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Post Info TOPIC: Mother Earth.......................Day


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RE: Mother Earth.......................Day

Anonymous wrote:


Trains: I love the trains of NY.  Rode it in and out of the city throughout middle and hs.

i think your parents were like mine in that they were big believers in letting you become street smart at an early age.  i have photos of me in new york city age 11 with bff. all dressed up in my flowered empire dress, lil pink bow and pink preppy raincoat. a vision! lol. people say oh its a different world now but it was kind of dicey way back then. bff's mother used to call in a hotel room for us to stay in on the weekends (sans parents) when we were in middle school. the trains i loved for people watching were the last trains back to ct on the weekends. party trains for sure but great for people observation:)

After midnight it was like a gigantic party bus. I was on a train ride into the city with a much older friend the day John Lennon was shot down. Met Donna Karan that day too. It was a strange day. My friend was a Parsons instructor and her friend was a protege at some designer house, who went on to be known as DKNY.

that must have been a difficult weekend. did you go up to the dakota when you heard?

I {heart} trains. And teachers. And still feel the loss of John Lennon. With the exception of Reagan winning that election year the assassination of JL really kicked off a decade of unbelievable weirdness. And the only tie-in there is the news came while on a train. Ok? I'm still tired from last nights post-a-thon.

lol.. i hear ya.  im tired from heat and lots of unexpected company. several friends live in towns that have been without water for nearly a week now due to some contamination so theyve been popping by to cool off and shower. cool off because it went from winter to the dog days of august over the weekend. the mid 90s today. it saps the energy a bit. ive been laying low outside under the shady trees with lots of strawberry lemon ice.




Psych Lit wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


A Girl And Her Belated Earth Day, 4/24

But what, of all things, has brought down our emissions, says the New York Times? The recession.

the proverbial sliver lining:)

I'm celebrating Earth Day on Friday (yes, the 24th) to celebrate a great People's Endeavor. I'm part of an Earth Day lineup outside Grand Central Station where my train line, Metro North, runs. A train line is not what this Earth Day concert is about, but it's why I'm doing it. A year ago, I called Metro North and said I was helping an 11-year-old (not a total lie. I have one...within) write a report about Metro North's fuel consumption. I got a great call with statistics that I, an actual busy grown-up, lost. But Metro North carries 80 million passengers a year, and I did figure out that each of these people used, on average, half a gallon of gas and a few kilowatt hours of electricity per ride. On top of this, millions of cars don't need new parking lots, parking meters, pavement, and basic infrastructure that exceeds that of train stations. It takes me 3 gallons of gas to get to the city in a car that gets 44 mpg (stalkers, get out those calculators!).

ahh metro north. i used to take it every day. i hope to take it again soon. there is a new initiative to connect mass to new york thru new haven and so i wont have to drive half way to catch the train. now if they can only do something about the lack of security id be taking it every day. i must say it was disconcerting to get on that train every day and never be searched or asked a question. and then there were the grenades they found on the fence next to the train. ive driven since then. not one for explosive incidents in any form:)

I say, hoorah for trains. They are the least subsidized, most fuel efficient form of public transportation. Please join me in NYC on Friday. I'm through with thinking I'm going to read about the impact that our actions have. I'll just approach things sacramentally, starting with my wonderful, local commuter rail, Metro North.

Best Wishes,

PS: Also excited about celebrating The Progressive's 100th Anniversary in Wisconsin and Pete Seeger's birthday at Madison Square Garden. More on that later. Also did a STELLAR tour with the amazingly and multi-talented Melissa Ferrick in California. I love her, on stage and off.

i love melissa too! lol

Footnote: what a silly girl, I already know where she live ;) Ps, she's picking the tour right back up and going through the end of 09. Besides a couple of little junkets in NE she has a Chicago gig 8/23. I don't know what happened in Oregon, but those shows cancelled.

im looking forward to a dar concert of two. the concert season is upon us! yay!


Trains: I love the trains of NY.  Rode it in and out of the city throughout middle and hs. After midnight it was like a gigantic party bus. I was on a train ride into the city with a much older friend the day John Lennon was shot down. Met Donna Karan that day too. It was a strange day. My friend was a Parsons instructor and her friend was a protege at some designer house, who went on to be known as DKNY. 

I {heart} trains. And teachers. And still feel the loss of John Lennon. With the exception of Reagan winning that election year the assassination of JL really kicked off a decade of unbelievable weirdness. And the only tie-in there is the news came while on a train. Ok? I'm still tired from last nights post-a-thon.



Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


This woman aint hard to look at either and sports a toolbox and her own tele show.  She's got a kinda gypsy sounding carpentry career and alot of involvement in the (non)project of the site formerly known as the Twin Towers. Almost has an  invisible personal history. I'll get right on that. Anyway. I hope there's an even of not well tethered balance in the spirituality side of the event. I'm just so turned off by any sprituality that isn't coming from myself. Otherwise. I'll be there.

ok shes cute. i feel a need to wash all of that makeup off

Lipstick's too dark.




 wow. you two are a rough crowd. why don't we wipe the lipstick off, shave her head, tie her down until she confesses to enjoying it slap a big fat rainbow on her ass before we send her running home with her tool belt crying like a little boi? For starters. Maybe I'll invite her to be a MYSPACE friend and then shun her. lol

:) Sorry. I REALLY WAS saying it from a professional point of view, if that helps at all.

