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Post Info TOPIC: and more breaking news. its a twofer day!


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RE: and more breaking news. its a twofer day!

Anonymous wrote:


I told her even though I am similar to those men she refers to in  that I am gay and, a lesbian..............God her eyes bulged. lol...


good for you. thats a learning experience for her:)


...............that I still have to wonder what in the world that she congers up thoughts of gay male sex in her head?

ive known two women who had these thoughts one straight one lesbian.  the straight one was a coworker sharing a room with me in brussels and it was mid summer in a hotel with no ac and open windows and looking out the window you could see into the window of the hotel next door and she turned off the lights in our room so she could watch two guys going at it. she kept calling me over to look and all i could think was er..no thanks... i wondered what was going on in her head too:) the other was a former partner who enjoyed porn both lesbian and gay porn.  i didnt get the attraction to the boys but whatever gets ya thru the night...


And, on refusing to serve them I reminded her that as a public servant she must or I will see she looses her badge. She has walked across the hall to avoid my cooties  since. Yep she is one of those Christians like in the article, that are loosing ground fast. God and Jesus do not like ugly. lol Gator

and thats an important thing to keep in mind. i am not anti christian or anti god. its the dark side of all of that that bothers me people who use god as an excuse to be ugly.








Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


And, he is the balderdash they are loaded with. Gator

Gay Marriage Leads To Mass Murder?


Is there a connection between same-sex marriage and mass murder?

That's what one religious right outfit is suggesting. This week, Morality in Media disseminated a statement noting that the Iowa Supreme Court had legalized gay marriage on the same day that a gunman murdered 13 people in Binghamton, New York. The headline on the release: "Connecting the Dots: The Line Between Gay Marriage and Mass Murders." The group's president, Bob Peters, notes that the "underlying problem is that increasingly we live in a 'post-Christian' society, where Judeo-Christian faith and values have less and less influence." And, he continues, this "secular value system is also reflected in the 'sexual revolution,' which is the driving force behind the push for 'gay marriage.'"

Here's the punch line:

It most certainly is not my intention to blame the epidemic of mass murders on the gay rights movement! It is my intention to point out that the success of the sexual revolution is inversely proportional to the decline in morality; and it is the decline of morality (and the faith that so often under girds it) that is the underlying cause of our modern day epidemic of mass murders.


of course it is. jeez. when i read reasoning like this i cant help but wonder what these peoples lives are like. to live so full of bitterness and unhappiness that seeps onto the fabric of others. im wondering why he hasnt picked up on capitalism or misogyny as contributors to this epidemic of mass murder. were we to plot this recent group they seem to fall into the husband shoots wife and kids and runs off or husband wipes out self and family because he lost his job. course capitalism and misogyny have more to do with patriarchal values than they do with "gay" rights but as long as we put the blinders on and find a good scapegoat all is right with the world.



In his statement on gay marriage and mass murder, Peters notes that Christianity and Judaism teach "that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves and to forgive others." But on the subject of gay marriage, he does seem to have a rather unforgiving approach.

ok this cracked me up. lol

I was working one day around a public servant and, I overheard her telling someone that it makes her sick to her stomach when she thinks about two men together and, that she would refuse to marry any if they came in. I had to speak even though a lot were shushing me and, making the crazy sigmn behind her back. I told her even though I am similar to those men she refers to in  that I am gay and, a lesbian..............God her eyes bulged. lol..................that I still have to wonder what in the world that she congers up thoughts of gay male sex in her head? And, on refusing to serve them I reminded her that as a public servant she must or I will see she looses her badge. She has walked across the hall to avoid my cooties  since. Yep she is one of those Christians like in the article, that are loosing ground fast. God and Jesus do not like ugly. lol Gator





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Anonymous wrote:


And, he is the balderdash they are loaded with. Gator

Gay Marriage Leads To Mass Murder?


Is there a connection between same-sex marriage and mass murder?

That's what one religious right outfit is suggesting. This week, Morality in Media disseminated a statement noting that the Iowa Supreme Court had legalized gay marriage on the same day that a gunman murdered 13 people in Binghamton, New York. The headline on the release: "Connecting the Dots: The Line Between Gay Marriage and Mass Murders." The group's president, Bob Peters, notes that the "underlying problem is that increasingly we live in a 'post-Christian' society, where Judeo-Christian faith and values have less and less influence." And, he continues, this "secular value system is also reflected in the 'sexual revolution,' which is the driving force behind the push for 'gay marriage.'"

