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RE: why is it

Anonymous wrote:


Oh yeah, and did I hear that Dodd actually lives in IOWA? Now that's freaking funny.

bd, but you knew that, right? ;)

no! really? when did that happen? i thought he lived in virginia or some other dc burb?




Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

. And does anyone at all care that Chris Dodd knew full well about the 165 million in current AIG bonus payouts and lied about them, before he told the truth about them? He didn't do, or know about that all by himself. Did he?

oh i care. when i lived in ct i wrote to this guy all the time and was always impressed by the answers i received and not all were written by staff. he always too the time to explain his votes whereas the other idiot senator lieberman wrote back and said hey if you dont like the way i vote, vote for someone else in the next election. i remember dodd as being the best senator ct ever had until the past few years. i first became upset with him when he helped to approve the outrageous credit card interest scams under the guise of protecting the people of ct from having their credit lines frozen or cancelled. this is another example of corporate blackmail and it often seems to work because we dont have legislators who will say no. i cant put the whole aig fiasco on dodd tho. he had a lot of help from someone in the treasury dept who told him to add that little get out of jail free card.

dodd is up next for reelection and for once hes vulnerable. first for the countrywide mortgage fiasco having to do with his personal finances and now for this. hes going to have to do some serious rethinking if he hopes to keep his seat. leiberman too. hes on the short list for removal. the problem with this is that often the gold coast of ct lends a bit too much influence over the rest of the state in terms of the selection of candidates because thats where the majority of money is and for the most part those folks are republicans. ct is one of the least liberal new england states especially when it comes to money issues.


You know, two days before the story actually" broke" about the lying of the loosening of the bonus restriction and the subsequent blame game of Dodd and Geithner a woman at work called me names for my stance on this issue. My point was the dem party was well aware of the thumbs up to allow AIG leeway and discretion in meeting their previously made contractual obligations for "retention" purposes. That whole rise up and show the AIG folks your outrage is and was a reckless and dangerous approach. My point was we allowed, and there was NO TRANSPARENCY there, the bonus payout in the deal. To me, the recipients are entitled to keep them. I won't continue to turn the other way when gross abuses, such is retroactive legislation, are common occurences. That 90% tax brainstorm, to me, is the stuff of reagan years and other idiots, not some sort of "change" by the party of the people. The thing about CT is it would be a shame to completely lose the state for the very reason you mention of its fiscal conservatism. It's in such a great geographic location to bring fiscal responsibility and social awareness, development and change. It is the ne corridor. Lieberman is a poc, imho.  Hopefully the party has some CT stars in the background to take on the gop in 2010. It's not going to be pretty. Last poll, fwiw, I saw had Dodd ahead of the gop likely by only 2 points. This recent faux pas is going to be the end of Dodd. Unless, of course, the competition coerces his own wife to take world wide sexcapades and submit to global affairs of the skin variety and then submit to a knock down custody battle..... Then Dodd would be safe, like Obama was when he "won" against nobody in Illinois. rofl.gif

Oh yeah, and did I hear that Dodd actually lives in IOWA? Now that's freaking funny.

bd, but you knew that, right? ;)



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Posts: 1547

BoxDog wrote:

. And does anyone at all care that Chris Dodd knew full well about the 165 million in current AIG bonus payouts and lied about them, before he told the truth about them? He didn't do, or know about that all by himself. Did he?

oh i care. when i lived in ct i wrote to this guy all the time and was always impressed by the answers i received and not all were written by staff. he always too the time to explain his votes whereas the other idiot senator lieberman wrote back and said hey if you dont like the way i vote, vote for someone else in the next election. i remember dodd as being the best senator ct ever had until the past few years. i first became upset with him when he helped to approve the outrageous credit card interest scams under the guise of protecting the people of ct from having their credit lines frozen or cancelled. this is another example of corporate blackmail and it often seems to work because we dont have legislators who will say no. i cant put the whole aig fiasco on dodd tho. he had a lot of help from someone in the treasury dept who told him to add that little get out of jail free card.

dodd is up next for reelection and for once hes vulnerable. first for the countrywide mortgage fiasco having to do with his personal finances and now for this. hes going to have to do some serious rethinking if he hopes to keep his seat. leiberman too. hes on the short list for removal. the problem with this is that often the gold coast of ct lends a bit too much influence over the rest of the state in terms of the selection of candidates because thats where the majority of money is and for the most part those folks are republicans. ct is one of the least liberal new england states especially when it comes to money issues.




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nesea wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


BoxDog wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:



Anonymous wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


The quote was from John McCain, (not Obama) when he was trying to get Maureen Dowd to not write about his "little joke about why Chelsea Clinton was "so ugly." She was the ONLY one covering it, 'cause the rest of the press looked the other way.

Apparently, he later sent a letter of apology to the Clintons ... but not Janet Reno.

I thought Michelle Obama's comment to the kids was remarkably candid. <shrug> Maybe we don't want "candid" from our White House residents. You've never heard someone tell a black person they didn't "sound" black? We're to pretend that doesn't happen? If we don't get junk like that out in the open, we're never going to get rid of it.

Last I read Obama had signed seven bills into law, and in the same time frame GW Bush had signed one -- honoring Ronald "I never heard of AIDS" Reagan on his birthday.

Trips home? One. Bush? Two.
Weekends at Camp David? Two. Bush? Four.

Do you want the man to HIDE, like Nixon did? Completely cut himself off from the public, or insulate himself the way Shrub did, refusing to even watch the news or hear ANYTHING about him that wasn't positive? Do you think that's healthy, to live in an insulated glass bubble like that, surrounded only by "yes-people" feeding your paranoid delusions of grandeur? You think he's mad for publicity -- why? Don't you think he realizes most people know him by now? Maybe he's trying to be a more "available" president to the American public. Yeah, he went on Leno. So? FDR would have too, if TV had been then what it is now. Instead, he settled for radio "fireside chats." See, I think that "matters."

Obama is a damn sight better than what we've had for the last eight years, and that goes double for what we MIGHT have had if John McCain and Sarah "The Russians are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! I can see them through the peep hole!" Palin had won the election.

I'm sorry you so hate him, and refuse to give either him or his wife a break about anything, but more than that, I miss your objectivity. Truly.


-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Monday 23rd of March 2009 08:05:11 PM

I agree that for all of Obama's flaws we're better off suffering through his gaffe's than we would have been if McCain and company had taken the election. It always felt like McCain was trying to hard to be relevant, if you know what I mean. Like that whole .. we need to cancel the debate so I can fly back to Washington and solve this financial crisis thing.

Back to Obama ...  So the guy makes some basketball picks and shows up on Leno ... at least I feel like he knows what's going on. I never had that feeling with W. .. he always looked like he wanted you to believe he knew stuff you didn't know .. and you might have even thought that .. for a minute .. right up until he opened his mouth and you found that you had misunderestimated him ...

I'll never forget watching the Bush press conference as he found out gas had topped $4 a gallon ... of course he was the only one in the room that didn't know. Surprise !! 


I believe that all I have ever done with this man is to compare him to himself. No what if's, what used to's, just what he said before Hillary, before the general election and on a day to day basis. And does anyone at all care that Chris Dodd knew full well about the 165 million in current AIG bonus payouts and lied about them, before he told the truth about them? He didn't do, or know about that all by himself. Did he?



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Posts: 515

Psych Lit wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Firstly, she's defiantly "illegal", there's not an ounce of nonchalance or humility about it.  Too, she ignored the deportation order issued over four years ago.

hmm not sure that shes defied more like appealed and appealed and used all avenues available to do so.  it does remind me tho that, as tough as life here is and life in boston public housing is surely that, there are people who will do anything to be here.

Thirdly (to put a roof over her head) she lied on her welfare apps stating her "employer" was the Boston Housing Authority. Lastly she happens to be BO's auntie.

id question that welfare thing. there is no welfare anymore, there is no safety net for anyone beyond unemployment ins and ss disability which she prolly cant get without an ss card. i spend a lot of my time working the phone on behalf of desparately poor women who have disabilities, trying to hook them up with housing or any kind of shelter, medical or psychiatric care, proper nutrition, and trying to get any services for them is nearly impossible these days. housing vouchers will getcha one month of security deposit tho most require two months, and thats IF you can find a landlord who will take them, the waiting lists for public housing are long and the housing is often unsafe,  especially for people who have some sort of mental fragility and some kind of income is required.  rents in boston are close to 1.5- 2k a month. the question for me then is how does she support herself? if shes in danger back in kenya then id hope she would apply for a permanent visa.  and if she is supported by friends or relatives why dont they sponsor her for citizenship?

im of mixed mind about immigration. if the employers who hire them paid wages that support employment by us citizens this wouldnt be an issue. my big concern with this is the security risk for all, be it kidnappings or terrorism or moving the drug wars northward.  if we went after those who have the drug factories and the gang bangers and the employers who hire non citizens rather than the exploited workers people wouldnt want to come here.  there would be little incentive to do so.  tho those who do work long hours in often horrendous conditions that most of the rest of us wouldnt.

