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Post Info TOPIC: Make Yourself "Left" at Home


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RE: Make Yourself "Left" at Home

BoxDog wrote:


I didn't see anything about this. Immigration issues are just so complicated. The responsibility does begin, or end really, at the employer or whichever entity is knowingly keeping the illegals here. On the other hand what industry is it that this administration is going after? If it's primarily agriculture and construction than there is a serious concern that the financial burden to the employer and the problems they face filling some much needed positions with "American" workers (willing to do these jobs) will shut down some areas of industry.

it does represent a shift in policy. both bush and clinton were pro business and immigration laws were looked at with an eye toward competition. higher employee costs raise the price of goods produced making them less competitive with goods produced in countries without a minimum wage or regulations on productivity. by winking at the employers who hired undocumented workers while conducting sporadic raids when local people complained we were able to keep companies from relocating to say mexico and taking their tax dollars with them.  its often argued that the jobs in question are those that american workers wont do but the rest of that sentence is that they wont do them for the wages and benefits offered. the easy solution for that was one of the casualties of nafta and subsequent programs. we had the option to write into those contracts fair wages, productivity rules, health care options etc that would have made for more parity between us workers and workers from other countries. but both clinton and bush allowed corporate greed to head us in that race for the bottom. to the average american worker thats little comfort since many of the jobs offered by these companies are not jobs that americans are going to take. still the laborers live in the communities, shop at local shops, contributing to the economy at large, the business pays taxes and on paper its an american business. sort of reminds me of the current duel over cigarette taxes between mass and new hampshire. they supposedly raised the sin taxes so that more people would quit and live healthier lifestyles and yet when nh started competing for those dollars by lowering the taxes it set off a war that had nothing to do with health. at the bottom of nearly everything is one sentence. follow the money.

Ideally, I suppose, these positions could be filled by the criminals that this administration wants to set free from our "overcrowded" prison system.  What do I know?

this is where i find this shift interesting. it coincides with another shift i heard this week. hillary in mexico saying the us is taking responsibility for the drug wars because of its consumption of those drugs and the market they create. same thing different side of the border. by focusing on the laws the problems have more of a chance of being solved. in both cases when demand dries up the problem and all of the other problems that happen as a result get solved.




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


Benonymous wrote:


BoxDog wrote:
Ideally, I suppose, these positions could be filled by the criminals that this administration wants to set free from our "overcrowded" prison system.  What do I know?

Are the quotes around "overcrowded" meant to infer that prison overcrowding and sentencing inequity are "another pile of bs" in your opinion?

Is the statement "sentencing inequity" not a bias statement? However, to the question, yes. 

                   no.gif LOL.



"Ve haf NO prison overcroud in dis country."


Well really, if you stack them right from floor to ceiling there's plenty of room. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that! Back to the inequity note, I had this image of Governors trading prisoners to esthetically balance the census. Like Illinois needs to downsize a couple hundred A.A. and Arizona, FL and Cali need to lose a few Mexicans? This I really can see. No, really. I can see elected officials trading prisoners for pc statistics.

BTW, very funny. The Merkel twist and all.



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Posts: 1307

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Anonymous wrote:


Benonymous wrote:


BoxDog wrote:
Ideally, I suppose, these positions could be filled by the criminals that this administration wants to set free from our "overcrowded" prison system.  What do I know?

Are the quotes around "overcrowded" meant to infer that prison overcrowding and sentencing inequity are "another pile of bs" in your opinion?

Is the statement "sentencing inequity" not a bias statement? However, to the question, yes. 

                   no.gif LOL.



"Ve haf NO prison overcroud in dis country."




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Posts: 1307

Anonymous wrote:

Benonymous wrote:


BoxDog wrote:
Ideally, I suppose, these positions could be filled by the criminals that this administration wants to set free from our "overcrowded" prison system.  What do I know?

