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Post Info TOPIC: Warning Sign Part II


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RE: Warning Sign Part II

My Turn wrote:


i disagree with this.....the united states has the highest legal drinking age of any country in the world and the highest level of drunk driving offenses. in countries where there is no or a low legal drinking age, the stats on illegal BAC and drunk driving incidents are lower. this is perhaps due to education and maybe parental oversight of childrens consumption...

statistics can be misleading tho. lets look at the confounds, the us has more teens licensed than most nations and inexperienced drivers and alcohol is a deadly combo, the us has more cars per capita than most other countries and little in the way of mass transit, more cars more driving more accidents.  there is also not one bac level that applies to all nations. what is considered drunk driving in one country may not be in another.
according to the world health organization, severe punishments for drunk driving arent the most effective deterrent for repeat offenses but a short term mandatory jail sentence followed by license suspension along with dwi roadblocks seem to make people think a bit more before getting behind the wheel.  the problem i have with stiffer penalties is that
i believe in trancendence:) people can change and should be given the opportunity to do so whenever possible. i also believe that drunk drivers should suffer some consequences especially if deaths or injuries resulted. the reason i suggest a higher drinking age is that young adults often have the superman syndrome. they can intellectualize that bad things can happen but hold real beliefs that those bad things happen to others, hence the formation of bad judgment. should we waste the entirety of a young life because of one bad act? even if there are deaths or injuries involved id rather see these people eventually get out and do something worthwhile with their lives and not be a secondary casualty of their bad act.

however, i think the biggest factor is the elimination of the "forbidden fruit." when i was a kid/teenager, i could have a beer anytime i wanted at home.

i do agree that kids are more attracted to those things that are held back from them but i also know that kids with their friends in places without adult supervision will drink, do drugs and smoke not only to be cool but also for the disinhibiting factor of these substances. being high makes it easier to feel less socially inept which might be in the dictionary next to teenager:)

...and on the rare instances i chose to have one...i would have one. it was all i wanted. i NEVER got trashed. the only time i ever did was when i snuck some rum and coke.....additionally, since i could have a beer anytime i wanted,

my parents were first gen americans of euro origins. we didnt have any rules about drinking or drugging for that matter. let me share that i killed my first bottle of wine at 12 and with a gal pal promptly threw big rocks thru a plate glass store window just for the hell of it. i puked all over the place later of course and that seemed to be enough to keep me from repeating that offense with alcohol anyway but i was 13 when i first tried pot and speed, 14 when i first tried lsd and ludes all of which i freely used (and drove under the influence of) until i was a senior in high school and 3 then of my closest friends died within a week of each other, oding on speedballs.  their deaths straightened my a ss out with drugs but then i went back to alcohol and did that up fine until by the age of 23 or 24 i was completely out of control with the partying. after my friend donna flushed my car keys down the toilet of the rocking horse bar in hartford and several other friends had their version of an intervention for me the next day i stopped drinking and stayed completely drug and alcohol free for the next 20 years. in my 40s i decided to have a glass of wine and see what happened. i was pleasantly surprised to see that i didnt need to drink to excess and that one glass of wine was lovely but two might have me snoring in the corner so keeping it to one has not been an issue. i dont even have that anymore or havent really since sometime last year. peri menopausal women metabolize alcohol differently and i didnt like where those extra sugar rich calories were settling on my bod so i stopped drinking it.   some kids will do as you did and use alcohol wisely but some will do what i did and have a party with it. im ashamed of those nights as a teen when i was literally blind drunk and on the road. its only the grace of the goddess that prevented me from being one of those kids who meet trajedy.




