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Post Info TOPIC: a good news bad news sort of day

RE: a good news bad news sort of day

Psych Lit wrote:


Gator wrote:

White Supremacists May Attempt To Co-Opt July 4 "Tea Parties" To Promote A Hateful Agenda

New York, NY, July 2, 2009 ... White supremacists and neo-Nazi hate groups plan to take advantage of the anti-tax "Tea Parties" set to occur in more than 1,000 cities and localities over the July 4 holiday weekend to disseminate racist fliers and other materials and attempt to recruit others to their cause, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

ADL's Center on Extremism, which monitors extremist groups and provides information to law enforcement and the public, has released information on its Web site describing the attempt by white supremacists to co-opt the anti-tax message of the events as a means to spread racism and anti-Semitism.

thats an interesting connection being made. hmm. i wonder tho if the view that this is a correct assumption is also one grounded in racism, ie that those who would benefit from the increased taxation are from one or more minority background? psych

I wondered the same but, it looks evident that white supremacists are in fact attaching to the movement. And, those who otherwise are involved seem to be in denial of it. In fact they are heading some events. Gator

Stormfront, the most popular white supremacist Internet forum, is home to discussion between extremists eager to influence the events. In addition to circulating a list of local organizers and promoting planned rallies, Stormfront members are trying to find ways to involve themselves in the events. In posts to the forum, many voice their intent to attend the Tea parties for the purpose of cultivating an "organized grassroots White mass movement."

Posts to Stormfront:

  • "We need a relevent [sic] transitional envelope-pushing flyer for the masses. Take these Tea Party Americans by the hand and help them go from crawling to standing independently and then walking toward racialism."
  • "We intervene to shape the new pro-White grassroots agenda from within the crowd. We intervene for active effect at the event, for advancement of White racial consciousness and solidarity, and for the growth of the organized grassroots White mass movement and the most perceptive racially aware activist element."
  • "I also agree that spreading the WN message at these events is a good idea-it's time already,we've gotta do it!! Carefully, of course."
  • "A big crowd of irate White folks protesting the government seems like the perfect time and place for us WN's to promote our cause, at least to my way of thinking."
  • "I distributed WN literature at the last Tea Party in Phoenix. I will be doing it again in July. This is the time and the place. For those on a budget, I would suggest printing business cards with the web address of your group or organization. Keep it simple."
  • "I think they'd be ideal for spreading WN literature and gaining recruits in large numbers, more quickly."

Tea Party Americans Coalition

An anti-Semite and white supremacist using the name "Whites Forward" created the Tea Party Americans Coalition (TPAC) as "a working group for serious White racialist ACTIVISTS in the US who want to effectively coordinate our efforts and intervene for effect in Tea Party-type events." Anti-Semitic, racist, and anti-immigrant themes run through the six issues on which the working group is based.

"Whites Forward" is hoping that TPAC will be the "genesis of our new White mass movement and the fertile womb for our pro-White political party." He has called on other white supremacist groups to align themselves with the coalition, "Take these Tea Party Americans by the hand and help them go from crawling to standing independently and then walking toward racialism." Stormfront member "Whites Forward"including the Council of Conservative Citizens, the Nationalist Coalition, David Duke's EURO organization, and European Americans United.

Currently, 42 individuals have registered as TPAC members, including:

  • Don Black, well-known throughout the white supremacist and anti-Semitic community, both for his role as the founder and operator of Stormfront, and for his appearances and speeches at racist and anti-Semitic gatherings. Based in Florida, Black is a former Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan who served prison time for plotting to invade the Caribbean island of Dominica and overthrow its government.
  • John Ubele, the Florida-based Operations Manager for the neo-Nazi Nationalist Coalition. A former member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, Ubele was also a founding member of the Sons of Liberty Committee, a group whose stated goal was for "the interests of European Americansto reign supreme in all deliberations and actions of our government." Ubele also hosted "Radio with John Ubele," a weekly radio program hosted on Stormfront.

National Alliance leader tells followers to spread neo-Nazi message at Tea Parties

Erich Gliebe, who heads the West Virginia-based National Alliance (NA), devoted a May 2009 Internet radio broadcast to recast the purpose of the Tea Parties as opportunities to unite the white race and motivate its members to action. Gliebe argued that white people have simply had enough of what he described as minorities relying on tax dollars to fund government programs. He explained that "middle class White Americans are finally protesting."