Here's the punch line:

It most certainly is not my intention to blame the epidemic of mass murders on the gay rights movement! It is my intention to point out that the success of the sexual revolution is inversely proportional to the decline in morality; and it is the decline of morality (and the faith that so often under girds it) that is the underlying cause of our modern day epidemic of mass murders.


of course it is. jeez. when i read reasoning like this i cant help but wonder what these peoples lives are like. to live so full of bitterness and unhappiness that seeps onto the fabric of others. im wondering why he hasnt picked up on capitalism or misogyny as contributors to this epidemic of mass murder. were we to plot this recent group they seem to fall into the husband shoots wife and kids and runs off or husband wipes out self and family because he lost his job. course capitalism and misogyny have more to do with patriarchal values than they do with "gay" rights but as long as we put the blinders on and find a good scapegoat all is right with the world.



In his statement on gay marriage and mass murder, Peters notes that Christianity and Judaism teach "that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves and to forgive others." But on the subject of gay marriage, he does seem to have a rather unforgiving approach.

ok this cracked me up. lol




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whats encouraging here is that after listening to both sides the gov gets it and signs the bill. an attitudinal shift is happening...

Breaking: Maine's governor passes gay marriage bill

Gay marriage is now legal in Maine

Gay marriage is now legal in Maine after Governor John Baldacci signed it into law.

The Governor had previously opposed gay marriage but said in a statement he believed a civil union was not equal to marriage.

In the statement, he said: I have followed closely the debate on this issue. I have listened to both sides, as they have presented their arguments during the public hearing and on the floor of the Maine Senate and the House of Representatives. I have read many of the notes and letters sent to my office, and I have weighed my decision carefully. I did not come to this decision lightly or in haste.

"I appreciate the tone brought to this debate by both sides of the issue. This is an emotional issue that touches deeply many of our most important ideals and traditions. There are good, earnest and honest people on both sides of the question.

In the past, I opposed gay marriage while supporting the idea of civil unions. I have come to believe that this is a question of fairness and of equal protection under the law, and that a civil union is not equal to civil marriage."

Baldacci also noted there was likely to be a referendum on the issue, saying: Even as I sign this important legislation into law, I recognise that this may not be the final word.

Just as the Maine Constitution demands that all people are treated equally under the law, it also guarantees that the ultimate political power in the State belongs to the people.

While the good and just people of Maine may determine this issue, my responsibility is to uphold the Constitution and do, as best as possible, what is right. I believe that signing this legislation is the right thing to do."

The bill will not force churches to perform gay marriage ceremonies, instead guaranteeing state citizens the right to equality under civil marriage laws.

He said: This new law does not force any religion to recognise a marriage that falls outside of its beliefs. It does not require the church to perform any ceremony with which it disagrees. Instead, it reaffirms the separation of Church and State.

It guarantees that Maine citizens will be treated equally under Maines civil marriage laws, and that is the responsibility of government.

The bill had previously been approved by the state's Senate by 21 votes to 13. It passed in the House of Representatives 89 votes to 57.

The decision makes Maine the fifth US state to legalise gay marriage, after Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Iowa.



Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


Maine House Votes To Pass Gay Marriage Bill

Holy CRAP! The homos are taking over the world! biggrin

*Okay, I just have to say this. I understand headline frugality these writers0 face and all, and appreciate that the writers may not appreciate the difference, but really, this is "same-sex" marriage we're talking about, because it applies to not only homosexual people, but bi-sexual people as well. I suppose that sounds picky, but I think it an important point, nonetheless. smile

yep and waiting on new hampshire now too. it passed the state senate, went to the house and was amended then passed and now must go back to the senate for another vote on the amendments and then its a crap shoot as to whether or not the gov signs it. apparently tho if he doesnt sign it will still be the law of the land up there. each state has a whole protocol on this and it gets confusing but we might end may with 2 more states and dc on board.  the amendments tho were sort of vile. apparently those who disapprove can choose to opt out of marrying folks. 


DC is, for me, the interesting one to watch, largely because the US congress has the power to overrule "local" law there, and if they don't then that in and of its self is a "signal." It's unfortunate the local population there is not more favorable to same-sex marriage, but ... it's not . cry It seems to me the majority of American civilians still oppose the legalization of same sex marriage, and I think not enough work is being done in changing people's minds. I applaud, of course, the judicial decisions, but until regular people change their thinking, which will require educating them, we're apt to see California happening all over again, time after time.  

