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Post Info TOPIC: A new message board


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RE: A new message board

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I suppose I'm just surprised that you're surprised by that.

i think disappointed rather than surprised may be the better word choice. the same sort of disappointment i feel walking down the champs elysees and seeing ronald mcdonald staring at me from the golden arches. something irrecoverable gets lost in that exchange.

Every subculture that has melted into the whole has experienced the same thing. Just look at the way the Native American culture or the black culture has been coopted.

and i think that is also hideous. the dominant culture gets to cherry pick what they like from any subculture, force assimilation, add a bucket of white paint to the stolen from culture, declare it better now and simultaneously screw the folks they stole from with their majority stance.

What did we think we were doing when we demanded equality across the board?
Did we not think that we were demanding inclusivity, or did we think we could be included in civil rights and legal rights and still maintain the exclusivity of which you speak?

why not? i lived in a city for a while that had 18 distinct neighborhoods that had 18 distinct cultures. the city proper fostered those distinctions, recognizing that the benefit of inclusion on the whole is not to extermination of the cultures that people come from. people came to those neighborhoods voluntarily because they were a part of whatever the neighborhood culture was. there were italian neighborhoods, african american neighborhoods, artist neighborhoods, gay and lesbian neighborhoods, all separate by choice of affliation yet part of the whole. when assimilation happens cultures get absorbed not srengthened. sort of like why rape is a war crime, you dilute the gene pool. there may come a time where the US or the world is one whitebread republican protestant "community" when that happens i wont be celebrating ill be mourning the loss of what was. our strength comes from our diversity not our blandness. culture is not dominos pizza taste testing hundreds of sauces with the hope that they can hit on one that is at least palatable for the mass market.

If the "goal" or desired effect it so assimilate into mainstream society, and join the great melting pot of humanity in that way, it's then counterproductive to go out of one's way to ID as lesbian. I mean, why bother even bringing it up, if it doesn't matter? Why not instead ID as "a person?"

Because it does matter, doesn't it. 

Let's be honest here: the very nature of the Sparklit directory is "separatist" in a way, in that it promotes that "exclusivity" by grouping different distinct groups.

If one doesn't like that sort of "exclusivity" then you have to wonder why they choose to participate in it. Being listed in the directory is optional. There's no suggestion by Sparklit anywhere which urges one to think of their message board in terms of first, sexual attraction, and ID, and then as ... whatever ... brown eyed people, amateur ham radio operators, etc. There are tons of places ... I found one whole sub section set aside just for "people." Would seem to me, if being distinctly lesbian (an "exclusivity") didn't matter, then that would be a good place to have one's forum listed, and that when one opts to list their forum in the "lesbian" section, then like it or not, they are, to some minor degree, complicit in feeding the greatly dreaded "separatism" machine, and to however small a degree, benefiting by that self proclaimed "separatism." To accept the obvious intention of the directory, and then subvert that very intent, is not a choice I'd be happy with myself for making.

Unlike people who want to affirm their subcultures, and allow them to become separate and equal parts of the whole mosaic, people who honestly want to melt their subculture into the whole, and muddy the lines of distinction, don't advertise and promote themselves specifically and singularly as that subculture.




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Anonymous wrote:


This is not worth your time Hoot. Your board. Say what you will and, chuckle at the absurdity of the accusation the intruder made of you talking behind backs. The "we are not really a lesbain board" has folder upon folder about those absent or un able to have equal footing. See how it works? See how she can lay claim to being a lesbain board? oh and, wow you have babes here;) me

Okay, I'm guessing you're NOT BD. smile

Yeah, we do have some terrific women here. Gloria S (no, not Steinem, Swanson) is our board "eye candy" wink 

Kwach isn't an "intruder" -- this is a lesbian board, and she's a lesbian. She's free to post here any time she wants. We have a semantic quarrel, and both apparently feel quite strongly about our differing opinons, so I don't know that continued discussion on that one issue has much merit, because I really don't think either of us are going to change the other's mind at this point -- if, indeed, we ever were. I've stated my case, and she, hers. That's a "good" thing, yes?

As for "The Other Board," I did accept Kwach's invitation, and swang by about an hour or so ago to check it out. Seems to be quite a hopping place. Saw both familiar and unfamilar names there -- even watched someone show up there, then here, then return there, and post. That's how I found the thread about this discussion. Thought about posting there myself, but ultimately decided against it. I don't belong there, and have long known it. Do seem to be some cool people there, though, and I'm sure they're enjoying their forum experience there, as much as I am this one, here, so it's all good.  





This is not worth your time Hoot. Your board. Say what you will and, chuckle at the absurdity of the accusation the intruder made of you talking behind backs. The "we are not really a lesbain board" has folder upon folder about those absent or un able to have equal footing. See how it works? See how she can lay claim to being a lesbain board? oh and, wow you have babes here;) me

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Kwach wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


This is a lesbian board. It is one of four forums listed under "lesbians" but only two of the listings are actually "lesbian" boards -- the other two are "mixed" (or, as one called it "gay friendly") boards. To then call either of them "lesbian" is simply an untruth: they are NOT "lesbian" boards, they're "mixed" boards where lesbians as well as others post. Again, I fail to see how anyone can not see and understand this. I really can't. To not grasp this incredibly simple concept seems, to me, suspicously obtuse, frankly. That's how I see it, and I make no apology for my feelings on this.

I'm not sure who saw fit to post the directory listing here, or why you're so riled up about it that you've felt the need to post multiple posts ranting about it, but I'll be happy to give you an explanation as to how we chose to list our board on the Sparklits directory. All you had to do was ask. <K
<shrug> And had I been so inclined, where should I have asked that? You became furious when someone posted a link to this board on "The Other Board" so I didn't want to poke that particular hornet's nest again.

Since boards can't be listed under multiple headings, and since we are a community of two dozen lesbians (and one man) ... not "gay-friendly" heterosexuals or a truly "mixed" community ... <K
--Excuse me ... is "not a truly mixed community" akin to "a little pregnant?"
If a beverage only one part alcohol, and twenty three parts orange juice, is it "not truly" a mixed drink?
we chose the listing closest to describing the board and then clearly stated in the description that it's an open board <K
You're being less than candid, really, aren't you, since there are, of course better subtitles for your forum than "lesbian."
for lesbians AND the folks who love them. <K
How odd. You mean there are people who "love lesbians" just ... out of hand, because they're lesbians? Like crocs? :)

It's a joke, Kwach ... it's a joke ...
Lesbians who might stumble upon our listing in the directory can easily see that there is an inclusionary clause in the description. They're free to read the board and see what that inclusion looks like, and then participate if they choose to. It's a very similar type of inclusion as might be found in, say, a gay theater troups which casts non-gay actors from time to time. Should the inclusion of straight actors mean that the theater group cannot list itself in a national directory of gay theater companies?

This is not a restroom or a dressing room or a bedroom, it's a community. <K

It's a message board/forum.
If the category in the Sparklit directory was "People who have vaginas" would you have listed there as well, with an "inclusionary clause" about people who don't have vaginas but love the people who do?