Optimistic that recruitment at the Tea Parties could expand his group's membership, Gliebe suggested that "a number of those who turned out on April 15th are ready to embrace the National Alliance's message." He also alleged that the NA had experienced an increase in applications and requests for information as a result of the Tea Parties.

Gliebe encouraged white people to exploit the events to form a movement that will address the "major issues facing White Americans today." Finally, he requested that individuals intending on participating in future tea parties distribute a pamphlet created by deceased National Alliance leader William Pierce.

White supremacist Billy Roper a Tea Party organizer in Arkansas

Billy Roper, who heads the white supremacist White Revolution group, based in Arkansas, is listed as an organizer on a Tea Party movement Web site. In a June 2009 post to the White Revolution blog, Roper claimed to be organizing a Tea Party in Arkansas and sending White Revolution "representatives who will be witnessing and converting lost souls at Tea Parties from North Carolina to Arizona." [emphasis in original]

A May blog post revealed that White Revolution members will attend local Tea Party protests and distribute leaflets and flyers. Their goal will be to "educate, activate, and recruit." The blog post encouraged readers to "plan to attend one to do your part for our race and nation!"



im sitting here thinking of the ways that connection can be made? psych



still i hate these hateful ways of looking at the world tho have to support their right to say whatever nasty crud they wish to but hope that those who disagree will be out in force. psych

It seems to be a let them be attitude but, hopefully those opposing will start standing against them. Especially since I have yet to hear of any tea baggers denouncing these evil fringes. I'm reminded during the election and the nuts who were at the Palin rallies that overshadowed the normal others that were there. Gator




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Gator wrote:

White Supremacists May Attempt To Co-Opt July 4 "Tea Parties" To Promote A Hateful Agenda

New York, NY, July 2, 2009 ... White supremacists and neo-Nazi hate groups plan to take advantage of the anti-tax "Tea Parties" set to occur in more than 1,000 cities and localities over the July 4 holiday weekend to disseminate racist fliers and other materials and attempt to recruit others to their cause, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

ADL's Center on Extremism, which monitors extremist groups and provides information to law enforcement and the public, has released information on its Web site describing the attempt by white supremacists to co-opt the anti-tax message of the events as a means to spread racism and anti-Semitism.

thats an interesting connection being made. hmm. i wonder tho if the view that this is a correct assumption is also one grounded in racism, ie that those who would benefit from the increased taxation are from one or more minority background? im sitting here thinking of the ways that connection can be made?  still i hate these hateful ways of looking at the world tho have to support their right to say whatever nasty crud they wish to but hope that those who disagree will be out in force.



White Supremacists May Attempt To Co-Opt July 4 "Tea Parties" To Promote A Hateful Agenda

New York, NY, July 2, 2009 ... White supremacists and neo-Nazi hate groups plan to take advantage of the anti-tax "Tea Parties" set to occur in more than 1,000 cities and localities over the July 4 holiday weekend to disseminate racist fliers and other materials and attempt to recruit others to their cause, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

ADL's Center on Extremism, which monitors extremist groups and provides information to law enforcement and the public, has released information on its Web site describing the attempt by white supremacists to co-opt the anti-tax message of the events as a means to spread racism and anti-Semitism.

On Stormfront, the most popular white supremacist Internet forum, members have discussed becoming local organizers of the "Tea Parties" and finding ways to involve themselves in the events. Many racists have voiced their intent to attend these rallies for the purpose of cultivating an "organized grassroots White mass movement," with some suggesting that they would do so without openly identifying themselves as racists.

According to Tea Party organizers, rallies are currently planned in all 50 states and in 1,328 cities.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.


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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


MyCat8it wrote:


The good news is that she her discharge from the military has been approved and she is scheduled for separation before the end of July.


Wow. I remember the day (was it the day after HS graduation?) she enlisted.
Time flies when you're having---------
Time flies.




Great memory!  It was like 3 weeks after graduation that she left for Basic.  She has grown up so much in these last five years.

Thanks to all of you for your support and well wishes.  It really does mean a lot.



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Anonymous wrote:


Yes, her contract was for 8 years - 5 active, 3 inactive.  Her inactive period will begin immediately and she can be called back through 2012.


My niece just went through the melanoma scare and, was a good size chunk they removed. I'm glad your young uns are ok and, also Cat, I want to send my appreciation to your daughter for her service. I know a huge stress has been lifted off of you. Gator



Thanks, Gator.  I hope your niece is okay, too.

