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a few more

Psych Lit wrote:

Hey! Here's some good news! The dog has finally limited his "score and take out to the back yard" stuff to his toys! Yay! Only found ONE can of tomato sauce in the yard when I was cleaning it up.

oh shoot. i am gonna have to rethink that part of my christmas story. buckie and his treasures are a featured part. hee.   i have to retype it anyway since i crashed at the last freakin paragraph. and ill try and do that before xmas. i was on a writin roll that day

I'm so sorry you lost that post... : ( But hey! You don't have to change anything in your story! :)
It's such a relief to find his toys and rawhide chews where once lay eyeglasses, TV remotes, etc. I'm guessing he's finally accepted the inside of this house as more his home than the outside. He's been here just under four months now, I guess, and is finally settling in. I think too, there was some post-traumatic stress syndrome stuff going on with him when he first got here. I think he's finally starting to believe that when I leave, I will eventually return -- that it's not forever. It's a "trust" thing, as much as anything, I suppose. Believing that I'll be there for him just as much as he'll be there for me, and that his food bowl will never stay empty long, if at all. He's been through a lot -- I'm his third owner (that I know of.) Some things, (like trust) just take time. I hope he doesn't have his world yanked out from under him again any time soon, but ... that's really out of my hands at this point, and I can't think about that until other people make decisions, and then I'll deal with the "what is" whatever that may be. If nothing else... I think I've been a good influence on him. (And he, on me, when all's said and done.) I think we both could do with a little less "change" in our lives right now. I yearn for the day I think myself in a "rut." smile

The funny/cute/sort of amazing part is to watch them fill the dirt back in with their noses, after they've dropped in their treasure. Wish I'd had my camera (SD cards are ALL FULL! Oh NO!) the other day ... I'm trying to get him not to dig, yanno ... and there he was, when I walked out, standing over the covered hole, looking up at me sort of surprised, and totally innocent-like, with brown mud all over the end of his nose. LOL. And no, he wasn't trying to get on my good side with bribes or compliments. smile "Digging? You say someone was digging? Certainly wasn't ME! Do you want me to track down the scoundrel??" Was like the kid with cookie crumbs all over their face, yanno?

hey im melting and i cant even see him. what a very sweet mutt

Yeah, he's growin' on me. :) I'm fortunate that he's still as young as he is (March 1 he'll turn two.) I mean, he looks all growed up, but he's not, really, and things like ... well, his learning to fetch a ball, for instance. It's rewarding (to us both, I think) to see him "get" that in what -- two days? Maybe three. Apparently, he'd never played ball before. Mom still hasn't sent the paperwork from the vet in, so he still doesn't have his tags, which means I still can't take him to the dog park yet, and that's frustrating. From the way he leaps up to catch the ball in the air, I'm thinkin' he'd be a great frisbee dog. Mostly, I just want to get him someplace where he can just cut loose and run as hard and fast as he desires. In his life before, he was rarely, if ever, on a leash, and got to run alongside his owner who was on a bicycle. That ain't happening with me -- even on a leash. I can't afford to break any more bones from bicycle wrecks. I know he misses it, though... everytime someone goes by on a bicycle when we're walking, I can just tell he years to run along side of them. Makes me sad. : ( But it ain't happening.