The one man in our community is Ag's roommate and close friend of many years, and Ag wanted to include him in her online community. <K
He's a welcome member of our board, not one single member has ever had a moment's objection to his being there,
LOL. Nor do I. I think it's fine that he's on your board. Honestly. I have no problem with that whatsoever.
and since our board is our board, what really matters is how it's members feel about it ... not whether or not you find it "obtuse" to be inclusive when asked to be, <K
Then, why are you here? If my thoughts have no merit whatsoever, then why are you here?
or whether you would be inclusive if asked to be. Clearly you would not. <K

Well, I guess it would depend upon whether or not I'd previously established a lesbian message board. If I had, then I'd probably be disinclined to be "inclusive" in that way, yes. If I'd not, then I probably would. But I wouldn't then call my board a lesbian board, because, of course, it wouldn't be, would it.


If it disturbs you as much as it appears to, and you feel we're trying to bilk unsuspecting lesbians with our specious lie and suck them into a <gasp> mixed group under false pretenses, then please feel free to protect those who might be assaulted and damaged by a random male-authored post on a lesbian message board by changing your description to something like, "LESBIANS BEWARE!!!  We're the only REAL lesbian board on Sparklits!!!!!!!!!" or something to that effect.
LOL. It would seem I'm not quite as upset about this as you are. :)
Kick it down, a notch, Kwach.
My weakness has always been with ellipses, not exclamation points, so that probably wouldn't work for me, but thanks for the suggestion.
Either that, or come to terms with the fact that not everyone thinks like you do or wants the same kind of community you want. <K


And what would cause you to assume I now think otherwise? That's why there are all sorts of forums on the internet, and on Sparklit, too. I have no problem with that whatsoever. I think it's great, actually. I know you don't believe it, but I'm actually quite a fan of diversity. That said, there are times when I want to be with, say, just my loved one, or maybe just my family. Sometimes I want to be with just my pal, and other times, I want to be with her and her kids. Sometimes, I want to be just with lesbians. When I want to be just with lesbians, I can go to a lesbian message board where I am just with lesbians. 

Unlike your lesbian message board, this one has only lesbians on it.

In either case, don't be such a chickensh*t.  Our board is open to posting by anyone except "anonymous" posters.

LOL. What, exactly does that mean?

I (again) have no issue with the members of your forum.

Don't make this about them, 'cause it's not, and you know it. Your suggesting otherwise is manipulation to which I don't have to submit. You can't kick me off this board, and you can't tell me I can't say something here. Elsewhere, perhaps, but not here.
If you have a problem with it, address it to the members there, don't just insult them behind their backs.

I'd not realized my posting my feelings on a public message board was "insulting someone behind their backs." You seem to have found your way here without too much difficulty, in what, a couple of hours after I posted the above? If I were being a chickensh*t sneak about it, don't you think I would have been a little more creatively covert?
Nice attempt at insinuation, but the simple truth is that I don't know who the members of your board are, so obviously, I don't "have a problem" with them about this, or anything else, of which I'm aware. Not about them at all. Not even about you, really.
I do have a problem with your listing your board as a lesbian board, since it's not a lesbian board, but I'm not losing any sleep over it. It's an untruth, plain and simple, and I'm sure you're not losing any sleep over that, so we're both in good shape, right? :)
Always a delight, Kwach.







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Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

I suppose I'm just surprised that you're surprised by that.

i think disappointed rather than surprised may be the better word choice. the same sort of disappointment i feel walking down the champs elysees and seeing ronald mcdonald staring at me from the golden arches. something irrecoverable gets lost in that exchange.

Every subculture that has melted into the whole has experienced the same thing. Just look at the way the Native American culture or the black culture has been coopted.

and i think that is also hideous. the dominant culture gets to cherry pick what they like from any subculture, force assimilation, add a bucket of white paint to the stolen from culture, declare it better now and simultaneously screw the folks they stole from with their majority stance.

What did we think we were doing when we demanded equality across the board?
Did we not think that we were demanding inclusivity, or did we think we could be included in civil rights and legal rights and still maintain the exclusivity of which you speak?

why not? i lived in a city for a while that had 18 distinct neighborhoods that had 18 distinct cultures. the city proper fostered those distinctions, recognizing that the benefit of inclusion on the whole is not to extermination of the cultures that people come from. people came to those neighborhoods voluntarily because they were a part of whatever the neighborhood culture was. there were italian neighborhoods, african american neighborhoods, artist neighborhoods, gay and lesbian neighborhoods, all separate by choice of affliation yet part of the whole. when assimilation happens cultures get absorbed not srengthened. sort of like why rape is a war crime, you dilute the gene pool. there may come a time where the US or the world is one whitebread republican protestant "community" when that happens i wont be celebrating ill be mourning the loss of what was. our strength comes from our diversity not our blandness. culture is not dominos pizza taste testing hundreds of sauces with the hope that they can hit on one that is at least palatable for the mass market.

I've always liked Jimmy Carter's thoughts on this:

"We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams."

Maya Angelou has also spoken about how we are a great tapestry, with each individual thread having its own merit.

I'd hate to live in a country completely poplulated by gray people who all had the same thoughts, religions, and interests. I do think there was a time in our country's history when the "melting pot" reference was a "good" thing, but believe as a nation we've evolved beyond that, and are now able to appreciate the diversity which exists here as such, and not try to erase it by disallowing differences to be openly expressed and celebrated. "Milk" wouldn't have had the draw it did, if it had just been a film about a guy. As Psych has noted, lesbians were largely excluded from the film, but lesbians were there, and a significant element in the politics of SF as a bloc, and I'd hate for history a hundred years from now, to not reflect that. Hate it for the women who were there, at the time, and for those in the future, just beginning to realize their lesbianism, and feeling separated, and without others "like them" in that specific way.

The chief concern, of course, is that in the past, separatism often meant inequality. I do think, though, that in 2009, on internet message boards, there can be "separate AND equal" forums, and that it's not a negative thing.  



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For me, the issue here is chiefly semantic.

Clearly, I feel one way, about things, and others both do and don't agree with my feelings.

For me? If I see a message board like this

Lesbians: Sixties Plus Only: Voices of Experience: Lesbian life after 60 -- what's your point of view

and I'm not sixty or over, then I think it's intrusive of me to hang out and post regularly on that board. Yeah, sure, of course I CAN, but I just don't feel right about it. I know, and have received emails to the effect that I actually COULD post there, and I appreciated that, but it still wasn't a "right" fit for me. I look at the above board now, and it's largely populated by women UNDER sixty. That sort of negates the whole reason for naming a board, doesn't it? My aversion doesn't automatically reveal some secret hatred of lesbians UNDER sixty, just an understanding of the literal definition of "Lesbians: Sixties Plus Only:"

If I'm a lesbian sixty or over, and am looking for the same with which to hang out, and go to the above board I'm going to be disappointed if I don't find myself in the company of JUST lesbians over sixty. I know plenty of places I can find lesbians UNDER sixty, and I know how to search for them, if that's what I want.

I feel the same about "lesbian" boards.

And it's a choice -- mine. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but this isn't about personalities, or men, or anything like that. It's about words, really, as much, if not more, than anything else -- and academic dispute, if you will. That's all, really.



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Anonymous wrote:

I suppose I'm just surprised that you're surprised by that.

i think disappointed rather than surprised may be the better word choice. the same sort of disappointment i feel walking down the champs elysees and seeing ronald mcdonald staring at me from the golden arches. something irrecoverable gets lost in that exchange.