Funny, I've gotten used to saying, "both my kids are Marines."  I'm going to have to change that up to, "my youngest is a Marine" or something of the sort.




Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


My niece just went through the melanoma scare and, was a good size chunk they removed. I'm glad your young uns are ok

see? this is what i mean. its happening younger and younger. how old was your neice?


in her 30's or close to approaching them. i'd have to look that up in my book. there are a bunch of the young ones around. she is fair skinned and, has burned at the beach a few times in her life. it was a big scare for her and, being a nurse made it worse. i agree with you that the frequency of it is increasing. Gator






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Anonymous wrote:


My niece just went through the melanoma scare and, was a good size chunk they removed. I'm glad your young uns are ok

see? this is what i mean. its happening younger and younger. how old was your neice?





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MyCat8it wrote:


Yes, her contract was for 8 years - 5 active, 3 inactive.  Her inactive period will begin immediately and she can be called back through 2012.


i truly hope that she is able to stay put and not go again. shes done her service and then some.



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MyCat8it wrote:

The good news is that she her discharge from the military has been approved and she is scheduled for separation before the end of July.


Wow. I remember the day (was it the day after HS graduation?) she enlisted.
Time flies when you're having---------
Time flies.





MyCat8it wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


MyCat8it wrote:


I only see my daughter every few months.  I kept noticing a freckle on her forehead and each time I saw her it seemed to get bigger, especially after she returned from Iraq.  Finally, I bugged her enough to have it checked out.  It came back as melanoma and she had it removed.  Since then, she's had 2 on her back removed and one on her foot.  She is going in this week for a third spot on her back.  The biopsy showed it was dysplasia, but they're just going to remove it anyway.  She can look forward to a lifetime of full body exams every three months for suspicious marks.

thank god you nagged her about getting it checked and good that shes had the dysplasic growth removed too. thats a precursor to the other.  im really concerned about the number of people getting skin cancer. its really an astounding number. ive had it so many times now that ive lost count. the good news with frequent checks is that you can catch this stuff before you need surgery. there is a cream that can be used on the face that gets rid of all of the precancerous stuff and leaves no scars.


The good news is that she her discharge from the military has been approved and she is scheduled for separation before the end of July.



now how does this work? is this final? can they call her up again?



Yes, her contract was for 8 years - 5 active, 3 inactive.  Her inactive period will begin immediately and she can be called back through 2012.


My niece just went through the melanoma scare and, was a good size chunk they removed. I'm glad your young uns are ok and, also Cat, I want to send my appreciation to your daughter for her service. I know a huge stress has been lifted off of you. Gator



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Psych Lit wrote:


MyCat8it wrote:


I only see my daughter every few months.  I kept noticing a freckle on her forehead and each time I saw her it seemed to get bigger, especially after she returned from Iraq.  Finally, I bugged her enough to have it checked out.  It came back as melanoma and she had it removed.  Since then, she's had 2 on her back removed and one on her foot.  She is going in this week for a third spot on her back.  The biopsy showed it was dysplasia, but they're just going to remove it anyway.  She can look forward to a lifetime of full body exams every three months for suspicious marks.

thank god you nagged her about getting it checked and good that shes had the dysplasic growth removed too. thats a precursor to the other.  im really concerned about the number of people getting skin cancer. its really an astounding number. ive had it so many times now that ive lost count. the good news with frequent checks is that you can catch this stuff before you need surgery. there is a cream that can be used on the face that gets rid of all of the precancerous stuff and leaves no scars.


The good news is that she her discharge from the military has been approved and she is scheduled for separation before the end of July.



now how does this work? is this final? can they call her up again?



Yes, her contract was for 8 years - 5 active, 3 inactive.  Her inactive period will begin immediately and she can be called back through 2012.



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MyCat8it wrote:


I only see my daughter every few months.  I kept noticing a freckle on her forehead and each time I saw her it seemed to get bigger, especially after she returned from Iraq.  Finally, I bugged her enough to have it checked out.  It came back as melanoma and she had it removed.  Since then, she's had 2 on her back removed and one on her foot.  She is going in this week for a third spot on her back.  The biopsy showed it was dysplasia, but they're just going to remove it anyway.  She can look forward to a lifetime of full body exams every three months for suspicious marks.

thank god you nagged her about getting it checked and good that shes had the dysplasic growth removed too. thats a precursor to the other.  im really concerned about the number of people getting skin cancer. its really an astounding number. ive had it so many times now that ive lost count. the good news with frequent checks is that you can catch this stuff before you need surgery. there is a cream that can be used on the face that gets rid of all of the precancerous stuff and leaves no scars.


