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RE: Caroline Kennedy

Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

Ayep. ;) She meets the eligibility as of last year for residence and age will be met by the next election. She has plenty of time, it might be in her best interest to proceed slowly in consideration of overall political longevity. If that's even the path she wishes to follow. It's either a brilliant move to make in a short two years, while the nation is distracted by the enormity of our overall dysfunction and viability or one that she may wish to postpone for a good long time to build that ultimate resume, the one that might satisfy wingnuts that she is indeed distanced from her parents baggage. It was heartbreaking and distasteful enough to watch Hillary go through it all over during this past election. It will have had nothing to do with Chelsea at all and nobody on the right side of the planet will care about that.

so what did you think of pattersons pick? shes quite conservative from the reporting about her. im thinking caroline kennedy would have been a far better choice

It's my understanding that she has received consistently high ratings from the ACLU. She voted in favor of legislation supporting civil unions, she is steadfastly pro-choice, and yet she reserves and defends the right of a "hunter" to bear arms. Oops, so what? Really, hunting has always been a sport, passion, necessity where she and many are from. I don't know that she ever proposed or supported unregulated ownership of assault weapons and hid behind the 2nd amendmant to do so. This woman is a very assertive, agressive, leader. She is mindful of her constituents concerns and represents them as she was sworn to do. I give her a world of credit for standing in a group of congressional reps to vote nay on the first "bailout". The one without constraints, accountability provisions or a clear plan of action.  As I said, from the reports and voting records I have seen from her I think she is on the path to becoming a hugely important career politician. I believe it will be of great benefit to the party to have such a moderate voice to bridge the current divides in such areas as social and health related that will be desirable. We have to remember that 47% of the people in this country DID NOT vote Obama. With that as one key note I think it may be a very healthy for the left, right center and wingnuts combined to work with a true Blue, Dem. A socially conscious, fiscally responsible democrat. Nothing wrong with that, imho. ;)

I think Kennedy would have been a tremendous failure. I think, at minimum, a candidate for US Senate should be expected to show up and vote. Maybe have some opinions of her own? I dunno maybe that's too much to ask but transparency would not have fit well into her way of doing business. Her comfort zone. She could breeze and carry the aura and enigma onto any stage just fine, then.....nothing. brainless.gif There's only so many ways she can say things that tie her, Obama and any other politician to the heels of her fathers great three year presidency. As I've said before, great politicians aren't that way for their dna but for their service. She wanted (maybe, maybe not?) a free ride to a new toy, the US Senate seat. For two years. I don't think it would have lasted that long. Frankly? I think Caroline Kennedy took the term "transparency" to a new level.

To your simple question? Thumbs way up on the pick.

Kirsten Gillibrands Congressional Voting Record to date:


And all this before coffee? Sorry.



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BoxDog wrote:


Ayep. ;) She meets the eligibility as of last year for residence and age will be met by the next election. She has plenty of time, it might be in her best interest to proceed slowly in consideration of overall political longevity. If that's even the path she wishes to follow. It's either a brilliant move to make in a short two years, while the nation is distracted by the enormity of our overall dysfunction and viability or one that she may wish to postpone for a good long time to build that ultimate resume, the one that might satisfy wingnuts that she is indeed distanced from her parents baggage. It was heartbreaking and distasteful enough to watch Hillary go through it all over during this past election. It will have had nothing to do with Chelsea at all and nobody on the right side of the planet will care about that.


so what did you think of pattersons pick? shes quite conservative from the reporting about her. im thinking caroline kennedy would have been a far better choice




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Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

Lolol. I wonder if she was also assuming that her husbands VOTE reflected her own wishes since she was, admittedly, absent from voting in several elections. Including the very position she was meekly attempting to, well, I don't really know what she was planning to do with it if she got it.

yanno, i think shes pretty typical of housewives who are tuned into their families to the disappearance of the rest of the world. i think theres a real danger in that for women, its a putting everyones elses needs above your own to the point where self gets lost. im also not surprised that she came out of that trance when she got out of the house to work on obamas campaign. ive seen this sort of thing happen a lot with women. its sort of like a rediscovering of who you are, an oh yeah im here too moment.  her tentativeness in approaching this speaks to that for me. id bet shes still finding her sea legs as someone outside the home. i hope that she recovers her equilibrium and gets back in there, a little wiser and a lot more street smart the next time.