Early last fall GWB drafted an immediate measure to block controversial deportations specifically to prevent this matter from being an issue during the election. This isn't preferential treatment?

who knows tho really. if he had played that card upfront then public opinion may have not been in the repubs favor. someone leaked the info tho which is another way of dealing with it.

 She was ordered out of the country and appeal was denied. Packing her bags for four additional years is, in fact, defiantly rejecting immigration law.

Also, all that hard work you put into phone banking for fair housing and other basic needs? Should they or not be fought for the legal American citizens or those with legal papers, cards, visas etc. And welfare is a commonly used phrase for anything that is a freebie, WIC, food banks, power bills being paid, free diapers, formula, etc. It's my understanding that she lived in the Boston Housing Authority system for years. So, that is welfare. I hear she's in Cleveland now. She may swim back to Kenya after a few months in Cleveland.


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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

BoxDog wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:



Anonymous wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


The quote was from John McCain, (not Obama) when he was trying to get Maureen Dowd to not write about his "little joke about why Chelsea Clinton was "so ugly." She was the ONLY one covering it, 'cause the rest of the press looked the other way.

Apparently, he later sent a letter of apology to the Clintons ... but not Janet Reno.

I thought Michelle Obama's comment to the kids was remarkably candid. <shrug> Maybe we don't want "candid" from our White House residents. You've never heard someone tell a black person they didn't "sound" black? We're to pretend that doesn't happen? If we don't get junk like that out in the open, we're never going to get rid of it.

Last I read Obama had signed seven bills into law, and in the same time frame GW Bush had signed one -- honoring Ronald "I never heard of AIDS" Reagan on his birthday.

Trips home? One. Bush? Two.
Weekends at Camp David? Two. Bush? Four.

Do you want the man to HIDE, like Nixon did? Completely cut himself off from the public, or insulate himself the way Shrub did, refusing to even watch the news or hear ANYTHING about him that wasn't positive? Do you think that's healthy, to live in an insulated glass bubble like that, surrounded only by "yes-people" feeding your paranoid delusions of grandeur? You think he's mad for publicity -- why? Don't you think he realizes most people know him by now? Maybe he's trying to be a more "available" president to the American public. Yeah, he went on Leno. So? FDR would have too, if TV had been then what it is now. Instead, he settled for radio "fireside chats." See, I think that "matters."

Obama is a damn sight better than what we've had for the last eight years, and that goes double for what we MIGHT have had if John McCain and Sarah "The Russians are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! I can see them through the peep hole!" Palin had won the election.

I'm sorry you so hate him, and refuse to give either him or his wife a break about anything, but more than that, I miss your objectivity. Truly.


-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Monday 23rd of March 2009 08:05:11 PM

I agree that for all of Obama's flaws we're better off suffering through his gaffe's than we would have been if McCain and company had taken the election. It always felt like McCain was trying to hard to be relevant, if you know what I mean. Like that whole .. we need to cancel the debate so I can fly back to Washington and solve this financial crisis thing.

Back to Obama ...  So the guy makes some basketball picks and shows up on Leno ... at least I feel like he knows what's going on. I never had that feeling with W. .. he always looked like he wanted you to believe he knew stuff you didn't know .. and you might have even thought that .. for a minute .. right up until he opened his mouth and you found that you had misunderestimated him ...

I'll never forget watching the Bush press conference as he found out gas had topped $4 a gallon ... of course he was the only one in the room that didn't know. Surprise !! 



"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni


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Posts: 1547

Anonymous wrote:


Firstly, she's defiantly "illegal", there's not an ounce of nonchalance or humility about it.  Too, she ignored the deportation order issued over four years ago.

hmm not sure that shes defied more like appealed and appealed and used all avenues available to do so.  it does remind me tho that, as tough as life here is and life in boston public housing is surely that, there are people who will do anything to be here.

Thirdly (to put a roof over her head) she lied on her welfare apps stating her "employer" was the Boston Housing Authority. Lastly she happens to be BO's auntie.

id question that welfare thing. there is no welfare anymore, there is no safety net for anyone beyond unemployment ins and ss disability which she prolly cant get without an ss card. i spend a lot of my time working the phone on behalf of desparately poor women who have disabilities, trying to hook them up with housing or any kind of shelter, medical or psychiatric care, proper nutrition, and trying to get any services for them is nearly impossible these days. housing vouchers will getcha one month of security deposit tho most require two months, and thats IF you can find a landlord who will take them, the waiting lists for public housing are long and the housing is often unsafe,  especially for people who have some sort of mental fragility and some kind of income is required.  rents in boston are close to 1.5- 2k a month. the question for me then is how does she support herself? if shes in danger back in kenya then id hope she would apply for a permanent visa.  and if she is supported by friends or relatives why dont they sponsor her for citizenship?

im of mixed mind about immigration. if the employers who hire them paid wages that support employment by us citizens this wouldnt be an issue. my big concern with this is the security risk for all, be it kidnappings or terrorism or moving the drug wars northward.  if we went after those who have the drug factories and the gang bangers and the employers who hire non citizens rather than the exploited workers people wouldnt want to come here.  there would be little incentive to do so.  tho those who do work long hours in often horrendous conditions that most of the rest of us wouldnt.

Early last fall GWB drafted an immediate measure to block controversial deportations specifically to prevent this matter from being an issue during the election. This isn't preferential treatment?

who knows tho really. if he had played that card upfront then public opinion may have not been in the repubs favor. someone leaked the info tho which is another way of dealing with it.



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Anonymous wrote:


Firstly, she's defiantly "illegal", there's not an ounce of nonchalance or humility about it.  Too, she ignored the deportation order issued over four years ago.  Thirdly (to put a roof over her head) she lied on her welfare apps stating her "employer" was the Boston Housing Authority. Lastly she happens to be BO's auntie. Early last fall GWB drafted an immediate measure to block controversial deportations specifically to prevent this matter from being an issue during the election. This isn't preferential treatment? This is as far from transparency as one can get.  No matter how fiercely he denied knowing of any of it. She did visit his Chicago home at times and most recently? The inaugural ball. Entitled to be here? No, never. Not when we have immigrants that have built bodegas and small community strongholds to matriculate and provide for their families and educate their children to better their communities. Her? She's in her fifties, has a backache,(boo freaking hoo) is an  illegal alien.  A leech, burden. Send her back across the Atlantic  to her cardboard box.  Yep, I feel that strongly.


Her appeal for asylum was reopened by a judge last year, so she's sort of here "pending" right now, until her case has been resolved. At this point, she is "legally" allowed to attend the inaugural ball. As for "never" allowed to be here, I don't think we're yet to the point that we're deporting people based upon their familial ties to the president, and neither do we keep them here for that reason. Barack Obama hasn't interfered with the judicial process one way or the other.

We have between seven and twenty million illegal immigrants in the US right now -- people from all sorts of walks of life, saints an sinners alike. 

Immigration is a huge issue in my border state. Sheriff Joe is under investigation by the Justice department for targeting people of color in his quest to track the "illegal aliens" down, and deport them. He's staged huge weekly round ups, using "his" employees to detain people standing in parking lots waiting for someone to drive along and give them the opportunity to do what a lot of "legal" citizens aren't willing to do for the pay. It's not that far, really from Gitmo, when you get right down to it -- MAYBE some of the detainees there are actually war criminals, but we know the majority just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and were "sold" to the US by human traffickers. Here, at least in my state, we call those human traffickers "coyotees" -- they do essentially the same thing, except they don't sell them to the US, they just take their money, smuggle them into the country, sometimes, dumping them out in the desert to die, or keeping them in houses where they're starved and beaten. The coyotee already has his money, so the disposition of the immigrant is of no interest to him any more. The sheriff doesn't spend much time tracking down THESE people, these human trafickers, but instead is gung ho to arrest any person with brown skin who happens to not have ID on them, and has the great misfortune to be near one of the "underground" parking lots of employment. The people standing in the sun in that parking lot aren't out robbing liquor stores -- they're trying to attain backbreaking work for minimal and sub standard wages. Is their residency status in question? Yeah, it probably is. Should that be ignored? No. Should we dedicate the BULK of our attention to them in lieu of people who are running around robbing stores, killing people, and sprouting meth labs in homes and hotels, endangering those in the vicinity? No, I don't think so.

I hear "he's an illegal" around these parts a lot. When I always do, I think: "Isn't he a PERSON first?" "Illegal" carries a lot of weight -- could mean a drug trafficker or a murderer, but most of the people who, contrary to evolved linguistic rules which we gladly apply to those who, for instance, have a physical disability, BECOME the "thing" we attach to them. "HE'S AN ILLEGAL." "He" may indeed not have legal resident status, but he's not "an illegal." Am I mincing words unnecessarily? I don't think so, because when we dub someone a thing, be it a disability or a legal status, we take one step towards dehumanizing them, and the more we do that, the more easily we can distance ourselves from them, and that is the sort of thing which leads to the kind of abuse we saw at Abu Ghraib. We always dub our enemies in wars some other name -- makes it easier to kill them that way. Horrid to wipe out a community of Vietnamese people, not so much so, to take out some "g**ks." That's how it works -- that's how we justify violence in this country -- we dehumanize them, and then kill 'em.

