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Post Info TOPIC: lint and other obejects of art..for bd:)


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RE: lint and other obejects of art..for bd:)

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

its all i can do to not go into the kitchen, get the baking cocoa out and melt it into a blob and cover it with salt. < Psych


lol hey everything else is simply a vector for the above. im past that hormonal ordeal now and the berries are looking good again.




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its all i can do to not go into the kitchen, get the baking cocoa out and melt it into a blob and cover it with salt. < Psych




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:
ill also add talk to me in 10 years when youre on the dark side of the hormonal swing.

oops. Should'a read ahead before posting.


  yes and because im pmsing this evening its all i can do to not go into the kitchen, get the baking cocoa out and melt it into a blob and cover it with salt. lol. this is why i dont keep easily accessible salt or chocolate in da house




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Psych Lit wrote:
ill also add talk to me in 10 years when youre on the dark side of the hormonal swing.

oops. Should'a read ahead before posting.



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My Turn wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:

im seriously thinking of digging into the chocolate and going to montreal for that new no diet weight loss thing. has anyone seen this? apparently they ultrasound last weeks cheeseburgers which somehow melt and become absorbed and released from the bod. really. i am so not kidding.
montreal isnt so bad in the spring and no 2 or 3 hours in the gym? why its a no brainer!

Canadians make use of new fat-busting technology

Updated Sun. Feb. 1 2009 10:27 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

It's easier than diet and exercise, and safer than liposuction: A novel type of ultrasound treatment is the latest way to get rid of "love handles" and was approved for use in Canada last year.

It's called UltraShape, and it's one of several emerging technologies that removes fat by the use of ultrasound technology.

Working at a different frequency than conventional ultrasound, the technology targets fat cells and sets them vibrating to a point where they explode.

The burst cell materials are then absorbed by the liver, an event doctors believe produces no side effects.

In Victoria, dermatologist Dr. Mark Lupin is studying the effects of Ultrashape treatment.

He said he's treated more than 100 patients and he says most have lost between five and eight centimeters off their waistlines.

He's even tried the technology on himself, losing eight centimeters off his own body.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Arie Benchetrit also offers UltraShape treatment at his clinic in Montreal.

He says the technology offers many appealing features for patients.

"There's no cutting, there's no anesthesia, there's no down time, there's no recovery," Benchetrit told CTV News.

Maureen Wilson, 48, of Vancouver, said she is generally happy with her body, but she is tired of trying to lose some stubborn fat around her abdomen.

"No matter how much I work out, how many sit-ups I do, I just can't quite get rid of those little rolls that are there," she told CTV News.

She didn't want to have liposuction surgery because of the risks. Instead, she chose to have UltraShape treatment.

Wilson said in her first treatment alone, she lost four centimeters off her body.

"My pants were looser, when I bent over I didn't feel that little roll anymore," she said.

"I was absolutely thrilled."

At present, UltraShape is not available in the U.S., but the company is seeking FDA approval. At least two similar technologies, LipoSonix and Cryolipolosis, have yet to be approved in Canada.

With a report from CTV's medical specialist Avis Favaro and senior producer Elizabeth St. Philip

yanno what irritates me about all this?  people are constantly looking for the quick fix to being fat....it really is a simple formula of exercise and not eating massive amounts of food...to lose weight you need to put in less than your body is using...to not gain, eat only what you are using....these quick fixes are nothing more than temporary...the woman in this article may like her pants looser and not feeling the fat roll for now...but if she doesnt change her eating habits....that fat will come right back....same with traditional lipo....

the FDA estimates that 50 million americans will spend $35 BILLION on weight loss pills, diets, gadgets, etc....and only, MAYBE 5% will keep the weight off for the long term.  people need to stop looking for the miracle cure...easy way out...surgery...whatever....start moving/exercising and stop putting so much darn food in their mouths.....ashamed

Lemme guess: you've not yet hit menopause. And you've probably got a high metabolism, to boot. And I'll bet you've never been overweight as an adult, so you don't know how physically painful it is to just walk, let alone exercise for some people.

I agree surgery is probably best undergone only when one's health is in peril, but for some people, that's exactly the situation they're in. It's not always for cosmetic reasons, yanno.

How do YOU know how much a person does or doesn't eat? You think you can tell that just by looking at them? 

