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Post Info TOPIC: what do igor panarin, chuck norris, hannity and glen beck have in common?


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RE: what do igor panarin, chuck norris, hannity and glen beck have in common?

BoxDog wrote:


I really want to make it clear when we speak of the current administration we have no barometer. I am ONLY comparing Obama to himself. I think that's a very important distinction really since we don't have any idea of what things would be like now, or in the future with anyone else. <BD

We can go by what John McCain SAID he would do, coupled with a knowledge of his long public service history as both congressperson and senator... and what I know about him ... ;) You don't really think he was going to suddenly do an about-face on his whole lifelong philosophical bent right after he was inaugurated, did you?


As to the Roe V Wade? It's not going anywhere except perhaps back to the shoulders of the individual states. As a society we tend to lose sight of how the S.C. actually arrives at cases they hear. They do not create constitutional issues to decide on. < BD

They do, however, pick the cases they wish to hear, and there are ALWAYS tons of requests by the "right to life" movement in front of them. More specifically, I was thinking of the probable three High Court appointments Obama will be making his first term -- as opposed to a McCain court. RBG's illness almost ASSURES her retirement before long, either by choice or not, and it was she who gave the dissenting opinion in the 4-5 decision two years ago which began restricting a women's right to choose. 


There are alot of hoops to get to the high court firstly, then their docket is set for a year in advance. So no, Roe V Wade is safe on a federal level.<BD

I disagree, and fail to see how you arrive at that conclusion. 


Obamas not a particularly pro-choice guy, he's a pro aversion prop, just like he can't say the word "gay",< BD

You know, that's a slur without foundation which has gotten WAY too much usage the last year or so. And besides, wasn't it used against Hillary, instead of Obama? Yeah, I think it was.


can't do anything other than wag his finger at Gitmo and keep it open anyway <BD

It's my understanding the disposition of the "detainees" after Gitmo is closed is what's keeping that from being immediately accomplished. You'd be screaming bloody murder, if he just let everyone go where ever they liked.

It would have been nice, if Santa Claus had been on the ballot, and we could have all awakened November 5 to a glistening tree in our living rooms dwarfed by the abundance surrounding it, but that didn't happen. Obama's now been president -- what? A month and a half? Two months? You yourself concede that the economy is what most needs immediate attention. Even so, on his second day in office Obama DID issue an order pertaining to Gitmo, and the treatment of prisoners there, reversing a GWB torture campaign. Fact is, the UN has asked us to NOT close Gitmo until they can go there, and do some investigations. I think it would be nice to see us resume a working, and less antagonistic relationship with the UN. (Where's Bolton? Did anyone see where Bolton went?? I SWEAR he was here just a minute ago!) 

Look: you know during the primary, Obama wasn't my choice. Even so, he's who we now have. Yeah, sure, absolutely let's continue doing our duty as a watchdog citizenry and speak up when we think he's misstepped! Absolutely! I'm no glassy-eyed swooning adorer of Barack Obama, but I am willing to give him a fair shot to show us what he can do, and unlike Rush, et al., I'm not eager to see him fail (and Rush SAID he was) in order to prove a point. It seems like in some quarters, Obama's presidential "honeymoon" was over before he was inaugurated. It just seems prudent for us to let the past go in THAT regard, and begin anew, and see what this guy has to show, before pre-emptively ripping him a new one on every single issue, whether he's addressed it, or not. Right now, and barring any unforseen tragedy, he's our best hope for the next four years. If he fails, we all go down with him, you know? And again: I'm not opposed to nudging him on some issues he seems to be slipping on the back burner, and yeah, I do think he's obligated to address his campaign promises. As the cliche goes, though, "Rome wasn't built in a day."   



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nesea wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Pre-inaugural Obama and post inaugural Obama have already begun to look like every other man who's "magic wand" is more important to him than anything in the world. 

Pre-election McCain thought Sarah Palin was the best person in the country to be president if, for some reason he couldn't be, and a month AFTER the election, he couldn't say he'd support her for president in 2012.

He also said a week before the economy plummeted, it was "sound."

He wanted to stay in Iraq, and send even MORE troops.