 As for Chelsea? Strategically speaking, at her age and with her education and the circle she is privvy to? With the likely combination of Cuomo going to the US Senate and Patterson being unable to ever establish himself as the "real" and effective governor of NY it wouldn't surprise me at all is she mounted a gubernatorial campaign and won the office. It would make her the youngest Governor the nation has had. I think her father currently still holds that title. He was 32.

id like to see that happen. where does she reside? i wonder if she is a new york resident?

Ayep. ;) She meets the eligibility as of last year for residence and age will be met by the next election. She has plenty of time, it might be in her best interest to proceed slowly in consideration of overall political longevity. If that's even the path she wishes to follow. It's either a brilliant move to make in a short two years, while the nation is distracted by the enormity of our overall dysfunction and viability or one that she may wish to postpone for a good long time to build that ultimate resume, the one that might satisfy wingnuts that she is indeed distanced from her parents baggage. It was heartbreaking and distasteful enough to watch Hillary go through it all over during this past election. It will have had nothing to do with Chelsea at all and nobody on the right side of the planet will care about that. 



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Posts: 1547

BoxDog wrote:


Lolol. I wonder if she was also assuming that her husbands VOTE reflected her own wishes since she was, admittedly, absent from voting in several elections. Including the very position she was meekly attempting to, well, I don't really know what she was planning to do with it if she got it.

yanno, i think shes pretty typical of housewives who are tuned into their families to the disappearance of the rest of the world. i think theres a real danger in that for women, its a putting everyones elses needs above your own to the point where self gets lost. im also not surprised that she came out of that trance when she got out of the house to work on obamas campaign. ive seen this sort of thing happen a lot with women. its sort of like a rediscovering of who you are, an oh yeah im here too moment.  her tentativeness in approaching this speaks to that for me. id bet shes still finding her sea legs as someone outside the home. i hope that she recovers her equilibrium and gets back in there, a little wiser and a lot more street smart the next time.

 As for Chelsea? Strategically speaking, at her age and with her education and the circle she is privvy to? With the likely combination of Cuomo going to the US Senate and Patterson being unable to ever establish himself as the "real" and effective governor of NY it wouldn't surprise me at all is she mounted a gubernatorial campaign and won the office. It would make her the youngest Governor the nation has had. I think her father currently still holds that title. He was 32.


id like to see that happen. where does she reside? i wonder if she is a new york resident?




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Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

I just don't see her as being cut of the cloth that an elected US Senator from NY is cut of. That type of campaign will be brutal. She's a passionate though gentle woman. It's a shame that her good heart, good common sense and incredible magnetism will remain largely limited to NYC.

yeah, if she had kept a bit of a lower profile she might have been given this seat, done well in it until the next election and avoided all of the noisy questioning that goes along with this process. todays reports suggest that shes among the large group of political folks out there who have tax and housekeeper problems. whats that about anyway?  seems to be an epidemic  and one would think that after clintons  troubles with getting people  to confirmation that anyone considering public life would look at their own vulnerability on these things and stay out of the running if there are these problems. of course this is just reported and not verifyed so i dont want to assume that these reports are true. these days its spill it to be first and fact check later it seems.

 Though good for them, hopefully she will forge a business model that others will be inspired to apply to their communities. I strongly suspect the next NY Governor will be from the GOP. A mid term election the likes of the next is no time to test her political dna in a brutal campaign. A big campaign in a big state with alot of big names and a bunch of big debt right now? I just don't understand why she wasn't offered or appointed a position of national significance. She is extremely well educated and liked. But more important than her genetic link to the political men of her clan is her heart and soul as a good doing Kennedy woman.

i was taken with her comments when they were looking into her past political contributions and it was revealed that shed really had very few tho her husband did have many. some suggested that his contributions reflected her desires as well but it was her own comment on it that was informative. she was surprised herself at how little shed given. i think she was caught up in her family and really not political until getting her feet wet with the obama campaign. id assume that she was taken with the energy and possibility of making real changes and she prolly decided hey i like this but i dont get the vibe from her that politics has been her lifelong passion.

Useless info, the first Gov of NY was named Clinton. Two hundred some-odd years ago.

mebbe that will be chelseas next job on her way to president!