I was a chubby little kid. It sucked. I had one slice of dry toast, one poached egg, a juice glass of OJ and a glass of milk every morning for breakfast. For lunch, my Mom would pick me up from school, and take me to a park, where we'd both have cottage cheese and diet fruit ****tail, since the cafeteria food was like poison to my chubby little body. For dinner, I'd have a portion of meat and veggies. This is the way I ate, period. And I skateboarded all over town, and swam every day. I was STILL chubby. Back then, chubby kids got sent to doctors who gave them "diet shots" -- speed -- so that they wouldn't have to deal with people looking at them and thinking and sometimes SAYING: "Well, if she JUST WOULDN'T PUT SO DARN MUCH FOOD IN HER MOUTH..." 





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My Turn wrote:


 woman in this article may like her pants looser and not feeling the fat roll for now...but if she doesnt change her eating habits....that fat will come right back....same with traditional lipo....

i do believe that youre right here. learning to eat differently is a neccessary part of the problem.

the FDA estimates that 50 million americans will spend $35 BILLION on weight loss pills, diets, gadgets, etc....and only, MAYBE 5% will keep the weight off for the long term.  people need to stop looking for the miracle cure...easy way out...surgery...whatever....start moving/exercising and stop putting so much darn food in their mouths.....ashamed


now this i disagree with. i think that its a complex problem and that if it were that easy there wouldnt be such a large amount of people who are overweight. ill also add talk to me in 10 years when youre on the dark side of the hormonal swing.

open up any typical womans mag, even the ones promoting health and what do you see? on one half of the fold you have someone promoting the latest starvation diet and on the other half is a nice pix of some big ole chocolate cake or a make it tonight dinner that has maybe 2 days worth of calories most of which are empty in it.

then there is the cost to eating well. heres what was in my grocery cart yesterday.

3 oranges @ 1.29 each       3.78
1 half pint of blackberries    3.99
1 pint of strawberries         4.99
a bag of apples                  4.99
4 bananas                            .82
bag of grapefruit                  2.99
3 lemons                              1.00
3 limes                                  2.00
a bag of baby spinich               .99
two heads of lettuce             4.50
package of tomatoes             2.99
2 cukes                                 1.29
pkg of celery hearts                3.99
3 yams                                 2.80
3 green peppers                     1.40
unsalted sunflower seeds     4.69
walnuts                               8.99
bag of shrimp                       8.99
skinless chicken breasts        12.50
a roasting chicken                 8.97
1/2 lb of baked ham              3.10
1/2 ib of provolone                3.50
loaf of 12 grain bread             3.99
gallon of 1 percent milk           4.99
7 yogurts                               3.50
fresh rosemary                       3.69
fresh cilantri                            2.50
gallon of unsweetened ice tea   2.99
2 12 packs of diet coke             5.00
1 12 pack of sugar free popsicles  3.99

now out of all of that ill make a big vat of green salad, a big vat of fruit salad for the week, pitchers if ice water with lemon, cook and cut up chicken or shrimp or ham and cheese to add to the salad for lunch or dinner and snack on yogurt or fruit or sunflower seeds or walnuts. that will prolly last me for a week or 10 days or so and thats only me and the occasional dinner guest and thats over 100 bucks. wasnt it dick gregory who said somewhere in america someone is eating something ending in roni (which is high in sodium and fat and low in nutrients.) eating healthy food costs money. when i look in the supermarket circulars each week theres always buy one get 2 free at one store or another. but the freebies are on sugared cereals, cakes, pies, candy etc. never on the fish, eggs, poultry or fresh veggies. many parents are gonna fill those kids up on cheap food because thats what they can afford and that begins a life long problem.

then there is portion size. people honestly dont know what a normal portion is anymore.

and then there are the other factors, we live very sedentary lives on the whole and to eat replacing only the burned calories would leave most of us starving. yes we should exercise more as a society, but for the last 15 years its been all about productivity not activity and the weight scales have followed along.

eating has also become the number one social and cultural activity for most people. that needs to be looked at.

and people really dont know how or what to eat to be healthy. heck the govt changes it all the time and if they dont know...
they develop bad habits which cause the weight gain and then bad diets to take it off all of which sets in place a chain reaction of starvation/survival mode for the body. not to mention the hormones in meat and dairy products which have caused women to menstruate at an earlier age than their mothers or grandmothers. if ya dont think theres a connection between estrogens and weight gain look again.