He and Sarah Palin ran on a "Right to Life" platform. Here in Arizona, he endorsed anti-gay marriage bill that passed the last election.

Our two choices, really, on November 4 2008: John McCain/Sarah Palin or Barack Obama/Joe Biden.

I'd STILL take Obama's "magic wand" over John McCain's "Roe is bad law" bat any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. 

amen to that. 

Although I do find some small comfort in the fact that Sarah is keeping a close eye on the russians for us ... 

LMAO ... ok, no i don't, but I do chuckle knowing every now and again she looks west and says to herself .. But I can see it !!!

I really want to make it clear when we speak of the current administration we have no barometer. I am ONLY comparing Obama to himself. I think that's a very important distinction really since we don't have any idea of what things would be like now, or in the future with anyone else. As to the Roe V Wade? It's not going anywhere except perhaps back to the shoulders of the individual states. As a society we tend to lose sight of how the S.C. actually arrives at cases they hear. They do not create constitutional issues to decide on. There are alot of hoops to get to the high court firstly, then their docket is set for a year in advance. So no, Roe V Wade is safe on a federal level. Obamas not a particularly pro-choice guy, he's a pro aversion prop, just like he can't say the word "gay", can't do anything other than wag his finger at Gitmo and keep it open anyway and rant pre election about earmark reforms yet sign the budget presented by congress, as is. I only compare him, to himself. I probably won't even bother doing that anymore. It really doesn't matter.




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


So, have they a specific gripe or two, or are they just militia-happy?

oh yeah they have plenty and we are among those gripes. they dont like the "secular and socialistic" way this country is headed. they want a country that mirrors their values and those values are male headed het families, jesus and guns.

I personally wouldn't be all that heartbroken if Norris and Hannity "seceded."

chucky and bride of chucky are planning on being the president and first lady of the country of texas. really. he said it i didnt:)


Boys and their toys ... hmm Let's see if the "names" backing this are willing to put their own behinds on the line, and lead the charge (and serve the time.) I'm thinkin' THAT ain't gonna happen... but this kind of "inciting to riot" kind of rhetoric sure could set someone else off, hunh. <looking at watch, wondering when the next OK City tragedy will happen>

some of the comments left on these sites speak about doing harm to those in power. really, and this is ok? why isnt the secret service all over these people? and whats really amusing about this is that perhaps they are getting a sense of what the rest of us felt over the last 8 years and they dont like it. and they want to take the guns out and force the rest of us to bend to their will.



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Pre-inaugural Obama and post inaugural Obama have already begun to look like every other man who's "magic wand" is more important to him than anything in the world. 

Pre-election McCain thought Sarah Palin was the best person in the country to be president if, for some reason he couldn't be, and a month AFTER the election, he couldn't say he'd support her for president in 2012.

He also said a week before the economy plummeted, it was "sound."

He wanted to stay in Iraq, and send even MORE troops.

He and Sarah Palin ran on a "Right to Life" platform. Here in Arizona, he endorsed anti-gay marriage bill that passed the last election.

Our two choices, really, on November 4 2008: John McCain/Sarah Palin or Barack Obama/Joe Biden.

I'd STILL take Obama's "magic wand" over John McCain's "Roe is bad law" bat any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. 

amen to that. 

Although I do find some small comfort in the fact that Sarah is keeping a close eye on the russians for us ... 

LMAO ... ok, no i don't, but I do chuckle knowing every now and again she looks west and says to herself .. But I can see it !!!


"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni


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Anonymous wrote:

Pre-inaugural Obama and post inaugural Obama have already begun to look like every other man who's "magic wand" is more important to him than anything in the world. 

Pre-election McCain thought Sarah Palin was the best person in the country to be president if, for some reason he couldn't be, and a month AFTER the election, he couldn't say he'd support her for president in 2012.

He also said a week before the economy plummeted, it was "sound."

He wanted to stay in Iraq, and send even MORE troops.

He and Sarah Palin ran on a "Right to Life" platform. Here in Arizona, he endorsed anti-gay marriage bill that passed the last election.

Our two choices, really, on November 4 2008: John McCain/Sarah Palin or Barack Obama/Joe Biden.

