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Post Info TOPIC: nobody wants to be wendy anymore...


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RE: nobody wants to be wendy anymore...

Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


"...'But where are you going to live?'

'With Tink in the house we built for Wendy. The fairies are to put it high up among the tree-tops where they sleep at nights.'

'How lovely,' cried Wendy so longingly that Mrs Darling tightened her grip.

'I thought all the fairies were dead,' Mrs Darling said.

'There are always a lot of young ones,' explained Wendy, who was now quite an authority, 'because you see when a new baby laughs for the first time a new fairy is born, and as there are always new babies there are always new fairies. They live in nests on the tops of trees; and the mauve ones are boys and the white ones are girls, and the blue ones are just little sillies who are not sure what they are.'"



wow, id forgotten how much gender ambiguity there was in the original text. Barrie wrote this during the victorian period, didnt he?  now, of course, im getting interested in rereading it. hmmm.




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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:

Wow. How perfect. I didn't know this tune. Thank you!


one of the nice things about both country and folk music is that there is a song for every occasion! it is one of my fav dar songs tho its an oldie.




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"...'But where are you going to live?'

'With Tink in the house we built for Wendy. The fairies are to put it high up among the tree-tops where they sleep at nights.'

'How lovely,' cried Wendy so longingly that Mrs Darling tightened her grip.

'I thought all the fairies were dead,' Mrs Darling said.

'There are always a lot of young ones,' explained Wendy, who was now quite an authority, 'because you see when a new baby laughs for the first time a new fairy is born, and as there are always new babies there are always new fairies. They live in nests on the tops of trees; and the mauve ones are boys and the white ones are girls, and the blue ones are just little sillies who are not sure what they are.'"




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Psych Lit wrote:

Tinker Bell has a precarious existence and sort of like Blanche DuBois, is forever counting on "the kindness of strangers" to clap her back into life. Also, Tink is handicapped by being small ... so small she can only hold one feeling at a time. I imagine kids already feel that way somewhat. Better to be bigger, and able to embark at whim upon wild adventures, i.e. male.

what a beautiful paragraph. ive printed it out as a reminder to self about kiddos. thank you.

YW, and thank you for the compliment. smile

 When I Was a Boy
Dar Williams

Wow. How perfect. I didn't know this tune. Thank you!


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well, your on the bay side...and i am on the gulf side...but it was still in the forties here too....not only did i wear a wife beater t, on top of that was a sweatshirt, and on top of that a pull over fleece, capped with a zippered up sweat jacket, hood on, and two pairs of sweatpants!!! to have my morning commune with nature and coffee....i know, i know...i am crazy, but i get up every morning early to have my 1 1/2 hours outside to myself before i have to get everyone up....its my "me" time and i treasure it....ahhhh, its the small things that mean a lot....lol...even when just before it was time to come in and my fingers were almost popsicles! 

that said, inside my house, ever since i got my new windows 2 1/2 years ago, i have not had to use my heater...i never realized how severely lacking in energy efficiency my 40 yr. old jalousy, single paned windows were....like last night on my way home around 11pm..there was one of those signs that flash the temp..it said 43 degrees...inside my house was 71. quite comfortable....well, for winter anyway.....plus i absolutely HATE artificial heat....i avoid it at all costs when possible.....yeah, yeah...i know, i'm weird...but i never said i didnt have my quirks...wink

-- Edited by My Turn at 19:53, 2008-11-20



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Psych Lit wrote:

sob...two winters? now that must be nice. im wondering what heating prices will be like this year? now that oil has gone down the excuse for raising all energy prices is also gone how come youre warm and bd is freezing? arent you two in the same area?