so ill tell you that i really dont think its a simple matter of eat less exercise more. im up to about a 40 lb weight loss this year and id like to lose another 5 or 10 tho ive plateaued for months now. still im nearly back to where i was before the dreaded peri menopausal ordeal. nobody eats healthier than i do and i spend about 15-20 hours a week in some form of vigorous exercise. i get nutty without it and really since the health scare i had last year its just a mandatory thing for me. and in spite of all of that i consider it a winning week if ive kept myself from gaining anything back.




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Psych Lit wrote:

im seriously thinking of digging into the chocolate and going to montreal for that new no diet weight loss thing. has anyone seen this? apparently they ultrasound last weeks cheeseburgers which somehow melt and become absorbed and released from the bod. really. i am so not kidding.
montreal isnt so bad in the spring and no 2 or 3 hours in the gym? why its a no brainer!

Canadians make use of new fat-busting technology

Updated Sun. Feb. 1 2009 10:27 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

It's easier than diet and exercise, and safer than liposuction: A novel type of ultrasound treatment is the latest way to get rid of "love handles" and was approved for use in Canada last year.

It's called UltraShape, and it's one of several emerging technologies that removes fat by the use of ultrasound technology.

Working at a different frequency than conventional ultrasound, the technology targets fat cells and sets them vibrating to a point where they explode.

The burst cell materials are then absorbed by the liver, an event doctors believe produces no side effects.

In Victoria, dermatologist Dr. Mark Lupin is studying the effects of Ultrashape treatment.

He said he's treated more than 100 patients and he says most have lost between five and eight centimeters off their waistlines.

He's even tried the technology on himself, losing eight centimeters off his own body.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Arie Benchetrit also offers UltraShape treatment at his clinic in Montreal.

He says the technology offers many appealing features for patients.

"There's no cutting, there's no anesthesia, there's no down time, there's no recovery," Benchetrit told CTV News.

Maureen Wilson, 48, of Vancouver, said she is generally happy with her body, but she is tired of trying to lose some stubborn fat around her abdomen.

"No matter how much I work out, how many sit-ups I do, I just can't quite get rid of those little rolls that are there," she told CTV News.

She didn't want to have liposuction surgery because of the risks. Instead, she chose to have UltraShape treatment.

Wilson said in her first treatment alone, she lost four centimeters off her body.

"My pants were looser, when I bent over I didn't feel that little roll anymore," she said.

"I was absolutely thrilled."

At present, UltraShape is not available in the U.S., but the company is seeking FDA approval. At least two similar technologies, LipoSonix and Cryolipolosis, have yet to be approved in Canada.

With a report from CTV's medical specialist Avis Favaro and senior producer Elizabeth St. Philip

yanno what irritates me about all this?  people are constantly looking for the quick fix to being fat....it really is a simple formula of exercise and not eating massive amounts of food...to lose weight you need to put in less than your body is using...to not gain, eat only what you are using....these quick fixes are nothing more than temporary...the woman in this article may like her pants looser and not feeling the fat roll for now...but if she doesnt change her eating habits....that fat will come right back....same with traditional lipo....

the FDA estimates that 50 million americans will spend $35 BILLION on weight loss pills, diets, gadgets, etc....and only, MAYBE 5% will keep the weight off for the long term.  people need to stop looking for the miracle cure...easy way out...surgery...whatever....start moving/exercising and stop putting so much darn food in their mouths.....ashamed



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer
Well good god almighty which way do i steer for my

now this really does sound like heaven. lol. especially the pickle. soooo much better than roasted chicken and yams. have i mentioned how sick of yams i am? im seriously thinking of digging into the chocolate and going to montreal for that new no diet weight loss thing. has anyone seen this? apparently they ultrasound last weeks cheeseburgers which somehow melt and become absorbed and released from the bod. really. i am so not kidding.
montreal isnt so bad in the spring and no 2 or 3 hours in the gym? why its a no brainer!

Canadians make use of new fat-busting technology

Updated Sun. Feb. 1 2009 10:27 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

It's easier than diet and exercise, and safer than liposuction: A novel type of ultrasound treatment is the latest way to get rid of "love handles" and was approved for use in Canada last year.

