder if there's something darker lurking beneath the surface. Your Eddie Haskell, "Gee, you look really nice today, Mrs. Cleaver" behavior may make some people wonder what it is that you're really after, but then they realize that you're the real deal and they plot to take advantage of your kindness. After all, you also tend to believe that most people are trustworthy and honest so you would fall for just about any ruse. I'll warn you now, don't give away any of your savings to phone psychics or in-laws with big plans to strike it rich. Your tenderness makes you a big sucker for anything that might tug at your heart strings. It would not be surprising if you've sent money off to Ethiopia to save the starving children or at the very least, donated to your local homeless person down the street. In short, you're a sweet, kind person and you should never change.

About those "Introverted" and "Extraverted" bubbles... There are two possible reasons why you might have scored right smack dab in the middle on the trait of extraversion/introversion. First, you may be the type of person that answers "that sort of sounds like me" to questions about how you interact with the world. Do you like to party like it's 1999? Do you enjoy making small talk with the walls at a friendly get together? The answer to these incisive questions and other similar inquiries that tap into your social prowess would typically be "sometimes." The second possible reason why you are both extraverted and introverted (or neither of these traits, depending on how you look at it) is because you are statistically bipolar - answering an emphatic, "yessiree Bob" to some questions, while inaudibly whispering "that's not me" to other questions - causing your answers to cancel each other out. Never fear, balance is here. Frankly, being capable of enjoying time out with friends and sharing a laugh or two is that much sweeter if you can also savor time alone and take pleasure in quiet. Gator



Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

Your personality tendencies in a nutshell...

You are very dependable and almost always follow through with your commitments. You are curious about many different things and highly value artistic expressions and ingenious thoughts. You are calm and logical for the most part, but some things worry you more than others. You are always polite and respectful toward others and avoid confrontation even to the point of being gullible. You show some tendency toward being outgoing and sociable.

YouJustGetMe.com's guest psychologist Dr. Peggy has a little more, uh, informal interpretation of your traits...

About that "Disciplined" bubble... To always be responsible and dependable gets too heavy at times and you just have to shirk it all sometimes of and do something that is wild and crazy, like going to sleep WITHOUT brushing your teeth. Come and do your worst, dental bacteria! No one is arguing that you are not reliable; it's just that you differ from your very high conscientious peers in that you also have some streaks of impulsivity and can make some spontaneous decisions, rather than lumbering through all of the alternative scenarios. Maybe you're disorganized (God forbid), or perhaps you like to leave your dirty socks all over the house (the horror), or you're a procrastinator (that's the worst one of all). Whatever is the case, you are not conscientious to the extent that you bore people with your stodgy ways.

About that "Alternative" bubble... You are intellectually curious, imaginative, and literary. I do believe the technical term is "artsy fartsy." When reading poetry, the images may move you until you quiver with delight, or perhaps quivering from all of the espresso that you've been drinking. Speaking of caffeine, it would not be a big surprise if you indulged in other substances to heighten your senses. After all, whoever heard of creative geniuses who were sober? Freud was a coke-head, Hemingway was a fall-down drunk, and Robert Johnson supposedly sold his soul to the devil, probably while high on wacky tabacky. You have quite the active fantasy life and are often in la la land, earning you the well-deserved nickname "space cadet" from your loved ones. Mostly, you're a lot of fun to hang out with because you're always game for whatever idea your non-medicated (but should be) friend has in mind. The next time someone suggests that you streak naked in the dead of winter, do think twice, or at least wear some mittens.

About those "Unemotional" and "Neurotic" bubbles... To quote the Hershey chocolate company, "sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't." That pretty much sums up your score on the trait of emotional stability. There are times when you feel such intensity of emotions, mostly negative, that you just want to lie down and spend the day thinking about how you can score Prozac. In other contexts (like when you are on your meds), you feel just fine - calm, happy, ready to face the day. The emotions cancel each other out and you look like you are dealing with life fairly well statistically. Another possibility for your middle scores on emotional stability is that some things push your button more than others and when your buttons get pushed, you stress and freak. What's that I hear? Is that your mom calling? For the most part though, you are the epitome of grace under pressure.

About that "Cooperative" bubble... You are such a nice person that people often wonder if there's something darker lurking beneath the surface. Your Eddie Haskell, "Gee, you look really nice today, Mrs. Cleaver" behavior may make some people wonder what it is that you're really after, but then they realize that you're the real deal and they plot to take advantage of your kindness. After all, you also tend to believe that most people are trustworthy and honest so you would fall for just about any ruse. I'll warn you now, don't give away any of your savings to phone psychics or in-laws with big plans to strike it rich. Your tenderness makes you a big sucker for anything that might tug at your heart strings. It would not be surprising if you've sent money off to Ethiopia to save the starving children or at the very least, donated to your local homeless person down the street. In short, you're a sweet, kind person and you should never change.

About that "Extraverted" bubble... I have a friend who can strike up a conversation with anyone: Nobel Peace prize nominees and winners, muppets, sanitation workers, perfect strangers, my crazy uncle Harry. My friend is a bona-fide extravert. Your scores indicate that while you tend to be extraverted, you also have some degree of reserve. Perhaps in some situations, you prefer to say less or maybe you have duct tape over your mouth. Either way, you may save your high energy for the situations when you have a need or desire to be "on" and your quiet moments for those with whom you feel most comfortable.