He does try to be a good dog. I mean... he really does. He's faced a pretty sharp learning curve in terms of that with admirable intensity. Still a ways to go, but when I think back to the day I brought him into this home, and look a him now ... except for being a loving and playful dog, he's completely changed, and all for the better. You cannot convince me dogs don't like "rules." Like to succeed, anyway. He likes knowing what's expected of him, and I truly believe he likes having things expected of him. And he's smart, too. I mean ... I just put up a little accordian-like gate thing in the doorway one night, and he clearly could have knocked it down, (I didn't have it attached to anything, just leaning up there) or stepped over it, but he didn't, and that is the sort of thing that's encouraging. He understood what it was for, and he respected that. Of course... it's a two steps forward one step back, sort of process, still, and it doesn't help to have someone else in the house who is encouraging him to do all the things I'm trying to teach him not to do, but even so, it's a process which seems to be going pretty well at this point. I can have a plate of food pretty much at his nose level, and he will certainly smell it, but he knows now it's not for him, and doesn't try to eat it. I may even be able to start putting things down a little lower in the kitchen again now (like on the counter tops, instead of on top of the refrigerator.) He's also not gone to the bathroom in the house for a long time. When he was first here, he ripped the flap off the doggie door, leaving only a big hole, and while that was OK in August (with my evaporative cooling) ... not so much so in December. So? I started putting the heavy cardboard insert that comes with the door back in -- he doesn't have free access to the back yard any time he wants now. And? So far so good. He comes and gets me, when it's time to go out. We aren't real clear on the signals yet (he may be -- I'm not) but there have been no "accidents" (let alone intentional statements) in the house for a long time now. We just sort of came to an understanding about that -- mostly he was the one who did the work. But really, it was very little on my part -- maybe three times -- the first day he was here that we left him alone in the house (with the doggie door open) he took a dump on my bed. THAT didn't happen again -- no more dumping at all inside. And? He "marked his territory" a couple of times (twice) inside -- I was there for both of those, and they were the last times THAT happened.. For a dog who came here not housebroken at all, he's really done a good job at picking up on the "we do that ONLY outside" thing. He's just so ... eager to please, and do the "right" thing, you know? It's quite endearing, really. (Dammit. LOL)

It's funny -- a sharp "NO!" really doesn't have a lot of impact upon him, but "Oh, Oh, OH!" stops him dead in his tracks. I discovered this the other day, when I used the two back to back. Maybe "No" sounds like "go" or maybe it meant something else in his previous life. I know one thing, I never would have chosen a name for him that sounded so much like "back." (He was named Buck for buckskin.) I don't know what I would have named him, if I'd picked him out -- if I'd chosen to have him. Well, I wouldn't have chosen a male dog, to begin with, so, it's pretty hard. :) Wouldn't have been "Buck" though. Pretty sure of that. But? It's what he answers to. (He's also learned to answer to a whistle, like ... on a dime, which is pretty cool.) He doesn't (yet) howl at sirens the way the other dogs around here do. :) The other day the two of us were in the back yard, and the dogs around us started howling, and I made a very subdued sort of howl-dogtalk noise, and he ****ed his head to the side, and looked at me like I was nuts. LOL. Well, maybe not so much like I was nuts, as very perplexed, like "HUNH?!?!" Who knows? Maybe I said something in dog language that really puzzled him. :) He's learned a lot of words, and knows them quite well at this point. I ask: "Wanna go for a ride?" Or "Wanna go for a walk?" and he jumps around for a little bit (in unbridled glee) and then runs right over to his gentle leader and leash, and tries to put it on himself. LOL. He understands "head 'em up" too, and hops right into the car when I say it. He also knows what item is his "ball" and when I ask where it is, he fetches it -- and of course he understands well, "milkbone" and "rawhide." He can sit, and "gimme five" but we're still working on the "stay" part. He's sorta got that, as long as my hand is right in front of his face, but ... still much work to be done there. I'm just going to have to come up with a different word for "back" -- he thinks I'm calling him, every time I say it. With my dog before, she understood that meant "get out of the way." I'm a little irritated at Mom, 'cause she's taught him to do that when she says: "Toot toot!" and I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend the next ten years or so, saying, in a baby-talk voice "toot toot!"   

And geezopetes -- is there any greater dispenser of "unconditional love" than a dog? I'd forgotten what it was like to have someone absolutely thrilled every time I walk in the front door. Does a body's ego good, even though sometimes the overflowing enthusiasm is a bit much. LOL. We're still working on that. At least now, when he stands up on his hind legs, he turns around, so that his back is against you... :)

(I'd like to see someone try to throw a shoe at ME! HA!)

"Above me peace. Beside me Peace. All around me Peace" (from a children's book I once adored, whose name escapes me at the moment)

Oops... I just remembered ... all the "peace" in the above should have been "peaceful" and there was another sentence at the end: "Me peaceful."  


-- Edited by Nightowlhoot3 at 07:35, 2008-12-15



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:



Ow! that had to hurt. did it go in far?

