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Post Info TOPIC: youre a mean one mr grinch


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RE: youre a mean one mr grinch

Psych Lit wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

As to the very first point above, teaching ethics to freshman? That's what parents are for. If a college freshman, or anyone old enough to be left to interact in the community unsupervised, doesn't know that stealing a textbook OR anything else is illegal, unethical and an outright invasion by the age of 18, they'll never know. Or will simply find a "workaround" word to avoid calling it theft. Much the same as how much nicer it sounds to say "my escort" versus "my whore".

i was watching an old dateline last night and they did a special on high end escorts. i was amazed at how they made this seem an appealing choice for young women oh of course with the feminist disclaimer attached but still?

as to ethics id like to see something that would require that any student proven guilty of stealing, cheating or most other crimes committed on campus to be permanently expelled with an explanation on their transcript and i dont care if they are 2 weeks away from graduation. the lax attitude towards this kind of thing is wrong. what kind of future leaders are we turning out if this kind of thing can be common on campuses?

Uhm, presidents? That's to say, as long as snorting cocaine, smoking pot and driving drunk are still illegal.  giggle.gif



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Anonymous wrote:


BD: Okay, there is absolutely no defense for SENIORS AND STAY AT HOME MOMS to drag their jazzy scooters and those oversized, plastic, pimped out, pink and blue grocery carts fullof tots around the grocery after 5:15 every single m-f. None.

uh huh...i used to enjoy it when the grocery stores were open 24/7. i could go shopping at 10pm or later and not run into the dead stop senior or the kid who is steering the cart right into my shin. hey im a mom i have some sympathy for having to get the job done but geesh keep an eye on the lil ones. then after you are looking between them and your bruised shin the mom gives you that aint they adorable look. not adorable. out of control totally

 As for driving, unless we take legislative measures to mandate an "end" age to driving we need to consider allowing 6 year olds to drive. From what I can tell there is little difference between a 6 yo and an 89 yo, except height (sometimes) and the 6 year old having better vision and quicker reflexes. Reason#2 Maxine turned on me this year. I fllat out told her she was not fit to drive. Her response, just not at night...Enough said.

oh hell yeah the not at night thing. i had a neighbor who said that. she had cataracts in both eyes and we used to line up at the window to watch her maneuver the driveway posts and on a good day she wouldnt knock them over:)

As to the very first point above, teaching ethics to freshman? That's what parents are for. If a college freshman, or anyone old enough to be left to interact in the community unsupervised, doesn't know that stealing a textbook OR anything else is illegal, unethical and an outright invasion by the age of 18, they'll never know. Or will simply find a "workaround" word to avoid calling it theft. Much the same as how much nicer it sounds to say "my escort" versus "my whore".


i was watching an old dateline last night and they did a special on high end escorts. i was amazed at how they made this seem an appealing choice for young women oh of course with the feminist disclaimer attached but still?

as to ethics id like to see something that would require that any student proven guilty of stealing, cheating or most other crimes committed on campus to be permanently expelled with an explanation on their transcript and i dont care if they are 2 weeks away from graduation. the lax attitude towards this kind of thing is wrong. what kind of future leaders are we turning out if this kind of thing can be common on campuses?




Psych Lit wrote:

im thinking they need to begin teaching freshman ethics or something.  what kind of scholars are we turning out these days? and what kind of people?

Cat: You may have crass Mass drivers, but Florida holds the title for dumbazz drivers. We have a nice variety of impatient drivers mixed in with blind and deaf 80 year olds who have no concept of any other car on the road. Apparently, when you reach a certain age, you have the right of way ALL the time. Stop signs, on coming traffic, pedestrians, none of these things apply to the elder.

PsychL: oh yeah the 80 year olds would do it for me. i see this occasionally during the day if i am driving around the senior going 40 in a 65 mph zone and usually in the fast lane.  i also dont grocery shop on wed if i can help it. thats the day that the senior bus does 12 hour pickups. i know ill be just as bad in a few years but right now that stopping dead mid aisle to read the labels without the reading glasses on is maddening. if you say excuse me to get by they either dont hear you or they pretend not to. sometimes it seems a deliberate thing, sort of an i dont have anywhere to go and i dont care if you do thing or maybe im er.,,interpreting. lol

BD: Okay, there is absolutely no defense for SENIORS AND STAY AT HOME MOMS to drag their jazzy scooters and those oversized, plastic, pimped out, pink and blue grocery carts fullof tots around the grocery after 5:15 every single m-f. None. As for driving, unless we take legislative measures to mandate an "end" age to driving we need to consider allowing 6 year olds to drive. From what I can tell there is little difference between a 6 yo and an 89 yo, except height (sometimes) and the 6 year old having better vision and quicker reflexes. Reason#2 Maxine turned on me this year. I fllat out told her she was not fit to drive. Her response, just not at night...Enough said.