Every subculture that has melted into the whole has experienced the same thing. Just look at the way the Native American culture or the black culture has been coopted.

and i think that is also hideous. the dominant culture gets to cherry pick what they like from any subculture, force assimilation, add a bucket of white paint to the stolen from culture, declare it better now and simultaneously screw the folks they stole from with their majority stance.

What did we think we were doing when we demanded equality across the board?
Did we not think that we were demanding inclusivity, or did we think we could be included in civil rights and legal rights and still maintain the exclusivity of which you speak?

why not? i lived in a city for a while that had 18 distinct neighborhoods that had 18 distinct cultures. the city proper fostered those distinctions, recognizing that the benefit of inclusion on the whole is not to extermination of the cultures that people come from. people came to those neighborhoods voluntarily because they were a part of whatever the neighborhood culture was. there were italian neighborhoods, african american neighborhoods, artist neighborhoods, gay and lesbian neighborhoods, all separate by choice of affliation yet part of the whole. when assimilation happens cultures get absorbed not srengthened. sort of like why rape is a war crime, you dilute the gene pool. there may come a time where the US or the world is one whitebread republican protestant "community" when that happens i wont be celebrating ill be mourning the loss of what was. our strength comes from our diversity not our blandness. culture is not dominos pizza taste testing hundreds of sauces with the hope that they can hit on one that is at least palatable for the mass market.

No other subculture has done that.  What was the point of raising our sons to be feminist men if we were going to exclude them anyway?

i raised my sons to be males who embrace feminist principles but i recognize that they will walk with privilege that my daughters will not have in their lifetimes. and this is in large part because of the blind eye we turn to the difference in experiences that our daughters and sons have. and if we have fooled ourselves into thinking that this no longer matters we have only the press coverage of the last big election to consider as a rorschach of the american psyche vis a vis equality.even if we did have equal rights i dont think i would choose to discount the experiences which gendered or ask that they be filtered thru a more neutral lens.  what would be the point? to become unisex? id hope instead that equality would be about the possibility of doing or being all that one wants to do or be without the hand that says no not for you and dont see that has having anything to do with the real aspects of bio males or females. we each have unique experiences and gender is one of the aspects that creates these individual experiences. its what we do and the power stances we make as a result that become the issues

To me, the whole point of inclusion and raising young people to embrace diversity and eschew old worn out social and gender norms was to build a better world for everyone ... a larger and less stratified society

how would this be better? why does stratification become a part of difference? is it an either or?

... a world where, if my gender and sexuality are as valuable and acceptable as anyone else's, then anyone else's is as valuable and acceptable as mine.

and what does value have to do with keeping those aspects of self strong or vibrant? dont we devalue self by regressing toward the mean?

If that wasn't the intention, then I don't know what it was, and this demand by gays and lesbians that we be given equality while maintaining our distance from the rest of society is one of the reasons many are loathe to accept us as equal.

actually i think they are loathe to accept us as equal because they think we are perverted and because they believe that god told em to.  this is part of their culture i think they can keep btw.

Separate but equal doesn't really work, because it's by our inclusion that people get to know and understand us.

im not really caring whether or not the dominant culture  understands me or if they tolerate me.  i dont live my life with them in mind. or i dont  until i bump up against one of their rules and then i do all possible to work around em keeping as much of myself in tact as possible. id have less of a problem with this if the het culture assimilated into the queer culture rather than the other way around cherry picking the stereotypical aspects of queer culture to appear to be hip.  the ellen show or the gay decorators on hgtv are ok but bear with us while passing laws and constitutional amendments to deny equal rights.  screw em. and the mayflower they came in on.  


Which is exactly what our description states . We are lesbians and.  Would you understand (or at least suspect) that it was not an exclusive site by reading our description?  If you would, then it served it's purpose.

if the description on the directory says that its not exclusively lesbian then sure id get it and if thats what i was looking for when i went to the directory id say oh cool heres  a mixed board that looks good but if i went to the directory looking for an exclusive site and clicked and found it not to be the inner conversation might be more like oh shoot its another mixed board.  im thinking that its not unreasonable to have the description fit the board.


I try as much as I can in my life to err on the side of being more inclusionary and more open-minded than the inverse. There are enough closed-minds and closed doors and tightknit huddles in the world for my taste.  I like to sleep with my windows open and live my life the same way. To me, it's not a bad thing that we have a man on our board who gives men a good name.

i dont think its a bad thing and i dont think anyone else posting on numb does either. i dont think thats the issue tho. 

What I really don't understand is why our board is under so much rather derisivie discussion on this board. You have the board you're looking for here. What difference could it possibly make to you if we have something a little different elsewhere, or if there are four (not two) choices listed in the directory?  I trust that anyone who doesn't like one of them can find the others.

im thinking that perhaps there is some reading into going on. i dont think the discussion was derisive in itself and hopefully the thinking of it isnt either.what i see are some posts that are part of a larger continuing conversation about lesbian spaces and the posting of the sparklit directory as an example of what was spoken of. as i follow the conversation other than that particular posting which says something like of 4 boards listed under lesbian 2 of which are not exclusively lesbian, the rest of the conversation was more general or not about the other board at all. perhaps there is some conflating of these posts?



-- Edited by Psych Lit at 11:43, 2009-02-28



Anonymous wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:
<shrug> And had I been so inclined, where should I have asked that?

You might have tried e-mail, or you could have just clicked onto the Other Board and posted the question.


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

the simple truth is that I don't know who the members of your board are, so obviously, I don't "have a problem" with them about this, or anything else, of which I'm aware. Not about them at all. Not even about you, really.

Then why the posts here about "heterosexual lesbian men" and the snarky "Iiiiiiiiif you love a lesbian, clap your hands" crap, Owl?  Why the misrepresentation that we are "soliciting heterosexual males" as members?  

No, one shot of liquor in a tweny gallon vat of orange juice doesn't make a "mixed drink" ... it makes a big vat of orange juice, since it would take a frickin' chemist to ferret out the gin.   

If you don't know who the members of our board are, then how did you know there was a man on our board in the first place?

The truth with you is never simple ... and sometimes not even truth.


I forgot to sign this post.  My apologies.





Nightowlhoot3 wrote:
<shrug> And had I been so inclined, where should I have asked that?

You might have tried e-mail, or you could have just clicked onto the Other Board and posted the question.


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

the simple truth is that I don't know who the members of your board are, so obviously, I don't "have a problem" with them about this, or anything else, of which I'm aware. Not about them at all. Not even about you, really.

Then why the posts here about "heterosexual lesbian men" and the snarky "Iiiiiiiiif you love a lesbian, clap your hands" crap, Owl?  Why the misrepresentation that we are "soliciting heterosexual males" as members?  

No, one shot of liquor in a tweny gallon vat of orange juice doesn't make a "mixed drink" ... it makes a big vat of orange juice, since it would take a frickin' chemist to ferret out the gin.   

If you don't know who the members of our board are, then how did you know there was a man on our board in the first place?

The truth with you is never simple ... and sometimes not even truth.




Psych Lit wrote:
. i live in a world where those exclusive spaces have really dried up and some sort of coopting of culture has occurred due to the attaining of all of those things we have always thought we wanted, inclusion, parity, and even the right to marry and as those rights were gained some sort of merge into the greater culture happened and it threatens to absorb all of what it was to be lesbian before we all made happy noises at one another.