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Psych Lit wrote:

im all in favor of raising the drinking age to 25. i think if people get to that point in their lives without habitual drinking that it prolly wouldnt be half the problem it is now. i know when i have been on campus in the evenings its like party central most of the time with drunken fools on every corner. when you consider that only the seniors are old enough to drink you have to wonder where they are getting the booze. if the drinking age were 25 it would make it harder. wouldnt stop it completely but it would sure slow it down.

i disagree with this.....the united states has the highest legal drinking age of any country in the world and the highest level of drunk driving offenses.  in countries where there is no or a low legal drinking age, the stats on illegal BAC and drunk driving incidents are lower.  this is perhaps due to education and maybe parental oversight of childrens consumption...however, i think the biggest factor is the elimination of the "forbidden fruit." when i was a kid/teenager, i could have a beer anytime i wanted at home....and on the rare instances i chose to have one...i would have one.  it was all i wanted. i NEVER got trashed.  the only time i ever did was when i snuck some rum and coke.....additionally, since i could have a beer anytime i wanted, i never was into "omg, lets find someone to buy us beer and drive around drinking all night" like my friends did.  it didnt interest me and i knew if i wanted beer i could have it at home and not have to worry about being arrested for underage drinking nor be concerned that i would be killed by one of my friends driving drunk. 

we give kids all this info on the dangers of drinking and keep telling them they should not drink and cannot till they are adults...21 y/o.  kids always are in a hurry to grow up...the forbidden nature of alcohol, magnifies its allure.  in addition, teenagers are infamous in their desire to buck authority and the desire to "be grown up."  so when one finally attains the magical 21, they seem to wanna show off their newly found ability to buy and consume alcohol with abandon.  if 18-21 year old males had the highest rates for drunk driving prior to 1984 when the drinking age was raised to 21, and now the highest drunk driving incidents involve males from 21-24...what does this suggest???  imo, it suggests that raising the drinking age does nothing to curb irrationality when it comes to drinking. 

a better way, imo, to lower the drunk driving offenses would be the extemely harsh penalties found in the european countries along with education and removing the allure of the forbidden fruit. 

-- Edited by My Turn at 04:38, 2009-02-10



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


but .... cry I'm SLEEPY! I've been up since 4:30Am

well you can go to bed. tell him to lock up behind him. lol. he seems to be in high gear. who knows how long this might last!





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Psych Lit wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

It's after midnight, and he's STILL HERE! I mean... I'd tell him to GO HOME, but ... I mean ... We ARE into MONTH FOUR now, yanno ....


hell no. lasso him to keep him there if you have to. that boys got some catching up to do!

but .... cry I'm SLEEPY! I've been up since 4:30Am



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Posts: 1547

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


It's after midnight, and he's STILL HERE! I mean... I'd tell him to GO HOME, but ... I mean ... We ARE into MONTH FOUR now, yanno ....


hell no. lasso him to keep him there if you have to. that boys got some catching up to do!





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Posts: 1307

Psych Lit wrote:
love your avatar.

 Thanks. Me too. Made me chuckle,

i was looking at the moon tonight in all its glorious fullness and i thought of you peering up to the night sky with your telescope.  the early evening sky was cloudless and there it was out there and beautiful and its brightness made every nearby star invisible. a day or night without clouds is a sure sign that spring cannot be far behind..well that and the 50 degree days
this week...sigh.

Almost constantly overcast with rain here the last 48 hours. cry

I was outraged! For God's sake, I live in the DESERT! That they even SELL those things in this state is, IMO a SIN! I called the manufacturer (well, the rep, anyway, confirmed that this was the case, and then gave them an earfull, and told them I was returning their product.

i didnt know they made them any other way! that sounds like what i have on my showers too tho the water saving showerhead does slow down the flow a bit. when you get the new one pix it so i can look at it. i am all in favor of anything that cuts down on my water bills.

And yeah, those of you who don't live in the desert may think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, and I know a lot of people here with their fountains, and ponds, and swimming pools seem to FORGET, but this IS still the desert, clean water IS still a precious commodity, and come the day when it's as scarce as I believe it will one day be, people will look back upon this time of flagrant misuse of resources, and ask themselves what they were (or weren't) thinking.

i think its great that you had him uninstall it and get a new one. well great because its the right thing to do. not so great that it will be another few days without that shower but in the end youll be glad you waited.