IN MY OPINION the dark lipstick ages her a good five years, at LEAST, and detracts from her beauty.

If I were her agent, or show director, or makeup artist, I would opt for something in a lighter shade.


You know? I'm going to have to "process" this P/A stuff. I'll be back. She's not my "type". Well, she's got the whole field hockey part down, but I can't see her in a dress down to her knees. lolol.




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Posts: 1307

Anonymous wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


This woman aint hard to look at either and sports a toolbox and her own tele show.  She's got a kinda gypsy sounding carpentry career and alot of involvement in the (non)project of the site formerly known as the Twin Towers. Almost has an  invisible personal history. I'll get right on that. Anyway. I hope there's an even of not well tethered balance in the spirituality side of the event. I'm just so turned off by any sprituality that isn't coming from myself. Otherwise. I'll be there.

ok shes cute. i feel a need to wash all of that makeup off

Lipstick's too dark.




 wow. you two are a rough crowd. why don't we wipe the lipstick off, shave her head, tie her down until she confesses to enjoying it slap a big fat rainbow on her ass before we send her running home with her tool belt crying like a little boi? For starters. Maybe I'll invite her to be a MYSPACE friend and then shun her. lol

:) Sorry. I REALLY WAS saying it from a professional point of view, if that helps at all.

IN MY OPINION the dark lipstick ages her a good five years, at LEAST, and detracts from her beauty.

If I were her agent, or show director, or makeup artist, I would opt for something in a lighter shade.




P.S. makeup, all of it, is dirty. Germs stick to it like glue. blech. Dip her in bleach and we'll talk.



Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


This woman aint hard to look at either and sports a toolbox and her own tele show.  She's got a kinda gypsy sounding carpentry career and alot of involvement in the (non)project of the site formerly known as the Twin Towers. Almost has an  invisible personal history. I'll get right on that. Anyway. I hope there's an even of not well tethered balance in the spirituality side of the event. I'm just so turned off by any sprituality that isn't coming from myself. Otherwise. I'll be there.

ok shes cute. i feel a need to wash all of that makeup off

Lipstick's too dark.




 wow. you two are a rough crowd. why don't we wipe the lipstick off, shave her head, tie her down until she confesses to enjoying it slap a big fat rainbow on her ass before we send her running home with her tool belt crying like a little boi? For starters. Maybe I'll invite her to be a MYSPACE friend and then shun her. lol

Anyone know why I have to use a 12 pt font to get a 10? It clearly defaults to 10 and wants to show up in micro. help.



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Posts: 1307

Psych Lit wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


This woman aint hard to look at either and sports a toolbox and her own tele show.  She's got a kinda gypsy sounding carpentry career and alot of involvement in the (non)project of the site formerly known as the Twin Towers. Almost has an  invisible personal history. I'll get right on that. Anyway. I hope there's an even of not well tethered balance in the spirituality side of the event. I'm just so turned off by any sprituality that isn't coming from myself. Otherwise. I'll be there.

ok shes cute. i feel a need to wash all of that makeup off

Lipstick's too dark.





Psych Lit wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


This woman aint hard to look at either and sports a toolbox and her own tele show.  She's got a kinda gypsy sounding carpentry career and alot of involvement in the (non)project of the site formerly known as the Twin Towers. Almost has an  invisible personal history. I'll get right on that. Anyway. I hope there's an even of not well tethered balance in the spirituality side of the event. I'm just so turned off by any sprituality that isn't coming from myself. Otherwise. I'll be there.

ok shes cute. i feel a need to wash all of that makeup off but shes very attractive. yes i think shes worth time in the tin foil helmet.



I'm a one woman bush jumper.  ;) On that note, I'm going to nap. Good night!




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Posts: 1547

Anonymous wrote:


This woman aint hard to look at either and sports a toolbox and her own tele show.  She's got a kinda gypsy sounding carpentry career and alot of involvement in the (non)project of the site formerly known as the Twin Towers. Almost has an  invisible personal history. I'll get right on that. Anyway. I hope there's an even of not well tethered balance in the spirituality side of the event. I'm just so turned off by any sprituality that isn't coming from myself. Otherwise. I'll be there.

ok shes cute. i feel a need to wash all of that makeup off but shes very attractive. yes i think shes worth time in the tin foil helmet.





Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:


ooo i like that pix even more!

I'm sorry to hear of the loss. If I remember right it was a long illness?

she had cancer. it was relatively brief she died within weeks of her husband who became ill shortly after her dx. that is a double tragedy.

Grief is a funny thing, there's no standard measure. A person doesn't have any idea for whom or what they will grieve or HOW. It's really very weird. I hope your friend has a swift and healthy mourning process.

i hope so. right now shes caught up in the will drama. now that sucks. money divides at a time when the lives of the loved ones should bring people together

Alix AND Wendy will be both be there. As a matter of fact, (name escapes me) CEO President, some such with an ovarian cancer diagnosis, treatment and RECOVERY, she was/is with Columbia Sportswear. I am a huge fan, love the hats and fleece jackets. It will be a great event. It'll at least introduce me, open my mind to the "spoken art" form as is Alix. ;) (RAP) lol.

hell yeah youll like her. i love spoken word. sigh. and that shes not hard on the eyes wont hurt:0



This woman aint hard to look at either and sports a toolbox and her own tele show.  She's got a kinda gypsy sounding carpentry career and alot of involvement in the (non)project of the site formerly known as the Twin Towers. Almost has an  invisible personal history. I'll get right on that. Anyway. I hope there's an even of not well tethered balance in the spirituality side of the event. I'm just so turned off by any sprituality that isn't coming from myself. Otherwise. I'll be there.