I suppose I'm just surprised that you're surprised by that. Every subculture that has melted into the whole has experienced the same thing. Just look at the way the Native American culture or the black culture has been coopted.  What did we think we were doing when we demanded equality across the board?  Did we not think that we were demanding inclusivity, or did we think we could be included in civil rights and legal rights and still maintain the exclusivity of which you speak?  No other subculture has done that.  What was the point of raising our sons to be feminist men if we were going to exclude them anyway?  To me, the whole point of inclusion and raising young people to embrace diversity and eschew old worn out social and gender norms was to build a better world for everyone ... a larger and less stratified society ... a world where, if my gender and sexuality are as valuable and acceptable as anyone else's, then anyone else's is as valuable and acceptable as mine.  If that wasn't the intention, then I don't know what it was, and this demand by gays and lesbians that we be given equality while maintaining our distance from the rest of society is one of the reasons many are loathe to accept us as equal. Separate but equal doesn't really work, because it's by our inclusion that people get to know and understand us.

Psych Lit wrote:
 theres nothing wrong with a mixed site imo but if i were searching a directory looking for a lesbian site i wouldnt want to settle in, get comfortable and then discover that it wasnt. personally i dont see the harm in stating that is is mixed or that its lesbians and friends or any other designation of choice that covers it. if i wanted exclusivity id pass it by and if i didnt id click on it but i might be irritated were i looking for that exclusivity only to find the places i thought it might be arent.  i get that there are two sides to this and that not everybody feels as i do and i respect that and hope also that others respect that there are women who do not want to be in a mixed space, either sometimes or all of the time and that has to be ok too.



Which is exactly what our description states . We are lesbians and.  Would you understand (or at least suspect) that it was not an exclusive site by reading our description?  If you would, then it served it's purpose.

I specifically didn't call it a lesbian discussion board in the description because we have one male member. And he's an excellent male "role model" if you will, who is never obtrusive and who the women there feel very comfortable with. The fact remains, it's primarily a lesbian board, and if the members asked for it, there could be areas of it that are exclusive. The ability exists to create member groups and have areas only accessible to certain members, just as there are areas not accissible to non-members. No one has asked for such a private space, but it would be simple to create one if asked.

I try as much as I can in my life to err on the side of being more inclusionary and more open-minded than the inverse. There are enough closed-minds and closed doors and tightknit huddles in the world for my taste.  I like to sleep with my windows open and live my life the same way. To me, it's not a bad thing that we have a man on our board who gives men a good name. It's nice to see, and nice to experience, and he's nice to know. I wouldn't have known him otherwise, so I'm glad the board was there and Ag felt comfortable inviting him to it.  Women who aren't comfortable with it don't have to post there ... and the description attempts to be honest about who we are. 

What I really don't understand is why our board is under so much rather derisivie discussion on this board. You have the board you're looking for here. What difference could it possibly make to you if we have something a little different elsewhere, or if there are four (not two) choices listed in the directory?  I trust that anyone who doesn't like one of them can find the others.



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Posts: 1307

Kwach wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


This is a lesbian board. It is one of four forums listed under "lesbians" but only two of the listings are actually "lesbian" boards -- the other two are "mixed" (or, as one called it "gay friendly") boards. To then call either of them "lesbian" is simply an untruth: they are NOT "lesbian" boards, they're "mixed" boards where lesbians as well as others post. Again, I fail to see how anyone can not see and understand this. I really can't. To not grasp this incredibly simple concept seems, to me, suspicously obtuse, frankly. That's how I see it, and I make no apology for my feelings on this.

I'm not sure who saw fit to post the directory listing here, or why you're so riled up about it that you've felt the need to post multiple posts ranting about it, but I'll be happy to give you an explanation as to how we chose to list our board on the Sparklits directory. All you had to do was ask. <K
<shrug> And had I been so inclined, where should I have asked that? You became furious when someone posted a link to this board on "The Other Board" so I didn't want to poke that particular hornet's nest again.

Since boards can't be listed under multiple headings, and since we are a community of two dozen lesbians (and one man) ... not "gay-friendly" heterosexuals or a truly "mixed" community ... <K
--Excuse me ... is "not a truly mixed community" akin to "a little pregnant?"
If a beverage only one part alcohol, and twenty three parts orange juice, is it "not truly" a mixed drink?
we chose the listing closest to describing the board and then clearly stated in the description that it's an open board <K
You're being less than candid, really, aren't you, since there are, of course better subtitles for your forum than "lesbian."
for lesbians AND the folks who love them. <K
How odd. You mean there are people who "love lesbians" just ... out of hand, because they're lesbians? Like crocs? :)

It's a joke, Kwach ... it's a joke ...
 Lesbians who might stumble upon our listing in the directory can easily see that there is an inclusionary clause in the description. They're free to read the board and see what that inclusion looks like, and then participate if they choose to. It's a very similar type of inclusion as might be found in, say, a gay theater troups which casts non-gay actors from time to time. Should the inclusion of straight actors mean that the theater group cannot list itself in a national directory of gay theater companies?

This is not a restroom or a dressing room or a bedroom, it's a community. <K

It's a message board/forum.
If the category in the Sparklit directory was "People who have vaginas" would you have listed there as well, with an "inclusionary clause" about people who don't have vaginas but love the people who do?

The one man in our community is Ag's roommate and close friend of many years, and Ag wanted to include him in her online community. <K
 He's a welcome member of our board, not one single member has ever had a moment's objection to his being there,
LOL. Nor do I. I think it's fine that he's on your board. Honestly. I have no problem with that whatsoever.
and since our board is our board, what really matters is how it's members feel about it ... not whether or not you find it "obtuse" to be inclusive when asked to be, <K
Then, why are you here? If my thoughts have no merit whatsoever, then why are you here?
 or whether you would be inclusive if asked to be. Clearly you would not. <K

Well, I guess it would depend upon whether or not I'd previously established a lesbian message board. If I had, then I'd probably be disinclined to be "inclusive" in that way, yes. If I'd not, then I probably would. But I wouldn't then call my board a lesbian board, because, of course, it wouldn't be, would it.  


If it disturbs you as much as it appears to, and you feel we're trying to bilk unsuspecting lesbians with our specious lie and suck them into a <gasp> mixed group under false pretenses, then please feel free to protect those who might be assaulted and damaged by a random male-authored post on a lesbian message board by changing your description to something like, "LESBIANS BEWARE!!!  We're the only REAL lesbian board on Sparklits!!!!!!!!!" or something to that effect.
LOL. It would seem I'm not quite as upset about this as you are. :)
Kick it down, a notch, Kwach.
My weakness has always been with ellipses, not exclamation points, so that probably wouldn't work for me, but thanks for the suggestion.
 Either that, or come to terms with the fact that not everyone thinks like you do or wants the same kind of community you want. <K


And what would cause you to assume I now think otherwise? That's why there are all sorts of forums on the internet, and on Sparklit, too. I have no problem with that whatsoever. I think it's great, actually. I know you don't believe it, but I'm actually quite a fan of diversity. That said, there are times when I want to be with, say, just my loved one, or maybe just my family. Sometimes I want to be with just my pal, and other times, I want to be with her and her kids. Sometimes, I want to be just with lesbians. When I want to be just with lesbians, I can go to a lesbian message board where I am just with lesbians. 

Unlike your lesbian message board, this one has only lesbians on it.  