Dunno. Can only see the wound from the outside. :)
It's a gnarly lookin' ole rusty thang though. Upon closer examination, it's not a nail, it's a screw running through a small square metal plate. The screw is only an inch long, and it did have to go through a little bit of shoe (like crocs only cheaper -- rubber sole -- the shoe, not the album -- lol)

yep crocs, even the imitation ones, are sharp object magnets. i was flying into my house in a big assed hurry one day and did a leap around the wheelbarrow and onto some logs i was splitting and a nice 3 in splinter of wood went right thru those crocs. then there is the more than occasional push pin thats fallen to the floor. croc shoe sees it and then zooop right onto it.

a screw sounds like it would be even more painful since it requires some twisting to remove...ewww.i am squirming thinking about it. the rusty part? omfg.gif not sayin nuthin:)

Hey! Here's some good news! The dog has finally limited his "score and take out to the back yard" stuff to his toys! Yay! Only found ONE can of tomato sauce in the yard when I was cleaning it up.

oh shoot. i am gonna have to rethink that part of my christmas story. buckie and his treasures are a featured part. hee.   i have to retype it anyway since i crashed at the last freakin paragraph. and ill try and do that before xmas. i was on a writin roll that day

 The funny/cute/sort of amazing part is to watch them fill the dirt back in with their noses, after they've dropped in their treasure. Wish I'd had my camera (SD cards are ALL FULL! Oh NO!) the other day ... I'm trying to get him not to dig, yanno ... and there he was, when I walked out, standing over the covered hole, looking up at me sort of surprised, and totally innocent-like, with brown mud all over the end of his nose. LOL. And no, he wasn't trying to get on my good side with bribes or compliments. smile "Digging? You say someone was digging? Certainly wasn't ME! Do you want me to track down the scoundrel??" Was like the kid with cookie crumbs all over their face, yanno?

hey im melting and i cant even see him. what a very sweet mutt

and just "exhaled." Even saw a shooting star. It was a long one, too! And surprisingly low. LOOKED like it was going to smash into an airplane. I then realized that it was probably way far away from that airplane, and the curvature of the earth was causing an optical illusion, but it did look like something out of Star Wars for a second there. Then I thought about being IN that plane, looking out the window, and seeing that thing streak past me. Wow! THAT would be a trip, hey? Can't remember the last time I'd seen a shooting star. I automatically blurted out what was once my standard "wish" and after the fact, realized I don't really wish that any more ... was just muscle memory from a time I saw a lot more shooting stars. Made me smile a soft, almost rueful smile, it did. :)

id tell ya to tell us about the wish but then it cant come true:( you live in a fab state for star gazing. id bet despite the light pollution from the city that you must have eye popping sky shows.

So... it was a "good" few minutes last night. Everything else fell away for a few minutes, and I just experienced peace and calm. It reminded me that I used to feel that way often, and that I can again, at some point. And too, I never fully appreciated my back yard the way I have since the-neighbors-from-hell left. I guess that's why they were there in the first place, maybe -- to help me to see how good it is, when they aren't. :) Life does that a lot, I think. The key is to recognizing it...

something to think about fer sure.it sounds like a very nice night.

"Above me peace. Beside me Peace. All around me Peace" (from a children's book I once adored, whose name escapes me at the moment)





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Psych Lit wrote:

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

Hope everyone is having a safe and happy weekend so far.

Weather has been lovely here -- I've been doing clean up after the "handyman" fence job.

Had a HUGE old rusty (probably unearthed when he was digging) nail go through the side of the bottom of my foot today, (and yes, I WAS wearing shoes) but I am NOT going to go get a tetanus shot, I am NOT. It bled quite a bit, and then I doused it with neosporin, and put a bandaid over it, and that's IT.

And I do know the possible problems... my Grandad (when he was young) almost died from "lockjaw."

I'm in a "livin' on the edge" mood here, and there's no talking me out of it, so THERE.

Other than that, it's been a B- kinda couple of days. Like the weather, sorta: abundant sunshine, followed by heavy storms, but the sun always seems to again return...

Ow! that had to hurt. did it go in far?