The good news is that she her discharge from the military has been approved and she is scheduled for separation before the end of July.



now how does this work? is this final? can they call her up again?



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MyCat8it wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


boxdog1031 wrote:


I don't know how I missed this thread, so sorry for chiming in so late.  I'm glad that the mole is okay, but please keep an eye on it.

I only see my daughter every few months.  I kept noticing a freckle on her forehead and each time I saw her it seemed to get bigger, especially after she returned from Iraq.  Finally, I bugged her enough to have it checked out.  It came back as melanoma and she had it removed.  Since then, she's had 2 on her back removed and one on her foot.  She is going in this week for a third spot on her back.  The biopsy showed it was dysplasia, but they're just going to remove it anyway.  She can look forward to a lifetime of full body exams every three months for suspicious marks.

The good news is that she her discharge from the military has been approved and she is scheduled for separation before the end of July.


Congratulations!!  Hugs and huge thanks to her for her service.


-- Edited by nesea on Sunday 28th of June 2009 05:51:46 AM


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Psych Lit wrote:


boxdog1031 wrote:


I have to say the best news is your daughters mole.

yep. that was about the best thing ever and now that ive gotten over that scare of worrying about losing her, this afternoon she tells me shes planning a big travel adventure all by herself, now that she doesnt have to spend all of that money on health care and all. i just mutter the mother mantra under my breath, "they are adults and you cannot hover over them micromanaging their lives." its always sumpthin yanno and i swear im seriously in need of some time without worrying about anybody. 

I don't know how I missed this thread, so sorry for chiming in so late.  I'm glad that the mole is okay, but please keep an eye on it.

I only see my daughter every few months.  I kept noticing a freckle on her forehead and each time I saw her it seemed to get bigger, especially after she returned from Iraq.  Finally, I bugged her enough to have it checked out.  It came back as melanoma and she had it removed.  Since then, she's had 2 on her back removed and one on her foot.  She is going in this week for a third spot on her back.  The biopsy showed it was dysplasia, but they're just going to remove it anyway.  She can look forward to a lifetime of full body exams every three months for suspicious marks.

The good news is that she her discharge from the military has been approved and she is scheduled for separation before the end of July.




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

I was hoping it was something dirty.
Well, except for the "with my daughter" part.

I may usurp it for my own "special" use anyway.




i can see it now...hey baby...wanna....wog?




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


I was hoping it was something dirty.
Well, except for the "with my daughter" part.

I may usurp it for my own "special" use anyway.




dirty? why ill give ya a dirty story. after the movie tonight i decided to recaulk around the shower which is a night job since the shower cant be used for hours after doing it and in doing so discovered a leak which left a disgusto moldy slimy mess which needed to be fixed. got the leak fixed and spent about an hour sitting in the bathtub pulling out the old nasty crud. so its moldy near the area where the leak was so the plan is to yank the old stuff out and hit it with some mold killing stuff since bleach just whitens it but doesnt kill it and i decide that maybe this mold removal crud will make it easier to get the old stuff out so i spritz the area and as i was yanking at the old silicone caulking with a putty knife and my fingers it sort of snapped up and wacked me in the face and i got slimy mold crud in my eye. this is starting to sound like a jeremy adventure, i think hes cursed all board plumbing projects  :::hands on hips::: so finally leak repaired, gunk removed, now im waiting for the area to completely dry so i can finally get to the caulking.  what was gonna be a 45 min job wandered into the 3 hour area. i remember from the last time i did this that im supposed to fill the bathtub with water but for the life of me i cant remember why?



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nesea wrote:

Ohhhhhhhh .... I've seen that but I never knew it had a name. 

I was hoping it was something dirty.
Well, except for the "with my daughter" part.

I may usurp it for my own "special" use anyway.