In either case, don't be such a chickensh*t.  Our board is open to posting by anyone except "anonymous" posters.

LOL. What, exactly does that mean?

I (again) have no issue with the members of your forum.

Don't make this about them, 'cause it's not, and you know it. Your suggesting otherwise is manipulation to which I don't have to submit. You can't kick me off this board, and you can't tell me I can't say something here. Elsewhere, perhaps, but not here.
If you have a problem with it, address it to the members there, don't just insult them behind their backs.

I'd not realized my posting my feelings on a public message board was "insulting someone behind their backs." You seem to have found your way here without too much difficulty, in what, a couple of hours after I posted the above? If I were being a chickensh*t sneak about it, don't you think I would have been a little more creatively covert?  
Nice attempt at insinuation, but the simple truth is that I don't know who the members of your board are, so obviously, I don't "have a problem" with them about this, or anything else, of which I'm aware. Not about them at all. Not even about you, really.
I do have a problem with your listing your board as a lesbian board, since it's not a lesbian board, but I'm not losing any sleep over it. It's an untruth, plain and simple, and I'm sure you're not losing any sleep over that, so we're both in good shape, right? :)
Always a delight, Kwach.




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Kwach wrote:

This is not a restroom or a dressing room or a bedroom, it's a community.

heya kwach

im not going to answer for owl or anyone else here but will state my own opinion about this and it goes to what youve written above.

mixed gatherings in rt or in the cyberworld didnt bother me much until recent years.  my feelings on it have changed a bit and that has to do with the disappearance or diminishing numbers in my world of wholly lesbian communities both in real time and on the net.  if you read this board on occasion youre probably aware that there have been other threads where this has been discussed.  one not more than a month ago if i recall correctly.

i feel the loss of wholly lesbian spaces in an embodied way. really. i live in a world where those exclusive spaces have really dried up and some sort of coopting of culture has occurred due to the attaining of all of those things we have always thought we wanted, inclusion, parity,
and even the right to marry and as those rights were gained some sort of merge into the greater culture happened and it threatens to absorb all of what it was to be lesbian before we all made happy noises at one another. the GLCC lesbian potlucks are gone, the lesbian bookstore is gone. the lesbian bars are long gone and even the sunday nights stolen from the boys bars are gone.  i miss the edge. i miss the culture. i miss that exclusively lesbian environment.  that doesnt mean im going to shelter myself from the world to avoid getting boy cooties everywhere i go but it does mean that there will be times when i choose to look for places where men or straight folk arent so that i can connect with the part of me that needs to be in a woman only or lesbian only environment.

i dont personally care who posts where or what the gender is but i dont think thats the issue as long as i know where i am. the issue as i see it is that if you are a lesbian looking for a lesbian site shouldnt you expect that sites labeled lesbian are lesbian?  there are still many women who want no part of being in an environment where any male is included and you may perhaps place yourself in their shoes for a moment and recognize the frustration of seeking lesbian space in a world where you click on a lesbian site only to find out that its a mixed site. then you click on another and get the same result. sure there are still places that are women only but they are getting fewer and farther apart.  theres nothing wrong with a mixed site imo but if i were searching a directory looking for a lesbian site i wouldnt want to settle in, get comfortable and then discover that it wasnt. personally i dont see the harm in stating that is is mixed or that its lesbians and friends or any other designation of choice that covers it. if i wanted exclusivity id pass it by and if i didnt id click on it but i might be irritated were i looking for that exclusivity only to find the places i thought it might be arent.  i get that there are two sides to this and that not everybody feels as i do and i respect that and hope also that others respect that there are women who do not want to be in a mixed space, either sometimes or all of the time and that has to be ok too.





Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


This is a lesbian board. It is one of four forums listed under "lesbians" but only two of the listings are actually "lesbian" boards -- the other two are "mixed" (or, as one called it "gay friendly") boards. To then call either of them "lesbian" is simply an untruth: they are NOT "lesbian" boards, they're "mixed" boards where lesbians as well as others post. Again, I fail to see how anyone can not see and understand this. I really can't. To not grasp this incredibly simple concept seems, to me, suspicously obtuse, frankly. That's how I see it, and I make no apology for my feelings on this.

I'm not sure who saw fit to post the directory listing here, or why you're so riled up about it that you've felt the need to post multiple posts ranting about it, but I'll be happy to give you an explanation as to how we chose to list our board on the Sparklits directory. All you had to do was ask.

Since boards can't be listed under multiple headings, and since we are a community of two dozen lesbians (and one man) ... not "gay-friendly" heterosexuals or a truly "mixed" community ... we chose the listing closest to describing the board and then clearly stated in the description that it's an open board for lesbians AND the folks who love them. Lesbians who might stumble upon our listing in the directory can easily see that there is an inclusionary clause in the description. They're free to read the board and see what that inclusion looks like, and then participate if they choose to. It's a very similar type of inclusion as might be found in, say, a gay theater troups which casts non-gay actors from time to time. Should the inclusion of straight actors mean that the theater group cannot list itself in a national directory of gay theater companies?

This is not a restroom or a dressing room or a bedroom, it's a community.

The one man in our community is Ag's roommate and close friend of many years, and Ag wanted to include him in her online community. He's a welcome member of our board, not one single member has ever had a moment's objection to his being there, and since our board is our board, what really matters is how it's members feel about it ... not whether or not you find it "obtuse" to be inclusive when asked to be, or whether you would be inclusive if asked to be. Clearly you would not. 

If it disturbs you as much as it appears to, and you feel we're trying to bilk unsuspecting lesbians with our specious lie and suck them into a <gasp> mixed group under false pretenses, then please feel free to protect those who might be assaulted and damaged by a random male-authored post on a lesbian message board by changing your description to something like, "LESBIANS BEWARE!!!  We're the only REAL lesbian board on Sparklits!!!!!!!!!" or something to that effect. Either that, or come to terms with the fact that not everyone thinks like you do or wants the same kind of community you want.

In either case, don't be such a chickensh*t.  Our board is open to posting by anyone except "anonymous" posters. If you have a problem with it, address it to the members there, don't just insult them behind their backs.





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Anonymous wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Yeah, this and "Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking" (previously too often referenced for a time on AOL as "the other board") are, as far as I know, the only two "lesbian" message boards on Sparklit, at this point.

There were three listed until last week and now there are four. You have to choose "include adult content" in the directory search to see them all. 

A general discussion board for lesbians and the folks who love them.

Views: 243,510

Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking
This is a forum for adult lesbians who wish to interact with same, discussing a variety of topics.

Views: 66,378

Where Everybody Knows You're Numb

Views: 37,883

Where Everybody Knows Your Name
A friendly spot for people to gab and debate on a variety of topics.

Views: 14,957


<NOT BD smile

Obviously I can't change the above, nor would I think of trying. Not my job, nor my concern, really. I do think it's poor manners, and false advertising, though.

If you have a message board which says, for instance: "Lesbians, 45 and older" and you're thirty something, do you think it's "right" for you to go to that board and start posting, because maybe you KNOW a lesbian who is 46? 

I've encountered this "situation" with "lesbian" message boards before, and it typically ends up in my being accused of being some wild separatist. I'm not, frankly, although if I were, I'd be okay with that, too, but I'm not. I could pull out my "credentials" to prove it, but that seems ... well, absurd.