Which brings us to TEENAGERS. I can't imagine the daunting task they have of juggling text messages, maintaining eye contact with the friend in the BACK seat, playing deejay with the Sirius and yielding to pedestrians, mack trucks, emergency vehicles and gypsies. At the same time. Amazing creatures, teens and oldies. After the economy is "fixed" maybe congress will finally get some courage to stand up to the old people and keep them off the roads, along with their grand and great grandchildren.

As to the very first point above, teaching ethics to freshman? That's what parents are for. If a college freshman, or anyone old enough to be left to interact in the community unsupervised, doesn't know that stealing a textbook OR anything else is illegal, unethical and an outright invasion by the age of 18, they'll never know. Or will simply find a "workaround" word to avoid calling it theft. Much the same as how much nicer it sounds to say "my escort" versus "my whore".


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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Little Plumber Boy

"Plumb," I told him, "come plumb plumb plumb plumb" 
"Come fix the pipes for me, come plumb plumb plumb plumb."
"Give me a bathtub ring --come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Perhaps before next Spring,  come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Plumb plumb plumb plumb, Plumb plumb plumb plum" 

Voice mails, left for him: "Come plumb plumb plumb plumb, 
When will you come?" 

Copper's turning green, come plumb plumb plumb plumb 
Pipes have patina sheen come plumb plumb plumb plumb 
I should be clothes washing, come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Instead of hose sloshing, come plumb plumb plumb plumb 
plumb plumb plumb plumb, plumb plumb plumb plumb  

Shall I void that check, come plumb plumb plumb plumb 
Or will you plumb? 

Nearly two months now, come plumb plumb plumb plumb

He smashed by bathroom wall, come plumb plumb plumb plumb
He now avoids my call, come plumb plumb plumb plumb

Come plumb plumb plumb plumb plumb

Is he on the run, come plumb plumb plumb
Damn, where's my gun. 

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 at 14:17, 2008-12-23

OMG....LOL!  This is fabulous.  It's been so long since your plumbing project, I almost forgot about it.  I can't believe it's not done yet.

It's probably time to call someone else.   hmm 



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MyCat8it wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:

LOL! I abhor malls, have I ever mentioned that? There is a mall right down the road from me. It starts during the week of Thanksgiving. A large sign flashing warning messages to lock your car, lock presents in trunk and use anti-theft devices.

Never once does this sign wish anyone a happy holiday.

oh yeah peace on earth goodwill and alla that! did you see the people in that midwest town who all showed up to work dressed like jesus? tis the reason for the season? not crass commercialism tho dont be looking at me for virtue ive done my mall time this week despite thinking its the most ridiculous way to "celebrate" christianity. however perhaps the only good thing about living in nowheresville, locking things isnt always as necessary. i went into the grocery store tonight and left 4 bags sitting on my back seat and remembered somewhere in aisle 9 that id left the car unlocked. i was very relieved to see that things were still there. im always a bit surprised by the idea that people would take things from a car. naive i guess. i tend to think people are better than that and usually i am not disappointed tho occaisionally....like last month when someone stole my daughters text book from the library while she was 20 feet away. and when i mentioned this to others who are students i found out that its become very common these days.  im thinking they need to begin teaching freshman ethics or something.  what kind of scholars are we turning out these days? and what kind of people?