I'd STILL take Obama's "magic wand" over John McCain's "Roe is bad law" bat any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

"I am pro-life and an advocate for the Rights of Man everywhere in the world, because to be denied liberty is an offense to nature and natures Creator. I will never waver in that conviction." -- John McCain, Feb 7, 2008 

(This, from the man who opposes "gay adoption" and thinks kids are better off raised in an orphanage than a gay or lesbian household.)

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin is now shooting off her mouth, trashing the kid who fathered her first grandchild, and implying he was just a gold digger -- like that kid had any choice whether or not to show up at the GOP convention with the Palin family. I thank God we don't have a vice president who would refuse a 15 year old kid who was raped an abortion -- who campaigned on that "life" platform, and STILL is naive enough to think that "good upbringin'" will teach kids to practice abstinence.

A McCain/Palin presidency would have been absolutely disasterous for this nation in more ways than I can count.

Do you really think the economy would have been in better shape with THEM at the helm right now?? Before you answer, remember that John McCain was the Arizona chair of the "Committee to Re-Elect George W. Bush" in Arizona.




Anonymous wrote:


My Turn wrote:

yep...cant find the post, but i had already written, when obama took office or just shortly before, that my concern lay in that while it took years and years for this country to get this deep into the mess its in, many people would expect it to be all fixed in the new presidents first few months in office....and if it wasnt, then they would turn on him.....

my question is: what do they propose...what magic wand would they wave to fix everything right now.. ??

Pre-inaugural Obama and post inaugural Obama have already begun to look like every other man who's "magic wand" is more important to him than anything in the world. While debating HRC and McCain, Obama clearly used the words "will review line by line" every page of the budget proposal to reduce wasteful "pork" projects. This week he signs it, no holds barred and says, now is not the time to reform earmarks. So we now have a trillion dollar "economic recovery plan, sans the plan, a NO earmark 3 trillion dollar buget with NINE THOUSAND PORK projects. And a Universal Healthcare bill with NO WORDS IN IT. Congress is left to fill in the blanks. If this is the way things are going to proceed, he's not leading the nation, he's reporting on it.  

I wish someone counted the number of times he used the words "still formulating the plans", or "we'll have the details after the election". At the current rate he won't even have a fully staffed administration in the "first hundred" let alone any solutions. I like the new gray look on him though. He fought hard for it, he deserves it.


$1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa; $2 million for the promotion of astronomy in Hawaii; $6.6 million for termite research in New Orleans; $2.1 million for the Center for Grape Genetics in New York; $200,000 for "Tattoo Removal Violence Prevention Outreach Program;" $5.8 million for the Ted Kennedy Institute for the Senate for the planning and design of a building and an endowment; $4.19 million for ACORN, a low-income advocacy group and Obama supporter under investigation for voter fraud during the 2008 presidential election for "neighborhood stabilization activities."
The only one I am choked up about is the Institue for the Senate...balh blah blah. The rest, sans the tattoo removal and, Acorn, look like a lot of jobs to me. I think the tattoo removal is a great tool to move youth and, young adults away from former gang affiliation. Not a lot of money there and, well spent. Acorn is way more than voter drives and, provides a valuable service through the health clinics. A lot of people utilize them and, pay, albeit sliding scale and, more stress on those clinics now that incomes have been cut. At least we are moving in the right direction with the "excess" that some want to harp on is histroically 5 % less than last time. Last administration:) Gator.




That's right, I said "buget".




My Turn wrote:

yep...cant find the post, but i had already written, when obama took office or just shortly before, that my concern lay in that while it took years and years for this country to get this deep into the mess its in, many people would expect it to be all fixed in the new presidents first few months in office....and if it wasnt, then they would turn on him.....

my question is: what do they propose...what magic wand would they wave to fix everything right now.. ??

Pre-inaugural Obama and post inaugural Obama have already begun to look like every other man who's "magic wand" is more important to him than anything in the world. While debating HRC and McCain, Obama clearly used the words "will review line by line" every page of the budget proposal to reduce wasteful "pork" projects. This week he signs it, no holds barred and says, now is not the time to reform earmarks. So we now have a trillion dollar "economic recovery plan, sans the plan, a NO earmark 3 trillion dollar buget with NINE THOUSAND PORK projects. And a Universal Healthcare bill with NO WORDS IN IT. Congress is left to fill in the blanks. If this is the way things are going to proceed, he's not leading the nation, he's reporting on it.  