Status: Offline
Posts: 1547

BoxDog wrote:


ooo i like that pix even more!

I'm sorry to hear of the loss. If I remember right it was a long illness?

she had cancer. it was relatively brief she died within weeks of her husband who became ill shortly after her dx. that is a double tragedy.

Grief is a funny thing, there's no standard measure. A person doesn't have any idea for whom or what they will grieve or HOW. It's really very weird. I hope your friend has a swift and healthy mourning process.

i hope so. right now shes caught up in the will drama. now that sucks. money divides at a time when the lives of the loved ones should bring people together

Alix AND Wendy will be both be there. As a matter of fact, (name escapes me) CEO President, some such with an ovarian cancer diagnosis, treatment and RECOVERY, she was/is with Columbia Sportswear. I am a huge fan, love the hats and fleece jackets. It will be a great event. It'll at least introduce me, open my mind to the "spoken art" form as is Alix. ;) (RAP) lol.

hell yeah youll like her. i love spoken word. sigh. and that shes not hard on the eyes wont hurt:0




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Posts: 515

Psych Lit wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Don't forget! She'll be here, in St Pete, in October. ;) Bring kayak, or pony.

alix or wendy? im thinking alix is kinda cute:)   im still waiting to hear about the fla kayaking trip. my friends mother was ill and has now died and shes still in the grieving process so i havent mentioned it to her.


http://www.iammoxywomen.com/ <<<<<correct link, I think.




I'm sorry to hear of the loss. If I remember right it was a long illness? Grief is a funny thing, there's no standard measure. A person doesn't have any idea for whom or what they will grieve or HOW. It's really very weird. I hope your friend has a swift and healthy mourning process.

Alix AND Wendy will be both be there. As a matter of fact, (name escapes me) CEO President, some such with an ovarian cancer diagnosis, treatment and RECOVERY, she was/is with Columbia Sportswear. I am a huge fan, love the hats and fleece jackets. It will be a great event. It'll at least introduce me, open my mind to the "spoken art" form as is Alix. ;) (RAP) lol.



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Posts: 1547

Anonymous wrote:


A Girl And Her Belated Earth Day, 4/24

But what, of all things, has brought down our emissions, says the New York Times? The recession.

the proverbial sliver lining:)

I'm celebrating Earth Day on Friday (yes, the 24th) to celebrate a great People's Endeavor. I'm part of an Earth Day lineup outside Grand Central Station where my train line, Metro North, runs. A train line is not what this Earth Day concert is about, but it's why I'm doing it. A year ago, I called Metro North and said I was helping an 11-year-old (not a total lie. I have one...within) write a report about Metro North's fuel consumption. I got a great call with statistics that I, an actual busy grown-up, lost. But Metro North carries 80 million passengers a year, and I did figure out that each of these people used, on average, half a gallon of gas and a few kilowatt hours of electricity per ride. On top of this, millions of cars don't need new parking lots, parking meters, pavement, and basic infrastructure that exceeds that of train stations. It takes me 3 gallons of gas to get to the city in a car that gets 44 mpg (stalkers, get out those calculators!).

ahh metro north. i used to take it every day. i hope to take it again soon. there is a new initiative to connect mass to new york thru new haven and so i wont have to drive half way to catch the train. now if they can only do something about the lack of security id be taking it every day. i must say it was disconcerting to get on that train every day and never be searched or asked a question. and then there were the grenades they found on the fence next to the train. ive driven since then. not one for explosive incidents in any form:)

I say, hoorah for trains. They are the least subsidized, most fuel efficient form of public transportation. Please join me in NYC on Friday. I'm through with thinking I'm going to read about the impact that our actions have. I'll just approach things sacramentally, starting with my wonderful, local commuter rail, Metro North.

Best Wishes,

PS: Also excited about celebrating The Progressive's 100th Anniversary in Wisconsin and Pete Seeger's birthday at Madison Square Garden. More on that later. Also did a STELLAR tour with the amazingly and multi-talented Melissa Ferrick in California. I love her, on stage and off.

i love melissa too! lol

Footnote: what a silly girl, I already know where she live ;) Ps, she's picking the tour right back up and going through the end of 09. Besides a couple of little junkets in NE she has a Chicago gig 8/23. I don't know what happened in Oregon, but those shows cancelled.

im looking forward to a dar concert of two. the concert season is upon us! yay!




Status: Offline
Posts: 1547

Anonymous wrote:

Don't forget! She'll be here, in St Pete, in October. ;) Bring kayak, or pony.

alix or wendy? im thinking alix is kinda cute:)   im still waiting to hear about the fla kayaking trip. my friends mother was ill and has now died and shes still in the grieving process so i havent mentioned it to her.


http://www.iammoxywomen.com/ <<<<<correct link, I think.