<in my fifties with a backache, and meagerly employed> 

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Tuesday 24th of March 2009 10:54:33 AM



Psych Lit wrote:


BTW, when the hell is his illegal auntie getting out of the damned country? Anyone?<--bd

wow! funny you should mention her. she made my local news only moments ago.  its her bad luck to be auntie i guess. if she werent shed prolly still be living in boston under the noses of all and nobody would know or care.  did you know that bush knew she was here long before this came to light in the press? it must have come up in the rep vetting process. i thought that odd in a way. this is another damned if you do nd damned if you dont issue for him tho. if he lets auntie go back to kenya he'll be criticized and if he doesnt same result.

By Maria Sacchetti Globe Staff / March 24, 2009

President Barack Obama's aunt, a Kenyan immigrant who ignited controversy last year for living in the United States illegally, has returned to her quiet apartment in a Boston public housing project to prepare for an April 1 deportation hearing that will be closed to the public.

Zeituni Onyango, a tall, frail-looking woman in her late 50s who walks with a cane, had fled Boston to stay with relatives in Cleveland last fall after media attention erupted over her case. She was spotted at Obama's inaugural festivities in January and, according to neighbors, returned to Boston a few weeks ago for her third attempt to fight removal from the United States. She had been living in the country illegally since she was ordered deported in 2004.

Now the woman Obama called "Auntie Zeituni" and described as a kindly woman who kissed him on both cheeks and guided him during his trip to Kenya 20 years ago, is in a national spotlight, where her case is seen as a test of the Obama admin istration's commitment to enforcing immigration laws. Critics, outraged that she is living in taxpayer-funded public housing while thousands of citizens and legal immigrants are on waiting lists, are scrutinizing the case for political favoritism. Others caution that she may have legitimate grounds to stay in the United States.

"The case is unusual in American history because it's a relative of the president involved in immigration matters," said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies. "It really does present the White House with an opportunity or a minefield. If they follow through on a decision that she should go home, that would actually raise the president's credibility enormously on immigration enforcement."

Obama has said that he has not had any involvement in the case and that it should run its ordinary course, White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said.

Onyango's fate will play out behind closed doors before Judge Leonard Shapiro in Boston. Onyango's lawyer, Margaret Wong of Ohio, successfully argued to reopen her case in December and have the proceedings closed to the public, according to the Executive Office for Immigration Review, which oversees immigration courts.

Onyango declined two requests for interviews in recent days, and told a reporter to stop wasting her time.

"I'm not happy," Onyango said, bundled up in a parka against the spring chill as she went to pick up her mail.

Wong has not responded to repeated requests for comment. But her spokesman told the Cleveland Plain Dealer in January that Onyango would present new evidence to back an asylum claim. Onyango has lost several attempts to fight deportation, said immigration court spokeswoman Elaine Komis. In 2003, a judge ordered her to leave the country, and she lost on appeal. She tried again, but an immigration judge ordered her deported in October 2004. Komis would not confirm whether Onyango had sought asylum before now because, she said, asylum cases are confidential.

Shapiro, an immigration judge since 1990, rejected 68 percent of asylum requests from 2002 to 2007, higher than the state and national averages, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University. Asylum seekers must show that they fear persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a social group.

Still, immigration lawyers said she has a chance because she managed to get a hearing.

Onyango is a half-sister of the president's late father, Barack Obama Sr., who was absent most of Obama's life and who died in a car accident in 1982. The president met his aunt during a trip to Kenya in 1988 and included her in his 1995 memoir, "Dreams from My Father," but has said he was unaware of her immigration issues.

Onyango, then a computer programmer, served as a translator, storyteller, and guide during his Kenya trip. She shared stories about his father's struggles and her own. She said Obama's father helped her get out of an abusive marriage when she was jobless and had no money.

She came to the United States in 2000 to find work and to seek a better life. Though she was ordered deported in 2004, she remained in the United States undetected until just before Election Day.

Aida Ramos, a neighbor, said Onyango is a humble, independent woman who suffers from back problems and is upset about the media attention over her case. She said Onyango quietly helps her neighbors, from counseling them on child-rearing to health issues.

"She's a very nice lady who wants to live her life," said Ramos. "Because she's Obama's aunt she's getting all this attention she didn't even want.


-- Edited by Psych Lit on Monday 23rd of March 2009 11:18:05 PM

Firstly, she's defiantly "illegal", there's not an ounce of nonchalance or humility about it.  Too, she ignored the deportation order issued over four years ago.  Thirdly (to put a roof over her head) she lied on her welfare apps stating her "employer" was the Boston Housing Authority. Lastly she happens to be BO's auntie. Early last fall GWB drafted an immediate measure to block controversial deportations specifically to prevent this matter from being an issue during the election. This isn't preferential treatment? This is as far from transparency as one can get.  No matter how fiercely he denied knowing of any of it. She did visit his Chicago home at times and most recently? The inaugural ball. Entitled to be here? No, never. Not when we have immigrants that have built bodegas and small community strongholds to matriculate and provide for their families and educate their children to better their communities. Her? She's in her fifties, has a backache,(boo freaking hoo) is an  illegal alien.  A leech, burden. Send her back across the Atlantic  to her cardboard box.  Yep, I feel that strongly.




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. I didn't find it particularly charming her telling a school full of children that she was picked on for sounding funny, you know, like a white kid...on the heels of the BO taking a juvenile stab at the developmentally disabled. OFALLTHINGS! A Kennedy family project from day one first borne on one of their lawns with five or six kids. <EYEROLL>.

Now's the part where someone says.....I'm pretty sure you'll never change your mind about him... wink.gif

i did find that comment a bit off. i think mostly because the clip that i saw showed her response out of context. i think she was trying to get the idea that differences are good out to those kids but that sound bite was a bit of where did that come from? what i worried more about was when rush, to name one. gets a hold of the idea that she has unpaid kid labor working the land.  on the whole i think obama is doing an ok job. not a bang up spectacular job but an ok one especially in light of the amount of crap thats happened. i saw a quote from him tonight where he said if someone had told me a year ago that iraq would be the least of my problems i wouldnt have believed it.  some of the things i take issue with are not entirely his fault. the climate of washington right now has severely impeded any filling of those treasury dept jobs. i did not like his overture toward iran the other day. it made him look inexperienced and foolish and i think hes been a bit too much all over the place in terms of trying to get things done. oh, and i didnt like that he backed down on the taxing of those aig folks. apparently if he does this he scares investors who might buy up the derivitives. backing down seemed like giving in to blackmail to me and when i read that just shook my head in dismay. i admire his wanting to do many of the things that hes got going on, it seems a bit disorganized from the view from my window. that said im hopeful that he will succeed. if he doesnt we are all in trouble so im thinking that its important to try and move things in the direction of solving them. i am seeing some glimmers of hope lately tho. home sales are up, the job loss has slowed, and the market was up nearly 500 points today. thats all good.




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Posts: 1547


BTW, when the hell is his illegal auntie getting out of the damned country? Anyone?<--bd

wow! funny you should mention her. she made my local news only moments ago.  its her bad luck to be auntie i guess. if she werent shed prolly still be living in boston under the noses of all and nobody would know or care.  did you know that bush knew she was here long before this came to light in the press? it must have come up in the rep vetting process. i thought that odd in a way. this is another damned if you do nd damned if you dont issue for him tho. if he lets auntie go back to kenya he'll be criticized and if he doesnt same result.

By Maria Sacchetti Globe Staff / March 24, 2009

President Barack Obama's aunt, a Kenyan immigrant who ignited controversy last year for living in the United States illegally, has returned to her quiet apartment in a Boston public housing project to prepare for an April 1 deportation hearing that will be closed to the public.

Zeituni Onyango, a tall, frail-looking woman in her late 50s who walks with a cane, had fled Boston to stay with relatives in Cleveland last fall after media attention erupted over her case. She was spotted at Obama's inaugural festivities in January and, according to neighbors, returned to Boston a few weeks ago for her third attempt to fight removal from the United States. She had been living in the country illegally since she was ordered deported in 2004.

Now the woman Obama called "Auntie Zeituni" and described as a kindly woman who kissed him on both cheeks and guided him during his trip to Kenya 20 years ago, is in a national spotlight, where her case is seen as a test of the Obama admin istration's commitment to enforcing immigration laws. Critics, outraged that she is living in taxpayer-funded public housing while thousands of citizens and legal immigrants are on waiting lists, are scrutinizing the case for political favoritism. Others caution that she may have legitimate grounds to stay in the United States.