You may have crass Mass drivers, but Florida holds the title for dumbazz drivers. We have a nice variety of impatient drivers mixed in with blind and deaf 80 year olds who have no concept of any other car on the road. Apparently, when you reach a certain age, you have the right of way ALL the time. Stop signs, on coming traffic, pedestrians, none of these things apply to the elder.


oh yeah the 80 year olds would do it for me. i see this occasionally during the day if i am driving around the senior going 40 in a 65 mph zone and usually in the fast lane.  i also dont grocery shop on wed if i can help it. thats the day that the senior bus does 12 hour pickups. i know ill be just as bad in a few years but right now that stopping dead mid aisle to read the labels without the reading glasses on is maddening. if you say excuse me to get by they either dont hear you or they pretend not to. sometimes it seems a deliberate thing, sort of an i dont have anywhere to go and i dont care if you do thing or maybe im er.,,interpreting. lol




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Little Plumber Boy

"Plumb," I told him, "come plumb plumb plumb plumb"
"Come fix the pipes for me, come plumb plumb plumb plumb."
"Give me a bathtub ring --come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Perhaps before next Spring, come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Plumb plumb plumb plumb, Plumb plumb plumb plum"

Voice mails, left for him: "Come plumb plumb plumb plumb,
When will you come?"

Copper's turning green, come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Pipes have patina sheen come plumb plumb plumb plumb
I should be clothes washing, come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Instead of hose sloshing, come plumb plumb plumb plumb
plumb plumb plumb plumb, plumb plumb plumb plumb

Shall I void that check, come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Or will you plumb?

Nearly two months now, come plumb plumb plumb plumb

He smashed by bathroom wall, come plumb plumb plumb plumb
He now avoids my call, come plumb plumb plumb plumb

Come plumb plumb plumb plumb plumb

Is he on the run, come plumb plumb plumb
Damn, where's my gun.

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 at 14:17, 2008-12-23



now that is fabulous!




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Little Plumber Boy

"Plumb," I told him, "come plumb plumb plumb plumb" 
"Come fix the pipes for me, come plumb plumb plumb plumb."
"Give me a bathtub ring --come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Perhaps before next Spring,  come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Plumb plumb plumb plumb, Plumb plumb plumb plum" 

Voice mails, left for him: "Come plumb plumb plumb plumb, 
When will you come?" 

Copper's turning green, come plumb plumb plumb plumb 
Pipes have patina sheen come plumb plumb plumb plumb 
I should be clothes washing, come plumb plumb plumb plumb
Instead of hose sloshing, come plumb plumb plumb plumb 
plumb plumb plumb plumb, plumb plumb plumb plumb  

Shall I void that check, come plumb plumb plumb plumb 
Or will you plumb? 

Nearly two months now, come plumb plumb plumb plumb

He smashed by bathroom wall, come plumb plumb plumb plumb
He now avoids my call, come plumb plumb plumb plumb

Come plumb plumb plumb plumb plumb

Is he on the run, come plumb plumb plumb
Damn, where's my gun. 

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 at 14:17, 2008-12-23


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Psych Lit wrote:

im trying, really i am. lol.

there is something very ironic about being stuck in mall gridlock for 1.5 hours while the local radio station begins its 36 hour before xmas lets stop the jingle bells and go with god theme.  it goes something like this

HONK HONK (in symphony of course because there were several thousand aggrevated massachusettes drivers stuck in traffic) Youve heard the reputation of mass drivers, right? when i lived in ct we fondly referred to them as Mas* Hol*s

but theres always one impatient one in the group. this is the guy who is riding your bumper imploring you to move. (to where is unknown since you are inches from the bumper of the person in front of you) mr impatient likes to lean out the window and shout:

Hey you! move your M***f*** a**  we are a polite state thats fer sure.

Meanwhile inside the car wynonna is singing oh holy night. oh yeah. im feelin it wy.

then of course there is the 3 day total of 20 in of new fallen snow which has narrowed the multiple lanes to one and one half lanes and oh yes! theres the snowmelt and blow back onto the roads which nicely refreezes once the sun goes down. are we havin fun yet? is it almost over?

and if thats not enough to convince ya to move to bolivia this might.

eek! sorry about your night....thats terrible!

and your weather...omg...i would die....i am not a happy camper when our temps get below...say, 65....i cant imagine how you do it.....

i used to hate, hate, hate driving in snow and ice...still remember very clearly, when i lived in pennsylvania, the one time i had to get to work and the street was covered in sheet of ice.....put my car in a ditch....ugh! walked down to closest farm house, called into work to tell them i would be late, and my little pr*ck of a supervisor's only question was, how soon will you be here....

for me, c-o-l-d and s-n-o-w are four letter words...!