My side of the county hit mid 40's a couple of mornings for the dog walk/run. I didn't think twice about wearing a shirt. :)



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My Turn wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:
hooded sweat shirt with a bathrobe over it freezing my tush off and im looking at that luscious photo and shivering!

i will work on that, k?....gives me an excuse to go shopping...not like a need one...tee hee hee.....

shopping is your patriotic duty missy!

damn. that sucks...do you work nights or did you have to wait all day and he was so booked he just didnt make it till that late at night??...

sometimes to the former and yes to the latter. its the beginning of heating season and furnaces sit idle for 8 months and when you turn them on for the first time each season, well lets just say that things often go awry. i have a service contract for my furnace as do many others so its a wait your turn kind of thing. i paid my dog walker to come and stay again this morning.  my work schedule is complicated. i left my full time job last year and took a half time , job share position. i was exhausted and not working in a very smart way. i had a total of 4 jobs going and no time for myself. now thats changed. the new job is meaningful, hands on work in a way that my old job wasnt which was a goal for me and the second goal i set for myself was to work the fewest amount of hours for the most possible bucks and to start working to live rather than the reverse. now i work at one of the U sattelites now for the half time gig which is a long commute, tho closer by 15 min than my last position and ive got a very early am start 2 days a week which kills me but its only two days. my third day is a late start.  i can do anything for 2 days:) I also work from home 2 nights a week and alternate saturdays.  I went from working 80-90 hours a week to 32 hours a week without taking any real pay cut. now i can work out at the gym, travel, write and see more of my friends and have a life and i still have summers, and a month off mid winter. its all good. when i retire the mountain of student debt, ill cut it back even more:) im tired of working.

..i am lucky, i havent had to use my heater for the past two winters....fingers crossed for this year!

sob...two winters? now that must be nice. im wondering what heating prices will be like this year? now that oil has gone down the excuse for raising all energy prices is also gone how come youre warm and bd is freezing? arent you two in the same area?





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BoxDog wrote:


I don't buy it. This is the little blonde kid that Angie (supposedly) shuns. The one that has the world at her feet because she's blond, rich and white. Jolies words, not mine. Given the chance I think she would have named her 666. Instead she opted for the bloody battle name.

im more concerned about lil knox. who names their kid after gelatin? angelina is an enigma. whenever i see her interviewed i am always left feeling that whatever she says is not how she feels. theres such a staged quality to her answers and it always looks like there is a wall between her answer and her feelings. i remember hearing her speak about shiloh and my thoughts at the time were that she was concerned about the other kids and their feelings tho the baby sort of was sacrificed to do that. im prolly reading into her words tho rather than taking them at face value.

 Now Gwyneth Paltrow and baby Apple? At least that's a healthy name. With nice connotations, weird, like wheat germ, but okay. "Shiloh"? Ughh. I see the kids future holding an emancipated child action in a few years. Just wait;) rofl.gif

lol, you like apple? im thinking like an 8 year old here and all of the things one can come up with with that. and her other kid? moses? omg. who can do that to a kid? those are cool names when youre 20 something and can work with them but when youre 8? eek.

This does seem to ironically present a comeback remark to "man I'd give anything to sleep with her". Oops Brad, too late. Careful what you wish for...

oh i dunno, id still take that wish and run with it:)





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BoxDog wrote:


My Turn wrote:

but my father always teased her dad that she was named after the neil diamond song, Shiloh...my father is a HUGE neil diamond fan.....and his friend, not so much.

Cracklin Rosie and Sweet Caroline were options after all. :)


lol...im imagining the 5th grader named cracklin rosie and all that would bring her way...




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Tinker Bell has a precarious existence and sort of like Blanche DuBois, is forever counting on "the kindness of strangers" to clap her back into life. Also, Tink is handicapped by being small ... so small she can only hold one feeling at a time. I imagine kids already feel that way somewhat. Better to be bigger, and able to embark at whim upon wild adventures, i.e. male.

what a beautiful paragraph. ive printed it out as a reminder to self about kiddos. thank you.

... or me, once every three months, or so wink


 When I Was a Boy

I won't forget when Peter Pan came to my house, took my hand
I said I was a boy; I'm glad he didn't check.
I learned to fly, I learned to fight
I lived a whole life in one night
We saved each other's lives out on the pirate's deck.
And I remember that night
when I'm leaving a late night with some friends
and I hear somebody tell me it's not safe, someone should help me
I need to find a nice man to walk me home.
When I was a boy, I scared the pants off of my mom,
climbed what I could climb upon
And I don't know how I survived,
I guess I knew the tricks that all boys knew.
and you can walk me home, but I was a boy, too.