It's after midnight, and he's STILL HERE! I mean... I'd tell him to GO HOME, but ... I mean ... We ARE into MONTH FOUR now, yanno ....




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BoxDog wrote:


He served less than five of the seventeen years he was sentenced to. The two boys that are dead? They're still dead. No, it was not a very long time for his license to be suspended. It was a very short 5/17 in prison.

people are very conflicted about drunken driving laws. prolly because almost everyone has done it at one time or another in their life and there but for fortune...im not sure prison is the place to put these people but there has to be some serious consequence for their action.

 im all for consequences for these kinds of things and for taking responsibility for behavior but if you take away peoples licenses will it really stop them from driving or driving drunk or does it keep them illegal and uninsured?

Nope, but there's alot of shyt going on in prison, but there's no drunk driving.

this is true. but no restitution either. and not enough jails to hold em all if we were to be serious in the enforcement of it. im all in favor of raising the drinking age to 25. i think if people get to that point in their lives without habitual drinking that it prolly wouldnt be half the problem it is now. i know when i have been on campus in the evenings its like party central most of the time with drunken fools on every corner. when you consider that only the seniors are old enough to drink you have to wonder where they are getting the booze. if the drinking age were 25 it would make it harder. wouldnt stop it completely but it would sure slow it down.


I didn't find out about Rodriguez until after I had posted my earlier stuff. I always said he is potentially on track to be the greatest bat ever, and would never be matched. Unless he was doping. I'm done with all corporate sponsored sports. And yes, that includes beach volleyball and the rodeo. (jk about the

its been interesting to hear the comments tonight. a lot of those call in folks have suggested that all athletes go on roids because it would make the events better. something tells me that sportsmanship isnt in their vocab.

As for the whackadoo in Cali? She wanted a "LARGE" family. Someones bound to sniff this one out, I would bet Allred, and sue the beejeezus outta the fertility clinic that implanted her. There is no way on earth she could have passed the psych evals to have this ethically performed. No way. And that's not even dipping into the bipolar, that's simply because she already had plenty of children to tend to. What a couple of weeks this has been.

i find her fascinating because you can almost see the lil wheels spinning in her head. and manipulative? geez. on the today show interview she was asked if she were doing it for the money and she went into this big heartfelt spiel about how shes doing this all on her own and not getting any govt help and then the fact checkers found out that she gets food stamps for her brood and that 3 of her first set of 6 are disabled and receive disability payments. now i hate to be a cynic but im thinking if she knows the developmental risks in inplanting that many embryos that perhaps this wasnt the oh i want a big family deal she has been peddling. maybe its the steady stream of disability checks  that shes after. and i really got a good laught when she mentioned going back to work using her degree. lets see infant child care is like 220 a week per kid and shes got 8 plus the other 6? most states limit the number of kids that one can do child care for to 2 infants and 3 or 4 older kids so shed need a hell of a lot of nannies to make that happen and mom doesnt sound like shes up to the task tho her mother did mention the big house shes expecting her daughter to be gifted with. im back to my what is the matter with people stance again. its just mind boggling. i do hope that someone from the county checks on those kids. i dont think octo-mom, as the press has dubbed her, is the warm and fuzzy type.

I have no idea what to advise you as far as your little mermaid. It would probably suck to pull her hair and run. But...it's my instinct in this case. Just do it, deny it, refute, retract the denial and apologize, then claim to be very sorry to have disappointed your swimfans. sadangel.gif


Roaring. ill give ya 20 bucks to do it! lol.




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Posts: 1547

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:
taking responsibility seems to be thematic this month doesnt it?


love your avatar. i was looking at the moon tonight in all its glorious fullness and i thought of you peering up to the night sky with your telescope.  the early evening sky was cloudless and there it was out there and beautiful and its brightness made every nearby star invisible. a day or night without clouds is a sure sign that spring cannot be far behind..well that and the 50 degree days
this week...sigh.