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Psych Lit wrote:

nesea wrote:

. and sorry to hear about the ac in the car (it's hot in jersey so it's coming your way)

ode to joy. i searched for this portable thing on cabelas website and couldnt find it. i think this is a job for the car parts joint. a seek and find mission for them.

but here's my question. What the heck is wogging?

wogging is speed walking with spurts of running. all out running is hard on the joints while walking is less so. ya gitcher, running shoes on, ankle weights optional, mp3 cranked, do the warm ups then begin walking for several min with long strides, arms swinging, set sights on an object and begin to sprint, when you reach the object go back to a full stride walk for another 10 min or so and then set sights on another object, alternate trying to build up to a 50/50 walk run. it amps up the workout and its good for the heart, lungs and bones. 


Ohhhhhhhh .... I've seen that but I never knew it had a name. 

One of the bad things about the bike is that since it's not a weight bearing exercise it doesn't help with maintaining bone density, so I have to include aerobics and free weights to accomplish that. I used to try and walk at least twice a week but I feel off the wagon (or should I say the sidewalk:) I really should get back in a routine.  



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nesea wrote:

. and sorry to hear about the ac in the car (it's hot in jersey so it's coming your way)

ode to joy. i searched for this portable thing on cabelas website and couldnt find it. i think this is a job for the car parts joint. a seek and find mission for them.

but here's my question. What the heck is wogging?

wogging is speed walking with spurts of running. all out running is hard on the joints while walking is less so. ya gitcher, running shoes on, ankle weights optional, mp3 cranked, do the warm ups then begin walking for several min with long strides, arms swinging, set sights on an object and begin to sprint, when you reach the object go back to a full stride walk for another 10 min or so and then set sights on another object, alternate trying to build up to a 50/50 walk run. it amps up the workout and its good for the heart, lungs and bones. 




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boxdog1031 wrote:


I have to say the best news is your daughters mole.

yep. that was about the best thing ever and now that ive gotten over that scare of worrying about losing her, this afternoon she tells me shes planning a big travel adventure all by herself, now that she doesnt have to spend all of that money on health care and all. i just mutter the mother mantra under my breath, "they are adults and you cannot hover over them micromanaging their lives." its always sumpthin yanno and i swear im seriously in need of some time without worrying about anybody. 

What a busy day all over the world. Remember though, before you consider solar "anything" you have to have access to sufficient and steady sunlight. Reports I have received from the NE over the past month tell me alot of folks wouldn't have gotten out of the driveway on  solar powered roller skates.

lol! yes! the sun made a brief appearance today for a whole 3 hours. we washed and hung out the sheets, got the lawn mowed, did some weed whacking, picked lettuce and berries and had a cookout for dinner. im still trying to perfect that chicken pasta salad and tonights was closer than ever to the original tho im still an ingredient or so off dangit. i hate when people dont share the real recipe yanno? anyway, we had the first of the local summer seasons corn on the cob grilled with some herbed butter, 5 bean salad, hotties, burgers and 3 berry shortcake with whipped cream and topped the night off by slurping blue raspberry freezy pops watching that all too elusive sun set in the distance.  my belly is very full.  i ate way too much. its going to rain again tomorrow.

As an afterthought on the maternity coverage, it's so simple to leave that benefit up to the discretion of the insured. I think I mentioned before I had a friend that had no benefits whatsoever for maternity through her employer, an ob/gyn private practice.

geesh i hope the employer would do the honors in the event she had a kid.  the thing about ins is that when everybody is insured the costs drop. right now its older adults who have the good ins and they are the ones who have the costly issues. younger people tend to have less serious illnesses and even tho pregnancies are expensive and tend to happen to younger women the lack of pre natal care or screening for high risk problems is something that will come back to haunt all of us. when i was looking up insurance companies online with her i saw that women typically pay around 40 percent more for health ins not only because of the maternity aspect but because women tend to see doctors more frequently tho the reason united health care cited to her was that she was childbearing age. youd think this would be a good thing for ins co tho. well care vs sick care? apparently not.

mass has mandatory health ins for everybody. if you have it thru work thats fine if not the amount that you pay is capped by income. its done thru private insurance cos and its handled like regular group ins where nobody gets turned down and the risk is spread out. employers have to contribute some to the cost and imo thats the only reason that most employers havent bailed on their coverage, theyd have to pay it anyway. romney put it in place when he was gov and ive heard lately that the system is at risk due to the other financial problems from the recession. 