Anonymous wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:

testing 1-2-3

ooo! i think its gonna work! thanks owl

 Don't forget! She'll be here, in St Pete, in October. ;) Bring kayak, or pony.


http://www.iammoxywomen.com/  <<<<<correct link, I think.




Psych Lit wrote:

testing 1-2-3

ooo! i think its gonna work! thanks owl

 Don't forget! She'll be here, in St Pete, in October. ;) Bring kayak, or pony.




A Girl And Her Belated Earth Day, 4/24

Are you feeling as demoralized as I am never hearing the impact that our collective transit-over-car miles, solar panels, cloth bags, green roofs, local food movements, tree plantings, tree plantings by Disney, wind farms, donations towards solar cookers over dung ovens and compact fluorescent lightbulbs are having on global warming? I was a real nerd for a long time when it came to the environment. Now, instead of pretending I'm an eccentric lady with sticks in her hair who's CRAZILY passing on a pile of napkins and double cups at the cafe, I say no thanks and get smiles of approval and understanding. I see smaller cars and daring town initiatives. I know the world is changing. I travel everywhere, and I see it EVERYWHERE. But what, of all things, has brought down our emissions, says the New York Times? The recession.

I'm celebrating Earth Day on Friday (yes, the 24th) to celebrate a great People's Endeavor. I'm part of an Earth Day lineup outside Grand Central Station where my train line, Metro North, runs. A train line is not what this Earth Day concert is about, but it's why I'm doing it. A year ago, I called Metro North and said I was helping an 11-year-old (not a total lie. I have one...within) write a report about Metro North's fuel consumption. I got a great call with statistics that I, an actual busy grown-up, lost. But Metro North carries 80 million passengers a year, and I did figure out that each of these people used, on average, half a gallon of gas and a few kilowatt hours of electricity per ride. On top of this, millions of cars don't need new parking lots, parking meters, pavement, and basic infrastructure that exceeds that of train stations. It takes me 3 gallons of gas to get to the city in a car that gets 44 mpg (stalkers, get out those calculators!).

I say, hoorah for trains. They are the least subsidized, most fuel efficient form of public transportation. Please join me in NYC on Friday. I'm through with thinking I'm going to read about the impact that our actions have. I'll just approach things sacramentally, starting with my wonderful, local commuter rail, Metro North.

Best Wishes,

PS: Also excited about celebrating The Progressive's 100th Anniversary in Wisconsin and Pete Seeger's birthday at Madison Square Garden. More on that later. Also did a STELLAR tour with the amazingly and multi-talented Melissa Ferrick in California. I love her, on stage and off.

Footnote: what a silly girl, I already know where she live ;) Ps, she's picking the tour right back up and going through the end of 09. Besides a couple of little junkets in NE she has a Chicago gig 8/23. I don't know what happened in Oregon, but those shows cancelled.



nesea wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


nesea wrote:


heres a question for ya. how often do you listen to current music? when you listen to the radio do you select stations that play only music that was popular during a particular time of your life? im thinking thats sort of an interesting thing to explore. i remember growing up when the oldies stations played things from the 40's and then the 50's.  in the 80s it was 60s music and now the oldies are what? the 80's. i wonder if we freeze our music to those best times of our life or what we perceive to be the best time and i wonder, generationally speaking, what that entails for people? off tangent i think music is an intensely personal thing for most of us. wasnt it last year that some judge used music as a punishment for felons? same in guantanamo too as i recall. being forced to listen to music that doesnt appeal can be catastrophic relationally speaking. imagine the road trips!  my bff is a woman i have known for 45 years. shes stuck in the late 60's. last year on my birthday she and her boy toy at the time created a 2 disc cd set of songs for me. i was looking forward to it at the time since shed asked me who i liked and i told her and she wrote it down. i was a bit surprised later to open the gift and see that it was all music from '65-70 and 3/4 male singers. not my thing but definitely hers.

I'm a coffee house listener mostly ... # 30 on sirius radio. Its a mix of just about everything ... but all acoustic. That's not to say I don't listen to other stuff .. really, there's a lot of stations available .. but I find myself drawn back to that one station most often.

Maybe that's why the label of "oldie"  caught me so off guard ... it's all just music when I'm hearing it .....


I listen to the current music a few times out of the month to see whats new and who's new. A lot of it is laced with "oldie" and, some re do's less appealing than the original. MY favorite station while driving plays a mix of old and new. I love all music but, the lesser liked I have to be in a special mood to tolerate. Classical is only for naps and, house cleaning. I'm not sure if I go back to a particular period of time in my life by the choice of music (which is mostly oldies)but, I do know that some songs come on and, evoke the past and, hauntingly I am there as if it was only yesterday. Gator



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Psych Lit wrote:

nesea wrote:


heres a question for ya. how often do you listen to current music? when you listen to the radio do you select stations that play only music that was popular during a particular time of your life? im thinking thats sort of an interesting thing to explore. i remember growing up when the oldies stations played things from the 40's and then the 50's.  in the 80s it was 60s music and now the oldies are what? the 80's. i wonder if we freeze our music to those best times of our life or what we perceive to be the best time and i wonder, generationally speaking, what that entails for people? off tangent i think music is an intensely personal thing for most of us. wasnt it last year that some judge used music as a punishment for felons? same in guantanamo too as i recall. being forced to listen to music that doesnt appeal can be catastrophic relationally speaking. imagine the road trips!  my bff is a woman i have known for 45 years. shes stuck in the late 60's. last year on my birthday she and her boy toy at the time created a 2 disc cd set of songs for me. i was looking forward to it at the time since shed asked me who i liked and i told her and she wrote it down. i was a bit surprised later to open the gift and see that it was all music from '65-70 and 3/4 male singers. not my thing but definitely hers.