I was outraged! For God's sake, I live in the DESERT! That they even SELL those things in this state is, IMO a SIN! I called the manufacturer (well, the rep, anyway, confirmed that this was the case, and then gave them an earfull, and told them I was returning their product.

i didnt know they made them any other way! that sounds like what i have on my showers too tho the water saving showerhead does slow down the flow a bit. when you get the new one pix it so i can look at it. i am all in favor of anything that cuts down on my water bills.

And yeah, those of you who don't live in the desert may think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, and I know a lot of people here with their fountains, and ponds, and swimming pools seem to FORGET, but this IS still the desert, clean water IS still a precious commodity, and come the day when it's as scarce as I believe it will one day be, people will look back upon this time of flagrant misuse of resources, and ask themselves what they were (or weren't) thinking.

i think its great that you had him uninstall it and get a new one. well great because its the right thing to do. not so great that it will be another few days without that shower but in the end youll be glad you waited.

I'm really... ticked off.
Can ya tell? smile
Shame on them.

sadly it seems to be the american way. more is better. phooey





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Psych Lit wrote:
taking responsibility seems to be thematic this month doesnt it?


Well, I just took responsibility! Well, sorta kinda, anyway...
 I flat refused (before the drywall went up, btw) to live with a bathtub/shower faucet that had NO flow control. Flat out said I wasn't having it. It's now bein UNinstalled, and yeah, the water will be turned off adamngin, but I don't care. The ONLY way you could control the amount of water coming out the showerhead on the "Glacier Bay 108 191 Tub and Shower set" would be to pull the little knob in the top of the tub faucet thing, which would cause the water to go down the drain, ergo, lessening the amount of water to the showerhead.

I was outraged! For God's sake, I live in the DESERT! That they even SELL those things in this state is, IMO a SIN! I called the manufacturer (well, the rep, anyway, confirmed that this was the case, and then gave them an earfull, and told them I was returning their product.

Seriously. I think it's just terrible that they're allowed to legally sell crap like this. It was a cheap one (ONLY $60) but wth?? NO control on the amount of water that comes out the faucet? Just on full blast of completely off??
The only way to control it is to divert the other water DOWN THE DRAIN?? Outrageous. Terrible.

Glacier Bay -- put them on your "baddie" list.

And yeah, those of you who don't live in the desert may think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, and I know a lot of people here with their fountains, and ponds, and swimming pools seem to FORGET, but this IS still the desert, clean water IS still a precious commodity, and come the day when it's as scarce as I believe it will one day be, people will look back upon this time of flagrant misuse of resources, and ask themselves what they were (or weren't) thinking.

I'm really... ticked off.
Can ya tell? smile
Shame on them.



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Psych Lit wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Three years before the Olympics, in 1981, Kimball was struck head-on by a drunken driver. Every bone in his face was fractured, his left leg broken, the ligaments in his knee torn, his liver was lacerated, and his spleen had to be removed. This being one of the worst experiences of his life, he did come back to diving. When he returned to diving nine months later, he earned the nickname "The Comeback Kid".

At the 1984 Summer Olympics, he overtook Li Kongzheng with his final dive to win the silver medal.

On August 1, 1988, two weeks before the U.S. Olympic diving trials, Kimball, drunk, plowed into a crowd of teenagers while driving an estimated 70 to 90 miles per hour, killing two boys and injuring four others.

wow. you would think if anyone would know the effects of drunk driving it would be him. thats a very tragic story.

Shortly before Christmas 2004 after an appeal to the Secretary of State of Illinois, it was found that he can apply for an Illinois drivers license. However, according to Florida authorities, his driving privileges are still revoked but he can apply for a hardship license which allows driving for business purposes and other purposes.

thats a very long time to have a license suspended.