It strikes me that on practically all the important political battlefields right now, "my side" is fighting one religious entity or another -- the Catholic church in the pro-choice battle, and the Mormon church and the vast majority of self identified "black" churches on GLBT equality. Until the priests, pastors, and ministers change their thinking, their congregants are going to feel the squeeze of religious pressure to oppose the actualization of personal freedom and equity, regardless of the constitution. In the black civil rights movement, large portions of "the church" supported the evolution, but here, so many of those same groups are equally ardent in their opposition to it, and that seems to be a big stumbling block for us.



And, he is the balderdash they are loaded with. Gator

Gay Marriage Leads To Mass Murder?


Is there a connection between same-sex marriage and mass murder?

That's what one religious right outfit is suggesting. This week, Morality in Media disseminated a statement noting that the Iowa Supreme Court had legalized gay marriage on the same day that a gunman murdered 13 people in Binghamton, New York. The headline on the release: "Connecting the Dots: The Line Between Gay Marriage and Mass Murders." The group's president, Bob Peters, notes that the "underlying problem is that increasingly we live in a 'post-Christian' society, where Judeo-Christian faith and values have less and less influence." And, he continues, this "secular value system is also reflected in the 'sexual revolution,' which is the driving force behind the push for 'gay marriage.'"

Here's the punch line:

It most certainly is not my intention to blame the epidemic of mass murders on the gay rights movement! It is my intention to point out that the success of the sexual revolution is inversely proportional to the decline in morality; and it is the decline of morality (and the faith that so often under girds it) that is the underlying cause of our modern day epidemic of mass murders.

That is, he's not saying that gay rights activists are directly responsible for the murderous actions of gun-toting madmen. But Peters maintains that those who champion gay rights are undermining the moral fiber of society and that this assault on traditional values creates an environment in which killing sprees can more easily occur. These acts of gun violence, he insists, are the poisoned fruit of the push for gay marriage.

Talk about exploiting tragedy to advance an agenda. It might be tempting to dismiss Peters and Morality in Media as marginal, but this group did receive federal funding from 2005 through 2007. The money supported a Morality in Media project, ObscenityCrimes.org, which paid two retired law enforcement officers to review citizen complaints about obscenity on the Internet and to forward the best leads to the US Justice Department for possible prosecution. A total of $300,000 was provided to Morality in Media through two earmarks Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) placed into spending bills, according to Peters. And a portion of that money went to cover Peters' salary. As The New York Times reported in 2007, no obscenity prosecutions had resulted from the Morality in Media's obscenity-tracking work.

Peters tells me that since 2007--thanks to the fuss about earmarks--he has received no more funds from the US government. After the earmarked grants ran out in 2007, he did apply directly to the Justice Department and was turned down. Since then, he has raised private funds to keep ObscenityCrimes.org going. That may be for the best--particularly for Morality in Media. Peters has recently attacked President Barack Obama's pick for deputy attorney general, David Ogden, as an "ACLU-minded" sort who would "likely weaken" government efforts "to curb sexual trafficking and sexual exploitation of children." It would be difficult--or, at least, awkward--for Peters to blast a Justice Department that was funding his own work.

In his statement on gay marriage and mass murder, Peters notes that Christianity and Judaism teach "that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves and to forgive others." But on the subject of gay marriage, he does seem to have a rather unforgiving approach.



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Psych Lit wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


Maine House Votes To Pass Gay Marriage Bill

Holy CRAP! The homos are taking over the world! biggrin

*Okay, I just have to say this. I understand headline frugality these writers0 face and all, and appreciate that the writers may not appreciate the difference, but really, this is "same-sex" marriage we're talking about, because it applies to not only homosexual people, but bi-sexual people as well. I suppose that sounds picky, but I think it an important point, nonetheless. smile

yep and waiting on new hampshire now too. it passed the state senate, went to the house and was amended then passed and now must go back to the senate for another vote on the amendments and then its a crap shoot as to whether or not the gov signs it. apparently tho if he doesnt sign it will still be the law of the land up there. each state has a whole protocol on this and it gets confusing but we might end may with 2 more states and dc on board.  the amendments tho were sort of vile. apparently those who disapprove can choose to opt out of marrying folks. 