It's not about "not liking" or even "not wanting to be around" men. That's not the point at all. It would be the same with anything, and only happens to be about gender and sexual attraction in this instance.

When I worked in theatres, I didn't "hang out" in the men's dressing room. Why? Not because I didn't "like" men, but because it said: MEN'S DRESSING ROOM above the door, and I'm not a man. I'm not even a "men." Therefore, it seemed inappropriate for me to be there. That seems hugely simple to me. I also didn't drag men into the "WOMEN'S DRESSING ROOM" for pretty much the same reason. There was always a place where we all could gather, and did. There were also places where we respected the right to privacy of others, and that respect was returned us.

If lesbians 80 and over want to get together on some little message board, and talk about things specific to them, like, say, walkers, or adult diapers, then I would think it horribly rude for a 30 something guy to pop in and start talking about politics ... or his poetry, for that matter. If people wanted to read his poetry, they could go to some POETRY board to read it. It's not like one is "NOT ALLOWED" to venture away from their one little board, and so is somehow DEPRIVED contact with others.

This is a lesbian board. It is one of four forums listed under "lesbians" but only two of the listings are actually "lesbian" boards -- the other two are "mixed" (or, as one called it "gay friendly") boards. To then call either of them "lesbian" is simply an untruth: they are NOT "lesbian" boards, they're "mixed" boards where lesbians as well as others post. Again, I fail to see how anyone can not see and understand this. I really can't. To not grasp this incredibly simple concept seems, to me, suspicously obtuse, frankly. That's how I see it, and I make no apology for my feelings on this.

<some of my best friends pee standing up>  



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:



Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

If it's a LESBIAN board, it isn't a board for gay men, or straight men, or straight women, or transgendered people. It's not a board for drag queens, or seventh graders. It's a board for women who are sexually attracted to women. 

How is this just not just clear as the nose on one's face? Wherein lies the confusion about the definition of lesbian? 


Maybe we "get" this, understand the definition, because we're advanced in our thinking. smile No, now, let me explain: Did you know the word "lesbian" didn't even appear in the OED until 1976, a good three years after Roe, and then, only in the supplemental edition, and as a synonym for just one specific way lesbians may have sex, which involves specific FEMALE parts? Other than that, it was referenced by the island only.



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

At best, it's false advertising. If it's a LESBIAN board, it isn't a board for gay men, or straight men, or straight women, or transgendered people. It's not a board for drag queens, or seventh graders. It's a board for women who are sexually attracted to women. 

How is this just not just clear as the nose on one's face? Wherein lies the confusion about the definition of lesbian? 


NOTE: I suppose there could be a lesbian seventh grader.

Lesbian heterosexual man? confuse Not so much.




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BoxDog wrote:

Alas, that wasn't my "anonymous". Good job though. We're "adult content". Good to know.


LOL! LOL! OOPS! Look at me, with egg all over my face! LOL. Sorry for the mistaken identity.

We've got a GP rating, but are also listed in the apparently inclusive the "adult" section.  




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

See, this just causes me to scratch my head:
Sparklit has alllllllllllllllllll these categories for GLBT forums in (thank you, BD) "adult" content:

Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender ( 16 forums )

Bisexuals, Gays, LGB General Interest, LGB Health Issues, LGB Organizations...

And of the SIXTEEN forums, only FOUR are "Lesbian."

Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender ( 16 forums )

Anti Violence ( 0 forums )
Bisexuals ( 1 forums )
Cultures ( 0 forums )
Disabilities ( 0 forums )
Gays ( 3 forums )
Government ( 0 forums )
LBG Marriage Domestic Partners ( 0 forums )
LGB Education ( 0 forums )
LGB Entertainment ( 0 forums )
LGB Events ( 0 forums )
LGB General Interest ( 2 forums )
LGB Health Issues ( 1 forums )
LGB History ( 0 forums )
LGB Legal Resources ( 0 forums )
LGB Libraries and Archives ( 0 forums )
LGB News Media ( 0 forums )
LGB Organizations ( 1 forums )
LGB Parenting ( 1 forums )
LGB People ( 0 forums )
LGB Recreation Sports ( 0 forums )
LGB Relationships ( 1 forums )
LGB Religious Issues ( 1 forums )
LGB Resources ( 0 forums )
LGB Sexuality ( 1 forums )
LGB Youth ( 2 forums )
Lesbians ( 4 forums )
Transgender ( 2 forums )

But then, of four LESBIAN forums, two of them feel compelled to encourage straight men to join them. 

Now, call me crazy, but it seems to me, that that rather makes them not "lesbian" forums per se. To me, a "lesbian" is, by definition, female. I'm just old fashioned, that way. 

Why not categorize yourself as something like "LGB General Interest" or something, if you want a "dyke friendly" board? Why call yourself a lesbian board (with so many other available options) if you're not that? What is this compulsion to find spaces set aside for LESBIANS and immediately integrate them with straight men? 

At best, it's false advertising. If it's a LESBIAN board, it isn't a board for gay men, or straight men, or straight women, or transgendered people. It's not a board for drag queens, or seventh graders. It's a board for women who are sexually attracted to women. 

How is this just not just clear as the nose on one's face? Wherein lies the confusion about the definition of lesbian? 


Alas, that wasn't my "anonymous". Good job though. We're "adult content". Good to know.




Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

See, this just causes me to scratch my head:
Sparklit has alllllllllllllllllll these categories for GLBT forums in (thank you, BD) "adult" content:

Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender ( 16 forums )
Bisexuals, Gays, LGB General Interest, LGB Health Issues, LGB Organizations...

And of the SIXTEEN forums, only FOUR are "Lesbian."

Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender ( 16 forums )

Anti Violence ( 0 forums )
Bisexuals ( 1 forums )
Cultures ( 0 forums )
Disabilities ( 0 forums )
Gays ( 3 forums )
Government ( 0 forums )
LBG Marriage Domestic Partners ( 0 forums )
LGB Education ( 0 forums )
LGB Entertainment ( 0 forums )
LGB Events ( 0 forums )
LGB General Interest ( 2 forums )
LGB Health Issues ( 1 forums )
LGB History ( 0 forums )
LGB Legal Resources ( 0 forums )
LGB Libraries and Archives ( 0 forums )
LGB News Media ( 0 forums )
LGB Organizations ( 1 forums )
LGB Parenting ( 1 forums )
LGB People ( 0 forums )
LGB Recreation Sports ( 0 forums )
LGB Relationships ( 1 forums )
LGB Religious Issues ( 1 forums )
LGB Resources ( 0 forums )
LGB Sexuality ( 1 forums )
LGB Youth ( 2 forums )
Lesbians ( 4 forums )
Transgender ( 2 forums )

But then, of four LESBIAN forums, two of them feel compelled to encourage straight men to join them. 

Now, call me crazy, but it seems to me, that that rather makes them not "lesbian" forums per se. To me, a "lesbian" is, by definition, female. I'm just old fashioned, that way. 

Why not categorize yourself as something like "LGB General Interest" or something, if you want a "dyke friendly" board? Why call yourself a lesbian board (with so many other available options) if you're not that? What is this compulsion to find spaces set aside for LESBIANS and immediately integrate them with straight men? 

At best, it's false advertising. If it's a LESBIAN board, it isn't a board for gay men, or straight men, or straight women, or transgendered people. It's not a board for drag queens, or seventh graders. It's a board for women who are sexually attracted to women. 

