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RE: How's it looking for YOU?

MyCat8it wrote:


You may feel time is running out, but if you stay focused on what's real, you'll be ready for the significant changes heading your way. Somber Saturn entered critical Virgo and your 12th House of Destiny on September 2, 2007

2007? omfg.gif

now if it hasnt been past date and if the forcast said something like danger will happen on the 2nd of sept how would you spend the day? didnt stephen king write a book about this not so long ago? maybe it was dean koontz? someone who tries to outwit a prediction given to a child at birth?

Your resident Libra, right here. I think Ag is a Libra, too. Isn't she?

I skimmed right past that part and went to the next paragraph describing changes and a tug-of-war between freedom and responsibility. Sounds a lot like Owl's forecast.

lol and the one on mine too. same idea different phrasing. freedon vs responsibility sounds like existential angst:)




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

2009 Horoscope


You are at the beginning of a long-lasting change symbolized by last year's entry of transformative Pluto into ambitious Capricorn, where it remains until 2023, bringing ongoing intensity to your 10th House of Public Status. Hardworking Saturn moves slowly toward a dynamic square with powerhouse Pluto on November 15, continuing through much of 2010. This forces you to narrow your focus onto those projects that have the longest-lasting value. You will need to eliminate activities that no longer fit into your life purpose or needlessly tax your schedule and waste valuable resources. You must use your power for the good of all, because your plans can backfire if you attempt to selfishly corral Pluto for personal gain.

it was general as owlie said BUT its interesting in that the things it discussed were the very things ive been giving serious thought to this year, downsizing the work load, focusing on projects that have the most oomph, having two opposing forces working against success in all things the impulsive vs the driven which has always been an issue for me and then theres that pesky committment thing which apparently will be resolved one way or the other in november. oh and the good news is that apparently ill be around till 2023 if this is to be believed.




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Either way, the dog will make mincemeat out of the product if he remains here, unless I find a way to address that.

one line horoscope header from Yahoo!?

You think that by taking over you are doing everyone a favor, but it's an illusion.


(Picean males ... I'm tellin' ya...)





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Astrology is fun. Interpretation of the stars is ... well, I think there are varied degrees of talent, and a lot of charletans who are out there directing people's lives who have no business so doing. I suspect I'd be considered (if it came right down to it) an astrology agnoistic, even though that's a misapplication of term. I think they're fun, though. I also think most of the stuff written for ALL the signs is just good stuff to think about anyway, and sometimes, reading one's horoscope is just a reminder of things we already know, but can help pull focus to them. I don't know if everyone is like this or not, but I suspect we are: When I read my horoscope, I tend to skip over the parts which don't pertain, and zoom in on those which seemingly do, and think "Oh, WOW! That's sooooooooooo right on!" smile 

I know enough about astology to know that sun signs are really, pretty wimpy indicators, when they stand alone. I once had a friend who was an astrologer (but better known as playwright.) He had a daily newspaper column, and the whole deal. When we first met, he was astounded to hear I was an Aquarian, and insisted I must be a Leo. He attributed this to many things, including my physical features. He charted me, and we discovered that all but one of my other planets were in Leo. I am, though, in many ways, a cliche Aquarian. The weakest parts of my body are my ankles and wrists. I had a career in the theatre, and a great interest in politics and law. The list goes on and on.

I enjoy the serendipitous nature of astrology, as much as anything, I guess. Love the way it so often seems to address something we too are focused upon at the moment, as with my needing to make some choices between freedom and responsibility, and choosing a plan of action. I've known this for months now, and have taken it (I think) as far as I can, and now, am obliged to wait for others to make their decisions. It's frankly been driving me mad, the having to wait. My Mom has yet to give me a firm commitment on whether or not she and the dog are going to remain living here -- it bounces back and forth. If they're both moving out in a month, I will fix my home, my yard one way. If they're staying, then things like doggie doors, fences, and wheelchair pathways and ramps need to be addressed. As it is right now, I cannot leave the house for five minutes without elaborate pre-planning -- I can't remember the last time I hopped in the car and chased a sunset. I told Mom a few weeks ago I felt as if I was under house arrest. So? The "freedom v. responsibility" thing of course leaped out at me. But it could have just as easily, if I had ... oh, say, a major (and expensive) car repair at which I was staring, or a home in foreclosure, or any or a myriad of things directly tied to the economy. The "Freedom v. Responsibility" war is nothing new to any of us, when you get right down to it. Anyone who has yearned for a night out, or a vacation would find a resonance in that observation, I think.