"The case is unusual in American history because it's a relative of the president involved in immigration matters," said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies. "It really does present the White House with an opportunity or a minefield. If they follow through on a decision that she should go home, that would actually raise the president's credibility enormously on immigration enforcement."

Obama has said that he has not had any involvement in the case and that it should run its ordinary course, White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said.

Onyango's fate will play out behind closed doors before Judge Leonard Shapiro in Boston. Onyango's lawyer, Margaret Wong of Ohio, successfully argued to reopen her case in December and have the proceedings closed to the public, according to the Executive Office for Immigration Review, which oversees immigration courts.

Onyango declined two requests for interviews in recent days, and told a reporter to stop wasting her time.

"I'm not happy," Onyango said, bundled up in a parka against the spring chill as she went to pick up her mail.

Wong has not responded to repeated requests for comment. But her spokesman told the Cleveland Plain Dealer in January that Onyango would present new evidence to back an asylum claim. Onyango has lost several attempts to fight deportation, said immigration court spokeswoman Elaine Komis. In 2003, a judge ordered her to leave the country, and she lost on appeal. She tried again, but an immigration judge ordered her deported in October 2004. Komis would not confirm whether Onyango had sought asylum before now because, she said, asylum cases are confidential.

Shapiro, an immigration judge since 1990, rejected 68 percent of asylum requests from 2002 to 2007, higher than the state and national averages, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University. Asylum seekers must show that they fear persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a social group.

Still, immigration lawyers said she has a chance because she managed to get a hearing.

Onyango is a half-sister of the president's late father, Barack Obama Sr., who was absent most of Obama's life and who died in a car accident in 1982. The president met his aunt during a trip to Kenya in 1988 and included her in his 1995 memoir, "Dreams from My Father," but has said he was unaware of her immigration issues.

Onyango, then a computer programmer, served as a translator, storyteller, and guide during his Kenya trip. She shared stories about his father's struggles and her own. She said Obama's father helped her get out of an abusive marriage when she was jobless and had no money.

She came to the United States in 2000 to find work and to seek a better life. Though she was ordered deported in 2004, she remained in the United States undetected until just before Election Day.

Aida Ramos, a neighbor, said Onyango is a humble, independent woman who suffers from back problems and is upset about the media attention over her case. She said Onyango quietly helps her neighbors, from counseling them on child-rearing to health issues.

"She's a very nice lady who wants to live her life," said Ramos. "Because she's Obama's aunt she's getting all this attention she didn't even want.


-- Edited by Psych Lit on Monday 23rd of March 2009 11:18:05 PM



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Posts: 1547

I found an interesting website about the various first ladies. its appropriately named
www.firstladies.org.  ive been reading some of the bios of the former first ladies. I came across this in roslyn carters bio:

Rosalynn Carter was the first First Lady to maintain her office in the East Wing, the traditional office space reserved for the social, correspondence, scheduling and projects staff of the presidential spouse. She would often walk outside the mansion to avoid tourists going through the White House, carrying her briefcase with her. Frequently, the First Lady worked directly with Cabinet members, including the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Patricia Harris and Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph Califano. In 1979, during her tenure, the federal government more formally recognized the role of First Lady as a bona fide federal position, albeit undefined by the U.S. Constitution, when automatic congressional appropriation was enacted for a staff for the First Lady on the premise that the "spouse assists the president" in fulfilling his duties.

what surprised me on this site was the amount of work these women did, most of which went unreported or was minimized.  Ive finished reading the bios of all from carter on and they were all involved in policy to one degree or another tho some downplayed their role. hillary clinton was the first, first lady to have an office in the west wing which she did because she was intimately involved in all aspects of policy.  laura bush often did the press briefings that w didnt want to do. who knew? i didnt. barbara bush was quite active especially with aids and the issues of minorities then and still sits on various boards.  laura bush is a supporter of gay rights. if these bios were resumes they show some powerhouse women

i love these quotes

"If I get into the White House, I will neither keep house nor make butter.Polk, Sarah

Womans mind is as strong as mansequal in all things and is superior in some.Hayes, Lucy

I am naturally the most unambitious of women and life in the White house has no attractions for me.
Wilson, Ellen

I know whats best for the President. I put him in the White house. He does well when he listens to me and poorly when he does not.
Harding, Florence

It is very possible to have both a home and a career, (for) in this modern age we are released from so many of the burdens our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had to bear.Hoover, Lou

but there isnt going to be any First Lady. There is just to be plain, ordinary Mrs. RooseveltI never wanted to be the presidents wife, and dont want it now. You dont quite believe me, do you? Very likely no one would-except possibly some woman who had had the job.
Roosevelt, Eleanor (this one made me laugh since id just read her bio. that was one busy woman.)

The first lady is, and always has been, an unpaid public servant elected by one person, her husband.Johnson, Lady Bird



Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

BoxDog wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:



Anonymous wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

I think one big shift has been the role that the v.p. has played. While traditionally the "first LADY " did take on causes such as a Miss America or Mrs. Universe would those roles were such that the veep should be quite contented and capable of initiating and overseeing. Goodwill appearances and causes, pet projects and such. Efforts at grassroots real change, community outreach and things outside of policy and procedure. Especially considering neither the job of veep or the sometimes unfortunate fate of being the first spouse is one of a legislative, judicial or even executive role with the exception of being a readied pinch hitter (veep, not spouse). I still wanna suggest paying the 20k to shut MO up. I didn't find it particularly charming her telling a school full of children that she was picked on for sounding funny, you know, like a white kid...on the heels of the BO taking a juvenile stab at the developmentally disabled. OFALLTHINGS! A Kennedy family project from day one first borne on one of their lawns with five or six kids. <EYEROLL>.

Now's the part where someone says.....I'm pretty sure you'll never change your mind about him... wink.gif

Naw. Maybe just "what took you so long? I was expecting it days ago!" biggrin

I really was, btw. You were the FIRST I thought of, when I read about Obama's gaffe.

I've read some blogger-types rants about using THEIR tax dollars on that $200 White House kitchen garden, too. smile That it will yield $600 worth of produce in a few months, is of no consequence.  Then there was a lot of discussion too, about the clothes Michelle Obama was wearing in the garden, and how "stoopit" they were. Oh, and let's not forget about the TAX DOLLARS all their SERVANTS are going to be using up in taking time to WATER that garden... there's at least five minutes of material there. Oh, and the wild parties at the White House, with the likes of Stevie Wonder, just blatantly BLOWING even MORE of our tax money (even though the "wild" party was actually an honorary award event, with SW performing a couple of tunes ... PBS aired it -- perhaps they will again.

And I ask myself about that bizarro world where Cindy McCain was putting in a garden as her "first lady" addition to the White House, and wondering what kind of press SHE would get for doing the same thing. 

She took some school kids and hung out with them and got some ground ready for a garden. That was it. Not exactly dropping bombs on civilians in the busiest city in Iraq, and oohing and ahing at the pretty lights. God forbid either of these two people should ever say or do anything. Others seem to have a much broader latitude, and sometimes it DOES seem pretty much about the person rather than the act. You'd be livid, if Obama had told a joke about "Seizure World," hunh. Or suggested we import cigarettes to Iraq to give them all lung cancer. Did you hear the one about the ape that brutally beat and raped a woman? Now, THAT'S FUNNY MATERIAL!

"... because Janet Reno is her father." buh dump ump tcheeeeee. 

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Monday 23rd of March 2009 02:56:18 PM

''It was stupid and cruel and insensitive. I've apologized. I can't take it back. I could give you a whole bunch of excuses, but there are no excuses. I was wrong, but do you want me crucified? How many days does it need to be a story?''


Really, the "gaffe" would never had happened if it weren't for his insane obsession with self promotion and media attention. As I watched it I could see him getting excited with each giggle or laugh. He was bound and determined to open and insert. As for how long it will be a story? Well we're just about two months into this schtick, he hasn't got a health care plan, his carefree spending is astronomical, the "no earmarks" line is long forgotten and the 9000 earmarks are "in" the 40 thousand soldiers scheduled to pull out of Iraq can't wait to move to Afghanistan. So, I guess we'll just leave it at it'll be a story until my last breath. There are instructions to let the internet, friends and foes alike, aware of this day. That day.  As for MO, I think the garden is a swell idea. There's absolutely no harm in something like that. The taxpayers money? Isn't everything they earn, presumably, a taxpayer based salary? Why would they be expected to enhance the grounds of the WH with personal cash? I don't think that. What I do take issue with was her comments to the schoolchildren that clearly reiterated the racial, class, color lines and made such a point to teach a new generation that white folks speak differently.

He has time for Leno, time to play the brackets of the Final Four, he has alot of time to do alot of things that really don't matter. I'm not slow in responding. Maybe I'm in the messageboard "Special Olympics". That's how long it'll be a story.

BTW, when the hell is his illegal auntie getting out of the damned country? Anyone?