DC is, for me, the interesting one to watch, largely because the US congress has the power to overrule "local" law there, and if they don't then that in and of its self is a "signal." It's unfortunate the local population there is not more favorable to same-sex marriage, but ... it's not . cry It seems to me the majority of American civilians still oppose the legalization of same sex marriage, and I think not enough work is being done in changing people's minds. I applaud, of course, the judicial decisions, but until regular people change their thinking, which will require educating them, we're apt to see California happening all over again, time after time.  

It strikes me that on practically all the important political battlefields right now, "my side" is fighting one religious entity or another -- the Catholic church in the pro-choice battle, and the Mormon church and the vast majority of self identified "black" churches on GLBT equality. Until the priests, pastors, and ministers change their thinking, their congregants are going to feel the squeeze of religious pressure to oppose the actualization of personal freedom and equity, regardless of the constitution. In the black civil rights movement, large portions of "the church" supported the evolution, but here, so many of those same groups are equally ardent in their opposition to it, and that seems to be a big stumbling block for us.




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Posts: 1547

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


Maine House Votes To Pass Gay Marriage Bill

Holy CRAP! The homos are taking over the world! biggrin

*Okay, I just have to say this. I understand headline frugality these writers0 face and all, and appreciate that the writers may not appreciate the difference, but really, this is "same-sex" marriage we're talking about, because it applies to not only homosexual people, but bi-sexual people as well. I suppose that sounds picky, but I think it an important point, nonetheless. smile

yep and waiting on new hampshire now too. it passed the state senate, went to the house and was amended then passed and now must go back to the senate for another vote on the amendments and then its a crap shoot as to whether or not the gov signs it. apparently tho if he doesnt sign it will still be the law of the land up there. each state has a whole protocol on this and it gets confusing but we might end may with 2 more states and dc on board.  the amendments tho were sort of vile. apparently those who disapprove can choose to opt out of marrying folks.

*<have already heard it all, but g'head and give me your best shot anyway. LOL>





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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:


Maine House Votes To Pass Gay Marriage Bill

Holy CRAP! The homos are taking over the world! biggrin

*Okay, I just have to say this. I understand headline frugality these writers0 face and all, and appreciate that the writers may not appreciate the difference, but really, this is "same-sex" marriage we're talking about, because it applies to not only homosexual people, but bi-sexual people as well. I suppose that sounds picky, but I think it an important point, nonetheless. smile

*<have already heard it all, but g'head and give me your best shot anyway. LOL>


What's the common bond? We're all queer  ... and the headline ..  Queers can too!!



"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni


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Psych Lit wrote:

Maine House Votes To Pass Gay Marriage Bill

Holy CRAP! The homos are taking over the world! biggrin

*Okay, I just have to say this. I understand headline frugality these writers0 face and all, and appreciate that the writers may not appreciate the difference, but really, this is "same-sex" marriage we're talking about, because it applies to not only homosexual people, but bi-sexual people as well. I suppose that sounds picky, but I think it an important point, nonetheless. smile

*<have already heard it all, but g'head and give me your best shot anyway. LOL>




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Maine House Votes To Pass Gay Marriage Bill

AUGUSTA, METhe Maine State House of Representatives voted today on a bill that would allow the state to create legal same-sex marriages. The bill, LD 1020 was passed by the House 89 votes to 58.

The bill will next be returned to the Senate for final approval.

Representative Stephen Lovejoy, DPortland reflected on his own 45 year marriage and testified that same-sex marriage will not hurt his union. Lovejoy told the House in explaining his position, "Love does not destroy, hate does. This is the next step in civil rights".

Representative Sheryl Briggs, DMexico, told the House that even though her daughter is a lesbian, She is unable to approve of who her daughter is and would be voting against marriage equality because of her religious upbringing.

Gov. John Baldacci, a Democrat, has not said whether he will sign the bill.

The vote in Maine comes on the heels of a new CBS/New York Times poll released Tuesday that shows that support for marriage equality across the country has risen nine points in the last month. The poll, conducted April 22-26, 2009, shows that 42% of Americans now say that same-sex couples should be allowed to legally marry. That number is up nine points from the month earlier when only 33% support marriage equality for same-sex couples.

Four states have recognized marriage for same-sex couples under state law: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, and Vermont (effective September 2009). The New Hampshire Senate passed marriage equality bill last week. The New York State Assembly is expected to vote next week on legislation that would permit same-sex couples to marry under state law. Staff

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