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MyCat8it wrote:

LOL!  I abhor malls, have I ever mentioned that?  There is a mall right down the road from me.  It starts during the week of Thanksgiving.  A large sign flashing warning messages to lock your car, lock presents in trunk and use anti-theft devices.

Never once does this sign wish anyone a happy holiday.

You may have crass Mass drivers, but Florida holds the title for dumbazz drivers.  We have a nice variety of impatient drivers mixed in with blind and deaf 80 year olds who have no concept of any other car on the road.   Apparently, when you reach a certain age, you have the right of way ALL the time.  Stop signs, on coming traffic, pedestrians, none of these things apply to the elder.

yanno, youre right...never thought of the fact that it doesnt wish a happy holiday....sign of the times i guess....very sad...

hey, have you ever seen when they put that police car right by the mall for like 3-5 days with the fake "cop" and fake "radar gun" ???  funny when you see it and it has been in the same spot for days, yet people are still slammin on their brakes.....and sometimes the fake cop is even slumped forward in the seat....ugh!

yeah, the elderly can be really bad.....ever been behind a car (generally one of those huge ones, like the town car or a cadillac) and cant see the driver over the seat?  those are a real treat!

probably what makes it bad here, is we get the best of the worst drivers from all over the country....families on vacation, who dont know where they are going, old people who cant see, the younger ones/college kids on spring break....driving can get pretty hairy 'round here....


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Psych Lit wrote:

im trying, really i am. lol.

there is something very ironic about being stuck in mall gridlock for 1.5 hours while the local radio station begins its 36 hour before xmas lets stop the jingle bells and go with god theme.  it goes something like this

HONK HONK (in symphony of course because there were several thousand aggrevated massachusettes drivers stuck in traffic) Youve heard the reputation of mass drivers, right? when i lived in ct we fondly referred to them as Mas* Hol*s

but theres always one impatient one in the group. this is the guy who is riding your bumper imploring you to move. (to where is unknown since you are inches from the bumper of the person in front of you) mr impatient likes to lean out the window and shout:

Hey you! move your M***f*** a**  we are a polite state thats fer sure.

Meanwhile inside the car wynonna is singing oh holy night. oh yeah. im feelin it wy.

then of course there is the 3 day total of 20 in of new fallen snow which has narrowed the multiple lanes to one and one half lanes and oh yes! theres the snowmelt and blow back onto the roads which nicely refreezes once the sun goes down. are we havin fun yet? is it almost over?

and if thats not enough to convince ya to move to bolivia this might.

LOL!  I abhor malls, have I ever mentioned that?  There is a mall right down the road from me.  It starts during the week of Thanksgiving.  A large sign flashing warning messages to lock your car, lock presents in trunk and use anti-theft devices.

Never once does this sign wish anyone a happy holiday.

You may have crass Mass drivers, but Florida holds the title for dumbazz drivers.  We have a nice variety of impatient drivers mixed in with blind and deaf 80 year olds who have no concept of any other car on the road.   Apparently, when you reach a certain age, you have the right of way ALL the time.  Stop signs, on coming traffic, pedestrians, none of these things apply to the elder.



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im trying, really i am. lol.

there is something very ironic about being stuck in mall gridlock for 1.5 hours while the local radio station begins its 36 hour before xmas lets stop the jingle bells and go with god theme.  it goes something like this

HONK HONK (in symphony of course because there were several thousand aggrevated massachusettes drivers stuck in traffic) Youve heard the reputation of mass drivers, right? when i lived in ct we fondly referred to them as Mas* Hol*s

but theres always one impatient one in the group. this is the guy who is riding your bumper imploring you to move. (to where is unknown since you are inches from the bumper of the person in front of you) mr impatient likes to lean out the window and shout:

Hey you! move your M***f*** a**  we are a polite state thats fer sure.

Meanwhile inside the car wynonna is singing oh holy night. oh yeah. im feelin it wy.

then of course there is the 3 day total of 20 in of new fallen snow which has narrowed the multiple lanes to one and one half lanes and oh yes! theres the snowmelt and blow back onto the roads which nicely refreezes once the sun goes down. are we havin fun yet? is it almost over?

and if thats not enough to convince ya to move to bolivia this might.

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