-- Edited by BoxDog on Monday 23rd of March 2009 05:49:56 PM

-- Edited by BoxDog on Monday 23rd of March 2009 05:51:26 PM

The quote was from John McCain, (not Obama) when he was trying to get Maureen Dowd to not write about his "little joke about why Chelsea Clinton was "so ugly." She was the ONLY one covering it, 'cause the rest of the press looked the other way.

Apparently, he later sent a letter of apology to the Clintons ... but not Janet Reno.

I thought Michelle Obama's comment to the kids was remarkably candid. <shrug> Maybe we don't want "candid" from our White House residents. You've never heard someone tell a black person they didn't "sound" black? We're to pretend that doesn't happen? If we don't get junk like that out in the open, we're never going to get rid of it.

Last I read Obama had signed seven bills into law, and in the same time frame GW Bush had signed one -- honoring Ronald "I never heard of AIDS" Reagan on his birthday.

Trips home? One. Bush? Two.
Weekends at Camp David? Two. Bush? Four.

Do you want the man to HIDE, like Nixon did? Completely cut himself off from the public, or insulate himself the way Shrub did, refusing to even watch the news or hear ANYTHING about him that wasn't positive? Do you think that's healthy, to live in an insulated glass bubble like that, surrounded only by "yes-people" feeding your paranoid delusions of grandeur? You think he's mad for publicity -- why? Don't you think he realizes most people know him by now? Maybe he's trying to be a more "available" president to the American public. Yeah, he went on Leno. So? FDR would have too, if TV had been then what it is now. Instead, he settled for radio "fireside chats." See, I think that "matters."

Obama is a damn sight better than what we've had for the last eight years, and that goes double for what we MIGHT have had if John McCain and Sarah "The Russians are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! I can see them through the peep hole!" Palin had won the election.

I'm sorry you so hate him, and refuse to give either him or his wife a break about anything, but more than that, I miss your objectivity. Truly.


-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Monday 23rd of March 2009 08:05:11 PM



Status: Offline
Posts: 515

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:



Anonymous wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

I think one big shift has been the role that the v.p. has played. While traditionally the "first LADY " did take on causes such as a Miss America or Mrs. Universe would those roles were such that the veep should be quite contented and capable of initiating and overseeing. Goodwill appearances and causes, pet projects and such. Efforts at grassroots real change, community outreach and things outside of policy and procedure. Especially considering neither the job of veep or the sometimes unfortunate fate of being the first spouse is one of a legislative, judicial or even executive role with the exception of being a readied pinch hitter (veep, not spouse). I still wanna suggest paying the 20k to shut MO up. I didn't find it particularly charming her telling a school full of children that she was picked on for sounding funny, you know, like a white kid...on the heels of the BO taking a juvenile stab at the developmentally disabled. OFALLTHINGS! A Kennedy family project from day one first borne on one of their lawns with five or six kids. <EYEROLL>.

Now's the part where someone says.....I'm pretty sure you'll never change your mind about him... wink.gif

Naw. Maybe just "what took you so long? I was expecting it days ago!" biggrin

I really was, btw. You were the FIRST I thought of, when I read about Obama's gaffe.

I've read some blogger-types rants about using THEIR tax dollars on that $200 White House kitchen garden, too. smile That it will yield $600 worth of produce in a few months, is of no consequence.  Then there was a lot of discussion too, about the clothes Michelle Obama was wearing in the garden, and how "stoopit" they were. Oh, and let's not forget about the TAX DOLLARS all their SERVANTS are going to be using up in taking time to WATER that garden... there's at least five minutes of material there. Oh, and the wild parties at the White House, with the likes of Stevie Wonder, just blatantly BLOWING even MORE of our tax money (even though the "wild" party was actually an honorary award event, with SW performing a couple of tunes ... PBS aired it -- perhaps they will again.

And I ask myself about that bizarro world where Cindy McCain was putting in a garden as her "first lady" addition to the White House, and wondering what kind of press SHE would get for doing the same thing. 

She took some school kids and hung out with them and got some ground ready for a garden. That was it. Not exactly dropping bombs on civilians in the busiest city in Iraq, and oohing and ahing at the pretty lights. God forbid either of these two people should ever say or do anything. Others seem to have a much broader latitude, and sometimes it DOES seem pretty much about the person rather than the act. You'd be livid, if Obama had told a joke about "Seizure World," hunh. Or suggested we import cigarettes to Iraq to give them all lung cancer. Did you hear the one about the ape that brutally beat and raped a woman? Now, THAT'S FUNNY MATERIAL!

"... because Janet Reno is her father." buh dump ump tcheeeeee. 

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Monday 23rd of March 2009 02:56:18 PM

''It was stupid and cruel and insensitive. I've apologized. I can't take it back. I could give you a whole bunch of excuses, but there are no excuses. I was wrong, but do you want me crucified? How many days does it need to be a story?''


Really, the "gaffe" would never had happened if it weren't for his insane obsession with self promotion and media attention. As I watched it I could see him getting excited with each giggle or laugh. He was bound and determined to open and insert. As for how long it will be a story? Well we're just about two months into this schtick, he hasn't got a health care plan, his carefree spending is astronomical, the "no earmarks" line is long forgotten and the 9000 earmarks are "in" the 40 thousand soldiers scheduled to pull out of Iraq can't wait to move to Afghanistan. So, I guess we'll just leave it at it'll be a story until my last breath. There are instructions to let the internet, friends and foes alike, aware of this day. That day.  As for MO, I think the garden is a swell idea. There's absolutely no harm in something like that. The taxpayers money? Isn't everything they earn, presumably, a taxpayer based salary? Why would they be expected to enhance the grounds of the WH with personal cash? I don't think that. What I do take issue with was her comments to the schoolchildren that clearly reiterated the racial, class, color lines and made such a point to teach a new generation that white folks speak differently.

He has time for Leno, time to play the brackets of the Final Four, he has alot of time to do alot of things that really don't matter. I'm not slow in responding. Maybe I'm in the messageboard "Special Olympics". That's how long it'll be a story.

BTW, when the hell is his illegal auntie getting out of the damned country? Anyone?

-- Edited by BoxDog on Monday 23rd of March 2009 05:49:56 PM

-- Edited by BoxDog on Monday 23rd of March 2009 05:51:26 PM



Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

Anonymous wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

I think one big shift has been the role that the v.p. has played. While traditionally the "first LADY " did take on causes such as a Miss America or Mrs. Universe would those roles were such that the veep should be quite contented and capable of initiating and overseeing. Goodwill appearances and causes, pet projects and such. Efforts at grassroots real change, community outreach and things outside of policy and procedure. Especially considering neither the job of veep or the sometimes unfortunate fate of being the first spouse is one of a legislative, judicial or even executive role with the exception of being a readied pinch hitter (veep, not spouse). I still wanna suggest paying the 20k to shut MO up. I didn't find it particularly charming her telling a school full of children that she was picked on for sounding funny, you know, like a white kid...on the heels of the BO taking a juvenile stab at the developmentally disabled. OFALLTHINGS! A Kennedy family project from day one first borne on one of their lawns with five or six kids. <EYEROLL>.

Now's the part where someone says.....I'm pretty sure you'll never change your mind about him... wink.gif

Naw. Maybe just "what took you so long? I was expecting it days ago!" biggrin

I really was, btw. You were the FIRST I thought of, when I read about Obama's gaffe.

I've read some blogger-types rants about using THEIR tax dollars on that $200 White House kitchen garden, too. smile That it will yield $600 worth of produce in a few months, is of no consequence.  Then there was a lot of discussion too, about the clothes Michelle Obama was wearing in the garden, and how "stoopit" they were. Oh, and let's not forget about the TAX DOLLARS all their SERVANTS are going to be using up in taking time to WATER that garden... there's at least five minutes of material there. Oh, and the wild parties at the White House, with the likes of Stevie Wonder, just blatantly BLOWING even MORE of our tax money (even though the "wild" party was actually an honorary award event, with SW performing a couple of tunes ... PBS aired it -- perhaps they will again.

And I ask myself about that bizarro world where Cindy McCain was putting in a garden as her "first lady" addition to the White House, and wondering what kind of press SHE would get for doing the same thing. 

She took some school kids and hung out with them and got some ground ready for a garden. That was it. Not exactly dropping bombs on civilians in the busiest city in Iraq, and oohing and ahing at the pretty lights. God forbid either of these two people should ever say or do anything. Others seem to have a much broader latitude, and sometimes it DOES seem pretty much about the person rather than the act. You'd be livid, if Obama had told a joke about "Seizure World," hunh. Or suggested we import cigarettes to Iraq to give them all lung cancer. Did you hear the one about the ape that brutally beat and raped a woman? Now, THAT'S FUNNY MATERIAL!

"... because Janet Reno is her father." buh dump ump tcheeeeee. 

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Monday 23rd of March 2009 02:56:18 PM

''It was stupid and cruel and insensitive. I've apologized. I can't take it back. I could give you a whole bunch of excuses, but there are no excuses. I was wrong, but do you want me crucified? How many days does it need to be a story?''




Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

Anonymous wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


My Turn wrote:

i do not think that any first spouse should receive a salary, nor a pension.  s/he is not the elected official nor an employee.  there are no "required" duites of the first spouse, only "expected" duties.  imo, most if not all, presidents are very well off financially to begin with, receive free housing, the best food, an enormous staff, free travel, medical care, no utility bills, and on and on and on...pretty much free everything.  the "job" of president and first family is the most benefit laden position one will find anywhere and the benefits and perks already far exceed the "mere" $400K currently paid to the president. 

I agree. While there have been more than a few that have had huge social and global impacts (positive ones) over the years, for the most I would be more in favor of paying them 20 grand to shut up.


:) But they can't, even if they'd like to (and I think most would have liked that very much.) They're all pretty much "obliged" to pick a cause to promote, and too, there are tons of unofficial official duties they have to perform. We've had a couple of presidents who've been widowed, and married while in office, but only one bachelor, and that was over 150 years ago. Those who had lost their wives had to call their daughters or other female relatives in to function as "first lady." It's really a full time gig, and has been for a long time. I've often thought how fortunate we were that they DID speak out, and that often they've been more pro-women, and vocally so, than their husbands, starting way back with Abagail Adams, who was really astoundingly pro-women. And it's not been a partisan thing, either -- Pat Nixon and Betty Ford were both outspokenly pro-choice, and, if memory serves, pro-ERA. I'd need to double check that, but I'm almost positive that's the case. And how many of us said a few years ago that we wished Barbara Bush was president instead of her husband? Her attempt to throw a positive light on the Katrina disaster will, I suspect, cast an unfortunate light on her legacy, but she said things I think a lot of us were thinking ourselves, but a president never really could say.

I think I'm almost as interested in seeing a first gentleman as I am a woman president, in a way -- interested to see if he will assume the "traditional" first wife role as host for dinner parties for dignitaries, etc. It really will be a coup for the women's movement in THAT way, as well as the obvious -- to see a man assume what's traditionally been assumed a woman's role. I don't know that that will happen in my lifetime, though. cry

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Monday 23rd of March 2009 09:15:36 AM

I think one big shift has been the role that the v.p. has played. While traditionally the "first LADY " did take on causes such as a Miss America or Mrs. Universe would those roles were such that the veep should be quite contented and capable of initiating and overseeing. Goodwill appearances and causes, pet projects and such. Efforts at grassroots real change, community outreach and things outside of policy and procedure. Especially considering neither the job of veep or the sometimes unfortunate fate of being the first spouse is one of a legislative, judicial or even executive role with the exception of being a readied pinch hitter (veep, not spouse). I still wanna suggest paying the 20k to shut MO up. I didn't find it particularly charming her telling a school full of children that she was picked on for sounding funny, you know, like a white kid...on the heels of the BO taking a juvenile stab at the developmentally disabled. OFALLTHINGS! A Kennedy family project from day one first borne on one of their lawns with five or six kids. <EYEROLL>.

Now's the part where someone says.....I'm pretty sure you'll never change your mind about him... wink.gif

Naw. Maybe just "what took you so long? I was expecting it days ago!" biggrin

I really was, btw. You were the FIRST I thought of, when I read about Obama's gaffe.

I've read some blogger-types rants about using THEIR tax dollars on that $200 White House kitchen garden, too. smile That it will yield $600 worth of produce in a few months, is of no consequence.  Then there was a lot of discussion too, about the clothes Michelle Obama was wearing in the garden, and how "stoopit" they were. Oh, and let's not forget about the TAX DOLLARS all their SERVANTS are going to be using up in taking time to WATER that garden... there's at least five minutes of material there. Oh, and the wild parties at the White House, with the likes of Stevie Wonder, just blatantly BLOWING even MORE of our tax money (even though the "wild" party was actually an honorary award event, with SW performing a couple of tunes ... PBS aired it -- perhaps they will again.

And I ask myself about that bizarro world where Cindy McCain was putting in a garden as her "first lady" addition to the White House, and wondering what kind of press SHE would get for doing the same thing. 

She took some school kids and hung out with them and got some ground ready for a garden. That was it. Not exactly dropping bombs on civilians in the busiest city in Iraq, and oohing and ahing at the pretty lights. God forbid either of these two people should ever say or do anything. Others seem to have a much broader latitude, and sometimes it DOES seem pretty much about the person rather than the act. You'd be livid, if Obama had told a joke about "Seizure World," hunh. Or suggested we import cigarettes to Iraq to give them all lung cancer. Did you hear the one about the ape that brutally beat and raped a woman? Now, THAT'S FUNNY MATERIAL!

"... because Janet Reno is her father." buh dump ump tcheeeeee. 

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Monday 23rd of March 2009 02:56:18 PM



Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


My Turn wrote:

i do not think that any first spouse should receive a salary, nor a pension.  s/he is not the elected official nor an employee.  there are no "required" duites of the first spouse, only "expected" duties.  imo, most if not all, presidents are very well off financially to begin with, receive free housing, the best food, an enormous staff, free travel, medical care, no utility bills, and on and on and on...pretty much free everything.  the "job" of president and first family is the most benefit laden position one will find anywhere and the benefits and perks already far exceed the "mere" $400K currently paid to the president. 

I agree. While there have been more than a few that have had huge social and global impacts (positive ones) over the years, for the most I would be more in favor of paying them 20 grand to shut up.


:) But they can't, even if they'd like to (and I think most would have liked that very much.) They're all pretty much "obliged" to pick a cause to promote, and too, there are tons of unofficial official duties they have to perform. We've had a couple of presidents who've been widowed, and married while in office, but only one bachelor, and that was over 150 years ago. Those who had lost their wives had to call their daughters or other female relatives in to function as "first lady." It's really a full time gig, and has been for a long time. I've often thought how fortunate we were that they DID speak out, and that often they've been more pro-women, and vocally so, than their husbands, starting way back with Abagail Adams, who was really astoundingly pro-women. And it's not been a partisan thing, either -- Pat Nixon and Betty Ford were both outspokenly pro-choice, and, if memory serves, pro-ERA. I'd need to double check that, but I'm almost positive that's the case. And how many of us said a few years ago that we wished Barbara Bush was president instead of her husband? Her attempt to throw a positive light on the Katrina disaster will, I suspect, cast an unfortunate light on her legacy, but she said things I think a lot of us were thinking ourselves, but a president never really could say.

I think I'm almost as interested in seeing a first gentleman as I am a woman president, in a way -- interested to see if he will assume the "traditional" first wife role as host for dinner parties for dignitaries, etc. It really will be a coup for the women's movement in THAT way, as well as the obvious -- to see a man assume what's traditionally been assumed a woman's role. I don't know that that will happen in my lifetime, though. cry

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Monday 23rd of March 2009 09:15:36 AM

I think one big shift has been the role that the v.p. has played. While traditionally the "first LADY " did take on causes such as a Miss America or Mrs. Universe would those roles were such that the veep should be quite contented and capable of initiating and overseeing. Goodwill appearances and causes, pet projects and such. Efforts at grassroots real change, community outreach and things outside of policy and procedure. Especially considering neither the job of veep or the sometimes unfortunate fate of being the first spouse is one of a legislative, judicial or even executive role with the exception of being a readied pinch hitter (veep, not spouse). I still wanna suggest paying the 20k to shut MO up. I didn't find it particularly charming her telling a school full of children that she was picked on for sounding funny, you know, like a white kid...on the heels of the BO taking a juvenile stab at the developmentally disabled. OFALLTHINGS! A Kennedy family project from day one first borne on one of their lawns with five or six kids. <EYEROLL>.

Now's the part where someone says.....I'm pretty sure you'll never change your mind about him... wink.gif

I really don't know if I drifted or not, the title and all, "why is it", so nice and subjective.



Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

Anonymous wrote:


My Turn wrote:

i do not think that any first spouse should receive a salary, nor a pension.  s/he is not the elected official nor an employee.  there are no "required" duites of the first spouse, only "expected" duties.  imo, most if not all, presidents are very well off financially to begin with, receive free housing, the best food, an enormous staff, free travel, medical care, no utility bills, and on and on and on...pretty much free everything.  the "job" of president and first family is the most benefit laden position one will find anywhere and the benefits and perks already far exceed the "mere" $400K currently paid to the president. 

I agree. While there have been more than a few that have had huge social and global impacts (positive ones) over the years, for the most I would be more in favor of paying them 20 grand to shut up.


