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indian summer

Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

...............You wouldn't believe what I went through to get these on here, and this is the second choice. I was trying to relax, this took two computers and about three hours of getting shut out. steaming.gif

-- Edited by BoxDog at 22:31, 2009-01-31

and well worth the effort. its wonderful to see people in light jackets and sun and i can almost feel the warmth. did you swim Too cold, no frolicking. and frolic in the heat for me? did you get to see any celebrities? Wasn't looking, but they were everywhere. Honestly I wanted to find Meredith Vieira or Lindsay Lohan, but I didn't know where to look. The Kardashians partied in St. Pete, as did a crapload of folks. I was on a mission to not find celebrity. I heard Tina Fey is around. I saw about a dozen limos outside the Vinoy yesterday morning and I'm sure there were plenty more inside the garage. Maybe I'll head that way a little later and sit, with camera.

i love the giant balls. they are giant, right? Yes, those are large ball things at sometimes its a perspectival thing.lol the coral colored building looks familiar. what is it?

rofl.gif it's a .....house.  ;)

here it was a blistering 20 today and then the temperature dropped and the wind picked up. i spent the morning in front of the fire doing a lil writing and then a friend called and asked if i wanted to go into town and since im on a mandala mission i decided to brave the elements and go. it was nice to get out of the house. we hit the mercantile but they had an abundance of indian print bedspreads and wall hangings and no mandalas so we went up to ten thousand villages and i saw a beautiful set of onyx bookends that i was very desiring of but didnt buy. then off to the glimpse of tibet where i scored! im thinking it will work anyway. im gonna mat and frame tomorrow and i found some hand painted cards that looked suitable for framing and some ORANGE and teal embroidered pillow shams that should tie a bit of the colors together.  then off to the used bookstore to get more books that i dont have room for. it was warm inside and while waiting for my friend to finish scoring books i was dozing off in the chair after weeding my finds. i started off with 12 books, this is why i have the book problem you see, then did a final weed to 5 but 3 of them were dollar bargains so its all good. two were books about journeys one was langston hughes i wonder as i wander which begins in a timely way, during the depression and how he used that opportunity to throw himself into his writing with the intention of making a living at it. the parallels to today are striking. he had an amazing life. i see him as someone who really did not let anything stand in the way of his journey.  the other journeying book is a real treasure its beyond belief by V S Naipaul.  its a story about returning to 4 non arab islamic countried that he had written about 15 years earlier. aside from really digging his writing which is always a mind feast, i was captured by this statement in the prologue:

"Islam is in its origins an Arab religion. Everyone not an Arab who is Muslim is a convert.  Islam is not simply a matter of conscience or private belief. It makes Imperial demands. A converts world alters. His holy places are in Arab lands, his sacred language is Arabic. His idea of history alters. He becomes, whether he likes it or not, a part of the Arab story. The convert has to turn away from everything that is his. The disturbance for societies is immense and even after 1000 years can remain unresolved; the turning away has to be done again and again.  People develop fantasies about who and what they are, and in the Islam of converted countries there is an element of neurosis and nihilism.  These countries can easily be set on the boil."  I thought of that statement with an eye on those parts of Africa and South America that have in recent years turned into the converted and how this may impact on the world in the near future. anyway cant wait to dig into that one. lol. so we left the bookstore, went and grabbed some hot cocoa and it was home again home again lickety split. one must move fast in this freaking frigid weather. tomorrow the weather man promises temps in the 30s. for most of the last month temps have hovered in the low 20s with dips into the single digits and below. im tired of cold. im tired of shivering and ode to joy another storm is forming off the coast. depending on the storm track it may miss but the late weather says were prolly gonna get clobbered monday night into wednesday am with another foot or so of snow followed by another week of temps in the teens and 20s. im hoping someone gets a sun enhancer in puxatoney this week. im gonna 86 that groundhog if it doesnt see its shadow.

The balls are artsy doo dads outside the aquatic center where Nicole Haislett trained for her 3 golds way back when Dara Torres was competing at a "normal" age. It's also the pool where Dara Torres made her first reappearance in a national meet a couple of years ago. When it isn't hosting an event it's a great pool to hang at. I love that coral house, I think I posted the periwinkle one down the street from it before. I have an orange one around you'll just luv!
Interesting stuff about the Arab/Islam, Hughes writings. Funny how we, America, has become a part of what he's writing about. Yet, really, I don't think we fully know or care to just how infiltrated or assimilated radical Islam has become right here. "They" walk among us. We know this. It would seem to be just fine for most Americans if we really weren't expecting pipe bombs to go off each time we ran into a disgruntled or person in native garb sporting a disctinctly middle eastern accent. We are paranoid, and by every right we should be. Extremists are not good for tourism.