I'm a coffee house listener mostly ... # 30 on sirius radio. Its a mix of just about everything ... but all acoustic. That's not to say I don't listen to other stuff .. really, there's a lot of stations available .. but I find myself drawn back to that one station most often.

Maybe that's why the label of "oldie"  caught me so off guard ... it's all just music when I'm hearing it .....



"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni


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Posts: 1307

Psych Lit wrote:

testing 1-2-3

ooo! i think its gonna work! thanks owl

 You're welcome, and wtg! :) clap



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Posts: 1547

Anonymous wrote:



For Owl,(jumpin for Joni!)  "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot". That pretty much sums it up. Everything beyond the paving is just toxic gravy we've added since she penned those lyrics. Sad, Earth Day. Had it only kicked into a prophylactic mode when the term was coined...

biggrin My hand to Gawd, I had the YOU TUBE of her singin' Big Yellow Taxi all cued up, and RTG, and then remembered you sorta had dibs on it! LOL.


omg, that's kinda coolcreepy. Lemme ask this, do internet friends start looking like each other after time? You know, like pets, and old couples?






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Posts: 1547

testing 1-2-3

ooo! i think its gonna work! thanks owl



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Posts: 1547

nesea wrote:


oldies?? ... can't be ... no way. So I say to no one in particular .. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  When did Stevie Nicks and Cher turn into the oldies ??? 

stevies looking pretty good these days. i think shes had some work done. well so has cher come to think of it. lol

The woman doing my hair was like ... I know !!! Can you believe it ..and we started to do the math ... letseehere .. it's 2009 ... this was 1974 .. maybe '75 .... that's ah ... like what .. omfg .. that's like 35 years !!!  Now the shampool girl/child looking at us and rolling her eyes .. (I'm sure she was born in like 1990 or something)

so silly as it seems it was a moment for me ... which, as you can see,  I'm still working through ...lol

heres a question for ya. how often do you listen to current music? when you listen to the radio do you select stations that play only music that was popular during a particular time of your life? im thinking thats sort of an interesting thing to explore. i remember growing up when the oldies stations played things from the 40's and then the 50's.  in the 80s it was 60s music and now the oldies are what? the 80's. i wonder if we freeze our music to those best times of our life or what we perceive to be the best time and i wonder, generationally speaking, what that entails for people? off tangent i think music is an intensely personal thing for most of us. wasnt it last year that some judge used music as a punishment for felons? same in guantanamo too as i recall. being forced to listen to music that doesnt appeal can be catastrophic relationally speaking. imagine the road trips!  my bff is a woman i have known for 45 years. shes stuck in the late 60's. last year on my birthday she and her boy toy at the time created a 2 disc cd set of songs for me. i was looking forward to it at the time since shed asked me who i liked and i told her and she wrote it down. i was a bit surprised later to open the gift and see that it was all music from '65-70 and 3/4 male singers. not my thing but definitely hers.




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Posts: 1547

nesea wrote:


Speaking of jumping outta bushes  ...  Maya Angelou will be a speaker at this years nj governors conference for women .. which I just happen to be attending in may (w00t) and I was thinking (as is everyone else probably) how nice it would be to get one of her works autographed .. and just so happens she has a new one out titled ... "Letter to my Daughter", which after listening to her talk about it here  http://www.mayaangelou.com/april15.html seems darn near perfect.  Has anyone read it yet ???
There'll probably be a line of seekers in front of her right? Or do you think I would come off as a putz asking her ?? 

I think I'm gonna pick up the book and go prepared .. just in case.


i haven't read it. will the speakers have tables set up for book sales? if so im sure she wouldn't mind giving you an autograph if you've purchased the book. 




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Posts: 1547

Anonymous wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:

i dont know how to post the vids so ill have to use the link.

muh current reason to jump out of the bushes with my tin foil hat

and the next is my last reason for same and somebody tell me how to post the vids!!!



-- Edited by Psych Lit on Thursday 23rd of April 2009 12:11:37 PM

Chris looks like a baby Ferron. Your shameless;) Gator


lol aww cm'on shes adorable and that voice! brainy artistic women. sigh.  omg. i saw her play last month and i was indeed shameless taking pix and acting like a 13 year old.  i think i may have posted them?




Psych Lit wrote:

i dont know how to post the vids so ill have to use the link.

muh current reason to jump out of the bushes with my tin foil hat

and the next is my last reason for same and somebody tell me how to post the vids!!!



