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RE: 20 questions

Psych Lit wrote:

MyCat8it wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:

It must be after 6, that stupid Angel show is on.

whats the angel show?

It's on TNT. Probably one of the dumbest shows ever.


oh! oh dear! thats the vampire show lol. i remember when one of my kids used to watch that. there was supposedly some whole other meaning to it tho id bet that was in the minds of collective 13 years olds rather than the writers mind.  do you fall asleep with the tv on?  i do sometimes. i put msnbc on to catch the 2nd go round of rachel maddow and next thing ya know its morning. and while falling asleep to rachel is pretty fun waking up to morning joe is not!  im off for a month now and this morning i was channel surfing upon waking and there were 9 religious shows on in the early morning hours. 9. that amazes me.  i suppose those late night early morning hours are less expensive for these folks to buy time on but honestly i find this offensive. i really dont want this stuff beamed into my living space. theres one channel thats always on and its a group of nuns and their followers who are tasked to pray until the end of the world and its scary stuff. they show the nuns in as monotone group saying the same prayer over and over then occasionally they cut over to other parts of the world where we see women and children eyes scanning the sky saying the same prayers. it gives me nightmares im tellin ya.   i wish that cable companies could allow you to choose which of the many channels out there youd want to watch. there are what, like 700 or so? then they could bundle them in groups fo 50 or so for one price.

whoah, Nellie(s). I thought Cat meant "that" Angel show being the Touched By One show..ANGEL is a spin-off of Buffy, and I love my Buffy. If not for Buffy, give it a second chance for Charisma Carpenter, or Laurel Holloman! One of my favorite near-lesbians. Is it all vampire slayer programs, I mean really, don't you ever just find yourself sitting around day dreaming about that next phone call to snap into slayer mode, fly around the city streets AND get paid for it? ..sadangel.gif

Was that TMI?



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MyCat8it wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:

It must be after 6, that stupid Angel show is on.

whats the angel show?

It's on TNT. Probably one of the dumbest shows ever.



oh! oh dear! thats the vampire show lol. i remember when one of my kids used to watch that. there was supposedly some whole other meaning to it tho id bet that was in the minds of collective 13 years olds rather than the writers mind.  do you fall asleep with the tv on?  i do sometimes. i put msnbc on to catch the 2nd go round of rachel maddow and next thing ya know its morning. and while falling asleep to rachel is pretty fun waking up to morning joe is not!  im off for a month now and this morning i was channel surfing upon waking and there were 9 religious shows on in the early morning hours. 9. that amazes me.  i suppose those late night early morning hours are less expensive for these folks to buy time on but honestly i find this offensive. i really dont want this stuff beamed into my living space. theres one channel thats always on and its a group of nuns and their followers who are tasked to pray until the end of the world and its scary stuff. they show the nuns in as monotone group saying the same prayer over and over then occasionally they cut over to other parts of the world where we see women and children eyes scanning the sky saying the same prayers. it gives me nightmares im tellin ya.   i wish that cable companies could allow you to choose which of the many channels out there youd want to watch. there are what, like 700 or so? then they could bundle them in groups fo 50 or so for one price.



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Psych Lit wrote:

It must be after 6, that stupid Angel show is on.

whats the angel show?

It's on TNT.  Probably one of the dumbest shows ever. 




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BoxDog wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:

well 10 really. someone sent me a long question
what does it all mean?

With all due respect, if god were to appear AT THIS MOMENT in the kitchen I would ask them to go pickup some half&half. Then we'll talk.

is this one of those coffee attacks? hee hee

I was thinking about a relative who is ill.

I am so very sorry Psych, the combination of your recent reconnection and her grave illnesses is beyond bittersweet and without words. Assuming you're speaking of your niece. I really am very sorry to hear of this. What my thoughts were take back burner.

Thanks bd.  and a note to any who have younger sexually active sisters, daughters, nieces or friends plead with them to have the HPV vaccine. i dont know why its not recommended for women over 30, but its something to talk to the gyno about. btw for those who didnt already know apparently its not only a het virus. anyone can get this and its important that we check out the ways it can be transmitted woman to woman.