Back to the celebrity thing. Just talked to sister with the teen. They met Martha Stewart yesterday and said tv doesn't do her justice. Alyssa Milano, Emeril Lagasse and Martha are three confirmed Vinoy guests. And I found Lindsay Lohan, Sam Ronson has a gig tonight at the Green Iguana starting at 9. If I hang around here much longer I may as well head right to the airport and wait for them to leave.

-- Edited by BoxDog at 09:13, 2009-02-01



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Posts: 1547

BoxDog wrote:


...............You wouldn't believe what I went through to get these on here, and this is the second choice. I was trying to relax, this took two computers and about three hours of getting shut out. steaming.gif

-- Edited by BoxDog at 22:31, 2009-01-31


and well worth the effort. its wonderful to see people in light jackets and sun and i can almost feel the warmth. did you swim and frolic in the heat for me? did you get to see any celebrities?
i love the giant balls. they are giant, right? sometimes its a perspectival thing. lol the coral colored building looks familiar. what is it?

here it was a blistering 20 today and then the temperature dropped and the wind picked up. i spent the morning in front of the fire doing a lil writing and then a friend called and asked if i wanted to go into town and since im on a mandala mission i decided to brave the elements and go. it was nice to get out of the house. we hit the mercantile but they had an abundance of indian print bedspreads and wall hangings and no mandalas so we went up to ten thousand villages and i saw a beautiful set of onyx bookends that i was very desiring of but didnt buy. then off to the glimpse of tibet where i scored! im thinking it will work anyway. im gonna mat and frame tomorrow and i found some hand painted cards that looked suitable for framing and some ORANGE and teal embroidered pillow shams that should tie a bit of the colors together.  then off to the used bookstore to get more books that i dont have room for. it was warm inside and while waiting for my friend to finish scoring books i was dozing off in the chair after weeding my finds. i started off with 12 books, this is why i have the book problem you see, then did a final weed to 5 but 3 of them were dollar bargains so its all good. two were books about journeys one was langston hughes i wonder as i wander which begins in a timely way, during the depression and how he used that opportunity to throw himself into his writing with the intention of making a living at it. the parallels to today are striking. he had an amazing life. i see him as someone who really did not let anything stand in the way of his journey.  the other journeying book is a real treasure its beyond belief by V S Naipaul.  its a story about returning to 4 non arab islamic countried that he had written about 15 years earlier. aside from really digging his writing which is always a mind feast, i was captured by this statement in the prologue:

"Islam is in its origins an Arab religion. Everyone not an Arab who is Muslim is a convert.  Islam is not simply a matter of conscience or private belief. It makes Imperial demands. A converts world alters. His holy places are in Arab lands, his sacred language is Arabic. His idea of history alters. He becomes, whether he likes it or not, a part of the Arab story. The convert has to turn away from everything that is his. The disturbance for societies is immense and even after 1000 years can remain unresolved; the turning away has to be done again and again.  People develop fantasies about who and what they are, and in the Islam of converted countries there is an element of neurosis and nihilism.  These countries can easily be set on the boil."  I thought of that statement with an eye on those parts of Africa and South America that have in recent years turned into the converted and how this may impact on the world in the near future. anyway cant wait to dig into that one. lol. so we left the bookstore, went and grabbed some hot cocoa and it was home again home again lickety split. one must move fast in this freaking frigid weather. tomorrow the weather man promises temps in the 30s. for most of the last month temps have hovered in the low 20s with dips into the single digits and below. im tired of cold. im tired of shivering and ode to joy another storm is forming off the coast. depending on the storm track it may miss but the late weather says were prolly gonna get clobbered monday night into wednesday am with another foot or so of snow followed by another week of temps in the teens and 20s. im hoping someone gets a sun enhancer in puxatoney this week. im gonna 86 that groundhog if it doesnt see its shadow.




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Posts: 515

Psych Lit wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


It was 79 degrees here today.
I'm afraid.
I'm very afraid.

sigh...id be do doing the happy dance if it were 79 here. dreams of things to come...9 weeks till 70.
how did you celebrate the heat wave? tell me stories of fanning yourself and cool lemonade..maybe finding shelter under the shade of a tree or a building somewhere. ill read it and close my eyes and dream. here we finally have a lag between storms. sunday we actually had 2 snowstorms. one ended before noon and another began right around dinner time. then a small break for a day and more snow last night. today was a glorious weather day. it was nearly 25! it felt like 70, im tellin ya. i celebrated by having an ice cream sandwich for dessert today. lol.
it was nice to get up early and get out to play in the snow for a little while this morning and go swimming at the y not have it be so bitterly cold that neither seemed possible. i saw the weather map the other day. it was 52 degrees in south dakota and 70 in denver. i wanna take a giant fan and suck all of that air eastward.