Dunno. Can only see the wound from the outside. :)
It's a gnarly lookin'  ole rusty thang though. Upon closer examination, it's not a nail, it's a screw running through a small square metal plate. The screw is only an inch long, and it did have to go through a little bit of shoe (like crocs only cheaper -- rubber sole -- the shoe, not the album -- lol) So no, it didn't go in too far, but far enough that I had to sit down and pull it out, and it did bleed quite a bit, and is sore yet today. cry I guess, if I'd known at the time it was a screw instead of a nail, I would have gotten my screwdriver to remove it. smile Mostly, though, it just made me mad. I added it, without hesitation to the list of reasons I'm ticked off at the handyman guy. If HE had cleaned up after himself, his digging, it wouldn't have been there. The good news, though, is that it was my foot, and not the dog's, or some little kid's.

Wait. That still doesn't make it "good" news, does it. Hmmmm.

Hey! Here's some good news! The dog has finally limited his "score and take out to the back yard" stuff to his toys! Yay! Only found ONE can of tomato sauce in the yard when I was cleaning it up.

I have a compost pile ... WAS in a sort of three sided bin at the far edge of the yard, but got disassembled and moved, because it was next to where the fence was going. I'm not sure where I'm going to put it now, since I may put a bench there. Poor pup -- he keeps burying rawhide "bones" in it, and then it gets moved, and I toss the rawhide to him (with the shovel) and then he buries it in the compost again ... it's really kinda funny. It's been a long time since I had a dog who was a digger (and not just the compost pile, either, but there are a couple of holes in the yard I had to fill in.) The funny/cute/sort of amazing part is to watch them fill the dirt back in with their noses, after they've dropped in their treasure. Wish I'd had my camera (SD cards are ALL FULL! Oh NO!) the other day ... I'm trying to get him not to dig, yanno ... and there he was, when I walked out, standing over the covered hole, looking up at me sort of surprised, and totally innocent-like, with brown mud all over the end of his nose. LOL. And no, he wasn't trying to get on my good side with bribes or compliments. smile "Digging? You say someone was digging? Certainly wasn't ME! Do you want me to track down the scoundrel??" Was like the kid with cookie crumbs all over their face, yanno?  

The greatly touted rain due at midnight has yet to arrive. Truly, this is the time of year we in the Sonoran Desert wait for. Last week it was in the 70's. It's SO NICE to be able to sit in the back yard, and have not only privacy from the new 6' fence, but also with the neighbors from hell gone. Reminded me of the tranquility I once found out there before everything fell apart. "Quiet." Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Sat in a lawn chair, with a Killians Irish Red in my hand, dog peacefully lying next to the one gate which has yet to have the slats installed, so he can still look down the alley (sorry about that, fella, but those days are numbered -- although I have been thinking about putting a sort of "window" at about ground level in for you someplace, if you end up staying here, so we'll talk...) and just "exhaled." Even saw a shooting star. It was a long one, too! And surprisingly low. LOOKED like it was going to smash into an airplane. I then realized that it was probably way far away from that airplane, and the curvature of the earth was causing an optical illusion, but it did look like something out of Star Wars for a second there. Then I thought about being IN that plane, looking out the window, and seeing that thing streak past me. Wow! THAT would be a trip, hey? Can't remember the last time I'd seen a shooting star. I automatically blurted out what was once my standard "wish" and after the fact, realized I don't really wish that any more ... was just muscle memory from a time I saw a lot more shooting stars. Made me smile a soft, almost rueful smile, it did. :)

The clouds were really moving fast! I thought briefly about using the "motion picture" setting on my camera and photographing them, but then thought "nah." And besides -- no SD card. :) I don't recall ever seeing clouds move that quickly before, though. And they stayed intact, too!

So... it was a "good" few minutes last night. Everything else fell away for a few minutes, and I just experienced peace and calm. It reminded me that I used to feel that way often, and that I can again, at some point. And too, I never fully appreciated my back yard the way I have since the-neighbors-from-hell left. I guess that's why they were there in the first place, maybe -- to help me to see how good it is, when they aren't. :) Life does that a lot, I think. The key is to recognizing it...

"Above me peace. Beside me Peace. All around me Peace" (from a children's book I once adored, whose name escapes me at the moment)



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BoxDog wrote:


Yep, gimme a ride that'll make me clench my teeth so firm they crack, my body tighten up like a ball of twine and then vomit and bruise after I stumble off of it. That's a ride. And the best ones don't even "go anywhere" anymore, they're virtual. Get in a box, or a car or a stadium seat and shut the lights off, it's amazing fun. They do rides right at Disney and Universal Studios.

i used to love the ones at universal. i expect that they are far more advanced now then when i was last there.