Best: left me
Worst: left me

lol i can so relate

and now, in my twilight.....falling in the shower. Really, that hurts.

doesnt it? i did this not too long ago. i was appalled. i think i did an extra 2 hours of pilates and swore and muttered a lot about never gettting a flippin "lifeline"

See, I would support funding "House Bunnies" or such monitors to oversee the occupancy of foreclosed properties for the use of the homeless. At least on a temporary basis. I'm not talking about creating a slum mentality, but to maintain roofs over heads and keep neighborhood property values stable, if possible. There are alot of people that are at the brink of homelessness and while it's cute and Rockwellish to move entire families "back home" with the elders, the reality is this country has plenty of idle housing.

and cheaper housing. i still cant believe what an apartment costs these days. i cant figger out how people can pay that much money and still have a life.

10) looking back over your life is there anyone you wish you had thanked but didnt?

There are plenty, many fluid, some strangers, some I may, unfortunately taken for granted. I'll deal with them. You, I never recall thanking you for your place in my life.

aww thank you for  that and back atcha!

And DON'T forget Amazon downloads, no club dues! Five Dollar Friday tomorrow! ;) Have a great day Psych.

im gonna be stuck inside for a few days. i did some book ordering today and i cant imagine what ill be doing in the next few. i start to get one and then read that people who liked this also like that and the next thing you know ive got 20 books in my basket. ive also got 6 on the front seat of my car which i specifically went to the library to stock up for only by the time i wake up in the am ill be buried in snow and wont want to go get them. sigh.. the laptop has a 4 hour battery and ive got a spare charged up for when the power fails. oh...did i mention the 16 inches of snow headed this way? on top of the ice and fallen power lines? half this part of the state is still without power from last weeks fun event. and its not even winter yet. oh. and did i mention that i have an appointment at 6pm tomorrow 70 miles away? and that i called to see if it was still on. and it is? that so sucks. grumble grumble





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MyCat8it wrote:

1) If "god" appeared in your kitchen what question would you ask of him/her?

I doubt I would ask anything. I imagine He/She came to tell me something, not to answer questions. I would listen.

good point!

3) what was your first thought upon awakening this morning?

It must be after 6, that stupid Angel show is on.

whats the angel show?

Give me an ultimatum.

oh yeah this is a biggie. one of the very few things i remember from elementary school was a nun saying "remember this: never give anyone an ultimatum unless youre prepared for the consequences."

There are so many great causes out there, how do you pick one? I'll need to think more on that. It would probably have something to do with the homeless. There are so many homeless, I might want to help a transitional housing with life skills and work skills to get people back into a home.

 a great thing to do. i read the other day that one of the govt housing programs, i want to say fannie mae? has now found a way to collect rent from the people who have been forced out of their homes by the owners foreclosure. that seems a no brainer doesnt it? i mean getting rent or forcing people out and letting the property sit vacant while we pour money into the banks that lent the money?




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My Turn wrote:


8)....ok, what happened to #8?????

the dog had to go out?

8) what would those who know you say about what you are like when you first wake up?

 non verbal


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1) If "god" appeared in your kitchen what question would you ask of him/her?

hmmmm, tough one...really, any question i could think of, the answer would probably be one of two possibles....1. free choice....or 2. to learn, improve your being.  the third possible answer to any question i would ask is based on my personal beliefs that we are here thru many lives and prior to our arrival in each, we write our life charts, based on our past lives and what we wish to learn in this one, (hopefully ) correct past happenings (and not re-create them) and grow to a higher level. therefore, anything else i would ask, would most likely be met with: because you wrote it in your life chart.
if i HAD to pick something...i guess it would be when can i go back to the other side?....sometimes it is just too hard on this side....however, i am thinking the answer to that would be: when you wrote it in your life chart......sigh. 

so i guess i will go with box dog, and just serve up some coffee, have a seat and shoot the breeze with him/her.....

2) If you could trade either your looks or your brains for another 50 years of life which would you choose and why?

definitely brains too....altho i like that i can still turn heads....i do know that beauty fades....but dumb is forever....and not only intelligence which i value very highly, i would want clarity of thought....one thing that is very sad is dementia.

3) what was your first thought upon awakening this morning?

coffee....need coffee....