On a lark, I googled another horoscope for myself on a different server, and found a blurb which said I would be trying to figure out what I want in relationships. This, on the heel of my "friendships" post, made me also chuckle, as I am also in the midst of trying to solidify my thoughts on what I want/must have in some specific relationships. There were specifics mentioned to which I related, and I'd not thought of them in that light before consciously; I was glad to find them. They brought home a "truth" for me -- one I already know, but perhaps not the one I most want to know, if that makes sense.

I guess I think every bit as important as Jupiter's alignment with Mars, is our own alignment with what we know deep down in our guts to be true, and what we want to be true. That's the stuggle, it seems, and sometimes, I think things like horoscopes can facilitate that connection, that realization.

Here's one line from "my" horoscope:

. Success comes from clearly defining your desires, making a plan to satisfy them and executing it with patience and precision.

Stars or understudies, wink that's a pretty decent observation, period. Same with the following from my scope:

"Eclipses in your 6th House of Daily Routines on July 21 and December 31 demand changes in your habits. These influences, lasting up to six months each, remind you that there are healthier and more efficient ways to function. Minor problems can grow into more serious complications unless you address them right away. Don't allow nagging health issues to linger if you have the means to attend to them. You're not the type to baby yourself, but self-care is critical now. Even if the usual patterns of your day-to-day existence are interrupted, it's wiser to creatively develop new modes of operation than to hold tightly to those that no longer serve your needs."
In other words, make New Years resolutions to live a more healthy life. Also, "out with the old, in with the new."

Well, duh. smile And who reading this, if told it was their scope, could not think of one, if not several ways it applies "specifically" to them? But here's the good thing: if it does bring to the forefront things which benefit us, and to which we should be directing more attention, then where's the harm? Is that more "good" than "bad?"

I believe the physical planets impact us -- I believe that, because I've seen the ocean, and know that I'm comprised mostly of water too. Slight, subtle shifts within the body translate sometimes, often times to changes which snowball until they're major. Sometimes the changes occur in our brains. I believe I am "of" the universe -- that we are indivisible, regardless of our life form, and I sometimes believe there is reason involved. See ... I vacillate. I really do. I don't believe in supernatural "beings" with me as their marionette. I do know, though, that there is an "awe" in the awareness of things as simple as "gravity." It truly sometimes just blows my mind to think about how I can walk out into the back yard, and not immediately be hurled into space, from the spinning of this planet. Stuff like that ... and there is too, a sort of inward gasp when I see the daffodil stalks rising again from the ground. Every year of my life in this house it seems, every year since I planted those bulbs, at some point during the summer, I've forgotten they were ever there. They simply no longer exist for me. Then, usually not this early, but at some point, they again rise from the earth (and that process alone, is, or can be equally awesome) and I'm reminded that they ARE there, and the anticipation of their eventual flowering begins anew. Is there not something slightly miraculous about all of that? Miracles, for me, aren't about guys wearing $25K rings on their fingers laying hands on people who then toss their crutches, miracles are about daffodils doggedly rising year after year, through drought, through absence of nurturing, though it all, somehow still, there they are, and each time I see them, I again vow to be a better steward -- to better care for them this year, and at the end of their season THIS time, to dig up, and separate them.

Maybe this is the year that actually happens. And? Who knows? Maybe it will happen because something I read in a horoscope prompted me to finally be better about doing it. After all ... I am a "water bearer." And hey, if that doesn't pan out? I'm also a dragon, so I can just breathe a little fire onto the dead stuff (thus creating life-giving carbon) and begin anew.

Either way, the dog will make mincemeat out of the product if he remains here, unless I find a way to address that.

one line horoscope header from Yahoo!?

You think that by taking over you are doing everyone a favor, but it's an illusion.


(Picean males ... I'm tellin' ya...)


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BoxDog wrote:

Full blooded Taurus. In dire need of a cup of southern pecan coffee and a amaretto creamer. The irony to that is I've "lost" my pc Java, and cannot figure out wth kind of error message I'm getting. I can't even "force" Java to run. Any thoughts? I went to Sun Systems though nothing jumped out in updates or patches, I can't "find" where the original download was. I even went to "safe" places to find patches to locate shyt to help. The pc is running IE7 with a yahoo browser. I only discovered the problem day before yesterday when PoGo wouldn't let me past the front door to actually PLAY games. Also, my videos "stop" at 35-60 seconds into them now. That, I think, is my wireless router. All of two months old. I see the entire streaming vids just fine when I direct connect to the cable modem. 