 Though we may be soon calling the Magic Kingdom the Magic Carpet and paying outrageous fees in foreign currency to experience Orlando theme parks... Dubai Disney? It actually has a nicer ring to it than Disney Japan, but at least Disney Japan is actually IN Japan. Welcome to Florida, brought to you by the UAE. There's hope for our 2.5 billion dollar deficit after all. It's called the Saudis, great. We teach them to fly into our nations skyscrapers and they save our state economy. I wonder if they actually know how to "make" anything, except money. It would be great to add some manufacturing jobs for the "overeducated" though newly unemployed.

they are buying into disney?

I can't decide if what I just wrote means I should have MORE or LESS coffee. :) Either way, I seem a little wound up. Hope everyone is having a safe and happy weekend so far.

its better now. the sun was out the roads open and most of the downed power lines off the roads so things are looking up!
i went to see the movie milk tonight. great acting in the movie. the storyline was a bit perplexing. women are pretty much invisible in the movie and in this telling, have played no part in the gay rights movement.  thats not stated overtly but aside from one main character who is a woman and some interesting comments on gay male misogyny made by this character the only other time women appear in the film is during a march of teachers and social workers. there is also a sanitizing of gay male sexuality. the characters are only seen in monogamous relationships and a few chaste kissing scenes tho one comment toward the middle from milk to his partner about no longer going to the baths for political reasons is in there without context.





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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


BoxDog wrote:

Hope everyone is having a safe and happy weekend so far.

Weather has been lovely here -- I've been doing clean up after the "handyman" fence job.

Had a HUGE old rusty (probably unearthed when he was digging) nail go through the side of the bottom of my foot today, (and yes, I WAS wearing shoes) but I am NOT going to go get a tetanus shot, I am NOT. It bled quite a bit, and then I doused it with neosporin, and put a bandaid over it, and that's IT.

And I do know the possible problems... my Grandad (when he was young) almost died from "lockjaw."

I'm in a "livin' on the edge" mood here, and there's no talking me out of it, so THERE.

Other than that, it's been a B- kinda couple of days. Like the weather, sorta: abundant sunshine, followed by heavy storms, but the sun always seems to again return...


Ow! that had to hurt. did it go in far?




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BoxDog wrote:

Hope everyone is having a safe and happy weekend so far. 

Weather has been lovely here -- I've been doing clean up after the "handyman" fence job.

Had a HUGE old rusty (probably unearthed when he was digging) nail go through the side of the bottom of my foot today, (and yes, I WAS wearing shoes) but I am NOT going to go get a tetanus shot, I am NOT. It bled quite a bit, and then I doused it with neosporin, and put a bandaid over it, and that's IT. 

And I do know the possible problems... my Grandad (when he was young) almost died from "lockjaw."
I'm in a "livin' on the edge" mood here, and there's no talking me out of it, so THERE. 

Other than that, it's been a B- kinda couple of days. Like the weather, sorta: abundant sunshine, followed by heavy storms, but the sun always seems to again return...  



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Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

 I've never seen the beach at Mall of America, having no desire to go to Minnesota. 

  i have. you havent missed much. i took my daughters and neices there when they were tweens. they were all excited because its a very hyped mall. but the amusement park? its a rinky dink baby rolller coaster and some kiddy rides and the mall itself is aptly named. you could be in a mall anywher in america, same stores, same blah mall decor.  and bloomington? not much to see there. the hotels were cheap tho as were the car rentals and the big cities are cool but i wouldnt wanna be there in the winter.