Are the quotes around "overcrowded" meant to infer that prison overcrowding and sentencing inequity are "another pile of bs" in your opinion?

Is the statement "sentencing inequity" not a bias statement? However, to the question, yes. 

                   no.gif LOL.




Benonymous wrote:

BoxDog wrote:
Ideally, I suppose, these positions could be filled by the criminals that this administration wants to set free from our "overcrowded" prison system.  What do I know?

Are the quotes around "overcrowded" meant to infer that prison overcrowding and sentencing inequity are "another pile of bs" in your opinion?

Is the statement "sentencing inequity" not a bias statement? However, to the question, yes. 



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Posts: 1307

Anonymous wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


BoxDog wrote:

All reports I know of have her here on a tourist visa and then seeking political asylum. A son in school here? Like a minor child? I just really don't recall ever hearing of this argument. Don't think Obama has either.  


No, he was accepted at a Boston college.


The following are not intended to be antagonistic, at all. I really hope you know this. This is just how it would or should unfold in our court system. Feds: "So, this "son" referred to....he was an adult? Presumably capable, as an adult child, to care for himself? Like his successful cousin Obama and Obamas Harvard educated Kenyan father?"  Case closed. Deportation upheld. 


Didn't mean to imply her son should factor into her immigration issue. Was just mentioned as a point of information.




Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

All reports I know of have her here on a tourist visa and then seeking political asylum. A son in school here? Like a minor child? I just really don't recall ever hearing of this argument. Don't think Obama has either.  


No, he was accepted at a Boston college.


The following are not intended to be antagonistic, at all. I really hope you know this. This is just how it would or should unfold in our court system. Feds: "So, this "son" referred to....he was an adult? Presumably capable, as an adult child, to care for himself? Like his successful cousin Obama and Obamas Harvard educated Kenyan father?"  Case closed. Deportation upheld. 




Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

BoxDog wrote:

All reports I know of have her here on a tourist visa and then seeking political asylum. A son in school here? Like a minor child? I just really don't recall ever hearing of this argument. Don't think Obama has either.  


No, he was accepted at a Boston college.




BoxDog wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Bo. Illegal's illegal. She'd be a rock star in Kenya, at any rate it really isn't appropriate for this country to waste any more money on. She was ordered deported and is criminally remaining here. She should be sent back. There should be half the compassion for the Mexicans that pick our produce and build our infrastructure.


im not sure if anyone caught the immigration news today. its said to signal a change in policy with this administration. they raided a couple of places today with undocumented workers and out of all detained one was deported the others were issued temp cards. its not as it seems tho. the temp cards are to keep them in the country long enough for them to testify in the trial of their employer. apparently this admin is going after the employers rather than the workers. they all have a one year reprieve and will then have to go back. in the meantime they can stay legally.


The argument of illegal is illegal and, the figure of 10 million being bounced around without  differentiating those that were granted permission that has expired and, deserving of full consideration from those undocumented that in no way should be here ,leaves a critical issue stuck in this side that side hell. Gator



BoxDog wrote:
Ideally, I suppose, these positions could be filled by the criminals that this administration wants to set free from our "overcrowded" prison system.  What do I know?

Are the quotes around "overcrowded" meant to infer that prison overcrowding and sentencing inequity are "another pile of bs" in your opinion?



Status: Offline
Posts: 515

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

BoxDog wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


BoxDog wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

IMO the "bull" is that Allllllllllllllllllllll this frickin' attention is focused on this one (ill) woman because she's related to the president. All this eagerness to send her back to that lovely vacation spot which is Kenya.

I swear, if I were I guy, I'd propose marriage to her, just to end .... ashamed

The deportation order was issued in 2004. angered.gifShe hasn't worked a single day, legally or illegally, in this country. <BD

Yes, she has. She applied for, and GOT a social security card in 2001. She has worked for, and I think continues to work, yes, as a volunteer, for the Experience Corps, mentoring kids.