4) if we were to look thru your music collection tonight what would we find that is unexpected?

probably the diversity....you find some of everything in there...well EXCEPT country....ick!!!

5) If you are wavering in making a decision that affects someone else what is the one thing they can do that will make you choose the opposite of what they want?

telling me i HAVE to do what they want.....tell me what you want and depending on the depth of my feelings for you, i most likely will....but tell me i HAVE to....i will do the opposite.  

6) What is the best thing an ex has ever done for/with/to you? What is the worst?

best:  tied: she allowed me to hold her while she cried so, so hard with her pain and fear and it meant a lot she let me share that with her....and...the first time she told me, for real, that she loved me and i looked in her eyes and knew, if only for that moment, she really meant it.

worst: completely deceived me.  i was so honest and unwavering in my love, faithfulness and commitment and yet i was blind to the lies, manipulation, cheating and secretiveness...until after..... and it left me feeling like a fool.

7) how many scars do you have an how did you get them?

like three visible ones on back of my hand....dont know how i got them...long ago and far away time......and some really deep, and disfiguring inner scars...that while are invisible to most...those who take the time and care, can see them.......

8)....ok, what happened to #8?????

9) if you could fund anyones next project who would you choose and why?

ok, this one is easy for me, cause i have already thought of it and will put it into action when my kids are grown and moved out. i would like to get involved in an organization to help young gay and lesbians who have been kicked out of their houses for being gay.  it happens way more often then i ever knew.  i have a "guest" apt. in the back of my property that i would offer up to a young person or two to live in while they are either finishing up high school or that need a place to live while attending college who have been cut off from their families because they are gay.  i will also most likely, leave my house to such an organization in my will, who will continue to provide this service to gay and lesbian "throw aways." 

10) looking back over your life is there anyone you wish you had thanked but didnt?

i dont think so....i thank people in my life many times, strangers who do things for me, even simple things like hold the door or ask me how things are going and are actually interested..i will say, thank you or thanks for asking!...but for me, saying "thank you," while polite, is really just words.... good manners for sure.....however, i prefer to show people how thankful i am for them with not only my words, but by my actions/interactions with them.....and i have always, to the best of my recollection done that....people i care about and that have touched my life know without a doubt how thankful i am for them...i never want to regret not thanking or letting someone know what they mean to me, only to find it's too late.

-- Edited by My Turn at 14:45, 2008-12-18



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dammit ... board ate all my answers. furious

-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 at 06:35, 2008-12-18


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1) If "god" appeared in your kitchen what question would you ask of him/her?

I doubt I would ask anything.  I imagine He/She came to tell me something, not to answer questions.  I would listen.

2) If you could trade either your looks or your brains for another 50 years of life which would you choose and why?

Definitely the looks.  It wouldn't be much of a loss.  However, I need my brains to get by for another 50 years.

3) what was your first thought upon awakening this morning?

It must be after 6, that stupid Angel show is on.

4) if we were to look thru your music collection tonight what would we find that is unexpected?

I honestly don't know.  My music is somewhat predictable.

5) If you are wavering in making a decision that affects someone else what is the one thing they can do that will make you choose the opposite of what they want?

Give me an ultimatum. 

6) What is the best thing an ex has ever done for/with/to you? What is the worst?

best: simply being there when I needed it.
worst: depended on me for too long after the relationship was over.

7) how many scars do you have an how did you get them?

only one really prominant scar above my right eye.  I was in a bicycle accident as a kid. 

9) if you could fund anyones next project who would you choose and why?

There are so many great causes out there, how do you pick one?  I'll need to think more on that.  It would probably have something to do with the homeless.  There are so many homeless, I might want to help a transitional housing with life skills and work skills to get people back into a home. 

10) looking back over your life is there anyone you wish you had thanked but didnt?

Of course!  There are probably a ton of people that I should have thanked - teachers, mentors, friends.  Although, I have learned to thank people and tell them how important they are to my life.  You don't always know when you're having your last conversation with someone.



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Psych Lit wrote:

well 10 really. someone sent me a long question thing today and ive chosen the ones that i thought were interesting.