He served less than five of the seventeen years he was sentenced to. The two boys that are dead? They're still dead. No, it was not a very long time for his license to be suspended. It was a very short 5/17 in prison.  

  its a very hard think to manage tho isnt it? im all for consequences for these kinds of things and for taking responsibility for behavior but if you take away peoples licenses will it really stop them from driving or driving drunk or does it keep them illegal and uninsured?

Nope, but there's alot of shyt going on in prison, but there's no drunk driving.

im thinking one of those starter do dads that people have to breathe into to get an alcohol level before the car will start would be more effective. then too i suppose they could always drink while driving because the car is already running.

taking responsibility seems to be thematic this month doesnt it?

We have bankers running amok and now transferring their assets over to their wives for a pittance. apparently the responsibility thing is lost on them, lets hope that the look back will nab them if it turns out theyve done something criminal.

Then Michael Phelps and his bong moment. He hasnt suffered enough yet so "we" arent yet ready to forgive him. fast forward to a-rod and the other 99 players who tested positive for roids in 03. why is it we are hearing about this now? ...scratching head...

Then of course there is the mother of the octuplets and what the hell is she thinking? 14 kids under 7? where is child services when you need them? apparently even her own mother thinks shes a few bubbles short.  shes managed to crank out all of those kids all the while collecting disability for an attack that happened to her on a pervious job. Im in awe of that insurance co. they must have lots of money because it seems to me that anyone who has the energy to birth and care for the previous 6 kids while collecting probably has the energy for a desk job anyway.  she collected 168k in disability and her mother says she hasnt spent any of  that on her kids. i did notice that shes had a lot of plastic surgery tho. botox and the lip thing to be sure and then there is the cost of those procedures to have all of those kids. im thinking she was thinking shed get her own show on the lifetime channel and be on easy street. but for bad timing and this being the age of personal responsibility, thanks to those bad boys in the financial district, all shes getting is a lot of backlash. i feel bad for the kids. kids arent goldfish. 14 kids in a 3 bedroom house with a mother who has no job or apparent source of support.  all of the usual suspects, the diaper companies and the kids furniture people etc. are staying away in droves.

i had my own moment of wishing someone would take responsibility this morning. I swim nearly every morning at the y and adult lap swim in the am is usually very busy and involves lane sharing. a young woman is always there the same hours that i am and she always decides its my lane that she will share. this is prolly because i am female. the problem is that she is freaking rude. shes a splasher, she brings in swimbells and kickboards to use and we are sharing one single lane, yanno? there is an etiquitte to this lane sharing thing if its going to work and shes not very polite. in fact the lifeguard is always telling her to move to the side if shes going to use  those items (probably because ive snapped at this woman) and she complies for that moment but the next day shes right back at it again. heres the complicating factor. shes not the brightest, in fact, were i to guess at her iq id say its prolly somewhere between 70-80. when shes complained about by others in the pool the lifeguard asks her to stop but also says hey shes retarded yanno? someone with an iq in that range is perfectly capable of understanding that a behavior is irritating to others and i have that expectation for her. but why do i feel so mean when i snap at her? theres a certain anger or passive aggressive quality to her behavior. does the fact that shes slow give her an unstated  get out of jail free card? not in my mind. i think thats patronizing.  i remember reading somewhere once that many of the people who settled the great american frontier had iq's in that range. everybody is differently abled. id not expect her to do things that would be outside of her abilities but honestly i dont think this is the case.   i do think occasionally people bully and take unfair advantage of others by usuing their disabilities as a guilt trippin weapon. i expect people to show consideration towards others and to take responsibility for their behaviors? is that too much to ask?