-- Edited by Psych Lit on Thursday 23rd of April 2009 12:11:37 PM

Chris looks like a baby Ferron. Your shameless;) Gator



nesea wrote:


Speaking of jumping outta bushes  ...  Maya Angelou will be a speaker at this years nj governors conference for women .. which I just happen to be attending in may (w00t) and I was thinking (as is everyone else probably) how nice it would be to get one of her works autographed .. and just so happens she has a new one out titled ... "Letter to my Daughter", which after listening to her talk about it here  http://www.mayaangelou.com/april15.html seems darn near perfect.  Has anyone read it yet ???
There'll probably be a line of seekers in front of her right? Or do you think I would come off as a putz asking her ?? 

I think I'm gonna pick up the book and go prepared .. just in case.


Carry the book around with you boldly and, just maybe beforehand without having to brave a long line the two of you will happen upon each other. I have not read her new book.  I go look at your link to her. Gator


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Speaking of jumping outta bushes  ...  Maya Angelou will be a speaker at this years nj governors conference for women .. which I just happen to be attending in may (w00t) and I was thinking (as is everyone else probably) how nice it would be to get one of her works autographed .. and just so happens she has a new one out titled ... "Letter to my Daughter", which after listening to her talk about it here  http://www.mayaangelou.com/april15.html   seems darn near perfect.  Has anyone read it yet ???     
There'll probably be a line of seekers in front of her right? Or do you think I would come off as a putz asking her ?? 

I think I'm gonna pick up the book and go prepared .. just in case.



"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni

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Psych Lit wrote:

i dont know how to post the vids so ill have to use the link.

muh current reason to jump out of the bushes with my tin foil hat

and the next is my last reason for same and somebody tell me how to post the vids!!!



-- Edited by Psych Lit on Thursday 23rd of April 2009 12:11:37 PM

nice ... thanks for sharing those.



"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni

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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

nesea wrote:


great songs ... love the beatles and Joni (just saying in case a body had a mind to g'head and post some of her loverly music)


I'd KILL to have MY "pipes going out" and sound like this.
(Pssssssst. Check out the cool hanging light bulb/windchime combo at the beginning!) peace.gif


cool beans ... thanks! and the /light bulb/windchime thingie ... looks like ikea, the early years ... lol 

This blast from the past reminds me of what happened last week. So I'm getting my hair done and there's three of us in the salon, me the woman doing my hair and a shampoo girl. Radio is up, tunes blasting .. good stuff ... fleetwood mac, the stones, bon jovi ... and we're chatting it up .. laughing and having a fine time when all of a sudden there's a lull in the conversation and at that exact moment the radio station identifies itself .....   

as the oldie station !!! 

oldies?? ... can't be ... no way. So I say to no one in particular .. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  When did Stevie Nicks and Cher turn into the oldies ??? 

The woman doing my hair was like ... I know !!! Can you believe it ..and we started to do the math ... letseehere .. it's 2009 ... this was 1974 .. maybe '75 .... that's ah ... like what .. omfg .. that's like 35 years !!!  Now the shampool girl/child looking at us and rolling her eyes .. (I'm sure she was born in like 1990 or something)

so silly as it seems it was a moment for me ... which, as you can see,  I'm still working through ...lol


"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni


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Psych Lit wrote:

i dont know how to post the vids so ill have to use the link.


OK, see that next to the last icon thingie above the body of a text when replying, that looks like a film strip? Click it. When I do that, another box appears and "undefined" appears in it. I backspace out the word undefined, making the space blank and then insert from You Tube (on the right hand side of the page) NOT the thing that says "embed" but the other one with the www.http://... thing in that newly emptied box, and then ... I can't remember what. LOL. Click "Yew Betcha!" or something. (It's "OK") At that point, a bracketed phrase will appear in the body of your text.

I tend to then do a preview and check to see that it's actually shown up before clicking "submit"

muh current reason to jump out of the bushes with my tin foil hat

and the next is my last reason for same and somebody tell me how to post the vids!!!


-- Edited by Psych Lit on Thursday 23rd of April 2009 12:11:37 PM




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Anonymous wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


For Owl,(jumpin for Joni!)  "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot". That pretty much sums it up. Everything beyond the paving is just toxic gravy we've added since she penned those lyrics. Sad, Earth Day. Had it only kicked into a prophylactic mode when the term was coined... 

biggrin My hand to Gawd, I had the YOU TUBE of her singin' Big Yellow Taxi all cued up, and RTG, and then remembered you sorta had dibs on it! LOL.


omg, that's kinda coolcreepy. Lemme ask this, do internet friends start looking like each other after time? You know, like pets, and old couples?

LOL. Well, before you boot John Edwards and replace him with me, you DID use the phrase "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot" at least once in the last .... oy ... time frames are sorta difficult for me right now ... three months?




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i dont know how to post the vids so ill have to use the link.

muh current reason to jump out of the bushes with my tin foil hat

and the next is my last reason for same and somebody tell me how to post the vids!!!



-- Edited by Psych Lit on Thursday 23rd of April 2009 12:11:37 PM



Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


For Owl,(jumpin for Joni!)  "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot". That pretty much sums it up. Everything beyond the paving is just toxic gravy we've added since she penned those lyrics. Sad, Earth Day. Had it only kicked into a prophylactic mode when the term was coined... 

biggrin My hand to Gawd, I had the YOU TUBE of her singin' Big Yellow Taxi all cued up, and RTG, and then remembered you sorta had dibs on it! LOL.


omg, that's kinda coolcreepy. Lemme ask this, do internet friends start looking like each other after time? You know, like pets, and old couples?