It's called UltraShape, and it's one of several emerging technologies that removes fat by the use of ultrasound technology.

Working at a different frequency than conventional ultrasound, the technology targets fat cells and sets them vibrating to a point where they explode.

The burst cell materials are then absorbed by the liver, an event doctors believe produces no side effects.

In Victoria, dermatologist Dr. Mark Lupin is studying the effects of Ultrashape treatment.

He said he's treated more than 100 patients and he says most have lost between five and eight centimeters off their waistlines.

He's even tried the technology on himself, losing eight centimeters off his own body.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Arie Benchetrit also offers UltraShape treatment at his clinic in Montreal.

He says the technology offers many appealing features for patients.

"There's no cutting, there's no anesthesia, there's no down time, there's no recovery," Benchetrit told CTV News.

Maureen Wilson, 48, of Vancouver, said she is generally happy with her body, but she is tired of trying to lose some stubborn fat around her abdomen.

"No matter how much I work out, how many sit-ups I do, I just can't quite get rid of those little rolls that are there," she told CTV News.

She didn't want to have liposuction surgery because of the risks. Instead, she chose to have UltraShape treatment.

Wilson said in her first treatment alone, she lost four centimeters off her body.

"My pants were looser, when I bent over I didn't feel that little roll anymore," she said.

"I was absolutely thrilled."

At present, UltraShape is not available in the U.S., but the company is seeking FDA approval. At least two similar technologies, LipoSonix and Cryolipolosis, have yet to be approved in Canada.

With a report from CTV's medical specialist Avis Favaro and senior producer Elizabeth St. Philip






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Psych Lit wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Well, they soitenly ah, if they fly around over nice clean floors pooping like that.


Actually, that's good news though -- tells me they're eating well, which means I may actually score my "Cheeseburger in Paradise" one day.

as twain once remarked one goes to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. i think we need to amend that and add food to that list. course wed have to be sure to ride one of the fallen angels or wed end up having a tofu burger. one simply cant get a decent cheesburger unless its char broiled.

I seem to be on a You Tube roll today.

(with mustard and Heinz 57) ;)

Cheeseburger in paradise
By: jimmy buffett
Tried to amend my carnivorous habits
Made it nearly seventy days
Losin' weight without speed, eatin' sunflower seeds
Drinkin' lots of carrot juice and soakin' up rays

But at night i'd had these wonderful dreams
Some kind of sensuous treat
Not zuchinni, fettucini or bulghar wheat
But a big warm bun and a huge hunk of meat

Cheeseburger in paradise (paradise)
Heaven on earth with an onion slice (paradise)
Not too particular not too precise (paradise)
I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise

Heard about the old time sailor men
They eat the same thing again and again
Warm beer and bread they said could raise the dead
Well it reminds me of the menu at a holiday inn

Times have changed for sailors these days
When i'm in port i get what i need
Not just havanas or bananas or daiquiris
But that american creation on which i feed

Cheeseburger in paradise (paradise)
Medium rare with mustard 'be nice (paradise)
Heaven on earth with an onion slice (paradise)
I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise

I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer
Well good god almighty which way do i steer for my

Cheeseburger in paradise (paradise)
Makin' the best of every virtue and vice (paradise)
Worth every damn bit of sacrifice (paradise)
To get a cheeseburger in paradise
To be a cheeseburger in paradise
I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise

I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer
Well good god almighty which way do i steer for my

- notes:
Background vocals: deborah mccoll, penny nichols, lea jane berinati,
Janie fricke, ginger holladay

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 at 07:42, 2009-02-16



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BoxDog wrote:


Did you ever get around to creating her a little Ford Ranger to match?


hell no. shed have a rag top red jeep wrangler with a banging sound system.




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Well, they soitenly ah, if they fly around over nice clean floors pooping like that.


Actually, that's good news though -- tells me they're eating well, which means I may actually score my "Cheeseburger in Paradise" one day.


as twain once remarked one goes to heaven for the climate and hell for the company. i think we need to amend that and add food to that list. course wed have to be sure to ride one of the fallen angels or wed end up having a tofu burger. one simply cant get a decent cheesburger unless its char broiled.