Sorry, I find it a very relevant issue, regardless of him. ESPECIALLY! because her immigration attorney is arguing that if she follows the order of the court, five years ago, she will now be at risk in Kenya. At risk because she is the Aunt of the president? <BD

Possibly, but more probably because Kenya is still incredibly unstable. But yeah, now that you mention it, that would certainly be as good a reason as any, now, wouldn't it. Who better to take as a hostage than a relative of the president of the United States? Yeah, we haven't had this "problem" before before, but we went and elected someone who has family ties in another country, and who isn't stinkin' rich. Shame on us.

Talk about vulnerability. I'd not even thought about that angle before, but yeah, her deportation could easily be looked upon as a death sentence, now that you mention it... 


 They shouldn't be arguing to that point if they want to keep the polarizing off of the relationship between her and obama. <BD

It wasn't a "relevant issue" until a couple of weeks before the general election when it was leaked by an unnamed "govermental source." It's all political, aimed at Obama, and you and I both know it.   


-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Wednesday 1st of April 2009 05:14:53 PM

Mentoring kids? perfect. I lean more to the "lead by example" philosophy and that just doesn't seem to fit no matter which way it's spun. Built a fence, everywhere but....there. Illegal's illegal. She'd be a rock star in Kenya, at any rate it really isn't appropriate for this country to waste any more money on. She was ordered deported and is criminally remaining here. She should be sent back. There should be half the compassion for the Mexicans that pick our produce and build our infrastructure.


Well, I'm in agreement with your last sentence, for sure -- maybe twice as much in some cases. Incidentally she did COME her on a legal visa -- had a son go to school in Boston


All reports I know of have her here on a tourist visa and then seeking political asylum. A son in school here? Like a minor child? I just really don't recall ever hearing of this argument. Don't think Obama has either.  




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Posts: 515

Psych Lit wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Bo. Illegal's illegal. She'd be a rock star in Kenya, at any rate it really isn't appropriate for this country to waste any more money on. She was ordered deported and is criminally remaining here. She should be sent back. There should be half the compassion for the Mexicans that pick our produce and build our infrastructure.


im not sure if anyone caught the immigration news today. its said to signal a change in policy with this administration. they raided a couple of places today with undocumented workers and out of all detained one was deported the others were issued temp cards. its not as it seems tho. the temp cards are to keep them in the country long enough for them to testify in the trial of their employer. apparently this admin is going after the employers rather than the workers. they all have a one year reprieve and will then have to go back. in the meantime they can stay legally.


I didn't see anything about this. Immigration issues are just so complicated. The responsibility does begin, or end really, at the employer or whichever entity is knowingly keeping the illegals here. On the other hand what industry is it that this administration is going after? If it's primarily agriculture and construction than there is a serious concern that the financial burden to the employer and the problems they face filling some much needed positions with "American" workers (willing to do these jobs) will shut down some areas of industry. Ideally, I suppose, these positions could be filled by the criminals that this administration wants to set free from our "overcrowded" prison system.  What do I know?



Status: Offline
Posts: 1547

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Bo. Illegal's illegal. She'd be a rock star in Kenya, at any rate it really isn't appropriate for this country to waste any more money on. She was ordered deported and is criminally remaining here. She should be sent back. There should be half the compassion for the Mexicans that pick our produce and build our infrastructure.


im not sure if anyone caught the immigration news today. its said to signal a change in policy with this administration. they raided a couple of places today with undocumented workers and out of all detained one was deported the others were issued temp cards. its not as it seems tho. the temp cards are to keep them in the country long enough for them to testify in the trial of their employer. apparently this admin is going after the employers rather than the workers. they all have a one year reprieve and will then have to go back. in the meantime they can stay legally.




"I swear, if I were I guy, I'd propose marriage to her, just to end .... ashamed"

You don't have to be a guy, gay marriage is legal in Massachusetts. She might be willing to entertain your proposal if you wooed her a little. Maybe the Obamas would let you hold the reception at the White House. 