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Psych Lit wrote:

the good news.  i was wogging with one of my daughters a couple of weeks ago and noticed a mole on her back that looked suspicious to me. the kid is red haired and very fair and as much as i have stomped the sunscreen message into her shes succumbed to the i want a tan thing just like everybody else her age. the bad news for her is that she has no health coverage. well, thats not exactly true since she purchased some after this discovery but they are charging her 1/4 of her income for it and it doesnt go into effect til mid july and even then she has to pay the first 2500. out of pocket. but the good news is that we went online and found a free skin cancer screening near to where she lives and i took her this afternoon and all is well. the mole in question is "normal". i still want her to have it removed dammit.  but the visions i was having of her spending the rest of her life paying for melanoma treatment, or worse, dying from not receiving adequate treatment, are soothed for the time being.  i really hope that this administration comes up with a health care plan soon. its the standard these days for employers to not offer coverage and so many people her age are without it. oh and did i mention that they raised her rates after acceptance because shes of child bearing age? yep, they raised the rates by 50 percent over the advertised price. blech.

the bad news is that my car wasnt so lucky. coming back from the y the other day it started making some serious metal on metal kinds of noise so i limped it home and had it towed to the mechanic. the good news here is that he only charged me 29 dollars to replace a belt and change the oil and diagnose the problem. the bad news is that the major problem is that the ac compressor went kaput because the belt broke and took out some small pin and it will be over a thou to fix it. this is the commuter car and its pushing 190k now so that kind of investment aint happening. the good news here is that it doesnt effect its drivability only the ac. so the choices im left with are to sell it and get a new one, or live with it and replace it by next summer or get a portable car ac and try that. the mechanic tells me that cabelas makes one that sells for 80 dollars tho he has no idea if they work or not. i wish there were solar car air conditioners. ive heard the new prius has a solar powered heating and ac system so maybe there is.  what i do know is that the humidity here has been so high that the thought of driving 75 miles each way to work without it in rush hour traffic is nausea inducing.  the good news tho is that the cash for clunker voucher program made it thru congress and should be available any day. im gonna look into this. i wonder how much a stripped prius costs? my jobs situations all seem a bit precarious these days tho so far so good but im reluctant to lease or take a car loan out but getting handed a voucher for 4500 seems too good to pass up. i agree with the guy in the saturn commercial who says that the ads by car companies to take back your car of you get laid off sounds like the worst day ever to him.  can you imagine that scenario?  heck id consider that saturn but i think the guy in the ad was laid off too when the saturn division folded:)

Great news about the mole .. and sorry to hear about the ac in the car (it's hot in jersey so it's coming your way) but here's my question. What the heck is wogging?



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Psych Lit wrote:

the good news.  i was wogging with one of my daughters a couple of weeks ago and noticed a mole on her back that looked suspicious to me. the kid is red haired and very fair and as much as i have stomped the sunscreen message into her shes succumbed to the i want a tan thing just like everybody else her age. the bad news for her is that she has no health coverage. well, thats not exactly true since she purchased some after this discovery but they are charging her 1/4 of her income for it and it doesnt go into effect til mid july and even then she has to pay the first 2500. out of pocket. but the good news is that we went online and found a free skin cancer screening near to where she lives and i took her this afternoon and all is well. the mole in question is "normal". i still want her to have it removed dammit.  but the visions i was having of her spending the rest of her life paying for melanoma treatment, or worse, dying from not receiving adequate treatment, are soothed for the time being.  i really hope that this administration comes up with a health care plan soon. its the standard these days for employers to not offer coverage and so many people her age are without it. oh and did i mention that they raised her rates after acceptance because shes of child bearing age? yep, they raised the rates by 50 percent over the advertised price. blech.

the bad news is that my car wasnt so lucky. coming back from the y the other day it started making some serious metal on metal kinds of noise so i limped it home and had it towed to the mechanic. the good news here is that he only charged me 29 dollars to replace a belt and change the oil and diagnose the problem. the bad news is that the major problem is that the ac compressor went kaput because the belt broke and took out some small pin and it will be over a thou to fix it. this is the commuter car and its pushing 190k now so that kind of investment aint happening. the good news here is that it doesnt effect its drivability only the ac. so the choices im left with are to sell it and get a new one, or live with it and replace it by next summer or get a portable car ac and try that. the mechanic tells me that cabelas makes one that sells for 80 dollars tho he has no idea if they work or not. i wish there were solar car air conditioners. ive heard the new prius has a solar powered heating and ac system so maybe there is.  what i do know is that the humidity here has been so high that the thought of driving 75 miles each way to work without it in rush hour traffic is nausea inducing.  the good news tho is that the cash for clunker voucher program made it thru congress and should be available any day. im gonna look into this. i wonder how much a stripped prius costs? my jobs situations all seem a bit precarious these days tho so far so good but im reluctant to lease or take a car loan out but getting handed a voucher for 4500 seems too good to pass up. i agree with the guy in the saturn commercial who says that the ads by car companies to take back your car of you get laid off sounds like the worst day ever to him.  can you imagine that scenario?  heck id consider that saturn but i think the guy in the ad was laid off too when the saturn division folded:)