I was a kid that you would like, just a small boy on her bike
riding topless, yeah, I never cared who saw.
My neighbor come outside to say, "Get your shirt,"
I said "No way, it's the last time I'm not breaking any law."
And now I'm in a clothing store, and the sign says less is more
more that's tight means more to see, more for them, not more for me
that can't help me climb a tree in ten seconds flat

When I was a boy, see that picture? That was me
Grass-stained shirt and dusty knees
and I know things have gotta change,
they got pills to sell, they've got implants to put in, they've got implants to remove
But I am not forgetting
that I was a boy too

And like the woods where I would creep, it's a secret I can keep
except when I'm tired, except when I'm being caught off guard
I've had a lonesome awful day, the conversation finds its way
to catching fire-flies out in the backyard.
and I tell the man I'm with about the other life I lived
and I say now you're top gun, I have lost and you have won
and he says, "Oh no, no, can't you see
When I was a girl, my mom and I we always talked
and I picked flowers everywhere that I walked.
And I could always cry, now even when I'm alone I seldom do
and I have lost some kindness
but I was a girl too.
And you were just like me, and I was just like you.
Dar Williams


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BoxDog wrote:

My Turn wrote:

hard to say where they got the name....however, my parents know a couple that they have been friends with since he and my father were co-workers...this couple tried for 10 years or so to have a kid and finally had one....they named her Shiloh...she is now about 30-32 years old....yes, her dad did name her after the battle of shiloh, as he is a big civil war buff, but my father always teased her dad that she was named after the neil diamond song, Shiloh...my father is a HUGE neil diamond fan.....and his friend, not so much.

Cracklin Rosie and Sweet Caroline were options after all. :)

LOL! omg, BD..you're on a roll with the one liners the past coupla days! 



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My Turn wrote:

hard to say where they got the name....however, my parents know a couple that they have been friends with since he and my father were co-workers...this couple tried for 10 years or so to have a kid and finally had one....they named her Shiloh...she is now about 30-32 years old....yes, her dad did name her after the battle of shiloh, as he is a big civil war buff, but my father always teased her dad that she was named after the neil diamond song, Shiloh...my father is a HUGE neil diamond fan.....and his friend, not so much.

Cracklin Rosie and Sweet Caroline were options after all. :)


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hard to say where they got the name....however, my parents know a couple that they have been friends with since he and my father were co-workers...this couple tried for 10 years or so to have a kid and finally had one....they named her Shiloh...she is now about 30-32 years old....yes, her dad did name her after the battle of shiloh, as he is a big civil war buff, but my father always teased her dad that she was named after the neil diamond song, Shiloh...my father is a HUGE neil diamond fan.....and his friend, not so much.



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Nightowlhoot3 wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:

A child? He could forget a child?

lol not the kid! the snacks or the car seat or something:)

 I guess I'm the only only one wondering why? Has anyone asked the kid why she will only answer to John or Peter? Is it some sort of biblical thing or is there an uncle john or peter around? Maybe the kid is just a fruit loop, maybe there's more to the story(sic). I guess to me the bottom line is, who the hell wants to be named after a brutal Civil War battle anyway?

she does have an odd name but a lot of their kids do. i kinda feel sorry for celebrity kids with odd names, unless they go to school with other celebrity kids with odd names its bound to be a painful experience. i think she thinks shes john or peter from peter pan. shes got her mothers sense of adventure i guess. it prolly wont be long before we see her gracing the tabloids with some wild stunt. its curious tho that she didnt choose tinkerbelle. i mean i get wanting to be peter pan over wendy but why not tink?  mebbe lil shi is a sister in waiting?

Tinker Bell has a precarious existence and sort of like Blanche DuBois, is forever counting on "the kindness of strangers" to clap her back into life. Also, Tink is handicapped by being small ... so small she can only hold one feeling at a time. I imagine kids already feel that way somewhat. Better to be bigger, and able to embark at whim upon wild adventures, i.e. male.  