I didn't find out about Rodriguez until after I had posted my earlier stuff. I always said he is potentially on track to be the greatest bat ever, and would never be matched. Unless he was doping. I'm done with all corporate sponsored sports. And yes, that includes beach volleyball and the rodeo. (jk about the latter)   

As for the whackadoo in Cali? She wanted a "LARGE" family. Someones bound to sniff this one out, I would bet Allred, and sue the beejeezus outta the fertility clinic that implanted her. There is no way on earth she could have passed the psych evals to have this ethically performed. No way. And that's not even dipping into the bipolar, that's simply because she already had plenty of children to tend to. What a couple of weeks this has been.

I have no idea what to advise you as far as your little mermaid. It would probably suck to pull her hair and run. But...it's my instinct in this case. Just do it, deny it, refute, retract the denial and apologize, then claim to be very sorry to have disappointed your swimfans. 



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Posts: 1547

Anonymous wrote:

Three years before the Olympics, in 1981, Kimball was struck head-on by a drunken driver. Every bone in his face was fractured, his left leg broken, the ligaments in his knee torn, his liver was lacerated, and his spleen had to be removed. This being one of the worst experiences of his life, he did come back to diving. When he returned to diving nine months later, he earned the nickname "The Comeback Kid".

At the 1984 Summer Olympics, he overtook Li Kongzheng with his final dive to win the silver medal.

On August 1, 1988, two weeks before the U.S. Olympic diving trials, Kimball, drunk, plowed into a crowd of teenagers while driving an estimated 70 to 90 miles per hour, killing two boys and injuring four others.

wow. you would think if anyone would know the effects of drunk driving it would be him. thats a very tragic story.

Shortly before Christmas 2004 after an appeal to the Secretary of State of Illinois, it was found that he can apply for an Illinois drivers license. However, according to Florida authorities, his driving privileges are still revoked but he can apply for a hardship license which allows driving for business purposes and other purposes.

thats a very long time to have a license suspended.  its a very hard think to manage tho isnt it? im all for consequences for these kinds of things and for taking responsibility for behavior but if you take away peoples licenses will it really stop them from driving or driving drunk or does it keep them illegal and uninsured? im thinking one of those starter do dads that people have to breathe into to get an alcohol level before the car will start would be more effective. then too i suppose they could always drink while driving because the car is already running.

taking responsibility seems to be thematic this month doesnt it?

We have bankers running amok and now transferring their assets over to their wives for a pittance. apparently the responsibility thing is lost on them, lets hope that the look back will nab them if it turns out theyve done something criminal.

Then Michael Phelps and his bong moment. He hasnt suffered enough yet so "we" arent yet ready to forgive him. fast forward to a-rod and the other 99 players who tested positive for roids in 03. why is it we are hearing about this now? ...scratching head...

Then of course there is the mother of the octuplets and what the hell is she thinking? 14 kids under 7? where is child services when you need them? apparently even her own mother thinks shes a few bubbles short.  shes managed to crank out all of those kids all the while collecting disability for an attack that happened to her on a pervious job. Im in awe of that insurance co. they must have lots of money because it seems to me that anyone who has the energy to birth and care for the previous 6 kids while collecting probably has the energy for a desk job anyway.  she collected 168k in disability and her mother says she hasnt spent any of  that on her kids. i did notice that shes had a lot of plastic surgery tho. botox and the lip thing to be sure and then there is the cost of those procedures to have all of those kids. im thinking she was thinking shed get her own show on the lifetime channel and be on easy street. but for bad timing and this being the age of personal responsibility, thanks to those bad boys in the financial district, all shes getting is a lot of backlash. i feel bad for the kids. kids arent goldfish. 14 kids in a 3 bedroom house with a mother who has no job or apparent source of support.  all of the usual suspects, the diaper companies and the kids furniture people etc. are staying away in droves.