Can't help you with the coffee, but I have a few suggestions for your computer woes.

In IE7, on the toolbar, click Tools > Manage Add-ons > Enable or Disable Add-ons.  My guess is, you'll find that Java has been disabled.  You should review all add-ons to be sure you are running the ones you want and not running ones you don't want.  Another place to check is your security settings.  Tools > Internet Options > Security. 

Try rebooting your router to refresh the connection (you probably will just need to pull the plug for a few seconds).  If that doesn't work, hold the RESET button in for a full 10 seconds, and re-configure the router.



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MyCat8it wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

Good gawd, is anyone a Libra? I can't imagine opening this up:

You may feel time is running out, but if you stay focused on what's real, you'll be ready for the significant changes heading your way. Somber Saturn entered critical Virgo and your 12th House of Destiny on September 2, 2007

2007? omfg.gif

Your resident Libra, right here.  I think Ag is a Libra, too.  Isn't she?

I skimmed right past that part and went to the next paragraph describing changes and a tug-of-war between freedom and responsibility.  Sounds a lot like Owl's forecast.

Are you a Libra, too?

Full blooded Taurus. In dire need of a cup of southern pecan coffee and a amaretto creamer. The irony to that is I've "lost" my pc Java, and cannot figure out wth kind of error message I'm getting. I can't even "force" Java to run. Any thoughts? I went to Sun Systems though nothing jumped out in updates or patches, I can't "find" where the original download was. I even went to "safe" places to find patches to locate shyt to help. The pc is running IE7 with a yahoo browser. I only discovered the problem day before yesterday when PoGo wouldn't let me past the front door to actually PLAY games. Also, my videos "stop" at 35-60 seconds into them now. That, I think, is my wireless router. All of two months old. I see the entire streaming vids just fine when I direct connect to the cable modem. 

Help a Taurean out? Cuz I swear I've been sitting here for 24 hours trying to figure it out.

But, back to the horoscopes. A tug of war between freedom and responsibility is what I often refer to as judicious caution. Nothing wrong with that, sounds like a liberating year ahead, if the stars and a persons own judgement co-op. 



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MyCat8it wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

Good gawd, is anyone a Libra? I can't imagine opening this up:

You may feel time is running out, but if you stay focused on what's real, you'll be ready for the significant changes heading your way. Somber Saturn entered critical Virgo and your 12th House of Destiny on September 2, 2007

2007? omfg.gif

Your resident Libra, right here.  I think Ag is a Libra, too.  Isn't she?

I skimmed right past that part and went to the next paragraph describing changes and a tug-of-war between freedom and responsibility.  Sounds a lot like Owl's forecast.

Are you a Libra, too?

Full blooded Taurus. In dire need of a cup of southern pecan coffee and a amaretto creamer. The irony to that is I've "lost" my pc Java, and cannot figure out wth kind of error message I'm getting. I can't even "force" Java to run. Any thoughts? I went to Sun Systems though nothing jumped out in updates or patches, I can't "find" where the original download was. I even went to "safe" places to find patches to locate shyt to help. The pc is running IE7 with a yahoo browser. I only discovered the problem day before yesterday when PoGo wouldn't let me past the front door to actually PLAY games. Also, my videos "stop" at 35-60 seconds into them now. That, I think, is my wireless router. All of two months old. I see the entire streaming vids just fine when I direct connect to the cable modem. 

Help a Taurean out? Cuz I swear I've been sitting here for 24 hours trying to figure it out.

But, back to the horoscopes. A tug of war between freedom and responsibility is what I often refer to as judicious caution. Nothing wrong with that, sounds like a liberating year ahead, if the stars and a persons own judgement co-op. 


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BoxDog wrote:

Good gawd, is anyone a Libra? I can't imagine opening this up:

You may feel time is running out, but if you stay focused on what's real, you'll be ready for the significant changes heading your way. Somber Saturn entered critical Virgo and your 12th House of Destiny on September 2, 2007

2007? omfg.gif

Your resident Libra, right here.  I think Ag is a Libra, too.  Isn't she?