... or me, once every three months, or so wink  

I don't buy it. This is the little blonde kid that Angie (supposedly) shuns. The one that has the world at her feet because she's blond, rich and white. Jolies words, not mine. Given the chance I think she would have named her 666. Instead she opted for the bloody battle name. Now Gwyneth Paltrow and baby Apple? At least that's a healthy name. With nice connotations, weird, like wheat germ, but okay. "Shiloh"? Ughh. I see the kids future holding an emancipated child action in a few years. Just wait;) rofl.gif

This does seem to ironically present a comeback remark to "man I'd give anything to sleep with her". Oops Brad, too late. Careful what you wish for...



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Psych Lit wrote:

BoxDog wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:

A child? He could forget a child?

lol not the kid! the snacks or the car seat or something:)

 I guess I'm the only only one wondering why? Has anyone asked the kid why she will only answer to John or Peter? Is it some sort of biblical thing or is there an uncle john or peter around? Maybe the kid is just a fruit loop, maybe there's more to the story(sic). I guess to me the bottom line is, who the hell wants to be named after a brutal Civil War battle anyway?

she does have an odd name but a lot of their kids do. i kinda feel sorry for celebrity kids with odd names, unless they go to school with other celebrity kids with odd names its bound to be a painful experience. i think she thinks shes john or peter from peter pan. shes got her mothers sense of adventure i guess. it prolly wont be long before we see her gracing the tabloids with some wild stunt. its curious tho that she didnt choose tinkerbelle. i mean i get wanting to be peter pan over wendy but why not tink?  mebbe lil shi is a sister in waiting?

Tinker Bell has a precarious existence and sort of like Blanche DuBois, is forever counting on "the kindness of strangers" to clap her back into life. Also, Tink is handicapped by being small ... so small she can only hold one feeling at a time. I imagine kids already feel that way somewhat. Better to be bigger, and able to embark at whim upon wild adventures, i.e. male.  

... or me, once every three months, or so wink  


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Psych Lit wrote:

lol but but shes right! we need a sweater shot. a nice fluffy v neck would be lovely.  im sitting here in sweats, a hooded sweat shirt with a bathrobe over it freezing my tush off and im looking at that luscious photo and shivering!

i will work on that, k?....gives me an excuse to go shopping...not like a need one...tee hee hee.....


the furnace repairman finally showed up at 1045 PM tonight and left about a half hour ago so now the heat is working and im just waiting for things to warm up. outside the windchill factor is like 5 degrees.  my furnace is less than 3 years old and the past two winters that i have lived here ive had to call the plumber when it first goes on for the season. the bad news is that hes coming back tomorrow to replace another part. i dont care if its under warranty i still have to take time off from work to sit here and wait.

damn. that sucks...do you work nights or did you have to wait all day and he was so booked he just didnt make it till that late at night??...i hope he gets there early today, so you can salvage at least part of your work day.....least you're warm now.....i am lucky, i havent had to use my heater for the past two winters....fingers crossed for this year!


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Psych Lit wrote:

mebbe lil shi is a sister in waiting?

i was thinking that too...lol...altho i am sure the "wanting to be called by a different name" is just a phase thing....but! (there's always a but right??).....all i can say is, if she is and she grows up to look anything like mom....then: score one for our side! yeah!! biggrin

-- Edited by My Turn at 11:35, 2008-11-20



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BoxDog wrote:


Psych Lit wrote:

A child? He could forget a child?

lol not the kid! the snacks or the car seat or something:)

 I guess I'm the only only one wondering why? Has anyone asked the kid why she will only answer to John or Peter? Is it some sort of biblical thing or is there an uncle john or peter around? Maybe the kid is just a fruit loop, maybe there's more to the story(sic). I guess to me the bottom line is, who the hell wants to be named after a brutal Civil War battle anyway?


she does have an odd name but a lot of their kids do. i kinda feel sorry for celebrity kids with odd names, unless they go to school with other celebrity kids with odd names its bound to be a painful experience. i think she thinks shes john or peter from peter pan. shes got her mothers sense of adventure i guess. it prolly wont be long before we see her gracing the tabloids with some wild stunt. its curious tho that she didnt choose tinkerbelle. i mean i get wanting to be peter pan over wendy but why not tink?  mebbe lil shi is a sister in waiting?