Yep, gimme a ride that'll make me clench my teeth so firm they crack, my body tighten up like a ball of twine and then vomit and bruise after I stumble off of it. That's a ride. And the best ones don't even "go anywhere" anymore, they're virtual. Get in a box, or a car or a stadium seat and shut the lights off, it's amazing fun. They do rides right at Disney and Universal Studios. Though we may be soon calling the Magic Kingdom the Magic Carpet and paying outrageous fees in foreign currency to experience Orlando theme parks... Dubai Disney? It actually has a nicer ring to it than Disney Japan, but at least Disney Japan is actually IN Japan. Welcome to Florida, brought to you by the UAE. There's hope for our 2.5 billion dollar deficit after all. It's called the Saudis, great. We teach them to fly into our nations skyscrapers and they save our state economy. I wonder if they actually know how to "make" anything, except money. It would be great to add some manufacturing jobs for the "overeducated" though newly unemployed.  ;)

I can't decide if what I just wrote means I should have MORE or LESS coffee. :) Either way, I seem a little wound up. Hope everyone is having a safe and happy weekend so far. 



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BoxDog wrote:


 I've never seen the beach at Mall of America, having no desire to go to Minnesota. 


  i have. you havent missed much. i took my daughters and neices there when they were tweens. they were all excited because its a very hyped mall. but the amusement park? its a rinky dink baby rolller coaster and some kiddy rides and the mall itself is aptly named. you could be in a mall anywher in america, same stores, same blah mall decor.  and bloomington? not much to see there. the hotels were cheap tho as were the car rentals and the big cities are cool but i wouldnt wanna be there in the winter.



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BoxDog wrote:


(jeez watch out for that ditch! this is a two lane road can you pick a lane? rice and beans again? cant we go somewhere with decent food? (its a really good thing were not camping or youd really be regretting that menu) lol.

I think many folks call "rice and beans" the thank god it's not snakes and bugs again meal. At least in the rainforests.


uh huh, i normally like red beans and rice a lot but i also tend to like spicy food and the places we went to were just ok, nothing that left you saying omg that was the best beans and rice ever or the best pr food ever which youd think would be a no brainer since it was pr and all but honestly ive had better pr food in new haven! next time i go ill research it a bit more. restaurants near resorts and attractions tend to be the same anywhere, generic food, bland on a plate. nobody lives in that rainforest btw (at least that i was aware of lol). its a "state" park. pr looks very much like parts of the mainland us except the signs are in spanish. and while i do think pr has a lot of poverty as do many islands it also has a very strong middle class. the places we stayed, culebra and fajardo had some visible poverty but no more than any mainland city. i did see luxury condos for sale but also people selling lettuce at stop lights and a little boy tried to sell me a well handled homemade bread in the parking lot of the pr version of walmart but aside from that i saw a lot of people coming and going from work or out for a night on the town, a lot of strip malls, the sort of thing that youd see in any metro area. thats a contrast to somewhere like haiti where ya cant escape the poverty from hitting you in the face as soon as you leave the airport.




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BoxDog wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:

i took these last month when i was in pr on a biz trip. most are rain forest photos with one beach. a beach is a beach is a beach so i wont bore ya with more than one of them.

I am shocked and saddened by this. Surely Jones Beach in Long Island bears no resemblance whatsoever to St Barts or the black sands of Hawaii. For that matter, the shorelines worldwide that are rocklined. I've never seen the beach at Mall of America, having no desire to go to Minnesota. But, a beach, is NOT a beach is NOT a beach. Some aren't even near real water anymore. ;) But, your lone beach shot and rf photos are great! Glad you fixed that thing.


 lol well a beach is a beach when its the same beach that youre taking pix of. i have a few photos of the same beach and the lighting is different but the chaise lounges havent moved and the same palm trees surround. i didnt get to wander a lot when i was there since it was a work thing. i tried to take pix during our bio luminescent kayak adventure but they are all too dark to see. i have to figure out how to do night settings. the only things visible in my night photos are the moon and the tops of some palm trees that reflect moonlight! i tried to take a photo from a restaurant that we went to. it was a full moon night, the restaurant was high on a cliff with a view of the ocean but all that came out was the rail of the deck of the restaurant with nothing but darkness beyond. sigh. i did want a remembrance of that place because it was so beautiful.




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Psych Lit wrote:

i took these last month when i was in pr on a biz trip. most are rain forest photos with one beach. a beach is a beach is a beach so i wont bore ya with  more than one of them.

I am shocked and saddened by this. Surely Jones Beach in Long Island bears no resemblance whatsoever to St Barts or the black sands of Hawaii. For that matter, the shorelines worldwide that are rocklined. I've never seen the beach at Mall of America, having no desire to go to Minnesota. But, a beach, is NOT a beach is NOT a beach. Some aren't even near real water anymore.  ;) But, your lone beach shot and rf photos are great! Glad you fixed that thing.