I have to say the best news is your daughters mole. What a busy day all over the world. Remember though, before you consider solar "anything" you have to have access to sufficient and steady sunlight. Reports I have received from the NE over the past month tell me alot of folks wouldn't have gotten out of the driveway on  solar powered roller skates.

As an afterthought on the maternity coverage, it's so simple to leave that benefit up to the discretion of the insured. I think I mentioned before I had a friend that had no benefits whatsoever for maternity through her employer, an ob/gyn private practice. The nego rate for most of the big ins in FL is around 2 grand from start to delivery for the physician. It really isn't "worth" it as a specialty anymore with the cost of malpractice insurance. At any rate, there's no reason that a woman couldn't negotiate her own planned pregnancy with her ob doc and pay for it herself leaving deductibles and exclusions and percentages off the table. I am NO fan of government mandated, government overseen, government reimbursed universal healthcare. Apparently I'm not alone, people really do not want to be taxed on their benefit, be threatened with losing benes and folks already whine if they cant get to a doc the same day or week, imagine NEEDING a dr's note to return to work? And being given an appointment three months away because you're "healthy". I think it will fail, I hope it does. The cost involved, or being tossed around for the 51 million under or uninsured is NOT some additional burden we should accept. Healthcare is not a constitutional right, there are, and will remain available County, State and sliding scale medical clinics.

-- Edited by boxdog1031 on Thursday 25th of June 2009 04:49:52 PM



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the good news.  i was wogging with one of my daughters a couple of weeks ago and noticed a mole on her back that looked suspicious to me. the kid is red haired and very fair and as much as i have stomped the sunscreen message into her shes succumbed to the i want a tan thing just like everybody else her age. the bad news for her is that she has no health coverage. well, thats not exactly true since she purchased some after this discovery but they are charging her 1/4 of her income for it and it doesnt go into effect til mid july and even then she has to pay the first 2500. out of pocket. but the good news is that we went online and found a free skin cancer screening near to where she lives and i took her this afternoon and all is well. the mole in question is "normal". i still want her to have it removed dammit.  but the visions i was having of her spending the rest of her life paying for melanoma treatment, or worse, dying from not receiving adequate treatment, are soothed for the time being.  i really hope that this administration comes up with a health care plan soon. its the standard these days for employers to not offer coverage and so many people her age are without it. oh and did i mention that they raised her rates after acceptance because shes of child bearing age? yep, they raised the rates by 50 percent over the advertised price. blech.

the bad news is that my car wasnt so lucky. coming back from the y the other day it started making some serious metal on metal kinds of noise so i limped it home and had it towed to the mechanic. the good news here is that he only charged me 29 dollars to replace a belt and change the oil and diagnose the problem. the bad news is that the major problem is that the ac compressor went kaput because the belt broke and took out some small pin and it will be over a thou to fix it. this is the commuter car and its pushing 190k now so that kind of investment aint happening. the good news here is that it doesnt effect its drivability only the ac. so the choices im left with are to sell it and get a new one, or live with it and replace it by next summer or get a portable car ac and try that. the mechanic tells me that cabelas makes one that sells for 80 dollars tho he has no idea if they work or not. i wish there were solar car air conditioners. ive heard the new prius has a solar powered heating and ac system so maybe there is.  what i do know is that the humidity here has been so high that the thought of driving 75 miles each way to work without it in rush hour traffic is nausea inducing.  the good news tho is that the cash for clunker voucher program made it thru congress and should be available any day. im gonna look into this. i wonder how much a stripped prius costs? my jobs situations all seem a bit precarious these days tho so far so good but im reluctant to lease or take a car loan out but getting handed a voucher for 4500 seems too good to pass up. i agree with the guy in the saturn commercial who says that the ads by car companies to take back your car of you get laid off sounds like the worst day ever to him.  can you imagine that scenario?  heck id consider that saturn but i think the guy in the ad was laid off too when the saturn division folded:)

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