..................You wouldn't believe what I went through to get these on here, and this is the second choice.  I was trying to relax, this took two computers and about three hours of getting shut out. steaming.gif

-- Edited by BoxDog at 22:31, 2009-01-31



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Posts: 1547

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:



It was 79 degrees here today.
I'm afraid.
I'm very afraid.

sigh...id be do doing the happy dance if it were 79 here. dreams of things to come...9 weeks till 70.
how did you celebrate the heat wave? tell me stories of fanning yourself and cool lemonade..maybe finding shelter under the shade of a tree or a building somewhere. ill read it and close my eyes and dream. here we finally have a lag between storms. sunday we actually had 2 snowstorms. one ended before noon and another began right around dinner time. then a small break for a day and more snow last night. today was a glorious weather day. it was nearly 25! it felt like 70, im tellin ya. i celebrated by having an ice cream sandwich for dessert today. lol.
it was nice to get up early and get out to play in the snow for a little while this morning and go swimming at the y not have it be so bitterly cold that neither seemed possible. i saw the weather map the other day. it was 52 degrees in south dakota and 70 in denver. i wanna take a giant fan and suck all of that air eastward.





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Psych Lit wrote:

its been an odd fall. the weather patterns are off this year, what looked to be a promising fall foliage season sort of withered on the vine.



It was 79 degrees here today.
I'm afraid.
I'm very afraid.



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ah yes, I used to fantasize about the gardens I would plant!  Someday, I will have a lovely scent/cutting/herb/berry garden, with statuary, benches, bird baths and feeders, right next to my cat garden--that one will be fenced in thoroughly, so that I can take my feline friend outside to enjoy fresh air with me.  Of course no fence will keep a cat in, unless you stay RIGHT there, always watching, so no worries on that score, I've done it before.  I'm no vegetable gardener, although I do appreciate fresh foods, just don't tending them--strange, I know.  I want that first garden I mentioned to have a clearing inside it large enough for ceremonies that'd be small in attendance or for intimate bonfires--can you imagine, a bonfire, surrounded by the heady fragrance of wisteria and lavendar and lilac and roses? oh! I can.   A place to watch moons rise and toss mini marshmallows to bats and listen to crickets..........
This has been a very strange October, weather-wise here in MI, too---it was 60* on Halloween night!!  Makes a body wonder........not that I don't love being able to air the house out, with the furnace turned way down!!   :D

NOTTAttlbych http://profiles.aim.com /nottaTTLbytch "Sometimes, the best one can do is roll with it and keep on walking"


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its been an odd fall. the weather patterns are off this year, what looked to be a promising fall foliage season sort of withered on the vine. there was some color, but mostly the leaves dried green with just a tinge of yellow and many were washed away in the nor easter of last week. it was sort of like watching the 4th of july fireworks from a distance, you can see the high ones but theres no preshow and no big bangs.  but i discovered today the power of sunglasses. put them on and i can experience leaf peaking at its finest. the muted brown becomes a vibrant orange, the dull yellow a firestorm. i spent a lot of time this afternoon flipping the glasses off and on the eyes and saying quick look at this!. my houseguest and her daughter were the recipients of my fixation tho only the kid got the joke. gotta love kids. they have an insatiable curiosity about the world.
my pal mary stopped by this morning to trade a vcr tape of my favorite tv show for a bulb digger. actually i got the better end of this one since she taped the show for me and i was returning it and it was her bulb digger she was bringing me. i did my best tom sawyer routine to try and get her to plant the bulbs for me but she wasnt having it. but they are in the ground now and i found some gifted paperwhites for indoor planting.  ill have a spring garden now, in addition to the summer and fall gardens, something to look forward to as winter sets in.

my true gardening goal is to set aside a good part of the yard, near the water, for a leafy, green quiet space that i can get lost in. thus far ive had two seasons and its still not there but getting closer. i wish i had more of a green thumb, instead i depend upon friends who do, to come over with tools and advice but its hard to explain the dream in the head to another whose own dream may be different in scope.. however, mary is going hydrangia (sic?) shopping this week
i love these plants and get all gleeful around them. i call them grandma balls because thats what they remind me of flowers from grandmas yard. ive wanted some since i moved in and if mary scores a good discount at the nursery she promises me shell bring me one. the color you get depends upon what you place in the soil. i want cornflower blue ones so she tells me i have to put epsom salt in the soil when i plant it, if she gets them that is.
shes my best source of plants. when we hike she takes her snippers and brings back cuttings from the wild and once domesticated they blend in beautifully in the yard. wild grapes, blueberries, raspberries, beach roses, and heather are all growing in my yard now thanks to those hikes and my friend. i like the way she does things, gardening like anything else she does is just a part of the everydayness of her life.  she hikes, she cuts, she plants in what seems like one motion.

i wish i were more of the on my knees hands in the soil kind of person. i kneel on a pad, i wear gloves and i worry about brown recluses tho i wouldnt know one if it was crawling up my arm. maybe what i really wish is that i were more connected to the act of planting rather than seeing it as something to hurry up and get over with.

at any rate this is the week for plotting out next years garden. its going to creep up into the mid 60s by midweek one final indian summer splurge before the real cold comes to stay.

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