1) If "god" appeared in your kitchen what question would you ask of him/her?

what does it all mean?

With all due respect, if god were to appear AT THIS MOMENT in the kitchen I would ask them to go pickup some half&half. Then we'll talk.

2) If you could trade either your looks or your brains for another 50 years of life which would you choose and why?

id trade the looks. if i still had the brains i could figger something else out.

In the tight constraints of those options, and because there's no creamer, I would choose looks. I have to say I'm far more tired of all the thinking than I am of just looking good. I'm not talking Hollywood and surgery, just it gets tiresome of trying to figure it all out only for someone to muck it all up anyway.

3) what was your first thought upon awakening this morning?

I was thinking about a relative who is ill.

I am so very sorry Psych, the combination of your recent reconnection and her grave illnesses is beyond bittersweet and without words. Assuming you're speaking of your niece. I really am very sorry to hear of this. What my thoughts were take back burner.

4) if we were to look thru your music collection tonight what would we find that is unexpected?

lots of show tunes

I'm not so sure I'm capable of "surprises" especially after the elections... But, it maye be kinda interesting to see the zen that has not only Marilyn Mansons Dope Show but Il Divos "The Promise".

5) If you are wavering in making a decision that affects someone else what is the one thing they can do that will make you choose the opposite of what they want?

push me. gawd i hate to be pushed

Simply, I will assume the decision making with what's "best" for them as it relates to the matter. This question is a little vague, but really, if a concensus of what's in the best interest in a decision making situation, I'll take the lead if need be. Not for spite, for the "go forward" approach.

6) What is the best thing an ex has ever done for/with/to you? What is the worst?

best: come when i called. worst: depended on me for too long after the relationship was over.

Best: left me
Worst: left me

7) how many scars do you have an how did you get them?

shoulder, eye, back, ab -surgery scars. arm, hand, knees, various sports injuries. those are the visible ones. ive got a few that ya cant see:)

Too many to count. Sorta split between sports, car accidents and now, in my twilight.....falling in the shower. Really, that hurts.

9) if you could fund anyones next project who would you choose and why?

I would fund a program that gave artspace and living space to artists of all sorts in exchange for exhibiting their work.

See, I would support funding "House Bunnies" or such monitors to oversee the occupancy of foreclosed properties for the use of the homeless. At least on a temporary basis. I'm not talking about creating a slum mentality, but to maintain roofs over heads and keep neighborhood property values stable, if possible. There are alot of people that are at the brink of homelessness and while it's cute and Rockwellish to move entire families "back home" with the elders, the reality is this country has plenty of idle housing.

10) looking back over your life is there anyone you wish you had thanked but didnt?

There are plenty, many fluid, some strangers, some I may, unfortunately taken for granted. I'll deal with them. You, I never recall thanking you for your place in my life.

And DON'T forget Amazon downloads, no club dues! Five Dollar Friday tomorrow! ;) Have a great day Psych.



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well 10 really. someone sent me a long question thing today and ive chosen the ones that i thought were interesting.

1) If "god" appeared in your kitchen what question would you ask of him/her?

what does it all mean?

2) If you could trade either your looks or your brains for another 50 years of life which would you choose and why?

id trade the looks. if i still had the brains i could figger something else out.

3) what was your first thought upon awakening this morning?

I was thinking about a relative who is ill.

4) if we were to look thru your music collection tonight what would we find that is unexpected?

lots of show tunes

5) If you are wavering in making a decision that affects someone else what is the one thing they can do that will make you choose the opposite of what they want?

push me. gawd i hate to be pushed

6) What is the best thing an ex has ever done for/with/to you? What is the worst?

best: come when i called. worst: depended on me for too long after the relationship was over.

7) how many scars do you have an how did you get them?

shoulder, eye, back, ab -surgery scars. arm, hand, knees, various sports injuries. those are the visible ones. ive got a few that ya cant see:)

9) if you could fund anyones next project who would you choose and why?

I would fund a program that gave artspace and living space to artists of all sorts in exchange for exhibiting their work.

10) looking back over your life is there anyone you wish you had thanked but didnt?

quite a few really. my first partner for leading me astray. a teacher or two for inspiration, various friends for teaching me adventure.

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