Lolol. I wonder if she was also assuming that her husbands VOTE reflected her own wishes since she was, admittedly, absent from voting in several elections. Including the very position she was meekly attempting to, well, I don't really know what she was planning to do with it if she got it. But there were several elections she skipped. As for Chelsea? Strategically speaking, at her age and with her education and the circle she is privvy to? With the likely combination of Cuomo going to the US Senate and Patterson being unable to ever establish himself as the "real" and effective governor of NY it wouldn't surprise me at all is she mounted a gubernatorial campaign and won the office. It would make her the youngest Governor the nation has had. I think her father currently still holds that title. He was 32.



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Posts: 1547

BoxDog wrote:


I just don't see her as being cut of the cloth that an elected US Senator from NY is cut of. That type of campaign will be brutal. She's a passionate though gentle woman. It's a shame that her good heart, good common sense and incredible magnetism will remain largely limited to NYC.

yeah, if she had kept a bit of a lower profile she might have been given this seat, done well in it until the next election and avoided all of the noisy questioning that goes along with this process. todays reports suggest that shes among the large group of political folks out there who have tax and housekeeper problems. whats that about anyway?  seems to be an epidemic  and one would think that after clintons  troubles with getting people  to confirmation that anyone considering public life would look at their own vulnerability on these things and stay out of the running if there are these problems. of course this is just reported and not verifyed so i dont want to assume that these reports are true. these days its spill it to be first and fact check later it seems.

 Though good for them, hopefully she will forge a business model that others will be inspired to apply to their communities. I strongly suspect the next NY Governor will be from the GOP. A mid term election the likes of the next is no time to test her political dna in a brutal campaign. A big campaign in a big state with alot of big names and a bunch of big debt right now? I just don't understand why she wasn't offered or appointed a position of national significance. She is extremely well educated and liked. But more important than her genetic link to the political men of her clan is her heart and soul as a good doing Kennedy woman.

i was taken with her comments when they were looking into her past political contributions and it was revealed that shed really had very few tho her husband did have many. some suggested that his contributions reflected her desires as well but it was her own comment on it that was informative. she was surprised herself at how little shed given. i think she was caught up in her family and really not political until getting her feet wet with the obama campaign. id assume that she was taken with the energy and possibility of making real changes and she prolly decided hey i like this but i dont get the vibe from her that politics has been her lifelong passion.

Useless info, the first Gov of NY was named Clinton. Two hundred some-odd years ago.

mebbe that will be chelseas next job on her way to president!





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Posts: 515

Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

Has just withdrawn her name from consideration of the US Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton. Well, they got bo in the white house, that was the real goal after all. I certainly hope there isn't some underlying health or other type of concern behind this decision, but I'm sure glad, if there isn't that she didn't get in the Senate only to appear as whimsical as she does at this moment. Hey, she was an integral part of the strategizing that kicked HRC in the shins and left women behind once again. Especially considering the qualifications of that particular woman. I don't wish Caroline any ill will, but in the season of appointments by odd entitlements? I'm glad she's out. Ironically that leaves another little legacy to probably fill the seat. Another Cuomo. But, at least he's actually practiced law.

two words...

the nanny.

imagine that voice on cspan every day:)

the 11pm news here says not so fast. seems theres a miscommunication between caroline kennedy and gov patterson suggesting that shes still in the running for the job. id guess the gov will be announcing his selection in the next day or so?

if she did withdraw id suspect its more a withdraw before you arent selected strategy which would appear to keep her name untarnished for the next senatorial election.

i wouldnt mind seeing her get the job. i read both of her books over the winter break and came away impressed with her knowledge and most importantly her vision about the dangers in walking down some of the paths were currently walking down as a nation, especially with respect to privacy issues and civil rights.

update: she has just released a statement confirming her pull out citing personal reasons. rut roh fran d was on larry king live tonight:)

-- Edited by Psych Lit at 22:54, 2009-01-21

I just don't see her as being cut of the cloth that an elected US Senator from NY is cut of. That type of campaign will be brutal. She's a passionate though gentle woman. It's a shame that her good heart, good common sense and incredible magnetism will remain largely limited to NYC. Though good for them, hopefully she will forge a business model that others will be inspired to apply to their communities. I strongly suspect the next NY Governor will be from the GOP. A mid term election the likes of the next is no time to test her political dna in a brutal campaign. A big campaign in a big state with alot of big names and a bunch of big debt right now?  I just don't understand why she wasn't offered or appointed a position of national significance. She is extremely well educated and liked. But more important than her genetic link to the political men of her clan is her heart and soul as a good doing Kennedy woman. 