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Posts: 1307

BoxDog wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


BoxDog wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

IMO the "bull" is that Allllllllllllllllllllll this frickin' attention is focused on this one (ill) woman because she's related to the president. All this eagerness to send her back to that lovely vacation spot which is Kenya.

I swear, if I were I guy, I'd propose marriage to her, just to end .... ashamed

The deportation order was issued in 2004. angered.gifShe hasn't worked a single day, legally or illegally, in this country. <BD

Yes, she has. She applied for, and GOT a social security card in 2001. She has worked for, and I think continues to work, yes, as a volunteer, for the Experience Corps, mentoring kids.


Sorry, I find it a very relevant issue, regardless of him. ESPECIALLY! because her immigration attorney is arguing that if she follows the order of the court, five years ago, she will now be at risk in Kenya. At risk because she is the Aunt of the president? <BD

Possibly, but more probably because Kenya is still incredibly unstable. But yeah, now that you mention it, that would certainly be as good a reason as any, now, wouldn't it. Who better to take as a hostage than a relative of the president of the United States? Yeah, we haven't had this "problem" before before, but we went and elected someone who has family ties in another country, and who isn't stinkin' rich. Shame on us.

Talk about vulnerability. I'd not even thought about that angle before, but yeah, her deportation could easily be looked upon as a death sentence, now that you mention it... 


 They shouldn't be arguing to that point if they want to keep the polarizing off of the relationship between her and obama. <BD

It wasn't a "relevant issue" until a couple of weeks before the general election when it was leaked by an unnamed "govermental source." It's all political, aimed at Obama, and you and I both know it.   


-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Wednesday 1st of April 2009 05:14:53 PM

Mentoring kids? perfect. I lean more to the "lead by example" philosophy and that just doesn't seem to fit no matter which way it's spun. Built a fence, everywhere but....there. Illegal's illegal. She'd be a rock star in Kenya, at any rate it really isn't appropriate for this country to waste any more money on. She was ordered deported and is criminally remaining here. She should be sent back. There should be half the compassion for the Mexicans that pick our produce and build our infrastructure.


Well, I'm in agreement with your last sentence, for sure -- maybe twice as much in some cases. Incidentally she did COME her on a legal visa -- had a son go to school in Boston




Status: Offline
Posts: 515

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

BoxDog wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

IMO the "bull" is that Allllllllllllllllllllll this frickin' attention is focused on this one (ill) woman because she's related to the president. All this eagerness to send her back to that lovely vacation spot which is Kenya.

I swear, if I were I guy, I'd propose marriage to her, just to end .... ashamed

The deportation order was issued in 2004. angered.gifShe hasn't worked a single day, legally or illegally, in this country. <BD

Yes, she has. She applied for, and GOT a social security card in 2001. She has worked for, and I think continues to work, yes, as a volunteer, for the Experience Corps, mentoring kids.


Sorry, I find it a very relevant issue, regardless of him. ESPECIALLY! because her immigration attorney is arguing that if she follows the order of the court, five years ago, she will now be at risk in Kenya. At risk because she is the Aunt of the president? <BD

Possibly, but more probably because Kenya is still incredibly unstable. But yeah, now that you mention it, that would certainly be as good a reason as any, now, wouldn't it. Who better to take as a hostage than a relative of the president of the United States? Yeah, we haven't had this "problem" before before, but we went and elected someone who has family ties in another country, and who isn't stinkin' rich. Shame on us.

Talk about vulnerability. I'd not even thought about that angle before, but yeah, her deportation could easily be looked upon as a death sentence, now that you mention it... 


 They shouldn't be arguing to that point if they want to keep the polarizing off of the relationship between her and obama. <BD

It wasn't a "relevant issue" until a couple of weeks before the general election when it was leaked by an unnamed "govermental source." It's all political, aimed at Obama, and you and I both know it.   