I skimmed right past that part and went to the next paragraph describing changes and a tug-of-war between freedom and responsibility.  Sounds a lot like Owl's forecast.

Are you a Libra, too?



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BoxDog wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

Oh boy. Well after a little mumbo jumbo about Venus, Neptune and Uranus, apparently I have a bubble burst on the 9th of February, fall in love on the 17th of April and then something big happens Memorial Day'ish. Other than that I'm being told to step out of my comfort zone of sensibility and tangibles and have some fun. Sure, I'd join the circus if it weren't for the damned clowns and crappy economy. Good post, it gave me a headache and some new numbers to play!  If all goes as planned, looks like a status quo year for me. :)

LOL. Your next to last line seems as if it was a mixed bag for you. :)

Me? I'm apparently going to have to make some "major" hard and serious choices between freedom and responsibility.

Ya think???

But hey,  I'm going to "discover the magic of faith" so no sweat. I'll just offer it up, when that happens, I'm thinkin' wink

I don't get to fall in love at all! WAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Instead, I get to hook up with cosmic insight.
Yeah, okfine, but will it keep my feet warm at night? HUNH?? no

I'll trade you my April 17th for your magical discovery of faith. With the condition I get to pick which faith. Faith is mere opinion after all. sprint.gif

Oh, you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo on!
Just as long as it's not April 19th. That's the anniversary of the Waco Massacre, the OK City Bombinb, and a past partnership anniversary, along with other tragic events, I'm sure.

But absomently. You can be a worshiper of the church of Subway, for all I care. smile



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

Oh boy. Well after a little mumbo jumbo about Venus, Neptune and Uranus, apparently I have a bubble burst on the 9th of February, fall in love on the 17th of April and then something big happens Memorial Day'ish. Other than that I'm being told to step out of my comfort zone of sensibility and tangibles and have some fun. Sure, I'd join the circus if it weren't for the damned clowns and crappy economy. Good post, it gave me a headache and some new numbers to play!  If all goes as planned, looks like a status quo year for me. :)

LOL. Your next to last line seems as if it was a mixed bag for you. :)

Me? I'm apparently going to have to make some "major" hard and serious choices between freedom and responsibility.

Ya think???

But hey,  I'm going to "discover the magic of faith" so no sweat. I'll just offer it up, when that happens, I'm thinkin' wink

I don't get to fall in love at all! WAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Instead, I get to hook up with cosmic insight.
Yeah, okfine, but will it keep my feet warm at night? HUNH?? no

I'll trade you my April 17th for your magical discovery of faith. With the condition I get to pick which faith. Faith is mere opinion after all. sprint.gif



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Posts: 515

Good gawd, is anyone a Libra? I can't imagine opening this up:

You may feel time is running out, but if you stay focused on what's real, you'll be ready for the significant changes heading your way. Somber Saturn entered critical Virgo and your 12th House of Destiny on September 2, 2007

2007? omfg.gif



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BoxDog wrote:

Oh boy. Well after a little mumbo jumbo about Venus, Neptune and Uranus, apparently I have a bubble burst on the 9th of February, fall in love on the 17th of April and then something big happens Memorial Day'ish. Other than that I'm being told to step out of my comfort zone of sensibility and tangibles and have some fun. Sure, I'd join the circus if it weren't for the damned clowns and crappy economy. Good post, it gave me a headache and some new numbers to play!  If all goes as planned, looks like a status quo year for me. :)

LOL. Your next to last line seems as if it was a mixed bag for you. :)

Me? I'm apparently going to have to make some "major" hard and serious choices between freedom and responsibility.

Ya think???

But hey,  I'm going to "discover the magic of faith" so no sweat. I'll just offer it up, when that happens, I'm thinkin' wink

I don't get to fall in love at all! WAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Instead, I get to hook up with cosmic insight.
Yeah, okfine, but will it keep my feet warm at night? HUNH?? no



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Posts: 515

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

2009 Horoscope

Oh boy. Well after a little mumbo jumbo about Venus, Neptune and Uranus, apparently I have a bubble burst on the 9th of February, fall in love on the 17th of April and then something big happens Memorial Day'ish. Other than that I'm being told to step out of my comfort zone of sensibility and tangibles and have some fun. Sure, I'd join the circus if it weren't for the damned clowns and crappy economy. Good post, it gave me a headache and some new numbers to play!  If all goes as planned, looks like a status quo year for me. :)



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2009 Horoscope

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