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nesea wrote:


great songs ... love the beatles and Joni (just saying in case a body had a mind to g'head and post some of her loverly music)


I'd KILL to have MY "pipes going out" and sound like this.
(Pssssssst. Check out the cool hanging light bulb/windchime combo at the beginning!) peace.gif



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

I'm in need ... DESPERATE need, of a nap ... but: My first thought was Plant a Radish from The Fantastics, LOL. (I SAID I needed a nap!) Couldn't find a video or a freebee music player so's you could have a listen to the song, but THIS was on YOU TUBE at least, so....  this is for you, Mother Earth:

Now:  That didn't take too long, did it? Little homage there ....

Can't find a video or recording of this I can share (wish I knew how from my WMP, but alas, I don't) anyway ....

Gordon Lightfoot - 1975

"The soul is the rock and the rock will not be moved.
Nothing is disputed, yet nothing is disproved.
And the seeds of the earth that were planted long ago.
Still yield a better harvest than the rock was prone to grow.
Say what you like to do what you do.
Everyone's sleeping now, two by two.
Bats in the roof, cats in the hall.
Dust on the stairway, gnats on the wall.

Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The sea is the space which the rock has displaced.
The mind is some stranger that the soul has embraced.
And somewhere between, in a no-man's land of dreams,
The heart becomes the soldier yet the rock is not redeemed.
Say what you like to do what you can,
Live like a sheep, die like a lamb.
Bats in the roof, cats in the hall.
Dust on the stairway, gnats on the wall.

Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The soul is the rock and the rock will always roll,
In circles 'round the sun doing rings around the pole.
When the mind is not sure what the heart will do next.
The rock becomes the master and the road becomes what's left.
Late one night when the moon shone down.
We went to the mill on the edge of the town.
She wore white, I wore black.
The town was sleeping when we got back.

Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The soul is the rock and the rock will not be harmed.
Though man must be cheated just as women must be charmed.
And the mind is the light for the heart which cannot see.
The soul becomes the stranger but the rock will always be.
Say what you like to do what you do.
Everyone's sleeping now two by two.
Bats in the roof, cats in the hall.
Dust on the stairway, gnats on the wall,

Oh Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The soul is the rock and the rock will not be moved.
Nothing is disputed yet nothing is disproved.
And the seeds of the earth that were planted long ago.
Still yield a better harvest than the rock was prone to grow.
And the seeds of the earth that were planted long ago.
Still yield a better harvest than the rock was prone to grow."

great songs ... love the beatles and Joni (just saying in case a body had a mind to g'head and post some of her loverly music)



"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni

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Anonymous wrote:

nesea wrote:

My most favorite Earth Day song ... 

You think you own whatever land you land on
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name

You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sunsweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they're worth

The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends

How high will the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon

For whether we are white or copper skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind

You can own the Earth and still
All you'll own is Earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind

I love the words. Who's song?


Can't believe I didn't include this info with the original post, sorry.

Stephen Schwatz wrote the lyrics
Alan Menken wrote the music
Written for the Disney movie Pocahontas  



"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni


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Anonymous wrote:

For Owl,(jumpin for Joni!)  "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot". That pretty much sums it up. Everything beyond the paving is just toxic gravy we've added since she penned those lyrics. Sad, Earth Day. Had it only kicked into a prophylactic mode when the term was coined... 

biggrin My hand to Gawd, I had the YOU TUBE of her singin' Big Yellow Taxi all cued up, and RTG, and then remembered you sorta had dibs on it! LOL.




Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

I'm in need ... DESPERATE need, of a nap ... but: My first thought was Plant a Radish from The Fantastics, LOL. (I SAID I needed a nap!) Couldn't find a video or a freebee music player so's you could have a listen to the song, but THIS was on YOU TUBE at least, so....  this is for you, Mother Earth:

Now:  That didn't take too long, did it? Little homage there ....

Can't find a video or recording of this I can share (wish I knew how from my WMP, but alas, I don't) anyway ....

Gordon Lightfoot - 1975

"The soul is the rock and the rock will not be moved.
Nothing is disputed, yet nothing is disproved.
And the seeds of the earth that were planted long ago.
Still yield a better harvest than the rock was prone to grow.
Say what you like to do what you do.
Everyone's sleeping now, two by two.
Bats in the roof, cats in the hall.
Dust on the stairway, gnats on the wall.

Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The sea is the space which the rock has displaced.
The mind is some stranger that the soul has embraced.
And somewhere between, in a no-man's land of dreams,
The heart becomes the soldier yet the rock is not redeemed.
Say what you like to do what you can,
Live like a sheep, die like a lamb.
Bats in the roof, cats in the hall.
Dust on the stairway, gnats on the wall.

Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The soul is the rock and the rock will always roll,
In circles 'round the sun doing rings around the pole.
When the mind is not sure what the heart will do next.
The rock becomes the master and the road becomes what's left.
Late one night when the moon shone down.
We went to the mill on the edge of the town.
She wore white, I wore black.
The town was sleeping when we got back.

Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The soul is the rock and the rock will not be harmed.
Though man must be cheated just as women must be charmed.
And the mind is the light for the heart which cannot see.
The soul becomes the stranger but the rock will always be.
Say what you like to do what you do.
Everyone's sleeping now two by two.
Bats in the roof, cats in the hall.
Dust on the stairway, gnats on the wall,

Oh Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The soul is the rock and the rock will not be moved.
Nothing is disputed yet nothing is disproved.
And the seeds of the earth that were planted long ago.
Still yield a better harvest than the rock was prone to grow.
And the seeds of the earth that were planted long ago.
Still yield a better harvest than the rock was prone to grow."

For Owl,(jumpin for Joni!)  "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot". That pretty much sums it up. Everything beyond the paving is just toxic gravy we've added since she penned those lyrics. Sad, Earth Day. Had it only kicked into a prophylactic mode when the term was coined... 



Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

I'm in need ... DESPERATE need, of a nap ... but: My first thought was Plant a Radish from The Fantastics, LOL. (I SAID I needed a nap!) Couldn't find a video or a freebee music player so's you could have a listen to the song, but THIS was on YOU TUBE at least, so....  this is for you, Mother Earth:

Now:  That didn't take too long, did it? Little homage there ....

Can't find a video or recording of this I can share (wish I knew how from my WMP, but alas, I don't) anyway ....

Gordon Lightfoot - 1975

"The soul is the rock and the rock will not be moved.
Nothing is disputed, yet nothing is disproved.
And the seeds of the earth that were planted long ago.
Still yield a better harvest than the rock was prone to grow.
Say what you like to do what you do.
Everyone's sleeping now, two by two.
Bats in the roof, cats in the hall.
Dust on the stairway, gnats on the wall.

Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The sea is the space which the rock has displaced.
The mind is some stranger that the soul has embraced.
And somewhere between, in a no-man's land of dreams,
The heart becomes the soldier yet the rock is not redeemed.
Say what you like to do what you can,
Live like a sheep, die like a lamb.
Bats in the roof, cats in the hall.
Dust on the stairway, gnats on the wall.

Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The soul is the rock and the rock will always roll,
In circles 'round the sun doing rings around the pole.
When the mind is not sure what the heart will do next.
The rock becomes the master and the road becomes what's left.
Late one night when the moon shone down.
We went to the mill on the edge of the town.
She wore white, I wore black.
The town was sleeping when we got back.

Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The soul is the rock and the rock will not be harmed.
Though man must be cheated just as women must be charmed.
And the mind is the light for the heart which cannot see.
The soul becomes the stranger but the rock will always be.
Say what you like to do what you do.
Everyone's sleeping now two by two.
Bats in the roof, cats in the hall.
Dust on the stairway, gnats on the wall,

Oh Big rain comin'; Big rain comin' this way.
Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock; Rain on the rock.

The soul is the rock and the rock will not be moved.
Nothing is disputed yet nothing is disproved.
And the seeds of the earth that were planted long ago.
Still yield a better harvest than the rock was prone to grow.
And the seeds of the earth that were planted long ago.
Still yield a better harvest than the rock was prone to grow."



nesea wrote:

My most favorite Earth Day song ... 

You think you own whatever land you land on
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name

You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sunsweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they're worth

The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends

How high will the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon

For whether we are white or copper skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind

You can own the Earth and still
All you'll own is Earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind

I love the words. Who's song? I love Marvin Gaye " Mercy Mercy Me". I like saying that too. lol I also like "Air" from Hair. Gator

Mercy Mercy Me
Marvin Gaye

Verse 1:
Emaj7 Emaj7
Ah, mercy, mercy me,
C#m7 C#m7 F#m7
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no.
Where did all the blue skies go?
Amaj7 Amaj7
Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east.

Verse 2:
Mercy, mercy me,
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no.
Oil wasted on the ocean and upon
our seas fish full of mercury,

Verse 3:
Oh, mercy, mercy me.
Ah, things ain't what they used to be, no, no, no.
Radiation underground and in the sky;
animals and birds who live near by are dying.

Verse 4:
Oh, mercy, mercy me.
Ah, things ain't what they used to be.
What about this over crowded land?
How much more abuse from man can she stand?



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My most favorite Earth Day song ... 

You think you own whatever land you land on
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name

You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sunsweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they're worth

The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends

How high will the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon

For whether we are white or copper skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind

You can own the Earth and still
All you'll own is Earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind


"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni

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Gator wrote:

Superfund Sites in the United States

I ....... CAN'T ...... SEE ...... MY ........ STATE !!!  jawdrop.gif     ok, so I do think I see the tip of cape may .. but still

lol .. nj ... the world's night light ... when all else is dark we shall be the soft warm glow in the night



"Bicycles are trust and balance, and that's what love is." -- Nikki Giovanni


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Anonymous wrote:


Gator wrote:

Superfund Sites in the United States

Whats up with North Dakota?


they apparently were smart enough to not allow dumping. im looking at the east coast and shivering. no wonder the breast cancer rates are off the chart up here. how awful that we used our beautiful country as a national dump.



Gator wrote:

Superfund Sites in the United States

Whats up with North Dakota?



Superfund Sites in the United States

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