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My Turn wrote:

sigh....i LOVE these pictures......absolutely stunning...must have been quite breath taking in person....thanks for sharing!

Psych Lit wrote:

thanks! it was beautiful tho i am appreciating it more now than i did then. life is nothing if not growth eh? at the time i was pissed about having to go on two trips in one week. i was worried about flying since i hadnt flown much since my illness and worried about what might happen (nothing did i am still fine) but that was working in the back of my mind plus ive gotten sort of homebodyish this year. i feel dread at the prospect of having to actually go somewhere tho when i get where i am going im usually ok. thats going to require a lil bit of self examination to figger out whats behind that.
but i managed to sour the rainforest experience for myself by acting in ways that ive never acted before (more examination sigh) i had invited a friend to join me for that trip and she suggested we hike the nearby rainforest and i was thinking at the time id rather be sitting here next to the pool with an occasional lap or three. but we went and i was crabby. i was crabby because we left in the afternoon to do this with only a few hours of daylight left and i didnt want to be stuck with snakes and bugs sleeping on a big leaf, yanno? and the road to to the rainforest was narrow with large dropoffs on either side. we had rented a jeep and my friend was driving really, really fast and i was nagging. lol. slow down. damnit why didnt we do this earlier? (we have to hurry so we can get down before dark) oh look its raining!(its a rainforest ya dink of course its raining) there was no end to my bitchiness im tellin you. my companion has been a friend for a long time so she doesnt react much to my crankiness and she laughed when i bitched which, well, pissed me off even more. but once we were hiking my mood disappeared. it was truly a beautiful and peaceful place and i was glad that i had come...until the ride back anyway when cranky returned. (jeez watch out for that ditch! this is a two lane road can you pick a lane? rice and beans again? cant we go somewhere with decent food? (its a really good thing were not camping or youd really be regretting that menu)  lol.  

I think many folks call "rice and beans" the thank god it's not snakes and bugs again meal. At least in the rainforests.



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My Turn wrote:

sigh....i LOVE these pictures......absolutely stunning...must have been quite breath taking in person....thanks for sharing!

thanks! it was beautiful tho i am appreciating it more now than i did then. life is nothing if not growth eh? at the time i was pissed about having to go on two trips in one week. i was worried about flying since i hadnt flown much since my illness and worried about what might happen (nothing did i am still fine) but that was working in the back of my mind plus ive gotten sort of homebodyish this year. i feel dread at the prospect of having to actually go somewhere tho when i get where i am going im usually ok. thats going to require a lil bit of self examination to figger out whats behind that.
but i managed to sour the rainforest experience for myself by acting in ways that ive never acted before (more examination sigh) i had invited a friend to join me for that trip and she suggested we hike the nearby rainforest and i was thinking at the time id rather be sitting here next to the pool with an occasional lap or three. but we went and i was crabby. i was crabby because we left in the afternoon to do this with only a few hours of daylight left and i didnt want to be stuck with snakes and bugs sleeping on a big leaf, yanno? and the road to to the rainforest was narrow with large dropoffs on either side. we had rented a jeep and my friend was driving really, really fast and i was nagging. lol. slow down. damnit why didnt we do this earlier? (we have to hurry so we can get down before dark) oh look its raining!(its a rainforest ya dink of course its raining) there was no end to my bitchiness im tellin you. my companion has been a friend for a long time so she doesnt react much to my crankiness and she laughed when i bitched which, well, pissed me off even more. but once we were hiking my mood disappeared. it was truly a beautiful and peaceful place and i was glad that i had come...until the ride back anyway when cranky returned. (jeez watch out for that ditch! this is a two lane road can you pick a lane? rice and beans again? cant we go somewhere with decent food? (its a really good thing were not camping or youd really be regretting that menu)  lol.  


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sigh....i LOVE these pictures......absolutely stunning...must have been quite breath taking in person....thanks for sharing!



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Posts: 1547

i took these last month when i was in pr on a biz trip. most are rain forest photos with one beach. a beach is a beach is a beach so i wont bore ya with  more than one of them.

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