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Post Info TOPIC: sunday morning coming down


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RE: sunday morning coming down

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

So I did end up taking the dog for a "twice around the park" jaunt last night. Probably will be limiting that practice to daylight hours from now on, but it did the trick last night, anyway. Then brought him home, dropped him off with Mom, and spent an hour with friends.

When I returned home, he'd again pulled up and shredded carpeting by the front door, and chewed on the door and door frame, but I just couldn't...

aww no. maybe if he has a consistent outdoors period each day he'll wait patiently? ive not been good at keeping a schedule for mine other than the walk in the morning and the walk in the evening. there are a lot of hours in between.  i wish i had tho, same with the cats. i wish id not given in to those feed me mama moments. everytime i walk thru the kitchen now one of my cats thinks its dinner time.

I was actually worried about the handyman, but he called Mom a few minutes ago, and says he'll be over today, so at least he's alive.

im so hoping he showed up. and that the concrete didnt get too wet?

ANYWAY... the walking the dog was a good "get out of this funk" solution, and the fleeting moments with MY friend, icing on the cake.

yeah i think walking is a good head clearer. when that fails its time to go to bed with the covers over the head till it all passes.

<shrug> Guess the dog will again ride along with, and I will be relegated to staying outside with him which Mom conducts her business. At least it's cooler -- that's certainly a blessing. Hopefully, by next summer, this will no longer be an issue (the dog, anyway. Plumber too, I guess. smile)

lol i hope so! i hope you used the time to take a nice ride or go get a latte or some other festive kinda treat.

i had a kinda crappy day today myself. it was all along the lines of what the hell is the matter with people, yanno?

the first thing that pissed me off was a series of birthday billboards on the highway. they were happy birthday billboards to a 5 year old. i can almost guarantee that this child will be obnoxious and out of control by the time he hits 15. i counted 3 of these billboards on my ride to work today. whatever happened to a nice shoe box card and a cake?

then, one of my daughters called me from school and she was near tears. she was in the university library studying for her final exam which is on wed and she got up from her library table to get something that she had sent to the printer. when she got back to her table, a minute later, her book was gone. stolen. how sucky is that? in the library for crying out loud. as it turns out today was the first day that people could return books to the bookstore and get money for them. apparently thats the theory of what happened to her book. the security people said that someone prolly stole it and cashed it in at the book store.for them to have come up with this suggests to me that its a recurring problem. it was an expensive book too. over 100 dollars new and had a cash in value of 45 dollars.

then tonight i heard from one my sons who is here from germany for the month visiting till new years day. he decided hed pick up a seasonal job for the month he was here so he applied and was hired by a delivery company who shall remain nameless but  brown figures a lot into their corporate color scheme. anyway they hired him to be a drivers helper.  the bottom line of this job is that they call you in the am and tell you where you need to go to meet the driver.  so saturday they called him and he sat waiting in a parking lot for an hour and a half and no driver and today was a repeat except he waited like 2 hours in a parking lot with temps hovering around 7.  no, this company does not pay for the time you wait, nor do they reimburse for the gas. so the kid is out 30-40 bucks already in gas alone never mind the time waiting. too bad because it showed some initiative to use his time here wisely  but people seem to be so expendable when so many bodies are out there looking for work.

and finally baby its cold outside!  the rest of the country may be seeing global warming but i swear this is the beginning of a new ice age. the walk to the parking lot tonight was just pure misery. im still shivering.




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So I did end up taking the dog for a "twice around the park" jaunt last night. Probably will be limiting that practice to daylight hours from now on, but it did the trick last night, anyway. Then brought him home, dropped him off with Mom, and spent an hour with friends.

When I returned home, he'd again pulled up and shredded carpeting by the front door, and chewed on the door and door frame, but I just couldn't...

It's the third time he's done it. "The charm."

I will repair the doorframe (at some point) replace what was once carpeting with tile, and put up a new front door. I will also find a way to secure him somewhat when I'm away from the house, since Mom doesn't seem to either notice or care. Anyway, it was an "improved" evening, when remembering the day.

I was actually worried about the handyman, but he called Mom a few minutes ago, and says he'll be over today, so at least he's alive.

ANYWAY... the walking the dog was a good "get out of this funk" solution, and the fleeting moments with MY friend, icing on the cake.

As for the timeline ... he'd said he'd have the plumbing done by the end of last week. Of course Friday, he ended up working on the fence instead, which became imperative when it got knocked down.

The dog knows/likes the handyman (knew him from a previous life) so my hope was to leave the two of them together today while I run Mom to the other side of town for a doctor's appointment, but alas, Mom didn't get a timeframe from him beyond "in a couple of hours" and she needs to be at the doctor's by eleven, so... <shrug> Guess the dog will again ride along with, and I will be relegated to staying outside with him which Mom conducts her business. At least it's cooler -- that's certainly a blessing. Hopefully, by next summer, this will no longer be an issue (the dog, anyway. Plumber too, I guess. smile)



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:



Not like the one I'm having...