i had my own moment of wishing someone would take responsibility this morning. I swim nearly every morning at the y and adult lap swim in the am is usually very busy and involves lane sharing. a young woman is always there the same hours that i am and she always decides its my lane that she will share. this is prolly because i am female. the problem is that she is freaking rude. shes a splasher, she brings in swimbells and kickboards to use and we are sharing one single lane, yanno? there is an etiquitte to this lane sharing thing if its going to work and shes not very polite. in fact the lifeguard is always telling her to move to the side if shes going to use  those items (probably because ive snapped at this woman) and she complies for that moment but the next day shes right back at it again. heres the complicating factor. shes not the brightest, in fact, were i to guess at her iq id say its prolly somewhere between 70-80. when shes complained about by others in the pool the lifeguard asks her to stop but also says hey shes retarded yanno? someone with an iq in that range is perfectly capable of understanding that a behavior is irritating to others and i have that expectation for her. but why do i feel so mean when i snap at her? theres a certain anger or passive aggressive quality to her behavior. does the fact that shes slow give her an unstated  get out of jail free card? not in my mind. i think thats patronizing.  i remember reading somewhere once that many of the people who settled the great american frontier had iq's in that range. everybody is differently abled. id not expect her to do things that would be outside of her abilities but honestly i dont think this is the case.   i do think occasionally people bully and take unfair advantage of others by usuing their disabilities as a guilt trippin weapon. i expect people to show consideration towards others and to take responsibility for their behaviors? is that too much to ask?



Courtesy of Wikipedia:

Bruce D. Kimball (born June 11, 1963) is an American Diver and Coach. He won a silver medal at the 1984 Summer Olympics.

Three years before the Olympics, in 1981, Kimball was struck head-on by a drunken driver. Every bone in his face was fractured, his left leg broken, the ligaments in his knee torn, his liver was lacerated, and his spleen had to be removed. This being one of the worst experiences of his life, he did come back to diving. When he returned to diving nine months later, he earned the nickname "The Comeback Kid".

At the 1984 Summer Olympics, he overtook Li Kongzheng with his final dive to win the silver medal.

On August 1, 1988, two weeks before the U.S. Olympic diving trials, Kimball, drunk, plowed into a crowd of teenagers while driving an estimated 70 to 90 miles per hour, killing two boys and injuring four others. Despite the tragedy, Kimball took part in the trials, but failed to make the team. He subsequently pleaded guilty to vehicular manslaughter and was sentenced to 17 years in prison. He was released on 24 November 1993, after serving less than five. As a part of his sentence, his driving privileges were permanently revoked by Judge Harry Lee Coe.

Shortly before Christmas 2004 after an appeal to the Secretary of State of Illinois, it was found that he can apply for an Illinois drivers license. However, according to Florida authorities, his driving privileges are still revoked but he can apply for a hardship license which allows driving for business purposes and other purposes.



August 11, 2004

Randy Nehrt

********************************************** Now to Springfield Illinois

Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White offers Operation KidSafe IDs
during 2004 Illinois State Fair

SPRINGFIELD Secretary of State Jesse White is pleased to announce that representatives from his office will once again be on hand at the Illinois State Fair to provide driver and vehicle services as well as showcase a number of special programs available to Illinois citizens young and old.

"I encourage parents to take advantage of an exciting new child safety program available at the Secretary of State Police tent," said White. "Operation KidSafe is a free service that provides parents instant access to their child's digital fingerprints and photo, which law enforcement officials need as quickly as possible after a missing child report is filed."

In Operation KidSafe, a child's photo and fingerprints are captured by a special digital video capture device, printed on a hard copy and then handed to a parent for safekeeping. The only record of the visit goes home with the family. Should the child become lost, a parent can then submit the Operation KidSafe security/identification document to law enforcement officials to assist with the search. The specialized equipment for this free child safety service travels the country and will only be in our area during the duration of the fair.

The Secretary of State Police tent is located just north of the Secretary of State tent, which is on Brian Raney Ave., near the southeast corner of the fairgrounds.

Secretary of State Police officers also will be available to answer questions and provide safety tips for children and parents on how young people can avoid compromising situations.

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