Useless info, the first Gov of NY was named Clinton. Two hundred some-odd years ago.



Status: Offline
Posts: 1547

BoxDog wrote:

Has just withdrawn her name from consideration of the US Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton. Well, they got bo in the white house, that was the real goal after all. I certainly hope there isn't some underlying health or other type of concern behind this decision, but I'm sure glad, if there isn't that she didn't get in the Senate only to appear as whimsical as she does at this moment. Hey, she was an integral part of the strategizing that kicked HRC in the shins and left women behind once again. Especially considering the qualifications of that particular woman. I don't wish Caroline any ill will, but in the season of appointments by odd entitlements? I'm glad she's out. Ironically that leaves another little legacy to probably fill the seat. Another Cuomo. But, at least he's actually practiced law.

two words...

the nanny.

imagine that voice on cspan every day:)

the 11pm news here says not so fast. seems theres a miscommunication between caroline kennedy and gov patterson suggesting that shes still in the running for the job. id guess the gov will be announcing his selection in the next day or so?

if she did withdraw id suspect its more a withdraw before you arent selected strategy which would appear to keep her name untarnished for the next senatorial election.

i wouldnt mind seeing her get the job. i read both of her books over the winter break and came away impressed with her knowledge and most importantly her vision about the dangers in walking down some of the paths were currently walking down as a nation, especially with respect to privacy issues and civil rights.

update: she has just released a statement confirming her pull out citing personal reasons. rut roh fran d was on larry king live tonight:)

-- Edited by Psych Lit at 22:54, 2009-01-21



BoxDog wrote:

Has just withdrawn her name from consideration of the US Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton. Well, they got bo in the white house, that was the real goal after all. I certainly hope there isn't some underlying health or other type of concern behind this decision, but I'm sure glad, if there isn't that she didn't get in the Senate only to appear as whimsical as she does at this moment. Hey, she was an integral part of the strategizing that kicked HRC in the shins and left women behind once again. Especially considering the qualifications of that particular woman. I don't wish Caroline any ill will, but in the season of appointments by odd entitlements? I'm glad she's out. Ironically that leaves another little legacy to probably fill the seat. Another Cuomo. But, at least he's actually practiced law.  

Published - Jan 21 2009 11:35PM EST | AP

By MICHAEL GORMLEY - Associated Press Writer

After wavering briefly, Caroline Kennedy renewed her determination Wednesday to win appointment to the U.S. Senate seat once held by her slain uncle, Bobby Kennedy, a person close to the decision said.

I just don't care for this at all. She is waffling on a position that she has sought out. One previously held by many great and dedicated leaders. Like her Uncle Bobby. As did Hillary Clinton. Just a couple of modern day names. She has no chance of filling either pair of those shoes, not if she can't even decide if she WANTS it. I am disheartened, at best. In a single  day, immediately after HRC was sworn in Caroline decided to drop out, then dropped back in. I find that a pretty good indicator of a weak "leader". Kinda the same reason we aren't allowed to ask women if they have children, or why you can't just by the way you sick alot....this country demands and expects strong leaders. Right now, not floundering fickle dabblers. I was raised in the great state of New York, I wouldn't tolerate this crap at all. At this point she should be forced to campaign and actually work for the position when it becomes available in 2 years.  



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Posts: 515

Has just withdrawn her name from consideration of the US Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton. Well, they got bo in the white house, that was the real goal after all. I certainly hope there isn't some underlying health or other type of concern behind this decision, but I'm sure glad, if there isn't that she didn't get in the Senate only to appear as whimsical as she does at this moment. Hey, she was an integral part of the strategizing that kicked HRC in the shins and left women behind once again. Especially considering the qualifications of that particular woman. I don't wish Caroline any ill will, but in the season of appointments by odd entitlements? I'm glad she's out. Ironically that leaves another little legacy to probably fill the seat. Another Cuomo. But, at least he's actually practiced law.  

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