How is this just not just clear as the nose on one's face? Wherein lies the confusion about the definition of lesbian? 




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Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Yeah, this and "Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking" (previously too often referenced for a time on AOL as "the other board") are, as far as I know, the only two "lesbian" message boards on Sparklit, at this point.

There were three listed until last week and now there are four. You have to choose "include adult content" in the directory search to see them all. < BD

hmmm well that makes the name problem all the more pronounced doesnt it? really.   id mention good manners here but...

A general discussion board for lesbians and the folks who love them.

Views: 243,510

Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking
This is a forum for adult lesbians who wish to interact with same, discussing a variety of topics.

Views: 66,378

Where Everybody Knows You're Numb

Views: 37,883

Where Everybody Knows Your Name
A friendly spot for people to gab and debate on a variety of topics.

Views: 14,957



Yes, it does seem a rather unfortunate "coincidence," doesn't it.

 "Iiiiiiiiiiiiif you love dykes and you know it, clap your hands..."
::CLAP!::  ::CLAP!::"


-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 at 03:29, 2009-02-24



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Anonymous wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Yeah, this and "Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking" (previously too often referenced for a time on AOL as "the other board") are, as far as I know, the only two "lesbian" message boards on Sparklit, at this point.

There were three listed until last week and now there are four. You have to choose "include adult content" in the directory search to see them all. 

A general discussion board for lesbians and the folks who love them.

Views: 243,510

Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking
This is a forum for adult lesbians who wish to interact with same, discussing a variety of topics.

Views: 66,378

Where Everybody Knows You're Numb

Views: 37,883

Where Everybody Knows Your Name
A friendly spot for people to gab and debate on a variety of topics.

Views: 14,957


I'm not familiar with male lesbians.
But then, I don't get out much.  




Status: Offline
Posts: 1547

Anonymous wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Yeah, this and "Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking" (previously too often referenced for a time on AOL as "the other board") are, as far as I know, the only two "lesbian" message boards on Sparklit, at this point.

There were three listed until last week and now there are four. You have to choose "include adult content" in the directory search to see them all.

hmmm well that makes the name problem all the more pronounced doesnt it? really.   id mention good manners here but...

A general discussion board for lesbians and the folks who love them.

Views: 243,510

Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking
This is a forum for adult lesbians who wish to interact with same, discussing a variety of topics.

Views: 66,378

Where Everybody Knows You're Numb

Views: 37,883

Where Everybody Knows Your Name
A friendly spot for people to gab and debate on a variety of topics.

Views: 14,957






Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Yeah, this and "Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking" (previously too often referenced for a time on AOL as "the other board") are, as far as I know, the only two "lesbian" message boards on Sparklit, at this point.

There were three listed until last week and now there are four. You have to choose "include adult content" in the directory search to see them all. 

A general discussion board for lesbians and the folks who love them.

Views: 243,510

Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking
This is a forum for adult lesbians who wish to interact with same, discussing a variety of topics.

Views: 66,378

Where Everybody Knows You're Numb

Views: 37,883

Where Everybody Knows Your Name
A friendly spot for people to gab and debate on a variety of topics.

Views: 14,957




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Posts: 515

MyCat8it wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


I have mixed feelings about that news.

Well, since we're sharing.  I came to the OnQ boards in the mid to late 90s.  Probably 96 or 97.  I was struggling to remain happy in my marriage, something was up and I didn't quite understand it yet.

I met some really great people.  Some of whom are still my friends, and not just online, either, even though, it's where we initially met.  That was back when only sane people had computers, and AOL was the place to be.

Over the years, OnQ merged with PNO.  I remember the warnings of how mean and nasty the PNO board people were.  In hindsight, I wonder if they were talking about Webber.  LOL.  Of course, I think she's great, but she was always the most misunderstood, and came across as a little rough around the edges.

I still visit a few AOL board from time to time.  WWET, B/F, WNR, there is nothing of interest there any longer.  I guess Billie got her wish, she emptied the boards and now can post all day long to herself and the people trolling for pictures and chat.  I do miss the boards, and all the great women who posted there.  Of course, I still have you three here.  aww


Imagine if one day it becomes "when only sane people didn't have them". Computers.



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


I have mixed feelings about that news.

Well, since we're sharing.  I came to the OnQ boards in the mid to late 90s.  Probably 96 or 97.  I was struggling to remain happy in my marriage, something was up and I didn't quite understand it yet.

I met some really great people.  Some of whom are still my friends, and not just online, either, even though, it's where we initially met.  That was back when only sane people had computers, and AOL was the place to be.

Over the years, OnQ merged with PNO.  I remember the warnings of how mean and nasty the PNO board people were.  In hindsight, I wonder if they were talking about Webber.  LOL.  Of course, I think she's great, but she was always the most misunderstood, and came across as a little rough around the edges.

I still visit a few AOL board from time to time.  WWET, B/F, WNR, there is nothing of interest there any longer.  I guess Billie got her wish, she emptied the boards and now can post all day long to herself and the people trolling for pictures and chat.  I do miss the boards, and all the great women who posted there.  Of course, I still have you three here.  aww




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Anonymous wrote:

Thanks for announcing our board, Owl.  Sorry about the name confusion.  At the time we named the board, I forgot that this was the name of your board.  To me it's "Sunnyliesabunch" because that's how it's saved in my favorites. wink <Huny


Printing at the top of the page too small, was it? smile.gif

A five word name for a message board, one phrase from a TV show theme song from the 80's, with only the addition of an apostrophe, an "e", and a "u" separating one from the other is  ...  well, Guiness would probably create, if they haven't already got, a category for that kind of coincidence. The "Cheers" subliminal reference, both here, and in the Sparklit directory, (see: "NORMA!") has long been fairly ... well, obvious. Maybe we here should just be flattered, and leave it at that. smile.gif

i was sorta wondering about that myself. how do those at the new cheers board feel about perhaps changing the name to avoid confusion?



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


I have mixed feelings about that news.

i share your mixed feelings. i discovered those boards when i needed a place to keep me engaged enough to heal. It was a time for me when any so called "real time" engagement wouldnt have been the thing to do for me or for anyone new that i met. it was what i needed and it was there and i feel badly that that resource has been taken from people out there who may be, as i was, stinging from a broken relationship, or people who live in far flung places where there is no lesbian community, no place where glbt folks come together. or maybe thats not correct. there are many boards that cater to glbt people. what set aol aside is that it was the largest provider of internet service and a way for anyone who subscribed to gain access. what exists now are a patchwork of smaller places, nice neighborhoods like our own and our neighbors tho the neighborhoods vary thats not a bad thing. what is a bad thing is that there is no centralized place and for the kid in podunk (where ever podunk is?) who googles the word lesbian is likely to get a computer full of viruses and lots of misogynistic depictions of lesbians. if youre 14 in podunk, i dont think thats a very good thing.


I think about the kids coming up now, and sort of regret their not having a place like that, but then again, the place "like that" died a long time ago. It's just that no one's yet gotten around to burying the body. Really, it wasn't ever the same after PlanetOut booked. They actually cared about those boards, I think. Could be wrong, of course, but that's my sense, any way.

i wish i had known the boards back then. i did occasionally visit planet out but never the forums. or any other forums for that matter. i did know people who did frequent the boards back then and it must have been something remarkable. i remember being surprised by their enthusiasm. one in particular, who was soo serious in RT, who after years of telling me aohell sucked and that i should give it up actually went out and signed up on aol for the boards. i didnt follow suit back then, i didnt know what she was talking about and was busy with school and family and didnt bother to ask.