:) But they can't, even if they'd like to (and I think most would have liked that very much.) They're all pretty much "obliged" to pick a cause to promote, and too, there are tons of unofficial official duties they have to perform. We've had a couple of presidents who've been widowed, and married while in office, but only one bachelor, and that was over 150 years ago. Those who had lost their wives had to call their daughters or other female relatives in to function as "first lady." It's really a full time gig, and has been for a long time. I've often thought how fortunate we were that they DID speak out, and that often they've been more pro-women, and vocally so, than their husbands, starting way back with Abagail Adams, who was really astoundingly pro-women. And it's not been a partisan thing, either -- Pat Nixon and Betty Ford were both outspokenly pro-choice, and, if memory serves, pro-ERA. I'd need to double check that, but I'm almost positive that's the case. And how many of us said a few years ago that we wished Barbara Bush was president instead of her husband? Her attempt to throw a positive light on the Katrina disaster will, I suspect, cast an unfortunate light on her legacy, but she said things I think a lot of us were thinking ourselves, but a president never really could say.

I think I'm almost as interested in seeing a first gentleman as I am a woman president, in a way -- interested to see if he will assume the "traditional" first wife role as host for dinner parties for dignitaries, etc. It really will be a coup for the women's movement in THAT way, as well as the obvious -- to see a man assume what's traditionally been assumed a woman's role. I don't know that that will happen in my lifetime, though. cry

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Monday 23rd of March 2009 09:15:36 AM



My Turn wrote:

i do not think that any first spouse should receive a salary, nor a pension.  s/he is not the elected official nor an employee.  there are no "required" duites of the first spouse, only "expected" duties.  imo, most if not all, presidents are very well off financially to begin with, receive free housing, the best food, an enormous staff, free travel, medical care, no utility bills, and on and on and on...pretty much free everything.  the "job" of president and first family is the most benefit laden position one will find anywhere and the benefits and perks already far exceed the "mere" $400K currently paid to the president. 

I agree. While there have been more than a few that have had huge social and global impacts (positive ones) over the years, for the most I would be more in favor of paying them 20 grand to shut up.



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i do not think that any first spouse should receive a salary, nor a pension.  s/he is not the elected official nor an employee.  there are no "required" duites of the first spouse, only "expected" duties.  imo, most if not all, presidents are very well off financially to begin with, receive free housing, the best food, an enormous staff, free travel, medical care, no utility bills, and on and on and on...pretty much free everything.  the "job" of president and first family is the most benefit laden position one will find anywhere and the benefits and perks already far exceed the "mere" $400K currently paid to the president. 



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:

that first ladies dont get a salary?

and even more curious

why do they get a pension if they arent paid workers?

and why is it only 20K? the pres gets 150K on a 400K salary. whats the 20K based on?

thats a rather sexist system we have going.

michele obamas been out there working it everyday like hillary clinton before her. heck today she was digging a victory garden in the back lawn. i think we should be paying her. arent we beyond this little woman in the kitchen kind of thinking?

Where did you hear about this, Psych?


i was curious about it so i googled it and found an answer on a website called how stuff works. heres the exact wording which is sort of nebulous. its listed under the pension of the former pres and yet is the only entry that doesnt specifically describe what its for.


Salaries of Federal Employees

Here's a list of some federal employees and their current salaries as reported in January 2005:

Executive Branch

  • President: $400,000; $50,000 expense account; $100,000 nontaxable for travel; $19,000 official entertainment account; free housing
  • Retired president: $150,000 pension; plus $150,000 to maintain staff
  • Former first lady: $20,000
  • Vice president: $208,100; $10,000 expense account; free housing
  • Presidential Cabinet member (i.e. secretary of defense, attorney general, etc.): $157,000
U.S. President George W. Bush (from left) and former presidents Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter arrive for the dedication and opening of the William J. Clinton Center and Park in Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 18, 2004.


-- Edited by Psych Lit on Sunday 22nd of March 2009 10:09:15 PM

I think what this is, is a widow(er)s pension, payable only to the deceased former president's spouse if they ask for it, and haven't remarried (before they've turned 60) or gotten a job in the goverment, but they get it this pension only when the former president has died, to help them get by. I don't think we're paying the $20K annual to anyone right now, even though I suppose Betty Ford and Nancy Regan could get it if they wanted, although they'd have to give up other pensions due them from their deceased spouses, and Gerry Ford's congressional pension would be significantly more than that. I think Ladybird was the last person to receive this pension, and LBJ died in '73 -- $20K a year wasn't terrible back then, really, was it? I can't remember. :)

I suspect the $20K is just an arbitrary figure congress pulled out of a hat, which may have just been the "fair" amount the last time the law was written. It IS written as for the WIDOW, so is probably in need of a non-gender specfic rewrite soon.

Bummer for the VP's widow, though, who gets squat.


This (First spouse, lady)  is considered a "federal employee"? Really, I think this is outrageous. Of all, and many, many are underqualified, this is the ONLY position that requires absolutely no experience, knowledge, campaigning, education, nothing but a marriage license? It doesn't even have fair market competition for the job. It's an entitlement? I don't think the "first anything" should "get anything", from us. Least of all this one. She is still on leave of absence from her q million dollar year job, right? She was the entire campaign, after all, on a paid leave from U Chicago Medical Center in the created position she held there after BO garnered a million bucks in government money to send the hospitals way. While he "served" Illinois, he would NEVER do that now, right? Aside from the fact that she always earned more cash and actually showed up for work at hands on jobs, be they designed specifically for her, or actually working at a private law firm or the Mayors office, than he did. Except for all that self promoting book writing, the autobiographies of a 30 something.I think it came out again...;)



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Psych Lit wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:

that first ladies dont get a salary?

and even more curious

why do they get a pension if they arent paid workers?

and why is it only 20K? the pres gets 150K on a 400K salary. whats the 20K based on?

thats a rather sexist system we have going.

michele obamas been out there working it everyday like hillary clinton before her. heck today she was digging a victory garden in the back lawn. i think we should be paying her. arent we beyond this little woman in the kitchen kind of thinking?

Where did you hear about this, Psych?


i was curious about it so i googled it and found an answer on a website called how stuff works. heres the exact wording which is sort of nebulous. its listed under the pension of the former pres and yet is the only entry that doesnt specifically describe what its for.


Salaries of Federal Employees

Here's a list of some federal employees and their current salaries as reported in January 2005:

Executive Branch

  • President: $400,000; $50,000 expense account; $100,000 nontaxable for travel; $19,000 official entertainment account; free housing
  • Retired president: $150,000 pension; plus $150,000 to maintain staff
  • Former first lady: $20,000
  • Vice president: $208,100; $10,000 expense account; free housing
  • Presidential Cabinet member (i.e. secretary of defense, attorney general, etc.): $157,000
U.S. President George W. Bush (from left) and former presidents Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter arrive for the dedication and opening of the William J. Clinton Center and Park in Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 18, 2004.


-- Edited by Psych Lit on Sunday 22nd of March 2009 10:09:15 PM

I think what this is, is a widow(er)s pension, payable only to the deceased former president's spouse if they ask for it, and haven't remarried (before they've turned 60) or gotten a job in the goverment, but they get it this pension only when the former president has died, to help them get by. I don't think we're paying the $20K annual to anyone right now, even though I suppose Betty Ford and Nancy Regan could get it if they wanted, although they'd have to give up other pensions due them from their deceased spouses, and Gerry Ford's congressional pension would be significantly more than that. I think Ladybird was the last person to receive this pension, and LBJ died in '73 -- $20K a year wasn't terrible back then, really, was it? I can't remember. :)

I suspect the $20K is just an arbitrary figure congress pulled out of a hat, which may have just been the "fair" amount the last time the law was written. It IS written as for the WIDOW, so is probably in need of a non-gender specfic rewrite soon.

Bummer for the VP's widow, though, who gets squat.




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"Hillary: The President", that would have sounded interesting, to me. ;)


oh yeah!




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nesea wrote:


Which is such an awesome thing! I really love that she's doing that and involving not only her own children but children from a nearby school too. Makes the White House feel more real to me somehow .. like they're not so out of touch with what's important to families everywhere.

I dunno, maybe I'm making to much of it .. but I'm totally impressed with it.

i think its a great idea. not sure if having the kids from a nearby school do the work is such a hot idea tho. i guess it depends on what they get out of it. id hate to think of the headline that might come from that activity.

On another note .. has anyone been keeping up with "Hillary, The Movie" ?? This oughta be interesting ......

`Hillary: The Movie,' now showing at Supreme Court


this was originally put together to do damage to hillarys presidential campaign. its a bash and dash job and im really hoping that they stick to the 4 second political disclaimer rule. kudos to former CT REPUBLICAN congressman christopher shays who slammed the makers of this film over on Faux news.  btw they arent allowed to advertise this movie and yet theyve hit up all of the conservative media outlets to get the free publicity. its an end run around the laws set in place with regard to elections and campaign finance laws. Faux news showed the clip with mr toady dick morris leaving his trail of slime in a 10 second clip. ick




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:

that first ladies dont get a salary?

and even more curious

why do they get a pension if they arent paid workers?

and why is it only 20K? the pres gets 150K on a 400K salary. whats the 20K based on?

thats a rather sexist system we have going.

michele obamas been out there working it everyday like hillary clinton before her. heck today she was digging a victory garden in the back lawn. i think we should be paying her. arent we beyond this little woman in the kitchen kind of thinking?