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Psych Lit wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

OK, I don't mean to take away from the moment, but .... is that lint angel poop on the floor there?  ohmygod.gif


those are.::::drumroll::::fallen angels:) of course!

Well, they soitenly ah, if they fly around over nice clean floors pooping like that.


Actually, that's good news though -- tells me they're eating well, which means I may actually score my "Cheeseburger in Paradise" one day.



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Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

I had NO idea. I probably sounded like I was half kidding, but I really do think of lint. Which color clothes and textures of linens and breeds of pets will create just what blend of fluff. Who knew? This has been ongoing for NINE years?

oh yeah, its been a long time. the duds and suds mentioned in the article was where i did my laundry back then and the lint people was a big thing. the artist started making them for fun and the idea took off and became an art form. they had contests and encouraged the fuzz art. hey it clogs up the dryer  and its a fiew hazard so why not turn it into something useful! i made a sculpture made while waiting for my dryer to finish and my partner to come and fetch me.it sat there on the ledge above the first row of washers for years.  it was a sculpture of a lil lesbian made from wool socks, flannel shirts and blue jean fuzz:)

Thanks for sharing. It's a fantastic piece of post modern, not quite sure whattosayaboutit-art.

Did you ever get around to creating her a little Ford Ranger to match?



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BoxDog wrote:


I had NO idea. I probably sounded like I was half kidding, but I really do think of lint. Which color clothes and textures of linens and breeds of pets will create just what blend of fluff. Who knew? This has been ongoing for NINE years?

oh yeah, its been a long time. the duds and suds mentioned in the article was where i did my laundry back then and the lint people was a big thing. the artist started making them for fun and the idea took off and became an art form. they had contests and encouraged the fuzz art. hey it clogs up the dryer  and its a fiew hazard so why not turn it into something useful! i made a sculpture made while waiting for my dryer to finish and my partner to come and fetch me.it sat there on the ledge above the first row of washers for years.  it was a sculpture of a lil lesbian made from wool socks, flannel shirts and blue jean fuzz:)

Thanks for sharing. It's a fantastic piece of post modern, not quite sure whattosayaboutit-art.





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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

OK, I don't mean to take away from the moment, but .... is that lint angel poop on the floor there?  ohmygod.gif


OMG, I guess that Depends



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


OK, I don't mean to take away from the moment, but .... is that lint angel poop on the floor there?  ohmygod.gif



those are.::::drumroll::::fallen angels:) of course!




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OK, I don't mean to take away from the moment, but .... is that lint angel poop on the floor there?  ohmygod.gif




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Psych Lit wrote:

Artist Statement 

The National Lint Project is an interactive inquiry into community-based art-making processes. For the past nine years, hundreds of people have donated dryer lint, had it sculpted, exhibited and returned to them through the course of this ongoing investigation. Ultimately, each sculpture is a document of everyday life found within a mundane, material fluff and transformed into a gestural figure. It is my hope that through the transformation of such a discardable material, a liminal space between reality and the imaginings of the viewer is created which in turn encourages them to more actively consider the real world in which they exist.  At the very least, viewers of the work will pause for a moment and think the next time they clean out a lint trap, which, considering the banality of this task, is no small feat.

I am fully aware that my work is funny and dangerously close to laughable. I make sculptures out of dryer lint. I am significantly more interested in making work that forces people to expand their preconceived boundaries for art or dismiss it than in making work that very clearly falls into an existing category. This giggle-inducing power of the project is what makes it accessible to a non-traditional arts audience of bank tellers, nurses, lawyers, shelter residents, children, and working class people of all kinds. Laughter cracks the veneer people put up for art when they dont understand it, after which real conversations about art, community and the aesthetics of daily life can happen. It is my position that humor in the space of serious work is significantly more difficult to achieve and closer to the edge that I want to explore. In addition to the humor in the work, my collection of over 500 letters from people around the world about dryer lint, when read together, construct a collective portrait of American culture, a culture that includes deep sentiments and valued memories as well as a destructive need to mechanize all processes and an attachment to an excess of material goods.


exhibit shot-small.JPG (12181 bytes)

"Angels and Other Creatures"