It's overcast here, and chilly. Perhaps more chilly than need be, because yesterday, the front door knob went cuckoo on me, and froze in the "locked" position, and I finally had to unscrew and remove it altogether, and am now using only the "need a key on both sides" errr ... "lock." The round kind that usually goes above or below your knob. This is on my "security screen door" -- the storm door is ajar because I have the keys sticking in the lock in the screen door. I'd lock it up and close it, but I'm waiting for the plumber-turned-fence builder/repairer guy, who's gonna be her at 10. <glancing at watch> 1:48, and no sign of repair guy or call.

aiyyiiiiiii!  they dont make locksets like they used to do they? ive replaced two of them since i moved in for the same reason, they froze in lock and the door wouldnt open. both times it happened it was rainy season. i dont know if thats coincidence or if the swelling of the door from humidity had anything to do with it but that is one pain in the a** job. im hoping that he finally showed up?

Inasmuch as it looks as if it might rain any minute, I hobbled out to the back yard, and tried to move and cover the six eighty-pound sacks of concrete. At least I got them off the grass and onto some wood, and tucked some garbage bags around them. Nothing like six sacks of hardened concrete in your back yard. While out there, I discovered he'd been using MY loppers to cut back the tree in his way. Without asking.


Do NOT mess with my TOOLS!

oops. on second thought i am hoping that he showed up after youd left for the evening. i wouldnt wanna be him today. eek!
but then again it sounds like this guy could use a talking to. hes not exactly mr reliable and this having to go without water for this long stuff is unacceptable... i hope that he gets down to business and starts really attending to this job youve given him and finishes.  any kind of remodeling crud always takes a lot longer than promised tho. i think its in the contractors manual somewhere.

Now, the once pristine (only used once) loppers are all banged up, and I'm just ... pissy about it. Perhaps I'd be less pissy, but Mom (who, up until 8:00 last night was going to be GONE now -- from 8:30 this morning until Wednesday, but she cancelled her plans, so of course I had to cancel MINE) has been barking out unreasonable demands of me like I'm some bad waitress, and I swear, the woman is working my last nerve.

thats understandble especially when youve gotten so close to a few freetime days. its important when youre a caregiver to have those days or you will break. at least i think id break down and cry at that point. hopefully you did get to go out with your friend and the kiddos and im hoping that was an ok time and not a blues singing event?

"Then go to the store and GET ME COFFEE!!!"

I'll spare you the story, but it ended up with me asking if she had a glass, (she was storming through the kitchen on her walker at this point, knocking things over that were in her way .... or reach ... ) and she telling me to just SHUT UP, that she just can't TAKE my "negativity" today...

And I was just asking if she had a glass, yanno? I was happy to get her a glass of water -- I thought she had one she was using----

her attitude is almost abusive. i think i woulda gotten her coffee and some mickey ds breakfast a couple of bottled waters and said, later mama. being responsible and taking care of her needs doesnt mean she gets to dump all over you.

I'd not really realized how fully I'd counted on some "time off" this week, until it was taken from me, and I think I'm angry about that. It's sort of like ... being a waitress, working 24 hour shifts seven days a week for weeks, and then going home, and having someone demand you waitress for them, ya know? I'd mentally already "clocked out" for this afternoon, and being called back in has just set me in a foul mood.

I want to take a freakin' bath .......

I want this plumbing to be fixed, and done, and the fence up, and to be able to go into the bathroom, and take a freakin' bath, and wash my hair, and GET ON WITH IT.

NOTICE TO THE WORLD: Don't mess with me today.


has he given you a time line on when you might expect to recapture your life? im really hoping that tomorrow brings a lot of change in your world. too much of all of that is not a good thing.




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Psych Lit wrote:

hmm thats prolly the wrong song for a quiet sunday morning. maybe more like its a beautiful days white bird or the velvet undergrounds sunday morning...but i love sundays. i especially love them when i dont have anything to do or anyone to entertain.

there is a light snow falling outside and im watching it thru windows, doors and ceilings. the fire is going the whole wheat blueberry pancakes consumed. meet the press is over and its time to finally get up off my tush and do something.

its snowing tho and that is cause to celebrate. at least the dog thinks so. i think this must be another dog ritual..owl? whats the story with the dogs rolling over and over in the white stuff until it forms big poofy piles on their noses which they blow off right onto your bare feet as you let them back in the house?

so today is going to be a change the mp3 music day, get the narcissus and amaryllis bulbs going do a lil online searching for reasonable 3g service and maybe a gift or two and a lets get those old snowboards outta the spare room, get the saw and some wood glue and some old bindings and see if we can invent a new snow toy to play with day! with maybe a bookstore hot cocoa outing if time permits. i had wanted to go and see either frost and nixon today or milk but i was talking on the phone with my daughter who works for the cinema and she tells me they wont have them till christmas. drat. its a perfect day for a matinee.

whats your favorite sunday like?