Where did you hear about this, Psych?


i was curious about it so i googled it and found an answer on a website called how stuff works. heres the exact wording which is sort of nebulous. its listed under the pension of the former pres and yet is the only entry that doesnt specifically describe what its for.


Salaries of Federal Employees

Here's a list of some federal employees and their current salaries as reported in January 2005:

Executive Branch

  • President: $400,000; $50,000 expense account; $100,000 nontaxable for travel; $19,000 official entertainment account; free housing
  • Retired president: $150,000 pension; plus $150,000 to maintain staff
  • Former first lady: $20,000
  • Vice president: $208,100; $10,000 expense account; free housing
  • Presidential Cabinet member (i.e. secretary of defense, attorney general, etc.): $157,000
U.S. President George W. Bush (from left) and former presidents Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter arrive for the dedication and opening of the William J. Clinton Center and Park in Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 18, 2004.


-- Edited by Psych Lit on Sunday 22nd of March 2009 10:09:15 PM



Status: Offline
Posts: 515

nesea wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:

that first ladies dont get a salary?

and even more curious

why do they get a pension if they arent paid workers?

and why is it only 20K? the pres gets 150K on a 400K salary. whats the 20K based on?

thats a rather sexist system we have going.

michele obamas been out there working it everyday like hillary clinton before her. heck today she was digging a victory garden in the back lawn. i think we should be paying her. arent we beyond this little woman in the kitchen kind of thinking?

Which is such an awesome thing! I really love that she's doing that and involving not only her own children but children from a nearby school too. Makes the White House feel more real to me somehow .. like they're not so out of touch with what's important to families everywhere.

I dunno, maybe I'm making to much of it .. but I'm totally impressed with it.

On another note .. has anyone been keeping up with "Hillary, The Movie" ?? This oughta be interesting ......

 `Hillary: The Movie,' now showing at Supreme Court

"Hillary: The President", that would have sounded interesting, to me. ;)



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Psych Lit wrote:

that first ladies dont get a salary?

and even more curious

why do they get a pension if they arent paid workers?

and why is it only 20K? the pres gets 150K on a 400K salary. whats the 20K based on?

thats a rather sexist system we have going.

michele obamas been out there working it everyday like hillary clinton before her. heck today she was digging a victory garden in the back lawn. i think we should be paying her. arent we beyond this little woman in the kitchen kind of thinking?

Which is such an awesome thing! I really love that she's doing that and involving not only her own children but children from a nearby school too. Makes the White House feel more real to me somehow .. like they're not so out of touch with what's important to families everywhere.

I dunno, maybe I'm making to much of it .. but I'm totally impressed with it.

On another note .. has anyone been keeping up with "Hillary, The Movie" ?? This oughta be interesting ......

 `Hillary: The Movie,' now showing at Supreme Court


"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni


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Psych Lit wrote:

that first ladies dont get a salary?

and even more curious

why do they get a pension if they arent paid workers?

and why is it only 20K? the pres gets 150K on a 400K salary. whats the 20K based on?

thats a rather sexist system we have going.

michele obamas been out there working it everyday like hillary clinton before her. heck today she was digging a victory garden in the back lawn. i think we should be paying her. arent we beyond this little woman in the kitchen kind of thinking?

Where did you hear about this, Psych?




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Yeah, it's always seemed odd to me that the first spouse doesn't get a salary, considering all they have to do in that unofficial official position. I guess it's just chalked up to civic duty. I didn't know they got a pension, though. Hunh.

yeah thats the odd part. i suppose they dont want the former first lady living in squalor if the spouse dies first but im thinking 20k isnt living large. or maybe the spouses pension lives on with them? i wonder. 150k a year for life is a lot of dough for 4 or 8 years of work. same deal too. its a wonder people try for a second term.

I don't know that it's sexist really -- the problem, and where the sexism lies, is in our electoral process. I look forward to the day people like Bill Clinton are the ones not gathering a salary. wink

well, sexist in the underlying assumptions. is this based on the idea that the man goes to work and the little woman stays home and supports that work with unpaid hostess duties? shades of june cleaver and mopping in string pearls.  btw, as im thinking of this, i can remember that mr cleavers name was ward and that wally and the beav whose real name was theodore lived in the cleaver home but i cannot ever recall anyone ever calling her june. not the mr, not the neighbors, still i know that was the characters name. can anyone ever remember ward calling her by name?

Who, among us, could afford, right now, to quit their jobs, and dedicate that kind of time to running for office, with no income, and not even a promise of FUTURE income? Seriously. Think about it.

yep and one of the problems with this is that if someone who isnt wealthy gets the job there is an incentive to keep the job by putting finger to the wind to make decisions rather than doing what is perhaps right but not popular

As it turned out, the candidate was married to a university professor, and at the time, didn't NEED any income from the job, really, but how many people are in that position? She wasn't just the first woman to be on that board in 51 years, she was also one of the first who wasn't in the medical profession. Even so, medicine pays a lot more than politics. We just recently had someone turn down the position of Surgeon General, probably because it would mean such a drastic reduction in income to him.

dr gupta? that was an odd situation. id have thought that would be a great pick. hes media savvy, has great connections with the press etc. the whys of his turning that down werent really publicized.

I think the reason we have so many lawyers in Congress is less about their familiarity with law, and more about their ability to pay for a campaign, and sustain their life style while in office.

and yet once they are in office they seem to prosper afterward. the clintons have become wealthy in the aftermath of bills presidency. and many of the senators seem to have very healthy incomes... cant explain biden tho.


- people who understand what it's like to try to raise a family on less than $250K a year. I don't know about your state, but in mine, lots of legislators also hold part time jobs -- even the more wealthy ones. For me? I'd rather pay them a livable salary, and have them concentrate all their time on making well measured and prudent decisions on my behalf. Ya get what ya pay for, ya know?

and wasnt there a law signed after clintons term having to do with raising salaries for people currently serving? id like to see them earn a decent wage to be sure but id also like them to remember those in their constituency that arent and be in touch with that sort of stress. mixed bag yanno?




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that first ladies dont get a salary?

and even more curious

why do they get a pension if they arent paid workers?

and why is it only 20K? the pres gets 150K on a 400K salary. whats the 20K based on?

thats a rather sexist system we have going.

michele obamas been out there working it everyday like hillary clinton before her. heck today she was digging a victory garden in the back lawn. i think we should be paying her. arent we beyond this little woman in the kitchen kind of thinking?

Yeah, it's always seemed odd to me that the first spouse doesn't get a salary, considering all they have to do in that unofficial official position. I guess it's just chalked up to civic duty. I didn't know they got a pension, though. Hunh.

I don't know that it's sexist really -- the problem, and where the sexism lies, is in our electoral process. I look forward to the day people like Bill Clinton are the ones not gathering a salary. wink

We're still in a place where really any upper level election is pretty elitist, economically -- that's why I always vote for salary raises for the legislature (the one exception being this last election.) I'm speaking now, more about state offices, but the federal ones apply too.

I became acutely aware of the financial inequity of holding office when I was working in politics. The first campaign I ever ran was for a school board position, in a pretty large district. We spent a LOT of money on that campaign, the candidate worked at LEAST eight hours a day campaigning, for months, and I was paid a salary in addition to room and board and for what? For the honor of "winning" a non-paid position.

Who, among us, could afford, right now, to quit their jobs, and dedicate that kind of time to running for office, with no income, and not even a promise of FUTURE income? Seriously. Think about it.

As it turned out, the candidate was married to a university professor, and at the time, didn't NEED any income from the job, really, but how many people are in that position? She wasn't just the first woman to be on that board in 51 years, she was also one of the first who wasn't in the medical profession. Even so, medicine pays a lot more than politics. We just recently had someone turn down the position of Surgeon General, probably because it would mean such a drastic reduction in income to him.

I think the reason we have so many lawyers in Congress is less about their familiarity with law, and more about their ability to pay for a campaign, and sustain their life style while in office.

I vote for salary increases for legislators because I want to see people who don't already have a few million dollars in their savings account to coast on while in office, and the only way we're going to make that happen is to find a way that those who aren't rich can "afford" to hold office and support their families. People who don't have a vested interest in things like taxation for the wealthy -- people who understand what it's like to try to raise a family on less than $250K a year. I don't know about your state, but in mine, lots of legislators also hold part time jobs -- even the more wealthy ones. For me? I'd rather pay them a livable salary, and have them concentrate all their time on making well measured and prudent decisions on my behalf. Ya get what ya pay for, ya know?



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that first ladies dont get a salary?

and even more curious

why do they get a pension if they arent paid workers?

and why is it only 20K? the pres gets 150K on a 400K salary. whats the 20K based on?

thats a rather sexist system we have going.

michele obamas been out there working it everyday like hillary clinton before her. heck today she was digging a victory garden in the back lawn. i think we should be paying her. arent we beyond this little woman in the kitchen kind of thinking?

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