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My Turn wrote:


BoxDog wrote:

And you, put a shirt on. It's freaking freezing out. lmao.

lol!! you're too funny....! thanks for the laugh!!


lol but but shes right! we need a sweater shot. a nice fluffy v neck would be lovely.  im sitting here in sweats, a hooded sweat shirt with a bathrobe over it freezing my tush off and im looking at that luscious photo and shivering! the furnace repairman finally showed up at 1045 PM tonight and left about a half hour ago so now the heat is working and im just waiting for things to warm up. outside the windchill factor is like 5 degrees.  my furnace is less than 3 years old and the past two winters that i have lived here ive had to call the plumber when it first goes on for the season. the bad news is that hes coming back tomorrow to replace another part. i dont care if its under warranty i still have to take time off from work to sit here and wait.



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BoxDog wrote:

And you, put a shirt on. It's freaking freezing out. lmao.

lol!! you're too funny....! thanks for the laugh!!



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My Turn wrote:

Psych Lit wrote:

you know, it's just that kind of stuff that's cute to parents, and it's probably really obnoxious to other people."

i would tend to agree with that statement....aww

And you, put a shirt on. It's freaking freezing out. lmao.



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Psych Lit wrote:

Brad Pitt Says Daughter Shiloh Wants Name Changed to 'John'

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie don't even attempt mall trips with their six kids.

Kids with names that are outside the norm usually end up wanting their names changed to something more like everyone else's. Now Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's two-and-half-year old daughter has upped the ante.

Shiloh will only respond to the name 'John.'

Brad Pitt made this hilarious admission to Oprah Winfrey on her program scheduled to air Nov. 19, reports People.com.

Click for photos of Brad Pitt.

"She only wants to be called John. John or Peter. So it's a Peter Pan thing," Pitt says. "So we've got to call her John. 'Shi, do you want ...' 'John. I'm John.' And then I'll say, 'John, would you like some orange juice?' And she goes, 'No!' So, you know, it's just that kind of stuff that's cute to parents, and it's probably really obnoxious to other people."

The star of the upcoming The Curious Case of Benjamin Button says it takes a half hour just to get their six kids into the car.

"Angie's militant about it. She's right on top of it," he says. "Thank God, because I'm always forgetting something."

Go to People.com for the full report and a clip from the upcoming Oprah interview.

A child? He could forget a child? I guess I'm the only only one wondering why? Has anyone asked the kid why she will only answer to John or Peter?  Is it some sort of biblical thing or is there an uncle john or peter around? Maybe the kid is just a fruit loop, maybe there's more to the story(sic). I guess to me the bottom line is, who the hell wants to be named after a brutal Civil War battle anyway?


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Psych Lit wrote:

you know, it's just that kind of stuff that's cute to parents, and it's probably really obnoxious to other people."

i would tend to agree with that statement....aww



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Brad Pitt Says Daughter Shiloh Wants Name Changed to 'John'

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie don't even attempt mall trips with their six kids.

Kids with names that are outside the norm usually end up wanting their names changed to something more like everyone else's. Now Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's two-and-half-year old daughter has upped the ante.

Shiloh will only respond to the name 'John.'

Brad Pitt made this hilarious admission to Oprah Winfrey on her program scheduled to air Nov. 19, reports People.com.

Click for photos of Brad Pitt.

"She only wants to be called John. John or Peter. So it's a Peter Pan thing," Pitt says. "So we've got to call her John. 'Shi, do you want ...' 'John. I'm John.' And then I'll say, 'John, would you like some orange juice?' And she goes, 'No!' So, you know, it's just that kind of stuff that's cute to parents, and it's probably really obnoxious to other people."

The star of the upcoming The Curious Case of Benjamin Button says it takes a half hour just to get their six kids into the car.

"Angie's militant about it. She's right on top of it," he says. "Thank God, because I'm always forgetting something."

Go to People.com for the full report and a clip from the upcoming Oprah interview.

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