-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Wednesday 1st of April 2009 05:14:53 PM

Mentoring kids? perfect. I lean more to the "lead by example" philosophy and that just doesn't seem to fit no matter which way it's spun. Built a fence, everywhere but....there. Illegal's illegal. She'd be a rock star in Kenya, at any rate it really isn't appropriate for this country to waste any more money on. She was ordered deported and is criminally remaining here. She should be sent back. There should be half the compassion for the Mexicans that pick our produce and build our infrastructure.




Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

BoxDog wrote:


Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

IMO the "bull" is that Allllllllllllllllllllll this frickin' attention is focused on this one (ill) woman because she's related to the president. All this eagerness to send her back to that lovely vacation spot which is Kenya.

I swear, if I were I guy, I'd propose marriage to her, just to end .... ashamed

The deportation order was issued in 2004. angered.gifShe hasn't worked a single day, legally or illegally, in this country. <BD

Yes, she has. She applied for, and GOT a social security card in 2001. She has worked for, and I think continues to work, yes, as a volunteer, for the Experience Corps, mentoring kids.


Sorry, I find it a very relevant issue, regardless of him. ESPECIALLY! because her immigration attorney is arguing that if she follows the order of the court, five years ago, she will now be at risk in Kenya. At risk because she is the Aunt of the president? <BD

Possibly, but more probably because Kenya is still incredibly unstable. But yeah, now that you mention it, that would certainly be as good a reason as any, now, wouldn't it. Who better to take as a hostage than a relative of the president of the United States? Yeah, we haven't had this "problem" before before, but we went and elected someone who has family ties in another country, and who isn't stinkin' rich. Shame on us.

Talk about vulnerability. I'd not even thought about that angle before, but yeah, her deportation could easily be looked upon as a death sentence, now that you mention it... 


 They shouldn't be arguing to that point if they want to keep the polarizing off of the relationship between her and obama. <BD

It wasn't a "relevant issue" until a couple of weeks before the general election when it was leaked by an unnamed "govermental source." It's all political, aimed at Obama, and you and I both know it.   


-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 on Wednesday 1st of April 2009 05:14:53 PM



Status: Offline
Posts: 515

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

IMO the "bull" is that Allllllllllllllllllllll this frickin' attention is focused on this one (ill) woman because she's related to the president. All this eagerness to send her back to that lovely vacation spot which is Kenya.

I swear, if I were I guy, I'd propose marriage to her, just to end .... ashamed

The deportation order was issued in 2004. angered.gifShe hasn't worked a single day, legally or illegally, in this country. Sorry, I find it a very relevant issue, regardless of him. ESPECIALLY! because her immigration attorney is arguing that if she follows the order of the court, five years ago, she will now be at risk in Kenya. At risk because she is the Aunt of the president? They shouldn't be arguing to that point if they want to keep the polarizing off of the relationship between her and obama.  



Status: Offline
Posts: 1307

IMO the "bull" is that Allllllllllllllllllllll this frickin' attention is focused on this one (ill) woman because she's related to the president. All this eagerness to send her back to that lovely vacation spot which is Kenya.

I swear, if I were I guy, I'd propose marriage to her, just to end .... ashamed



I meant "an end to the discussion" regarding her illegal stay here.




I'm looking for a sharp object. I could just shank myself. This is bull, pure bull. I picked Malkins blog, not because she's a fierce republican, but an Asian-American woman. And she's a fireball of a speaker. I guess this puts an end to Auntie Bloodsuckers illegal run in the states. The White House thinks we're stupid enough to believe that while BO may not directly make any comment or even directly involve himself with the presiding immigration judge that maybe, just maybe, the judge didn't require a call or a comment. Maybe he's simply heard that Obamas the president and any move upholding the deportation would be RACIST! Or just mean spirited. BS, just BS.


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