I had some good "battles" on the politics board and the Dr. Laura board -- ole Zinke, or whatever his name was, (I had a 3D pal named David Zinke, so it's probably not that, but I remember when the guy had to add an e to the end of his name, because his homophobia finally got his account pulled) and I butted heads every post for years --  we had some hellish fights over there, but they didn't ever really hurt. Maybe because I didn't feel the kinship with everyone there I did with the women on WWET. It was nice while it lasted (on WWET) and then hellish when it no longer did. More hellish than I'd imagined it could be, really. Hurt deep. You don't hurt deeply over things--people, for whom you care only on a slightly below surface level. AOL boards (in part) changed the person I was into the person I now am. They were that significant in my life. I tell myself I matured on WWET -- that I did some necessary growing up there -- removed the rose colored glasses,  became more of a realist. Maybe that's a good thing, and maybe not. If I had it to do all over again? 


Sometimes, I miss those glasses .....







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Posts: 1307

Anonymous wrote:

I think that the AOL boards are completely defunct.  I read that they will be getting rid of them entirely because they don't want to manage them.

Here is a link to a blog that I came across called Anti-Aol that discusses this, if anyone is interested in reading about it.  Link


I have mixed feelings about that news.

Some ... geez, 35 years ago, around the time of Roe V. Wade, I walked out of a small town bookstore with a fat book in a discreet brown paper bag under my arm.

I practically ran home, and unwrapped it, and began reading "Our Bodies, Ourselves" as if I was reading for the first time. It was as if a part of the world, as yet unfamiliar to me, had been laid at my feet. There, I found the words of women, with whom I could, at long last relate, and the first time I'd read about lesbians. It was a miraculous kind of thing.

I guess, in a way, I sort of revisited that feeling, when I first ventured onto AOL lesbian message boards. Oh, sure, by then I'd encountered plenty of "I'm one too" women, but even so, there was a specialness for me there -- a different kind of lesbian community (and it was ALL women, and all but one were lesbian).

I think about the kids coming up now, and sort of regret their not having a place like that, but then again, the place "like that" died a long time ago. It's just that no one's yet gotten around to burying the body. Really, it wasn't ever the same after PlanetOut booked. They actually cared about those boards, I think. Could be wrong, of course, but that's my sense, any way.

I posted on several AOL boards, but was "a regular" only on three, really -- WWET, and Politics (2000, or whatever the year happened to be at the moment) and the Dr. Laura board. There was one other in that same branch of PlanetOut/AOL, where I also dropped by (name escapes me at the moment) but those were my main hang outs. Of the three, WWET was the only lesbian board.  (Shoddy behavior for a big ole separatist like me, I know ... )  wink.gif 


I had some good "battles" on the politics board and the Dr. Laura board -- ole Zinke, or whatever his name was, (I had a 3D pal named David Zinke, so it's probably not that, but I remember when the guy had to add an e to the end of his name, because his homophobia finally got his account pulled) and I butted heads every post for years --  we had some hellish fights over there, but they didn't ever really hurt. Maybe because I didn't feel the kinship with everyone there I did with the women on WWET. It was nice while it lasted (on WWET) and then hellish when it no longer did. More hellish than I'd imagined it could be, really. Hurt deep. You don't hurt deeply over things--people, for whom you care only on a slightly below surface level. AOL boards (in part) changed the person I was into the person I now am. They were that significant in my life. I tell myself I matured on WWET -- that I did some necessary growing up there -- removed the rose colored glasses,  became more of a realist. Maybe that's a good thing, and maybe not. If I had it to do all over again? 


Sometimes, I miss those glasses .....





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Posts: 1307

Anonymous wrote:

Thanks for announcing our board, Owl.  Sorry about the name confusion.  At the time we named the board, I forgot that this was the name of your board.  To me it's "Sunnyliesabunch" because that's how it's saved in my favorites. wink  <Huny


Printing at the top of the page too small, was it? smile.gif

A five word name for a message board, one phrase from a TV show theme song from the 80's, with only the addition of an apostrophe, an "e", and a "u" separating one from the other is  ...  well, Guiness would probably create, if they haven't already got, a category for that kind of coincidence. The "Cheers" subliminal reference, both here, and in the Sparklit directory, (see: "NORMA!") has long been fairly ... well, obvious. Maybe we here should just be flattered, and leave it at that. smile.gif 


You are right, the board is not exclusively lesbians, however the straight posters there are family and friends and are "gay friendly."  biggrin <Huny


Yeah, this and "Lesbians Who Enjoy Thinking" (previously too often referenced for a time on AOL as "the other board") are, as far as I know, the only two "lesbian" message boards on Sparklit, at this point.

Felt bad we had to turn LWET private, (meaning requiring registration to post or, in our case, read,) but it was just causing too much distraction, and I think practically every member of that board was attacked on the AOL boards, purely because of their participation there. Seemed to cause an astonishing amount of anger and righteous indignation, which I never fully understood, and don't to this day, but there ya go. This is sort of its replacement, I guess, in that it's open to all lesbians, and until such time as it's no longer working for the group as a whole, they may post here, whether or not they register as members.

Good luck with your board, and if you ever want to be in the company of just lesbian women, you know where to find us.... that little hole in the Sparklit wall, "where everybody knows..." smile.gif



"SeasideHuny" and "Southern Butch" have created a "new" board, and Huny has invited me to let my friends know about it, so although I don't know that I'll be adding any more boards to my already-too-long list of hang outs, I'm doing that, and I'm sure you will be welcome there. 

It's a Sparklit/Active board board, and its name, in case you want to look it up that way, is .... "Where Everybody Knows Your Name."

If interested, here's the link: 


               not to be confused with


Thanks for announcing our board, Owl.  Sorry about the name confusion.  At the time we named the board, I forgot that this was the name of your board.  To me it's "Sunnyliesabunch" because that's how it's saved in my favorites. wink

You are right, the board is not exclusively lesbians, however the straight posters there are family and friends and are "gay friendly."  biggrin

We do have it set so that only registered members can post.

I think that the AOL boards are completely defunct.  I read that they will be getting rid of them entirely because they don't want to manage them.

Here is a link to a blog that I came across called Anti-Aol that discusses this, if anyone is interested in reading about it.  Link




Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

"SeasideHuny" and "Southern Butch" have created a "new" board, and Huny has invited me to let my friends know about it, so although I don't know that I'll be adding any more boards to my already-too-long list of hang outs, I'm doing that, and I'm sure you will be welcome there. 

It's a Sparklit/Active board board, and its name, in case you want to look it up that way, is .... "Where Everybody Knows Your Name."

If interested, here's the link: 


               not to be confused with


although when you put either in your browser, you really have to advance it (the browser) in order to tell they're different, since mostly all you'll see is "http://whereeverybodyknowsyou" and then it cuts off.  

Anyway, if you're in the market for a new board, there ya go. Doesn't seem to be a lesbian board, but some (open) lesbians post there.

reminder: anyone may post any time to this board anonymously, without becoming a member ...

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 at 16:23, 2009-02-16

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