I wish someone counted the number of times he used the words "still formulating the plans", or "we'll have the details after the election". At the current rate he won't even have a fully staffed administration in the "first hundred" let alone any solutions. I like the new gray look on him though. He fought hard for it, he deserves it.



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Psych Lit wrote:

They are all apparently rooting for the break up of the us by armed insurrection here in the good ole usa. can we say sore losers? this friday fox news will air "we surround them."  must see tv eh?

How much more will Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will history need to record a second American Revolution?" Norris wondered.

Norris said he plans to hold a "We Surround Them" viewing party to watch Beck's special program Friday. Beck  has posted an online resource for people to find out where meetings are taking place in their areas.

"Many Americans, both Republican and Democrat, understand that Washington is broken. Many times it seems that the political solution is the problem. No more. Our founders knew the solution is We The People," the program's promotion says.

One viewer, Tim Wooley of Melbourne, Fla., plans to have more than 350 people attend his viewing party.




A Hannity discussion board poster  offers this food for thought:

Theres a lot of talk on this board about armed revolt. I am curious what form of such a revolt the revolutionaries would prefer. I can see a few scenarios:

1. Military Coup - The military deposes the government and declares itself in charge. A junta rules until democracy can be restored, similar to what happened in Pakistan.

2. Armed Rebellion - The fed up civilian population attacks their enemies forcibly. They take to the streets, or wherever they need to go, to ultimately depose the government and install one that follows their own ideals.

3. War for secession - Individual states try to secede and perhaps ultimately must arm to do it.


Beck said he will ask viewers Friday to decide whether they're in or out of the effort.

So, have they a specific gripe or two, or are they just militia-happy?

I personally wouldn't be all that heartbroken if Norris and Hannity "seceded."

Boys and their toys ... hmm Let's see if the "names" backing this are willing to put their own behinds on the line, and lead the charge (and serve the time.) I'm thinkin' THAT ain't gonna happen... but this kind of "inciting to riot" kind of rhetoric sure could set someone else off, hunh. <looking at watch, wondering when the next OK City tragedy will happen>  


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yep...cant find the post, but i had already written, when obama took office or just shortly before, that my concern lay in that while it took years and years for this country to get this deep into the mess its in, many people would expect it to be all fixed in the new presidents first few months in office....and if it wasnt, then they would turn on him.....

my question is: what do they propose...what magic wand would they wave to fix everything right now.. ??


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They couldn't do this last year or two years ago? 

Obama hasn't been in office 100 days yet, and they already want to start a coup.  Let the man do his job.  Crimeny!



Status: Offline
Posts: 1547

They are all apparently rooting for the break up of the us by armed insurrection here in the good ole usa. can we say sore losers? this friday fox news will air "we surround them."  must see tv eh?

How much more will Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will history need to record a second American Revolution?" Norris wondered.

Norris said he plans to hold a "We Surround Them" viewing party to watch Beck's special program Friday. Beck  has posted an online resource for people to find out where meetings are taking place in their areas.

"Many Americans, both Republican and Democrat, understand that Washington is broken. Many times it seems that the political solution is the problem. No more. Our founders knew the solution is We The People," the program's promotion says.

One viewer, Tim Wooley of Melbourne, Fla., plans to have more than 350 people attend his viewing party.




A Hannity discussion board poster  offers this food for thought:

Theres a lot of talk on this board about armed revolt. I am curious what form of such a revolt the revolutionaries would prefer. I can see a few scenarios:

1. Military Coup - The military deposes the government and declares itself in charge. A junta rules until democracy can be restored, similar to what happened in Pakistan.

2. Armed Rebellion - The fed up civilian population attacks their enemies forcibly. They take to the streets, or wherever they need to go, to ultimately depose the government and install one that follows their own ideals.

3. War for secession - Individual states try to secede and perhaps ultimately must arm to do it.


Beck said he will ask viewers Friday to decide whether they're in or out of the effort.

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