Exhibit at Three Rivers Arts Festival Gallery

707 Penn Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh

December 13, 2002 through February 14, 2002

Exhibits of my work serve as snapshots of a moment within a process, rather than the end result of creative explorations. For example, two recent exhibitions, Angels and other Creatures at The Three Rivers Arts Gallery in downtown Pittsburgh and Angels in the Laundromat at Duds N Suds Laundromat, a working Pittsburgh laundry, served as counterpoints to each other. Specifically, these installations explored the differing expectations for art in a gallery and art in the space of everyday life on the part of both traditional and non-traditional arts audiences. An interactive performance art piece at Angels in the Laundromat also collected the attendees conceptions of angels and rituals in a mundane space. Viewed in relation to each other, the installations highlight the fuzzy boundary between art and what falls just beyond that category. I make every attempt to install work in non-traditional, public spaces concurrently with exhibitions in traditional venues to solicit conversation about art among people that might otherwise dismiss it as beyond the boundaries of their world.                                                                                             

Currently, I am most interested in the relationship between my large-scale sculptural figures (not angels) and my rag-tag collection of correspondence. My current studio work includes the creation of wall- and ceiling-mounted figures of human-scale created from the lint of households who have donated one year's worth of material as well as notes about their laundering rituals and musings on lint.

I had NO idea. I probably sounded like I was half kidding, but I really do think of lint. Which color clothes and textures of linens and breeds of pets will create just what blend of fluff. Who knew? This has been ongoing for NINE years?

Thanks for sharing. It's a fantastic piece of post modern, not quite sure whattosayaboutit-art.



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Posts: 1547

Artist Statement 

The National Lint Project is an interactive inquiry into community-based art-making processes. For the past nine years, hundreds of people have donated dryer lint, had it sculpted, exhibited and returned to them through the course of this ongoing investigation. Ultimately, each sculpture is a document of everyday life found within a mundane, material fluff and transformed into a gestural figure. It is my hope that through the transformation of such a discardable material, a liminal space between reality and the imaginings of the viewer is created which in turn encourages them to more actively consider the real world in which they exist.  At the very least, viewers of the work will pause for a moment and think the next time they clean out a lint trap, which, considering the banality of this task, is no small feat.

I am fully aware that my work is funny and dangerously close to laughable. I make sculptures out of dryer lint. I am significantly more interested in making work that forces people to expand their preconceived boundaries for art or dismiss it than in making work that very clearly falls into an existing category. This giggle-inducing power of the project is what makes it accessible to a non-traditional arts audience of bank tellers, nurses, lawyers, shelter residents, children, and working class people of all kinds. Laughter cracks the veneer people put up for art when they dont understand it, after which real conversations about art, community and the aesthetics of daily life can happen. It is my position that humor in the space of serious work is significantly more difficult to achieve and closer to the edge that I want to explore. In addition to the humor in the work, my collection of over 500 letters from people around the world about dryer lint, when read together, construct a collective portrait of American culture, a culture that includes deep sentiments and valued memories as well as a destructive need to mechanize all processes and an attachment to an excess of material goods.


exhibit shot-small.JPG (12181 bytes)

"Angels and Other Creatures"

Exhibit at Three Rivers Arts Festival Gallery

707 Penn Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh

December 13, 2002 through February 14, 2002

Exhibits of my work serve as snapshots of a moment within a process, rather than the end result of creative explorations. For example, two recent exhibitions, Angels and other Creatures at The Three Rivers Arts Gallery in downtown Pittsburgh and Angels in the Laundromat at Duds N Suds Laundromat, a working Pittsburgh laundry, served as counterpoints to each other. Specifically, these installations explored the differing expectations for art in a gallery and art in the space of everyday life on the part of both traditional and non-traditional arts audiences. An interactive performance art piece at Angels in the Laundromat also collected the attendees conceptions of angels and rituals in a mundane space. Viewed in relation to each other, the installations highlight the fuzzy boundary between art and what falls just beyond that category. I make every attempt to install work in non-traditional, public spaces concurrently with exhibitions in traditional venues to solicit conversation about art among people that might otherwise dismiss it as beyond the boundaries of their world.                                                                                             

Currently, I am most interested in the relationship between my large-scale sculptural figures (not angels) and my rag-tag collection of correspondence. My current studio work includes the creation of wall- and ceiling-mounted figures of human-scale created from the lint of households who have donated one year's worth of material as well as notes about their laundering rituals and musings on lint.

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