Not like the one I'm having...

It's overcast here, and chilly. Perhaps more chilly than need be, because yesterday, the front door knob went cuckoo on me, and froze in the "locked" position, and I finally had to unscrew and remove it altogether, and am now using only the "need a key on both sides" errr ... "lock." The round kind that usually goes above or below your knob. This is on my "security screen door" -- the storm door is ajar because I have the keys sticking in the lock in the screen door. I'd lock it up and close it, but I'm waiting for the plumber-turned-fence builder/repairer guy, who's gonna be her at 10. <glancing at watch> 1:48, and no sign of repair guy or call.

Inasmuch as it looks as if it might rain any minute, I hobbled out to the back yard, and tried to move and cover the six eighty-pound sacks of concrete. At least I got them off the grass and onto some wood, and tucked some garbage bags around them. Nothing like six sacks of hardened concrete in your back yard. While out there, I discovered he'd been using MY loppers to cut back the tree in his way. Without asking. 


Do NOT mess with my TOOLS!

Now, the once pristine (only used once) loppers are all banged up, and I'm just ... pissy about it. Perhaps I'd be less pissy, but Mom (who, up until 8:00 last night was going to be GONE now -- from 8:30 this morning until Wednesday, but she cancelled her plans, so of course I had to cancel MINE) has been barking out unreasonable demands of me like I'm some bad waitress, and I swear, the woman is working my last nerve.

From the other side of the house:



"WHY NOT!?!?!" rage.gif

"Because there isn't any water, Mom."

"Then go to the store and GET ME COFFEE!!!"

Mind you, this is a woman who never made coffee for herself in the morning, when she lived on her own, and only rarely drank it, but now that she has this 7/24 waitress ...
Only this is SUPPOSED to be my "day off." If felt like telling her "Sorry, Hon, you're not in my station today." 

The craziness actually started earlier than that today ... over some drinking water. <sigh> I'll spare you the story, but it ended up with me asking if she had a glass, (she was storming through the kitchen on her walker at this point, knocking things over that were in her way .... or reach ... ) and she telling me to just SHUT UP, that she just can't TAKE my "negativity" today...

And I was just asking if she had a glass, yanno? I was happy to get her a glass of water -- I thought she had one she was using----

Doesn't matter. I went and bought her some water. 

SHE went to the store Wednesday, btw. I was unable to, because I had to stay here with the plumber and the dog, of course. 

So, no, this ain't a great Sunday morning/day thus far for me. I've re-arranged my schedule, and will see my friend this evening instead of this afternoon (she was going to come over, but that was when Mom was going to be gone) and she'll have her kids with her, but at least we'll see each other for a while. 

I'd not really realized how fully I'd counted on some "time off" this week, until it was taken from me, and I think I'm angry about that. It's sort of like ... being a waitress, working 24 hour shifts seven days a week for weeks, and then going home, and having someone demand you waitress for them, ya know? I'd mentally already "clocked out" for this afternoon, and being called back in has just set me in a foul mood. 

I want to take a freakin' bath .......

I want this plumbing to be fixed, and done, and the fence up, and to be able to go into the bathroom, and take a freakin' bath, and wash my hair, and GET ON WITH IT. 

NOTICE TO THE WORLD: Don't mess with me today.



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Posts: 1547

hmm thats prolly the wrong song for a quiet sunday morning. maybe more like its a beautiful days white bird or the velvet undergrounds sunday morning...but i love sundays. i especially love them when i dont have anything to do or anyone to entertain.

there is a light snow falling outside and im watching it thru windows, doors and ceilings. the fire is going the whole wheat blueberry pancakes consumed. meet the press is over and its time to finally get up off my tush and do something.

its snowing tho and that is cause to celebrate. at least the dog thinks so. i think this must be another dog ritual..owl? whats the story with the dogs rolling over and over in the white stuff until it forms big poofy piles on their noses which they blow off right onto your bare feet as you let them back in the house?

so today is going to be a change the mp3 music day, get the narcissus and amaryllis bulbs going do a lil online searching for reasonable 3g service and maybe a gift or two and a lets get those old snowboards outta the spare room, get the saw and some wood glue and some old bindings and see if we can invent a new snow toy to play with day! with maybe a bookstore hot cocoa outing if time permits. i had wanted to go and see either frost and nixon today or milk but i was talking on the phone with my daughter who works for the cinema and she tells me they wont have them till christmas. drat. its a perfect day for a matinee.

whats your favorite sunday like?

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