LOL. <looking around for the hidden camera>



"The next time someone suggests that you streak naked in the dead of winter, do think twice, or at least wear some mittens".

Hey Psych Lit...............BD warned you about this earlier when she warned you about gateway seeds.  lol and I though her post was very funny:) If you say it is a good indicator then I believe you and, want to sit with this later. Have a great day all. Gator



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this was a fun lil quiz.


heres what i got for results and it seems fairly accurate except that im not that talky. ill start the conversation and ask people those open ended question type things so i get to listen more than talk.

Your personality tendencies in a nutshell...

You enjoy making plans and commitments but you sometimes don't follow through. You are curious about many different things and highly value artistic expressions and ingenious thoughts. You tend to be relaxed in most situations and can handle stress well. You are typically respectful toward others and dislike confrontation. You are outgoing and sociable in most social situations.

YouJustGetMe.com's guest psychologist Dr. Peggy has a little more, uh, informal interpretation of your traits...

About those "Casual" and "Disciplined" bubbles... Conscientiousness is not one of your defining traits, meaning that you are neither anal retentive nor anal expulsive. What does that mean? In a nutshell, you keep it together fairly well, but you do not suffer too much if you let things fall through the cracks every once in a while. If you make plans with a friend, chances are good that you will show up at the designated time. Then again, something better may come up or you just might forget. Either way, you're good. Another possibility is that you are very conscientious about some things, but more relaxed about other things. For example, you might demand the utmost rigor and discipline in your scholarly/work life, but keep your home looking like a garage sale gone terribly awry, with various articles of clothing and personal belonging strewn about. Where's Fido? Hopefully he hasn't been eaten by the alien life that has developed since the last cleaning.

About that "Alternative" bubble... You are intellectually curious, imaginative, and literary. I do believe the technical term is "artsy fartsy." When reading poetry, the images may move you until you quiver with delight, or perhaps quivering from all of the espresso that you've been drinking. Speaking of caffeine, it would not be a big surprise if you indulged in other substances to heighten your senses. After all, whoever heard of creative geniuses who were sober? Freud was a coke-head, Hemingway was a fall-down drunk, and Robert Johnson supposedly sold his soul to the devil, probably while high on wacky tabacky. You have quite the active fantasy life and are often in la la land, earning you the well-deserved nickname "space cadet" from your loved ones. Mostly, you're a lot of fun to hang out with because you're always game for whatever idea your non-medicated (but should be) friend has in mind. The next time someone suggests that you streak naked in the dead of winter, do think twice, or at least wear some mittens.

About that "Unemotional" bubble... Some people consistently react emotionally to their environment and freak out over little things. You, my friend, are not among those people - at least not usually. Worrying and stressing are not your typical style. Even faced with absurd circumstances, you are calm and may pride yourself in your ability to use logic and reason. As a consequence of your Dalai Lama-like persona, you seldom experience the highs and lows of more emotionally reactive folks. Rather, your moods could be graphed like the flat-line of an ER patient. That analogy may seem grim, but *really*, who is more placid than the person who ceases to be? Anyhoo, if you're annoyed with my analogy right now, it's probably because you only scored medium high in the emotional stability trait and have some tendencies to be easily disturbed and offended.

About that "Cooperative" bubble... Your scores would suggest that you tend to be more agreeable than you are competitive. What does that mean? For starters, it means that you have a fairly strong tendency to believe in social harmony and cooperation. You are a nice person. You want people to get along and do the right thing - for each other, for the greater humanity. That's not to say that you are a total pushover, but that you believe in the niceties of life. This is probably why you are very popular with people and have many friends. The difference between you and someone who is very high in agreeableness is that you have a bit of an edge. Maybe you laugh when people fall down and hurt themselves, maybe you secretly occasionally think people suck. Whatever it is that's holding you back from winning Ms. or Mr. Congeniality, that's also what makes you more interesting.

About that "Extraverted" bubble... I've got two words for you: Party Animal. Your personal motto should be "Bring it on!" You are open to all of life's experiences, including the ones that would make your mother cringe. Bungee jumping, skydiving, and extreme sports were made for people like you in mind who enjoy the thrill of life affirming experiences and are unafraid to break every last God-fearing bone in their bodies. Without a little excitement to perk you up every now and then, you would wither away into a tiny speck of dust, or be bored out of your mind, whichever comes first. You know that person at every party who stands in the darkened corner not talking to anyone looking mildly uncomfortable? Yeah, that's not you. You're the one working the crowd, filling the noisy room with your distinct laughter. You have an opinion about every topic and are not afraid to speak your mind, even if it's about something as obscure as cane toads in Australia. How can you hear yourself think with all of that talking that you do? Just for something new, try being Zen for a week instead of yapping away to anyone who'll listen to you or thinking about the next adventure. You might surprise yourself and enjoy the silence.

You see yourself like this:

that would make a cool shirt!

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